Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde

Daily Port Information on 11 January, 1967


  Duty Staff On Call
0000 - 0800 G Hall, David Barclay G Moir
0800 - 1600 H McCracken, J Thomson, F McCourt, D Morrison
1600 - 2400 R Kirk, David Galbraith D Morrison
Duty Pilot till 0900 N McDonald till 0900
Duty Pilot from 0900 A Caldwell from 0900
Harbour Master T B Scott

Lights On/Off

Lights off: 0830
Lights on: 1625

Water Gauge Readings

Time Depth H/L
0003 26' 6" High water
0610 19' 3" Low water
1225 27' 6" High water
1832 18' 3" Low water

Wind and Weather

0400 NW 20/25 knots
0800 N 15/20 knots
1200 N 15/25 knots
1358 North cone lowered
1600 N 15/20 knots
2000 Calm
2400 NW 5/10 knots


Floating plant attend to moorings, Seaway No.5, AH6 no.6 Berth, draft in dock 14' 6"

0200 AH6 moorings and draft checked also Tania and AH3.

0800 Tania and AH3 pumped out. Dayshift painting Pilot Boat, bollards, etc round Harbour Master's office. Sand box no.12 berth cover off. Engineers notified.
Windows cleaned.

1500 Anemometer requires attention. Electricians notified.