Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde

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Thursday, March 27, 2025 @ 1350
Own Page

E-mail with comments about the website


E-mail from “Miller” received 23 March 2025


I like your website but would like to make some comments.

.   You call the website Ships of the Clyde but there is a lot about overseas ships.   So your title is wrong.

.   Your images often show a lot of background detail instead of concentrating on the ship.

.   And with the image you often have lots of description which isn’t needed.   Folk look at your website to see the images not to read about the sky and sea.    If they want to read something  they can get a book from the library.



ShipsoftheClyde replies.

From Sandra B. (Site Administrator since 2011)


Hello Miller.  

Please forgive me for addressing you as Miller as you did not give your name.


Let me start by thanking you for visiting the site.


Compliments, criticisms or complaints are always welcome to improve the delivery and interest of the website.


I will answer your points but first will provide some background.

This website is non-commercial, free to use, there are no adverts and there is no need to register to use it.   It is run and administered entirely by volunteers and has been so since it’s inception in 2011.


 The sole aim of the website is to preserve, with free and perpetual access, to leave to everybody, memories of ships and shipping-related items….. whether for the Clyde or worldwide.


 And I am sorry to bring this matter up. We all have to die at some time or other.   Some will go to a Heavenly Spot, others to a place which is terribly hot.   Our volunteers and administrators, generally of retirement age, are freely giving their time and effort, in making and promoting this website for future generalions, no matter if they are from Greenock or Gibraltar or Arran or Australia.   It is their wonderful and thoughtful gift from them to everyone.


Your first point.

   When the site started it dealt only with the Clyde.   But just like the ships going to all parts of the world the site soon began getting e-mails and images and requests from overseas and these messages were, and still are, very welcome and extremely informative.


You may notice on the Homepage / Frontpage that the title says Ships of the Clyde and Worldwide, and this shows our inclusivity of global maritime items.

   The site has visitors and contributors from all over the world and their items are always of great interest.


Your second point.

   An image of a vessel is informative and interesting.   Hovever the location and colour and background of the ship can enhance and enrich the quality and interest. 

 As an example, in the Clyde, the scenery is stunning, amazing and memorable, so why not show the ship in her surroundings.  

   A thought.   In 1960s Alfred Holt’s Blue Funnel Line distributed well-known postcards of their vessels off Gibraltar, at anchor in far eastern waters …. probably Port Swettenham, Malaya, and passing under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.   The locations definitely elevated the interest and attraction.

   We have never set out to edit out location or background details, and, indeed, will endeavour and encourage to always show backgrounds.


Your third point.

   You seem unhappy with the text accompanying images.


I am generally the person who creates and inputs the text.


Can I ask you to look at the news on the television and put the sound off.   You can see images or film clips,  but miss all the details, information and background to the stories.


So with an image my accompanying text is there to explain and inform and enhance the reader’s experience.

   So my text will forever continue to be included, and I encourage all contributors to add as much text as they wish.


Finally Millar, I hope you understand my views and continue to visit

Perhaps you could e-mail to us some of your own images so that we can understand what you like.

Mrs. Sandra B. (Gourock, Scotland)

News Event

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 1227
SD ORONSAY (2000- IMO 9201607 Naval Auxiliary passenger ferry 27m long) Own Page

SD ORONSAY passing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLondon (England, U.K.)
Arrived fromGreat Harbour, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage199
Sailing forHMNB (= His Majesty's Naval Base) Faslane (Gare Loch, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage109

News Event

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 1609
ENDURANCE (in 2023 Inshore creel fishing boat GW42 at Greenock) Own Page

Creel fishing boat ENDURANCE passing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Arrived fromInshore creel fishing grounds in Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Sailing forCreel fishing boat berth in James Watt Dock, Greenock (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalProbably creel fishing catch = lobsters / prawns / crabs

News Event

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 1453
TUVAQ W (2018-- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9610341 : 112.7m overall of Coastal Shipping Ltd / Woodward Group, Goose Bay, NL, Canada) Own Page

TUVAQ W passes Custom House Quay, Greenock on her passage to Rothesay Dock, Clydebank

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMajuro (Marshall Islands, an island country in the northwestern Pacific Ocean)
Sailing forFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage5,422
Cargo carried on arrivalOil Deadweght Tonnage7,595

Tug CMS WRESTLER had been at the Tail-of-the-Bank off Greenock Ocean Terminal, idling and waiting patiently for the incoming TUVAQ W to escort her up the River Clyde to the Fuel Terminal at Clydebank near Glasgow.

    With the tanker now arriving at the ship channel at the Ocean Terminal the tug moves to take station at the stern of TUVAQ W.

Tug CMS WRESTLER in station astern of TUVAQ W

Both tanker and tug pass James Watt Dock, Greenock to turn at Garvel Point for their 14-mile passage up the River Clyde, passing Port Glasgow, Dumbarton Rock, the small village of Bowling and under the Erskine Bridge to their destination of the Fuel Terminal at Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (near Glasgow)

News Event

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 1255
ANDREA (2006-- General cargo ship IMO 9350939, MMSI 246140000 : 82.50m overall of Royal Wagonborg, Delfzijl, The Netherlands)) Own Page

ANDREA discharging her bulk dry cargo at Port of Ayr (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationBerth 4, River Berth, Port of Ayr (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistrySpijk (Province of Groningen, Netherlands)
Sailing forBelfast (Northern Ireland, UK)Gross Tonnage2,409
Cargo carried on arrivalBulk cargo of agricultural products

News Event

Monday, March 24, 2025 @ 1113
SLOMAN HEBE (2019-- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker : 145.20m overall : Manager Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts Ag - Bremen, Germany : Owner Mt Sloman Hebe Schifffahrts Gmbh & Co Kg - Bremen, Germany Own Page

SLOMAN HEBE at the Fuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistrySt John's (Antigua and Barbuda)
Arrived fromMongstad (Norway)Gross Tonnage11,316
Cargo carried on arrivalOil gradesDeadweght Tonnage16,432
Outward cargoOil
Contributed by Robert McManus

SLOMAN HEBE is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker built in 2019 (6 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Antigua & Barbuda.

Berthed at Rothesay Dock Clydebank, being loaded with oil.

News Event

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 1313
NACC INDIAN (2024 - Bulk cement carrier 138.79m overall of Kgj Cement Singapore, Singapore) Own Page

NACC INDIAN arriving in Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK) and passing Greenock on passage to Glasgow

Ship's locationArriving in Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK) and passing the town (covered in mist) of Hunter's QuayPort of RegistryPanama
Arrived fromSouthampton (England, UK) and Arzew (Algeria)Gross Tonnage10,337
Sailing forBerth 4, King George V Dock, Shieldhall, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage16,060
Cargo carried on arrivalCement


13:13   The town of Hunter's Quay and the area around Holy Loch in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland are lovely, quiet and have very beautiful scenery.   Unfortunately, when the cement carrier NACC INDIAN passed the background was veiled in a light mist and even the tops of the surrounding hills can barely be seen.

13.50   Tug SVITZER MILFORD had been waiting off Fort Matilda (at the western end of Greenock Esplanade) for the inbound NACC INDIAN and took position astern of the cement carrier.   The next image shows the vessels passing Greenock Ocean Terminal.

The prominent deck crane on NACC INDIAN has now been raised.   It's unlikely to being prepared to lower the gangway at the berth, but who knows.   Any suggestions or knowledge ?

Tug SVITZER MILFORD follows NACC INDIAN on her passage up the River Clyde to King George V Dock, Glasgow.

News Event

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 1617
ENVIK (2004 - - IMO 8208464 MMSI 210164000 Cement Carrier : 95.80m overall and co-owned by CSL and SMT as part of the Eureka Shipping joint venture, Limassol, Cyprus) Own Page

ENVIK passing Custom House Quay, Greenock on passage to King George V Dock, Glasgow

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLimassol (Cyprus)
Arrived fromGijon (Spain / Espana)Net Tonnage1,133
Sailing forKing George V Dock, GlasgowGross Tonnage3,779
Cargo carried on arrivalCementDeadweght Tonnage3,682

ENVIK passing Greenock Ocean Terminal with the newly-arrived container ship ELBTEAM on the container berth

News Event

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 1228
ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

ARGYLE approaching Wemyss Bay Pier from Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationApproaching Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) inbound with passengers and vehicles from RothesayPort of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Arrived fromRothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Sailing forWemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

The sky was completely overcast with thick, grey clouds and an

unwelcome mist reduced visibility to a few hundred meters. 

  Look closely at the two images.   The tops of the hills in the

distance, on the opposide of the Clyde, can barely be seen.

News Event

Monday, February 18, 1946 @ 1200
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
EMPIRE HELMSDALE (in 1946 General cargo ship) Own Page

EMPIRE HELMSDALE expected to berth in Glasgow with 1,100 tons of Bananas (about 40,000 packets)

Ship's locationKing George V Dock, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryUK
Arrived fromCanary Islands
Cargo carried on arrival1,100 tons of Bananas (about 40,000 packets)

News Event

Wednesday, March 3, 1937 @ 1000
Own Page

Plan for establishment of Anti-submarine boom and gates between Dunoon and Cloch Point, Scotland, UK


News Event

Wednesday, August 25, 1943 @ 0800
COMFORT (in 1943 Oiling Barge in Cardwell Bay, Gourock, Scotland) Own Page

World War 2 : Admiralty order for vessels to travel Dead Slow when passing oiling barge COMFORT

Ship's locationCardwell Bay, Gourock (= beside Gourock Pier, Scotland, UK)

News Event

Wednesday, March 1, 1961 @ 1600
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
MATURATA (1955-1969 General cargo liner 472 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) Own Page

MATURATA left Berbera (pronounced BURR-BURR-AH, Somali Republic since 1960) for Calcutta

Sailing forCalcutta (India)Port of RegistryLiverpool (England, UK)
Sailed from berthBerbera (pronounced BURR-BURR-AH, Somali Republic since 1960, on the Horn of Africa)Net Tonnage3,724
Gross Tonnage7,365
Deadweght Tonnage8,920

Somaliland was formerly the British Protectorate of Somaliland until 1960 when it gained independence and was renamed the Republic of Somalia.

   Berbera was not a normal call for Brocklebank ships.   Any idea what she was doing there ?

News Event

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 1500
COASTBUSTER 11 (in 2025 Workboat IMO: 8880315 : 21.5m overall of Coastworks Operations Ltd., Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK) Own Page

Workboat COASTBUSTER 11 assists at BAE Systems, Govan, Glasgow as hull sections are unloaded

Ship's locationFairfields Basin (BAE Systems Yard, Govan, Glasgow, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Contributed by Robert McManus

Tug Dutch Power holding the barge, Green Barge 4 in position ready to unload the sections of the hull for the construction of HMS Birmingham at BAE Govan.

Dutch Power is being assisted by Coast buster ll.

HMS Birmingham a Royal Navy submarine hunter is a type 26 frigate.

News Event

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 1500
DUTCH POWER (2009-- Shallow draught anchor handling tug IMO 9547879 : 31.1m overall of Bouwmantug Bv, Zierikzee, Netherlands Own Page

Tug DUTCH POWER holding a barge in position to unload hull sections at BAE Systems, Govan, Glasgow

Ship's locationFairfields Basin (BAE Systems Yard, Govan, Glasgow, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryZierikzee (Netherlands)
Gross Tonnage257
Deadweght Tonnage130
Contributed by Robert McManus

Dutch Power holding the barge, Green Barge 4 in position ready to unload the sections of the hull for the construction of HMS Birmingham at BAE Govan.

Dutch Power is being assisted by Coast buster ll.

HMS Birmingham a Royal Navy submarine hunter is a type 26 frigate.

News Event

Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 1145
Own Page

Ferguson shipyard misses out on order for seven new all-electric ferries

From BBC Scotland online news 17 March 2025

Ferguson shipyard misses out on new CalMac ferry order

The Glen Rosa ferry under construction at Ferguson's shipyard. To its left there is a large grey building with the words Ferguson Marine on the side.Image source,Getty Images
  • Published
    17 March 2025, 11:09 GMT
Updated 13 minutes ago

The nationalised Ferguson shipyard has missed out on a crucial order for seven small all-electric ferries for west coast operator Caledonian MacBrayne.

Ferries procurement agency CMAL has instead named a Polish firm, Remontowa, as preferred bidder for the Small Vessels Replacement Programme (SVRP).

Ferguson's, the last commercial shipyard on the Clyde, had vowed to bid "aggressively" for the contract and had made it onto a shortlist of six bidders.

The new "loch-class" vessels are due to start joining the CalMac fleet from 2027 onwards.

The contract was a key part of Ferguson Marine's five-year business plan following delays and cost overruns in the construction of two much larger ferries for CalMac.

The 50m (164ft) all-electric ferries are similar to ones it has delivered successfully in the past and could have given it a pipeline of repeatable work lasting several years.

But the Port Glasgow shipyard is also pursuing other business opportunities, including defence sub-contracting work from BAE Systems and private sector work.

Remontowa, based in Gdansk, has previously built the CalMac ferries MV Argyle, MV Bute and MV Finlaggan, and was runner up to Ferguson's when the contracts for MV Glen Sannox and MV Glen Rosa were awarded in 2015.

A small double ended ferry with a wheelhouse in the centre. It is black and white with words and logo of Caledonian MacBrayne on the side. Image source,Navalue
Image caption,

A concept design drawing of the new all-electric ferries.

The Scottish government has allocated £175m for the electric ferries and upgrades of charging infrastructure at harbours.

CMAL chief executive Kevin Hobbs said the bids had been assessed against a range of technical criteria, weighted 65% on quality and 35% on cost.

He said: "It is our responsibility to follow the Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland and appoint a yard capable of producing quality vessels which meet the needs of islanders, but that also deliver the best value for the public purse.

"We are confident in Remontowa's ability, and have worked with them before, most recently with the delivery of the MV Finlaggan in 2011."

The new ferries will operate on the Colintraive-Rhubodach (Bute); Lochaline-Fishnish (Mull); Tarbert (Loch Fyne)-Portavadie; Iona-Fionnphort (Mull); Sconser-Raasay; Tobermory-Kilchoan (Mull); and Tayinloan-Gigha routes.

This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.

You can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on X, external to get the latest alerts.

News Event

Sunday, March 16, 2025 @ 1500
GLEN SANNOX (2024- Ro-ro ferry 102.4m 336 feet overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) Own Page

GLEN SANNOW sailings resume between Troon and Brodick after crack repair

Ship's locationBrodick (Isle of Arran, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK) Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)

From BBC Scotland online news 16 March 2025

Glen Sannox sailings resume after crack repair

A black and white ship with red funnels. Caledonian MacBrayne is written on the side as is the ship's name Glen SannoxImage source,PA Media
Image caption,

Glen Sannox entered service on CalMac's busy Arran route in January

  • Published
    16 March 2025

Sailings on the new Glen Sannox ferry have resumed two days after crack was found in the ship's hull.

It returned to service with the 14:50 sailing from Brodick, on the Isle of Arran, after repairs and testing were successfully completed.

CalMac said the welding work was carried out on Saturday, following an assessment by divers, and it underwent a fresh examination earlier.

The brand new vessel only began operating in January after being delivered almost seven years late and costing more than four times the original contract price.

A CalMac spokesperson added: "We are grateful to the vessel's crew, our local port staff, plus the dive and repair teams for their speedy response to this issue."

Sailings on the vessel had been cancelled since Friday when the fault was found.

The ferry operates on a route between Troon, South Ayrshire, and Brodick.

The MV Alfred has operated extra sailings to provide cover and the operator said the "vast majority" of booked customers had been able to travel.

CalMac previously said reports that the boat had hit the harbour or that water was leaking into the car deck were "categorically untrue".

However, it confirmed that a "very small amount of water" had entered part of the rear of the ship near the steering gear.

The order for Glen Sannox and another ship were placed with the Ferguson shipyard in Port Glasgow nearly a decade ago.

But disputes over the design and claims for extra costs saw the shipyard fall into administration, and then be nationalised in 2019.

The ships have ended up costing more than four times the £97m contract price.

News Event

Saturday, February 18, 1961 @ 1800
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
CITY OF ROCHESTER (in 1961 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Ellerman Lines, London) Own Page

CITY OF ROCHESTER left Zanzibar (island off East Africa) for Dar-es-Salaam (Tanganyika, East Africa)

Sailing forDar-es-Salaam (Tanganyika, East Africa)Port of RegistryLondon (UK)
Sailed from berthZanzibar (Island archipelago 25-50 km off East Africa : united in 1964 with Tanganyika)

Location of Zanzibar within Tanzania

News Event

Saturday, February 18, 1961 @ 1800
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
ROSSETTI (1956-1963 then 1967-1970 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) Own Page

ROSSETTI left Swansea (Wales, UK) for Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Sailing forPorto Alegre (Brazil)Port of RegistryLiverpool (England)
Sailed from berthSwansea (Wales, UK)Gross Tonnage4,538

Lamport and Holt Line of Liverpool (England) named their ships after famouus artists,

   Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti (12 May 1828 – 9 April 1882), generally known as Dante Gabriel Rossetti was an English poet, illustrator, painter, translator, and member of the Rossetti family.   He founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais.

   Rossetti inspired the next generation of artists and writers.

News Event

Saturday, March 15, 2025 @ 1100
GLEN SANNOX (2024- Ro-ro ferry 102.4m 336 feet overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) Own Page

Divers assess crack in hull of new GLEN SANNOX ferry

Ship's locationBrodick Pier, Brodick (Isle of Arran, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

From BBC Scotland online news 15 March 2025

Divers assess crack in hull of new Glen Sannox ferry

The Glen Sannox moored in slightly choppy water at Brodick under a cloudy blue sky
Image caption,

The Glen Sannox has only been in operation since January

  • Published
    2 hours ago

Divers are inspecting the new Glen Sannox following the discovery of a crack in the ship's hull.

The brand new vessel only began operating in January after being delivered almost seven years late and costing more than four times the original contract price.

All of the Glen Sannox's Saturday sailings have been cancelled while the MV Alfred will operate an additional service.

CalMac said it would provide an update on Sunday's sailings once a dive team had carried out a full assessment.

The ship had been operating for just over two months between Troon in South Ayrshire and Brodick in the Isle of Arran.

The vessel was removed from service on Friday after a crack was found on a "weld seam close to the waterline".

The ferry operator said reports that the boat had hit the harbour or that water was leaking into the car deck were "categorically untrue".

However, CalMac advised that a "very small amount of water" had entered part of the rear of the ship near the steering gear.

The ferry has a crack on a weld seam on the vessel's hull, close to the waterlineImage source,CalMac
Image caption,

CalMac said MV Glen Sannox had been removed from service due to a crack on a weld seam on the vessel's hull which is close to the waterline

Additional sailings have also been added between Lochranza in Arran and Claonaig in the Kintyre peninsula.

The operator said all passengers should have a booking prior to arriving in Troon, adding that those who had not booked could not be guaranteed travel.

Divers from Shearwater Marine Services arrived at the port on Saturday morning.

A decision about Sunday's sailings will be taken later, the operator said in a statement on its website, external.

It added: "We apologise for the disruption, and our port teams and customer engagement centre will be working hard to contact affected customers."

The Glen Sannox has space for 127 cars and 852 passengers.

The order for Glen Sannox and another ship were placed with the Ferguson shipyard in Port Glasgow nearly a decade ago.

But disputes over the design and claims for extra costs saw the shipyard fall into administration, and then be nationalised in 2019.

The ships have ended up costing more than four times the £97m contract price.

A Scottish government agency owns the ferries, leading to criticism of the SNP from opposition parties.

Scottish Conservative transport spokeswoman Sue Webber called the issue a "hammer blow" for passengers.

And Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP Willie Rennie said: "This has been a never-ending nightmare for this SNP commissioned ferry contract."

News Event

Friday, March 14, 2025 @ 1720
GLEN SANNOX (2024- Ro-ro ferry 102.4m 336 feet overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) Own Page

New Arran ferry GLEN SANNOX out of service due to cracked hull

Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, ScotlandPort of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)

From BBC Scotland online news 14 March 2025


New Arran ferry out of service due to cracked hull


Glen Sannox beside a dock under a grey dawn sky. The boat has a line of flags along the top.
Image caption,

The Glen Sannox only made its first sailing earlier this year

  • Published
    4 minutes ago

The new Glen Sannox ferry has been removed from service because of a crack in the ship's hull, according to the ferry operator CalMac.

The brand new vessel only began operating in January after being delivered almost seven years late and costing more than four times the original contract price.

The ship had been operating since January between Troon in South Ayrshire and Brodick in the Isle of Arran.

The 13:00 and 17:20 departures from Brodick were cancelled, external as was the 15:10 from Troon due to the fault.

The boat is now tied up at Brodick.

CalMac said reports that the ferry had hit the harbour or that water was leaking into the car deck were "categorically untrue".

A statement from the ferry operator said: "MV Glen Sannox has been removed from service due to a crack on a weld seam on the vessel's hull which is close to the waterline.

"This requires the support of a dive team to assess, and the earliest this could be arranged for is Saturday morning. A third-party team will attend tomorrow to carry out a full assessment.

"Following this, we will be able to provide more information on the issue and, if required, repairs and service impact.

"It does mean all MV Glen Sannox sailings on Saturday 15 March have been cancelled."

They added: "We apologise for the disruption, and our port teams and customer engagement centre will be working hard to contact affected customers."

Glen Sannox is currently docked while awaiting investigations into the cracked hull
Image caption,

The Glen Sannox will stay in the dock until investigations into the crack in the hull are concluded

The Glen Sannox has space for 127 cars and 852 passengers.

CalMac has said another ferry, the MV Alfred, will make an extra journey to take some of the passengers who were booked onto the cancelled sailings.

Some of the MV Alfred's sailing times have been amended to accommodate the extra crossing.

The operator said all passengers should have a booking prior to arriving in Troon, adding that those who had not booked could not be guaranteed travel.

Sailings on Saturday have also been cancelled.

A decision about Sunday's sailings will be taken on Saturday, the operator said in a statement on its website., external

A shuttle service will operate between Lochranza in Arran and Claonaig in the Kintyre peninsula.

The order for Glen Sannox and another ship were placed with the Ferguson shipyard in Port Glasgow nearly a decade ago.

But disputes over the design and claims for extra costs saw the shipyard fall into administration, and then be nationalised in 2019.

The ships have ended up costing more than four times the £97m contract price.

News Event

Thursday, March 2, 1961 @ 1800
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
TASMANIA STAR (1950-1975 Refrigerated cargo liner 547 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) Own Page

TASMANIA STAR left Bluff (South Island, New Zealand) for London (England, UK)

Sailing forLondon (England, UK)Port of RegistryLondon
Sailed from berthBluff (South Island, New Zealand) Gross Tonnage11,950

News Event

Thursday, March 13, 2025 @ 1800
AUSTRALIS (2019- Crude Oil Tanker IMO 9284946 : 329.66m 1083 feet overall and 60.04m breadth of Australis Shipping Inc. / Chandris (Hellas) Inc., Piraeus, Greece) )) Own Page

Oil tanker AUSTRALIS sails away after six years in Loch Long

Port of RegistryMonrovia (Liberia)
Gross Tonnage156,914
Deadweght Tonnage299,095

From BBC Scotland online news 13 March 2025

Oil tanker sails away after six years moored in loch

A large oil tanker sails away from the camera. The ship is black and red with green painted decksImage source,Christopher Brindle
Image caption,

Australis left the Loch Long on Wednesday after six years moored on Loch Long

  • Published
    2 hours ago

A huge oil tanker moored in a Scottish loch for six years has finally sailed away.

Australis had been berthed at the small Finnart oil terminal on Loch Long, Argyll and Bute, and used for fuel storage since March 2019.

The facility is earmarked for closure as a consequence of the shutting down of the Grangemouth refinery which is linked to Finnart via pipeline.

A previous plan to convert the Loch Long refinery for diesel import has been abandoned, and about 20 jobs will be lost at the site.

A large oil tanker sails away from the camera. The ship is black and red with green painted decks. Two tugs can be seen behind and to the rear of the tankerImage source,Christopher Brindle
Image caption,

Australis was escorted by tugs as it made its way down the Firth of Clyde

Photographers took advantage of the sunny weather to capture the 330-metre (1,083ft) vessel making its way down the Firth of Clyde.

The giant ship has been sold and is currently bound for Falmouth in Cornwall. It is understood it will then move on to the Middle East.

The Finnart terminal, which takes its name from a nearby country mansion, was built by the US Navy during World War Two, providing a deep water site to bring fuel ashore, out of range of the Luftwaffe.

Oil was transported to Scotland's oil refinery at Grangemouth via a pipeline.

After the war the Finnart terminal passed to the British Petroleum Oil Company and a more direct pipeline was constructed in the 1950s.

Another pipeline was later built to take finished products in the other direction, to Finnart for export to Northern Ireland.

The import of crude oil reached a peak in the 1970s, before North Sea oil began coming onshore in quantity.

The Finnart site is currently owned by Petroineos, joint venture between Ineos and PetroChina.

Grangemouth future

Meanwhile the Scottish government says a long-awaited report assessing the future of the Grangemouth refinery site is expected to be published next week.

Project Willow - which is being produced jointly with the UK government - was due to be published by the end of last month.

Aladair Allan, a junior energy minister in the Scottish government, said they were working to finalise the details.

The report will look at potential future uses for the site which could keep jobs in the area.

The refinery is set to close in the coming months which will put 400 roles at risk.

Allan also urged owners Petroineos to to "explore all possible opportunities" for moving staff to other parts of the firm rather than making them redundant.

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1151
ALICAT (2019- Passenger ferry 19m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

ALICAT passing Hunter's Quay (Firth of Clyde) on passage with passengers from Dunoon to Gourock

Ship's locationPassing Hunter's Quay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Arrived fromDunoon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage73
Sailing forGourock Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 2024
Own Page

How do you pronounce Wemyss as in Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

E-mail from Bob Davies (Fremantle, Western Australia)

How do you pronounce Wemyss as in Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

    Great free website, lovely photographs, really enjoy the stories.    Bob.

Douglas replies :   It is WEEM ... then Z as in zip.   So ... WEEM Z(ip)

or think of ... dreams .... or teams


News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1125
ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

ARGYLE approaching Wemyss Bay Pier from Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationArriving at Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK) from Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde Port of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Arrived fromRothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1241
MINNA (2003- Marine Protection Vessel 47m overall of Marine Protection of Scottish Government : she concentrates on inshore fisheries) Own Page

MINNA passing Dunoon and Holy Loch (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) on passage to Clydebank

Ship's locationPassing Dunoon and Holy Loch (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLeith (Scotland, UK)
Arrived fromPatrol at seaGross Tonnage781
Sailing for1 West Quay, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalLight ship = no cargo on board

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1334
AUSTRALIS (2019- Crude Oil Tanker IMO 9284946 : 329.66m 1083 feet overall and 60.04m breadth of Australis Shipping Inc. / Chandris (Hellas) Inc., Piraeus, Greece) )) Own Page

AUSTRALIS was leaving the Clyde (Scotland) after being a storage oil tanker at Finnart Oil Terminal

Ship's locationFirth of Clyde off Holy Loch and Dunoon, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMonrovia (Liberia)
Sailing forFalmouth (England)Gross Tonnage156,914
Sailed from berthFinnart Oil Terminal, Loch Long, Scotland, UK.Deadweght Tonnage299,095
Outward cargoLight ship = no cargo on board

For six years the giant AUSTRALIS had been berthed at Jetty 3 at Finnart Oil Terminal in Loch Long, Scotland and acting as a storage tanker.   Now it was her time to leave.

   With tugs SVITZER HAWK and ANGLEGARTH stationed at the bow and tugs SVITZER WARDEN and SVITZER MILFORD positioned at the stern the four tugs pulled the 330m (1,083m) long tanker from the jetty and towed her at two knots through the long and narrow loch to meet the broad expanse of the Firth of Clyde off Barons Point and the town of Kilcreggan.

   There ANGLEGARTH and SVITZER MILFORD left the convoy.

AUSTRALIS slowly headed south towards the Cumbrae Heads which is the narrow entrance to the Clyde, between the Island of Little Cumbrae and the promontary of Garroch Head on the southern tip of the Isle of Bute.   Past the town of Dunoon on her starboard and the iconic Cloch Lighthouse to port.

Western Ferries' SOUND OF SCARBA, on her regular daily service from McInroy's Point, Gourock to Hunter's Quay skirted around and well ahead of the convoy and giving the passengers the amazing close view of the gigantic tanker, empty of cargo and riding high in the water, like a maritime eclipse blocking the horizon. 

   Tug SVITZER HAWK escorted at the tanker's bow and tug SVITZER WARDEN kept her tow line at the centre lead at AUSTRALIS's stern.   Both SVITZERS would leave the tanker shortly as she left the Clyde to commence her passage to Falmouth (England) for maintenance and repair.

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1111
BUTE (2005- IMO 9319741 Passenger / Ro-ro ferry 72m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

BUTE leaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) for Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde)

Ship's locationLeaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Sailing forRothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Sailed from berthWemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 1025
HAV ALDA (2000- General cargo ship 82m long of Navigare Shipping, Runavík, Faroe Islands) Own Page

HAV ALDA at Fairlie Quay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationFairlie Quay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryRunavík (Faroe Islands)
Gross Tonnage2,301
Deadweght Tonnage3,159

News Event

Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 2351
Own Page

Image of a refrigerator magnet of tugboats at Seattle (Washington State, USA)

Contributed by Willis (Seattle,USA)

News Event

Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 1400
Own Page

Corran Ferry in Scottish Highlands : Europe's busiest single-ferry route in £30m upgrade

Ship's locationCorran Ferry (Scottish Highlands, UK)

From BBB Scotland online news 10 March 2025


Europe's busiest single-ferry route in £30m upgrade

A car and a campervan disembark from the ferry MV Corran. The ferry has Highland Council's logo on its side. The logo is in the shape of the Highland Council area.Image source,Getty Images
Image caption,

There are separate plans to replace the route's MV Corran with a new electric ferry

  • Published
    10 March 2025
Updated 4 hours ago

Plans have been submitted for £30m of infrastructure improvements for Europe's busiest single-vessel ferry service, external.

Highland Council's Corran Ferry carries about 270,000 cars and 11,000 commercial vehicles a year.

The five minute crossing of Loch Linnhe's Corran Narrows links the wider Lochaber area with communities in the Ardgour peninsula in the west.

The alternative journey by road around the loch takes about two hours.

An aerial view of the Corran Narrows on Loch Linnhe. The sea looks grey between two points of land. There is the wider loch, and hills, in the distance.
Image caption,

The service is a five minute crossing of the Corran Narrows

Highland Council has submitted a planning application to build a new slipway and overnight berthing at Ardgour.

Also, on the Nether Lochaber side, constructing a new marshalling area for vehicles, cycle path, parking and a new protective barrier called a breakwater.

Highland Council would provide £10m towards the cost, while £20m would come from the UK government through the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal, external.

Separately, the local authority hopes to replace the service's aging ferry.

The Scottish government has said £28m could be used from the city region deal towards a new electric ferry.

The money was initially allocated for an upgrade of the Longman interchange on the A9, but councillors appealed to the Scottish government to change investment priorities.

Over the years, the ferry service has been hit by significant disruption with major breakdowns affecting the main vessel, MV Corran, and its relief boat - MV Maid of Glencoul.

In October 2023, MV Corran returned to service after a year out of action.

The boat was withdrawn for maintenance the previous October but this work was hampered by delays.

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1105
LOCH SHIRA (2007- roro ferry 176.84 feet long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

LOCH SHIRA arriving at Largs Slip with passengers and vehicles from Cumbrae Slip

Ship's locationArriving at Largs Slip (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Arrived fromCumbrae Slip (Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 0220
Own Page

Large cargo vessel runs aground off Isle of Skye (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationBreakish area, Isle of Skye (Scotland, UK)


From BBC Scotland online news 10 March 2025


Large cargo vessel runs aground off Isle of Skye


A cargo vessel that has run around - the boat is lit by various lights, with the sky pitch black.Image source,Kyle RNLI
Image caption,

The vessel was able to float away after around two hours

  • Published
    3 hours ago

A 262ft (80m) cargo vessel has managed to free itself after dragging its anchor and running aground off the Isle of Skye.

Volunteer lifeboat crews were called by the coastguard to help around 02:20 after the boat began being pushed ashore by the wind and choppy seas, having run aground at the stern in the island's Breakish area.

Around two hours later the ship was able to use its thrusters and engine to move off the rocks, and than go into deeper water to find a safe place to anchor.

None of the ship's crew was injured in the incident.

A red and white cargo vessel next to rocks on the Isle of SkyeImage source,Kyle RNLI
Image caption,

Lifeboats from Kyle and Portree attended the incident

RNLI lifeboats from Kyle and Portree attended the incident, and provided safety cover, as well as ensuring there was no pollution risk.

Daniel Elliot, Helm for Kyle of Lochalsh RNLI Lifeboat, said: 'When we arrived on scene, the vessel was aground by the bow and was being pushed further ashore by the sea and weather, with a risk of the vessel turning broadside.

"However, the crew managed to get themselves off the rocks and out into deeper water. It was important that we stayed on scene to ensure that there was no unseen damage underneath the waterline which could pose a risk to the crew, or any pollution coming from the vessel which could pose a danger to the environment."

A red and white boat hits the rocks on the Isle of Skye - water is spraying up as a result.Image source,Kyle RNLI
Image caption,

The boat dragged its anchor and ran aground

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1627
BUTE (2005- IMO 9319741 Passenger / Ro-ro ferry 72m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

BUTE arriving at Wemyss Bay (Scotland, UK) with passengers and vehicles from Rothesay, Isle of Bute

Ship's locationApproaching Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) inbound with passengers and vehicles from RothesayPort of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Arrived fromRothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1527
ELBTEAM (2021- Container ship 141m overall of Usc Barnkrug Gmbh & Co Kg - Drochtersen, Germany) Own Page

Container ship ELBTEAM leaves Greenock Ocean Terminal with containers for Bilbao (Spain / Espana)

Ship's locationLeaving West Container Berth, Greenock Ocean Terminal (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMadeira (Portugal)
Sailing forBilbao (Spain / Espana)Gross Tonnage9,983
Outward cargoContainersDeadweght Tonnage12,306
Draught aft on sailing6.8m

15:14pm    Radio call from Clyde Pilot on board ELBTEAM to Estuary Control, Greenock.

   " Now finished loading.  Will depart shortly for Bilbao.   6.8m draught.   No damage or defects "

15:27pm   The mist is gathering as ELBTEAM leaves the West Container Berth at Greenock Ocean Terminal.

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1337
STEN TRITON ( 2022--- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9322695 : 144.18m overall of Manager: Rederiet Stenersen As, Bergen, Norway : Owner: Eternal Nyborg Limited, Copenhagen, Denmark) Own Page

STEN TRITON arrives in the Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK) with oil from Mongstad (Norway)

Ship's locationPassing Dunoon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMadeira (Portugal)
Arrived fromMongstad (Norway)Gross Tonnage12,105
Sailing forFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage16,564
Cargo carried on arrivalOil grades


Contributed by Sandra B. (Site Administrator)

13: 37 hours  Thursday.

   I'll start with an AXIOM ----- a self evident truth.

When you look at the sea or river ... what colour do you see ?

 The answere is .... the colour is simply a reflection of the colour of the sky above the water.     So, for example, in the Mediterranean on a beautiful sunny day the sea will be the same colour as the blue sky.

   Now look at these first few images of STEN TRITON arriving in the Firth of Clyde (Scotland)

   The first shows the tanker, hardly visible, emerging from the thick murky and misty gloom.   Look at the colour of the sea.   Yes, that nasty grey colour was a reflection of the thick dark grey blanket of clouds overhead in the sky.

   But good news.   The following less-than-perfect photographs show the mist gradually clearing .... no, it's not my poor amateurish photographic skill, the images were taken in bursts of thinning mist.

14:10 hours  Thursday

   STEN TRITON is now passing Greenock Ocean Terminal on her way upriver to the Fuel Terminal at Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (near to Glasgow)   The mist of thirty minutes earlier has now gone and the sun is desperately trying to burst through.   The container ship ELBTEAM can be seen completing loading and will soon be leaving for Bilbao (Spain / Espana).

   The tanker had been met by two tugs off Fort Matilda, Greenock.

 I'll do a little bit of tour guide for you.   Fort Matilda is an area at Whiteforland Point at the western end of Greenock Esplanade.   Around very early 1800's an Army fort was built there, equipped with cannons to protect Greenock from enemy shipping.

    Over the years a naval torpedo manufacturing base was established there and finally was a Coastguard and Maritime Agency office, along with other Government Offices.   

   Nowadays the area is mostly a residential suburb of town houses and villas, with a few businesses.   

   In World War 2 (1939-1945) the nearby Battery Park in Gourock was the base of a battery of anti-aircraft guns to protect the shipyards and dock areas from German bombers .... hence the name Battery Park. 

   So now back to the two tugs meeting STEN TRITON.

A smaller tug, CMS WRESTLER, took station ahead of the tanker to escort her along the channel to Clydebank where the tug would attach her tow-line to assist STEN TRITON to the Fuel Berth.

   The much larger and powerful tug SVITZER MILFORD took station close astern of STEN TRITON and she would follow the tanker up the River Clyde to Clydebank. 

Tug SVITZER MILFORD following closely astern of the tanker

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1212
SOUND OF SEIL (2013- roro ferry of Western Ferries, Hunters Quay, Scotland) Own Page

SOUND OF SEIL on passage from Hunter's Quay (Firth of Clyde) to McInroy's Point, Gourock

Ship's locationOn passage from Hunter's Quay (Firth of Clyde) to McInroy's Point, Gourock (Firth of Clyde)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Outward cargoPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentWestern Ferries, Hunter's Quay (Scotland, UK)

Contributed by Sandra B (Site Administrator)

   It had been a very dull, grey and gloomy morning at Gourock and the thick heavy mist was slowly dispersing and this image shows Western Ferries' SOUND OF SEIL (on the left) inbound to McInroy's Point.

   The ferry on the right is SOUND OF SHUNA, having left McInroy's Point for Hunter's Quay.

   Immediately to the right of SOUND OF SHUNA, lurking and almost invisible in the mist and anchored quietly off Kilcreggan is the cargo ship ARCTIC ROCK, wating patiently to go upriver to the BAe Systems Fairfield Basin at Govan, Glasgow.   There she is expected to moor with her stern to, and perpendicular to the west quayside (basically doing a Mediterranean moor) and doing a roll-off discharge of her project cargo.

News Event

Friday, March 7, 2025 @ 1151
DEO-GLORIA (2003- Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger IMO 7711074 : 70.36m overall of owner: Productie Zeezand BV : Manager: Zandhandel Faasse BV) Own Page

Hopper Dredger DEO-GLORIA passing Yoker (River Clyde) on her way to the spoil disposal site

Arrived fromUpper reaches of the River Clyde off Shieldhall, Govan, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGoes (Netherlands)
Outward cargoSpoil dredged from upper reaches of River Clyde at Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage2,100

Contributed by Robert McManus

Trailing suction hopper dredger Deo Gloria working on the River Clyde passing Yoker this morning. Heading to the disposal site at Cloch point. 

News Event

Friday, March 7, 2025 @ 1032
STEN TRITON ( 2022--- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9322695 : 144.18m overall of Manager: Rederiet Stenersen As, Bergen, Norway : Owner: Eternal Nyborg Limited, Copenhagen, Denmark) Own Page

STEN TRITON discharging oil grades at the Fuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationDischarging her cargo of oil grades at the Fuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMadeira (Portugal)
Arrived fromMongstad (Norway)Gross Tonnage12,105
Cargo carried on arrivalOil gradesDeadweght Tonnage16,564

Contributed by Robert McManus

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1057
CHALLENGER OF LEITH (2007- Workboat 15m overall of Coastworks Operations Ltd., Fairlie, Scotland) Own Page

Workboat CHALLENGER OF LEITH leaving Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationLeaving Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLeith (Scotland, UK)
Sailing forArdrossan Harbour (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Contributed by Robert McManus

News Event

Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 1126
ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

ARGYLE approaching Wemyss Bay Pier from Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationArriving at Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Arrived fromRothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

   It was a cold spring morning, very grey and gloomy and quite misty and a strong southerly wind was sweeping up the Firth of Clyde. 

    Happily there were occasional bright intervals and Caledonian MacBrayne's ferry ARGYLE appeared to be bathed in one as she approached Wemyss Bay Pier with passengers and vehicles from Rothesay (Isle of Bute)

News Event

Thursday, February 3, 1949 @ 1700
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
PRINCESS VICTORIA (1948-1953 Ro-ro ferry 322 feet overall of British Railways : 1953 sank in North Channel, near Stranraer, Scotland)) Own Page

PRINCESS VICTORIA passing Corsewall Lighthouse (near Stranraer, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationPassing Corsewall Lighthouse (near Stranraer, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryStranraer (Scotland, UK)
Arrived fromLarne (Northern Ireland, UK)
Sailing forStranraer (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and general cargo and vehicles

Contributed by Jimmy (Newton Stewart, Scotland)

News Event

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 1127
GANTOCK (2012- Pilot vessel of Peel Ports, Clydeport, Glasgow) Own Page

Pilot Boat GANTOCK leaves Estuary Control, Greenock Ocean Terminal (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationLeaving Estuary Control, Greenock Ocean Terminal (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGreenock (Scotland, UK)

News Event

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 1125
SKUA (2010-- Pilot Boat Interceptor Class 48 : 14.5m overall and operational speed of 24 knots of Peel Ports and based in Clyde at Greenock, Scotland) Own Page

Estuary Control, Greenock (Scotland) and Pilot Boat SKUA shifts to allow GANTOCK to leave

Ship's locationEstuary Control, Greenock OceanTerminal (Firth of Clyde,Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLiverpool (England, UK)

News Event

Friday, November 30, 1962 @ 1200
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
CITY OF LEICESTER (1964-1965 General cargo ship 373 feet overall of Ellerman Lines, London : formerly Ellerman Papayanni's EGYPTIAN : 1967 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) Own Page

CITY OF LEICESTER left Aden (Yemen) for Kuching (Capital city of Sarawak, Malaysia)

Sailing forKuching (Capital city of Sarawak, Malaysia)Port of RegistryLondon (England, U.K.)
Sailed from berthAden (Yemen)Net Tonnage1,368
Gross Tonnage3,512

Ellerman & Papayanni's EGYPTIAN was renamed as CITY OF LEICESTER in 1964-1965 but was sailing as CITY OF LEICESTER in 1962.

   Can anyone explain this  ?

News Event

Sunday, March 2, 2025 @ 0800
SPIRIT OF TASMANIA 1V (in 2024 Passenger Ferry 212m 695 feet of TT-Line, Australia) Own Page

New Australian ferry SPIRIT OF TASMANIA 1V ordered to leave Port of Leith (near Edinburgh, Scotland)

Ship's locationPort of Leith (near Edinburgh, Firth of Forth, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryAustralia


From BBC Scotland online news 2 March 2025

Australian 'fiasco' ferry ordered to leave Edinburgh


A red and white ship on open waters with Spirit of Tasmania written on the side.
Image source,TT-Line
Image caption,

Spirit of Tasmania IV came to Leith from a Finnish shipyard because it could have been damaged by pack ice

  • Published
    2 March 2025

A newly-constructed Australian ferry will be moved from Edinburgh to the other side of the world after leasing negotiations broke down.

Often described as a "fiasco", the Spirit of Tasmania IV has been docked in Leith for three months due to issues with existing infrastructure in the Tasmanian city of Devonport.

Operator TT-Line said it had been engaging with a broker to lease the ferry, however an agreement could not be reached.

The Tasmanian government has now ordered the ferry operator to relocate the 212m-long (695ft) vessel to the island.

The ship was built at a yard in Finland, but had to be moved to Scotland before winter over concerns it could be damaged by pack ice.

A new berth to accommodate the ship, and sister vessel Spirit of Tasmania V, may not be ready until late 2026 or 2027 and the saga has sparked a huge political row in Australia.

The vessel was due to operate in the Bass Strait, between Tasmania and the Australian state of Victoria, and had been described as a "game-changer" for the island's tourism industry.

However, it has seen a series of delays in its construction, skyrocketing costs and problems upgrading the current berths - mirroring many of Scotland's own ferry problems.

Tasmania's infrastructure minister, Michael Ferguson, and the chairman of ferry operator TT-Line, which is state-owned, resigned due to the controversy in August.

The cost of building the two LNG dual-fuel ships has risen by A$94m (£47.5m) from A$850m (£430m) when the contract was signed in 2021.

Meanwhile the cost of upgrading current infrastructure in Devonport, which handles about 450,000 passengers a year, has more than quadrupled from an original estimate of A$90m (£45.5m).

TT-Line was paying A$47,534 (£24,031) per week to berth the ship at Forth Ports, according to figures published by the Tasmanian government.

Last week Australian media reported there was a possibility of the ferry being used to house Ukrainian refugees in Scotland.

However the Scottish government quickly dismissed this saying: "This is not true and we have no plans to lease this or any other vessel for this purpose."

'Biggest infrastructure stuff-up'

Tasmania's transport minister Eric Abetz said that the government had done all it could to secure a lease that would benefit Tasmanians.

He said: "We had an opportunity to secure an agreement worth tens of millions of dollars for the Tasmanian taxpayer, and it would have been economically irresponsible not to explore this.

"Previous similar leases provided more than €50m (£41.2m) to vessel owners, and it was prudent that we sought similar arrangements for Tasmanian taxpayers.

"The relentless negativity is hurting the state's economic opportunities, and it's time to move forward together."

Tasmanian Labor, the opposition party, welcomed the "backflip" from the government but said it came four months and and millions of dollars too late.

A spokesman said: "The ferry fiasco has been the biggest infrastructure stuff-up in Tasmania's history, but the cover-up has been even worse than the crime."

News Event

Monday, March 3, 2025 @ 0647
Own Page

Fresh delays to Turkish-built Caledonian MacBrayne ferries


From BBC Scotland online news 3 March 2025

Fresh delays to Turkish-built CalMac ferries


Isle of Islay on water on a sunny dayImage source,CMAL
Image caption,

The Isle of Islay is expected at the end of June at the earliest

  • Published
    3 March 2025, 06:47 GMT
Updated 41 minutes ago

Delivery dates for a fleet of CalMac ferries being built by a shipyard in Turkey have been pushed back again due to problems with labour shortages.

According to a letter from the government-owned ferries procurement company CMAL, the first of the fleet will not be finished until the end of June at the earliest when it was originally expected in October.

It comes at a trying time for CalMac - the west coast operator is facing a shortage of ships and has been grappling with an "exceptional" series of problems with its fleet.

Transport Scotland said the latest delay was "disappointing" but had been caused by global issues "outwith the yard's control".

Problems with the delivery of the ferries from the Cemre yard in Turkey were confirmed in a letter from CMAL to the net zero, energy and transport committee on Friday.

The letter has not yet been published on the Scottish government website, but was shared on social media by the Islay Community Council.

It said: "We are facing serious issues with labour, particularly the availability of specialist commissioning sub-contractors.

"This continues to set the project and delivery back."

It said while the yard builds the vessels and installs machinery, manufacturers need their own specialists to commission the systems to ensure warranties are secured.

"The lack of commissioning engineers is an issue affecting the global shipbuilding industry, and is causing months-long delays in some cases," it added.

The letter said snow and cold weather had also delayed the docking of the Isle of Islay to check underwater parts and complete painting.

When will the ships be delivered?

The first of the Turkish ferries, MV Isle of Islay, was launched a year ago by Morag McNeill, the chairwoman of CMAL, in a ceremony at the Cemre shipyard.

The second ship, MV Loch Indaal, was launched three months later by the wife of CMAL's vessel's director Jim Anderson.

A freedom of information request from BBC News revealed that a total of 10 CMAL staff and their guests attended the Loch Indaal launch ceremony, with flight and accommodation costs totalling nearly £10,000.

Isle of Islay - destined for the Islay route - was pushed from October to mid-February and will now be delivered "no earlier than the end of Q2 in 2025".

CMAL said it expected the other three vessels to "follow a delivery schedule of six-month intervals from the delivery of MV Isle of Islay".

This would mean that Loch Indaal, also for the the Islay route, would not be completed until the end of the year at the earliest, when it was due for June.

The latter smaller vessels, MV Lochmor and MV Claymore are due to be deployed on the Little Minch routes between Skye, Harris and North Uist.

The CMAL letter added: "The contract has anticipated intervals of four months, but it is prudent we take our current understanding of the situation into consideration."

A Transport Scotland spokesperson said that shipyards across the world have been impacted by external supply chain and internal resourcing challenges.

They said: "Cemre are working actively to outfit, test, trial, survey and complete the vessels as early as possible.

"We continue to make clear our strong expectation to CMAL and CalMac to closely monitor progress on delivery and deployment timescales.

"Following planned sea trials and commissioning work, a clearer indication on delivery, and that of the three sister vessels, will be provided by CMAL.

"The quality of the workmanship and construction of the vessel is fully meeting CMAL expectations and we look forward to the vessels joining the fleet and serving island communities for years to come."

Re-jigged services

CalMac recently laid out how it had re-jigged services to cope with pressure due to repair delays and new issues identified during annual maintenance.

Chief Executive Duncan Mackison said a third of its large vessels were currently out of action or operating with reduced capacity.

The charter of the privately-owned catamaran Alfred - said to cost £1m a month - has now been extended to the end of May to maintain services. The summer-only Ardrossan-Campbeltown service remains suspended for another year.

MV Caledonian Isles, which operates on the Arran route, has been out of action since last February with a series of issues including rust and twisted frames.

The ship was due back next month, but this has been pushed back, possibly to late April, after new issues were found with the tubes for its propeller shafts.

MV Isle of Lewis, which operates to Barra, needs steelwork replaced during annual maintenance, and will not return to service until Sunday 23 March, almost a month later than expected.

MV Clansman has also been slightly delayed in overhaul, while MV Isle of Mull is restricted to just 45 passengers.

This is due to problems with its emergency evacuation systems, which will not be fixed until mid-May at the earliest.

The new Ferguson-built ferry Glen Sannox joined the fleet earlier this year and its sister ship Glen Rosa is due for delivery in autumn.

Glen Sannox is serving the Arran route but is currently too big to berth at the Ardrossan harbour, sailing instead from Troon.

'Betrayed island communities'

Scottish Conservative transport spokeswoman Sue Webber said: "This is yet another blow to Scotland's betrayed island communities, who are sick to the back teeth of delays to upgrading their decrepit ferry fleet.

"The buck stops with SNP ministers who are responsible for this national scandal. Islanders must wince every time they hear of an update from CMAL or CalMac because it's always more bad news.

"This latest delay couldn't be worse timed, with the summer schedule already scaled back because so many ageing ferries require repairs.

"It defies belief that no SNP minister has resigned or been fired for inflicting this chaos on the country."

News Event

Monday, July 5, 1965 @ 1100
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
COWAL (1954-1979 Passenger and side-loading vehicle ferry of Caledonian Steam Packet, Gourock Own Page

Postcard showing ro-ro ferry COWAL leaving Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationLeaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow
Gross Tonnage569
Deadweght Tonnage151

Contributed image of a postcard purchased at the bookshop at Weymss Bay pier in January 2025.

News Event

Sunday, June 16, 1963 @ 1100
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
Own Page

Postcard showing paddle steamer TALISMAN approaching Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationWemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Contributed image of a postcard purchased at the bookshop at Weymss Bay pier in January 2025.

News Event

Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 1100
The date shown here is as published and the time shown is simply our best estimate
ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

Postcard showing sister ships ARGYLE and BUTE off Wemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationWemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (UK)

Contributed image of a postcard purchased at the bookshop at Weymss Bay pier in January 2025.

News Event

Saturday, July 10, 2010 @ 1200
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimatec
Own Page

Postcard of Mount Pleasant Airport, Falklands Islands (South Atlantic Ocean)

Ship's locationMount Pleasant Airport, Falklands Islands (South Atlantic Ocean)

Contributed images of this postcard

News Event

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 @ 1630
Own Page

Exceptional pressures force Caledonian MacBrayne fleet reshuffle : BBC Online News 26 February 2025

From BBC Scotland online news 26 February 2025


'Exceptional' pressures force CalMac fleet reshuffle

 A black and white ship with red funnelsImage source,Christopher Brindle
Image caption,

MV Caledonian Isles, already out of service for more than a year, will not return until April

  • Published
    1 hour ago

Ferry operator Caledonian MacBrayne has rejigged services and vessel deployment plans as it grapples with an "exceptional" series of problems with its fleet.

Delays in repairs and new issues identified during annual maintenance mean the west coast operator is facing a shortage of ships.

Chief executive Duncan Mackison said a third of its large vessels were currently out of action or operating with reduced capacity.

The charter of the privately-owned catamaran Alfred - said to cost £1m a month - has now been extended to the end of May to maintain services, while the summer-only Ardrossan-Campbelltown service remains suspended for another year.

MV Caledonian Isles, which operates on the Arran route has been out of action since last February with a series of issues including rust and twisted frames.

The ship was due back next month, but this has been pushed back, possibly to late April, after new issues were found with the tubes for its propeller shafts.

MV Isle of Lewis, which operates to Barra, needs steelwork replaced during annual maintenance, and will not return to service until Sunday 23 March, almost a month later than expected.

MV Clansman has also been slightly delayed in overhaul, while MV Isle of Mull is restricted to just 45 passengers.

This is due to problems with its emergency evacuation systems, which will not be fixed until mid May at the earliest.



CalMac has faced severe pressures maintaining its ageing fleet

Mr Mackison said the publicly-owned firm was "dealing with an exceptional set of circumstances".

"Challenges with several vessels in the fleet have converged at the same time, creating a significant capacity issue which leaves us with difficult choices to make in terms of service provision," he added.

"Given the age of our fleet and the need to overhaul all vessels outside of the busy summer season, our vessels are spending a record amount of time in overhaul this winter.

"This stretches our services and, when unplanned delays such as those we're experiencing with MV Isle of Lewis and MV Clansman are factored in, our resources to the limit"

A red and white catamaranImage source,Christopher Brindle
Image caption,

The catamaran Alfred has been chartered from Pentland Ferries to boost CalMac services since the spring of 2023

The lack of vessels means a Troon-only service to Arran will continue - using the new ferry Glen Sannox and catamaran Alfred - and the more frequent services from Ardrossan will not resume until Caledonian Isles returns in April.

A shared service for Barra and South Uist has been extended.

Mr Mackison said: "The extension of the shared service is far from ideal but is the only deployment plan available to us which allows us to maintain services and meet demand across the network."

The Ardrossan-Campbeltown route has been cancelled for a third year in a row.

Full details of services are available at the CalMac website., external

Four new large Calmac ships are being constructed at a shipyard in Turkey, with the first due for delivery in the coming months, but all four are delayed and will require weeks of crew familiarisation trials before entering service.

MV Glen Sannox, built by the Ferguson shipyard, began scheduled sailings in January after years of delays, offering a significant boost for Arran services.

Its sister ship Glen Rosa is currently due for delivery in September but a further delay is expected and a new update from the yard is awaited.

News Event

Saturday, March 1, 1947 @ 1000
CILICIA (1938-40 Anchor Line passenger/cargo ship : 1940-44 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1944-46 Troopship : 1946 Returned to owners : 1966-80 training ship / Hostel in Rotterdam : 1980 scrapped Bilbao) Own Page

Notice of expected resumption of UK-Bombay Indian Service by Anchor Line's CILICIA in May 1947

Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Gross Tonnage11,136

News Event

Tuesday, May 5, 1964 @ 0455
HANETIA (1957-1975 H-class Oil Tanker IMO 5141548 : 169m overall of Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers UK, London : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) Own Page

HANETIA arrives at Ardrossan Harbour (Scotland) to discharge part of her cargo of gas oil

Arrived fromClydePort of RegistryLondon (England, UK)
Arrived in berth12 Ocean Tanker Berth, Ardrossan Harbour, Scotland : tugs WRESTLER and STRONGBOWReg Tonnage6,966
Sailing forStanlow (on Manchester Ship Canal, England, UK) Deadweght Tonnage19,349
Sailed from berth12 Ocean Tanker Berth, Ardrossan Harbour, Scotland : tugs STRONGBOW and BRIGADIER
Master of vessel on arrivalJ Collough
Draught aft on arrival21 feet 11 inches
Cargo carried on arrivalGas Oil
Outward cargoGas Oil ROB ( .... ROB = Remaining on board)
Draught aft on sailing18 feet 6 inches
Master of vessel on sailingJ Collough
Ships agentT L Duff, Montgomerie Street, Ardrossan
Sailed0630 on 6 May for Stanlow (on Manchester Ship Canal, England)

News Event

Friday, April 14, 1961 @ 1800
The date shown is as timetabled and the time shown is our best estimste
RYNDAM (or RIJNDAM) (1951-1966 Passenger / cargo Liner 153m 503ft of Holland America Line "Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart-Maatschappij", Rotterdam : Sank 2003 on way to Breakers) Own Page

RYNDAM scheduled to leave Quebec City (Canada) for Southampton, Le Havre and Rotterdam

Ship's locationQuebec City (the capital city of the Canadian province of QuebecPort of RegistryRotterdam (Netherlands)
Sailing forSouthampton (England, UK), Le Havre (France) and Rotterdam (Netherlands)Gross Tonnage15,015
Outward cargoPassengers
Ships agentHolland-America Line, 1245 Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec Province, Canada Tel : University 6.1731

Contributed by Patricia (Site Administrator, Quebec, Canada)

News Event

Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 1241
BALTIC FIN (2023 --- General cargo ship IMO 9953925 : 89.75m overall of Ocean Star Shipping Gmbh & Co Kg - Jork, Germany Own Page

BALTIC FIN discharging her dry bulk cargo at Port of Ayr (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationBerth 5 (at entrance to Griffin Dock) Port of Ayr (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLimassol (Cyprus)
Arrived fromEemshaven (Netherlands)Gross Tonnage2,518
Cargo carried on arrivalDry bulk cargoDeadweght Tonnage3,809
BALTIC FIN discharging her dry bulk cargo at berth 5 Port of Ayr.   
In the background is ARCTIC ROCK (where the two spindly tall cranes are) is discharging
wind turbine components from Santander (Spain / Espana)

News Event

Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 1100
KATELINA (2015--- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker IMO 9485368 : 118.14m overall Manager South End Tanker Management Bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands : Owner: Kate Shipping Ltd. Dordrecht, Netherlands) Own Page

KATELINA discharging oil at the Fuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMadeira (Portugal)
Arrived fromGrays (Essex, England) via Plymouth (England) then anchored in Brodick Bay (Firth of Clyde)Gross Tonnage6,382
Cargo carried on arrivalOil gradesDeadweght Tonnage8,933

Contributed by Robert McManus

News Event

Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 1228
CM NEPTUNE (2024 --- General cargo ship IMO 9030474 : 74.94m overall of Cargo Mariners Ltd., Faversham, Kent, England) Own Page

CM NEPTUNE at Ayr (Scotland) discharging a cargo of logs from Ardrishaig (Scotland)

Ship's location4 River Berth, Port of Ayr (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMonrovia (Liberia)
Arrived fromArdrishaig (Scotland, UK)Net Tonnage696
Cargo carried on arrivalLogsGross Tonnage1,512
Deadweght Tonnage2,377

News Event

Thursday, July 3, 2014 @ 1100
CUTTY SARK (1869-1895 Clipper sailing ship 212.5 feet (64.77m) overall of Jock Willis Shipping Line : 1954- Museum ship of CUTTY SARK Preservation Society, London) Own Page

Historic clipper sailing ship CUTTY SARK in drydock at Greenwich (pronounced GREN-ITCH, London, UK)

Ship's locationDrydock, Greenwich, London (England (UK)Port of RegistryUK
Net Tonnage921
Gross Tonnage963

Contributed by Robert McManus

News Event

Saturday, February 13, 1960 @ 1700
PACIFIC FORTUNE (1948 - 1965 general cargo liner 500 feet long of Furness Withy Line, London) Own Page

PACIFIC FORTUNE closes at Glasgow for receiving cargo for the Pacific Coast of North America

Ship's locationPlantation Quay, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLondon
Sailing forLos Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver
Ships agentFurness Withy & Co. Ltd., 19 St Vincent Place, Glasgow Tel. CENtral 8193

Contributed image

News Event

Monday, February 8, 1960 @ 1800
The date shown is as timetabled and the time shown is our best estimste
CITY OF LANCASTER (1958-1979 General cargo ship Ellerman Line, London : 1982 Scrapped) Own Page

CITY OF LANCASTER scheduled to leave Birkenhead for Eastern ports

Sailing forSuez (Egypt), Vizakhapatnam (India), Calcutta (India) and Chalna (East Pakistan)Port of RegistryU.K.
Sailed from berthBirkenhead (England, UK)
Ships agentHall Line Ltd., Tower Building, Water Street, Liverpool, 3 Telephone Central 8444

News Event

Thursday, February 4, 1960 @ 1700
KYPROS (1950-1967 then 1967-1971 of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool then 1971-1976 P & O General cargo Division) Own Page

KYPROS closes at Glasgow for receiving cargo for Mediterranean ports

Sailing forTripoli (Libya), Beyrout, Tripoli (Lebanon), Lattakia, Iskenderun and MersinPort of RegistryLiverpool
Sailed from berthGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Ships agentMoss Hutchison Line Ltd., 91 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, C.2. Tel. CENtral 6643

News Event

Monday, February 22, 1960 @ 1700
ALHAMA (1953-1962 General cargo ship 335 feet long of John Bruce Company / Mossgiel Shipping, Glasgow : 1974 scrapped) Own Page

ALHAMA closes at Glasgow for receiving cargo for Marseilles, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples and Sicily

Sailing forMarseilles (France), Genoa, Leghorn, Naples and Sicily (all Italy)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Sailed from berthGlasgow (Scotland, UK)Net Tonnage1,170
Ships agentJohn Scott & Co. (Shipping) Ltd., 45 Renfield Street, Glasgow C. 2.Gross Tonnage2,346
Deadweght Tonnage3,500

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1248
KITIKMEOT W (2018-- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker : IMO 9421219 : 150m overall of Coastal Shipping Ltd - Goose Bay, Canada) Own Page

KITIKMEOT W arrives in Firth of Clyde and passes Greenock on her way upriver to Clydebank

Ship's locationArriving in Firth of Clyde, off Dunoon and passing Greenock on her way upriver to ClydebankPort of RegistryMajuro (Marshall Islands : country of more than 1,200 islands and atolls in Central Pacific Ocean)
Arrived fromRotterdam (Netherlands)Gross Tonnage13,097
Sailing forFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage19,983
Cargo carried on arrivalOil grades

Contributed by Sandra B (Site Administrator : Gourock)

12:48    KITIKMEOW W arrives in the Firth of Clyde (Scotland) and passes the town of Dunoon on her way to Clydebank,


13:14   And now at Custom House Quay, Greenock.    Tug CMS WRESTLER passes the quay ahead of and escorting KITIKMEOW W and when they arrive at Rothesay Dock, Clydebank the tug will attach the tow line to the bow of the tanker and assist her into the Fuel Terminal.

   Additionally, the powerful tug SVITZER MILFORD is stationed at the stern of the tanker and will help to berth the ship. 


13:20    KITIKMEOT W and her stern tug SVITZER MILFORD pass Greenock Ocean Terminal on their way up the River Clyde for Clydebank.

Tug SVITZER MILFORD at the stern of the tanker

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1151
ARGYLL FLYER (2011- A 188- Passenger ferry 30m long of Argyll Ferries, Ferry Terminal, Gourock) Own Page

ARGYLL FLYER on passage from Dunoon to Gourock (Firth of Clyde) with Holy Loch in the background

Ship's locationOn passage from Dunoon to Gourock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) with Holy Loch in the backgroundPort of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Arrived fromDunoon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage172
Sailing forGourock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1009
SCOT TRADER (2023-- General cargo ship IMO 9728784 : 89.98m overall of ScotLine, Romford, England) Own Page

SCOT TRADER passing Custom House Quay, Greenock on passage up River Clyde to Glasgow

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) on passage upriver to GlasgowPort of RegistryDouglas (Isle of Man, UK)
Arrived fromAberdeen (Scotland, UK) then Anchorage B1 off Gourock (Firth of Clyde)Net Tonnage2,201
Sailing forBerth 9 King George V Dock, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage3,457
Cargo carried on arrivalLogs

News Event

Sunday, February 16, 2025 @ 1600
Own Page

Scottish Government considers buying Ardrossan Harbour

From BBC Scotland Online News 19 February 2025


Government considers buying Ardrossan harbour

A drone shot of Ardrossan harbourImage source,Tom Lennon
Image caption,

The development of Ardrossan Harbour has been stalled for years in a stand-off between the government and its private owner

  • Published
    6 hours ago

The Scottish government is looking into buying Ardrossan Harbour, the development of which has been stalled for the last seven years.

The site needs an estimated £80m upgrade but there has been no agreement between owner Peel Ports, the Scottish government and North Ayrshire Council over who should pay.

Two new ferries being deployed on CalMac's Arran route are also too big to fit the harbour's short jetty, ultimately limiting the number of sailings to and from Arran.

Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop confirmed funding for a deal to purchase the North Ayrshire site had been set aside in the upcoming budget.

For decades, Ardrossan has been the gateway to Arran but at present, neither the new CalMac ferry MV Glen Sannox, nor the chartered catamaran Alfred are able to berth at the existing facilities.

They are currently sailing from Troon instead.

In fact no CalMac ships at all have sailed from Ardrossan since mid-January, when Glen Sannox entered service.

Sailings are expected to resume when MV Caledonian Isles returns next month after repairs.

The Ardrossan Harbour Project was given the go-ahead in 2018 by then transport minister Humza Yousaf who promised the North Ayrshire town would remain the main gateway to Arran.

But Transport Scotland paused the project in 2023 following concerns about rising costs, and said a new business case would be developed.

Last month Kevin Hobbs, chief executive of government-owned ferries and harbours body CMAL, told MSPs that talks with the port's private owner about funding remained "in the middle of nowhere".

Glen Sannox and its sister ship Glen Rosa, due for delivery in the autumn, will also have to rely on road tankers for their liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling because no dedicated facilities have yet been constructed.

CMAL awarded a contract to build the LNG storage and fast refuelling station to a Danish company in 2020 - but Mr Hobbs said construction could not begin until a firm decision was taken on where the new ferries would be based.

The Glen Sannox ferry arriving in Brodick on Arran from Troon on its first official day in service with the catamaran Alfred in the background. A person wearing a pink beanie hat, a grey and pink rucksack and a black jacket takes a photograph of the ferry in the foreground of the shot.Image source,PA Media
Image caption,

The Glen Sannox ferry arriving in Brodick on Arran from Troon on its first official day in service (with the catamaran Alfred in the background)

On Wednesday Hyslop said she had instructed Transport Scotland and CMAL to explore the potential purchase.

"I have taken this step to ensure we make progress on finding a solution at Ardrossan that can be delivered in a cost-effective way," she said.

The transport secretary said that negotiations on delivering improvements at the port had been "complex" and a decision had not been reached on the commercial approach.

This, she said, had led to uncertainty that communities in Arran and Ardrossan "cannot afford".

She said: "The owners of Ardrossan Harbour, Peel Ports Group, have highlighted that they continue to invest in the harbour to ensure it remains operational.

"We all absolutely understand people and communities' views in favour of retaining Ardrossan as the mainland port and remain committed to ensuring the Arran ferry service is fit for the future.

"Discussions around the potential change of ownership are progressing at pace and in good faith and I'm confident this will bring reassurance to everyone with an interest in the Arran Ferry service."


Future of harbour

Peel Ports welcomed the announcement and said it had spent several million pounds to "maintain the critical service and designing and securing necessary consents" for the harbour's redevelopment.

Port director Jim McSporran added: "It is important to clarify that despite repeated and incorrect reports, at no point has Peel Ports Group neither received or spent 'millions of pounds' of public funds to upgrade the harbour during its ownership.

"Regardless of the outcome of this process, our willingness to invest in the harbour remains steadfast."

Matthew McGowan, from the Save Adrossan Harbour campaign group, said he was concerned by the news, as well as the lack of a timescale from the Scottish government.

He told BBC Scotland News that he thought ministers were still in negotiations on the previous development plan and added there had not been a "great amount of transparency".

Mr McGowan said: "Now we've got a whole new situation that requires further discussion and investigation.

"We'd like [the Scottish government] to engage with the community because right now that's not happening. People are left in limbo and we need things on track as soon as we can."

He said local residents and businesses had seen a negative impact in Ardrossan since the ferry route moved to Troon.

North Ayrshire Council leader Marie Burns welcomed the news and said the Ardrossan to Brodick route was the "shortest, fastest, greenest and cheapest route" which served people in Arran best.

She said: "There has been understandable anxiety over the future of the facility however we have always been confident that the economic, environmental, practical and social case for retaining and improving Ardrossan Harbour was overwhelming.

"We are delighted that the Scottish government has recognised this uncertainty and has committed to push forward discussions at pace around the potential change of ownership at the harbour.

"We hope this is key moment towards securing the future of a key infrastructure facility which will deliver a more resilient service to Arran."

Ferries union RMT said the announcement was a "vital step forward" and one that must lead to full public ownership.

General secretary Mick Lynch said: "For too long, private interests have drained vital resources while neglecting essential maintenance, leaving workers and passengers to deal with the consequences.

"A publicly owned and operated Ardrossan Harbour would ensure that every penny is reinvested into improving services, upgrading infrastructure, and securing long-term economic stability for the region."

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1018
ANGLEGARTH (1996- Tug 33m long of Svitzer A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark / Managers: Svitzer Marine Ltd, Middlesbrough) Own Page

ANGLEGARTH passing Custom House Quay, Greenock heading for Inchgreen Wall, Great Harbour

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK) heading for Inchgreen WallPort of RegistryMilford (Wales, UK)
Ships agentSvitzer Marine Ltd., Greenock (Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage374
Deadweght Tonnage290

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1450
Own Page

Cloch Lighthouse (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

News Event

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 @ 1000
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
KITIKMEOT W (2018-- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker : IMO 9421219 : 150m overall of Coastal Shipping Ltd - Goose Bay, Canada) Own Page

KITIKMEOT W discharging oil grades at Fuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (Scotland)

Ship's locationFuel Terminal, Rothesay Dock, Clydebank (River Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryMajuro (Marshall Islands : country of more than 1,200 islands and atolls in Central Pacific Ocean)
Arrived fromRotterdam (Netherlands)Gross Tonnage13,097
Cargo carried on arrivalOil gradesDeadweght Tonnage19,983

An unusual name, in't it ?   The owners are Canadian.

   So looking up Brittanica :

Kitikmeot, westernmost of the three regions of Nunavut territory, Canada.

It was designated the Central Arctic region of the Northwest Territories in 1981, being formed from the northern part of Fort Smith region.

In 1982 it received its present name, which is the traditional Inuit word for the area.

It is bordered by the Northwest Territories (west and south) and the Nunavut regions of Keewatin (east and south) and Baffin (north and east).

The region encompasses the central Arctic coast, extending inland (south) below Napaktulik Lake and eastward to include Boothia Peninsula.

It also includes King William Island, as well as parts of Prince of Wales and Somerset islands and the Nunavut portion of Victoria Island.

Lying mainly above the Arctic Circle, the region’s landscape is characterized by tundra vegetation.

Cambridge Bay (Ikaluktutiak) on Victoria Island is the regional headquarters.

Among the other small settlements are Kugluktulea, Gjoa Haven (Uqsuqtuq), and Taloyoak (Talurruaq).

Inuit form the great majority of the population. Pop. (2006) 5,361; (2011) 6,012.


So now that you know of the vessel's ancestry here is the ship



Contributed by Robert McManus

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 1453
AURORA (in 2025 Container ship at Greenock) Own Page

AURORA arriving in Firth of Clyde, off Cloch Lighthouse, then berthing at Greenock Ocean Terminal

Ship's locationArriving in Firth of Clyde, off Cloch Lighthouse (Scotland) then berthing at Greenock Ocean Terminal
Arrived fromBelfast (Northern Ireland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalContainers

14:53   A bitterly cold and extremely wintry afternoon when AURORA arrived in the Firth of Clyde (Scotland) with containers from Belfast (Northern Ireland)

   Ploughing powerfully at 14 knots into a strong Northerly wind the ship is shown here passing the town of Dunoon on her port side, the hills behind with the remnants of the previous day's snowfall.    

   The next four images were taken from Cloch Lighthouse on the East side of the Firth, two miles accross opposite Dunoon.


15:22   And now AURORA was slowly approaching the container terminal.

    Passing Greenock Esplanade :  tug ANGLEGARTH had met AURORA off Fort Matilda (= at the west end of Greenock Esplanade) and was closing to the stern of the container ship to attach a tow line.

Tug ANGLEGARTH assisting at stern of AURORA

Tug ANGLEGARTH assisting AURORA to berth at West end of container berth

15:35   AURORA approaching the container berth at Greenock Ocean Terminal

News Event

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 0930
SKUA (2010-- Pilot Boat Interceptor Class 48 : 14.5m overall and operational speed of 24 knots of Peel Ports and based in Clyde at Greenock, Scotland) Own Page

Pilot Boat SKUA leaves Estuary Control, Greenock to board Pilot onto SCOT TRADER off Gourock

Ship's locationEstuary Control, Greenock OceanTerminal (Firth of Clyde,Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLiverpool (England, UK)
Sailing forTo meet and board Pilot onto incoming SCOT TRADER off Gourock (Firth of Clyde)

News Event

Monday, February 17, 2025 @ 1054
Own Page

How do the entries on your website work ? ....... e-mail on 17 February 2025

By e-mail 17 February 2025 from Stephen (Bristol, England, UK)

How do the entries on your website work ?

Douglas replies :

   Essentially there are two methods of adding / editing or deleting entries on the website.

   The main entry  is that what the viewer / reader will see when looking at the website.   That is

   The Home page (front page) is the first page you would see.

   At the top is usually an image / photograph simply to show roughly what type of items are on the website.   Some items from the past and present are also shown.


   At the top left-hand corner is "Search Events"

  This is the Search tool .... every entry on the website can be found by using this tool.


   Next tool is "Latest Entries"      This shows the latest 100 interesting / colourful / unusual / informative / news-worthy items which have been put onto the website.     NOTE that it is the latest 100 interesting ..... etc.  Of course these 100 items are also on the Search tool. 

Why 100 items ?

     A reader may only want to see the most interesting / colourful etc. items and may not want the commonplace ... example ... ship movements, changing berth and the like, so we decided upon the 100 interesting items which will constantly update. 


When 101-st item is added then the item at 100-th will drop off, so that only 100 items remain on the list.   The items which drop-off are still to be found on the Search Tool, and are certainly not lost into oblivion or cyber-space.


And there is the other method of adding / editing or deleting entries on the website.

   This is used by the site's Administrators and Moderators.      You will understand that these wonderfull and enthusiastic people can use a method which does not add items to "100 Latest Entries" .... for example, an Administrator in Australia has just added around thirty items of "Ships in Port at Melbourne, Australia in January 1962."   These 30 individual entries are on the "Search Tool" and can be found by using the ship's name or a Search-by-date.


Hope this clarifies the Entries / Events question. 

News Event

Thursday, October 6, 1966 @ 1845
THORSORIENT (1964-1975 General cargo ship 462 feet overall of Norse Oriental Line / Thor Dahl Hvalfangerselskap og A/S Ornen, Sandefjord, Norway : 1978 scrapped at Santander, Spain) Own Page

THORSORIENT arrives in Sydney (Australia) after being damaged by huge seas and wind in Bass Strait

Arrived fromMelbourne (State of Victoria, Australia)Port of RegistrySandefjord (Norway)
Arrived in berthSydney (State of New South Wales, Australia)Gross Tonnage5,684
Master of vessel on arrivalCaptain Rolf RoedDeadweght Tonnage9,398
Ships agentH. C. Sleigh, Sydney, Australia

Contributed by Frank Fisher (Sydney, Australia)

News Event

Wednesday, May 5, 1954 @ 0800
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
PALAMCOTTA (1945-1961 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) Own Page

British India's PALAMCOTTA at Colombo (Ceylon) slightly damaged after a fire in her cargo of coal

Ship's locationColombo (Ceylon = in 1972 renamed as Sri Lanka)Port of RegistryLondon (England, U.K.)
Arrived fromCalcutta (India)Gross Tonnage6,704
Cargo carried on arrivalCoal 8,000 tons for Ceylon Government Railways

News Event

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1535
ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

ARGYLE approaching Wemyss Bay Pier from Rothesay

Ship's locationApproaching Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) inbound with passengers and vehicles from RothesayPort of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Arrived fromRothesay, Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)
Cargo carried on arrivalPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

ARGYLE is now raising her bow visor as approaching the vehicle ramp at Wemyss Bay

News Event

Tuesday, October 8, 1968 @ 1000
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
CITY OF PORT ELIZABETH (1952-1971 Passenger / cargo liner of Ellerman Line, London)) Own Page

Ellerman's CITY OF PORT ELIZABETH at Cape Town (South Africa) in 1968

Ship's locationCape Town (South Africa)Port of RegistryLondon (England, UK)
Ships agentEllerman & Bucknall (Pty) Ltd., Port Elizabeth (South Africa)

Image contributed by Martin H (London)

News Event

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1505
BUTE (2005- IMO 9319741 Passenger / Ro-ro ferry 72m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

BUTE leaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) for Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde)

Ship's locationLeaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) for Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Sailing forRothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland)
Sailed from berthWemyss Bay (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1320
SVITZER WARDEN (2007- Tug 24m long of Svitzer Towage) Own Page

SVITZER WARDEN passing Custom House Quay, Greenock to meet incoming tanker DAN CISNE

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryU.K.
Arrived fromInchgreen Wall, Greenock (Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage207
Sailing forTo meet incoming tanker DAN CISNE at entrance to Loch LongDeadweght Tonnage150

News Event

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1422
DAN CISNE (2011-- Crude Oil / Shuttle Tanker IMO No: 9513440 : 207m overall of Knutsen Group / Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, Haugesund, Norway) Own Page

DAN CISNE passes Dunoon in the Firth of Clyde on her way to Finnart Oil Terminal

Ship's locationPassing Dunoon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) inbound for Finnart Oil TerminalPort of RegistryKobenhavn (= Copenhagen, Denmark)
Arrived fromDumbarton Oil Field (Central North Sea)Gross Tonnage36,303
Sailing forJetty 3, Finnart Oil Terminal, Loch Long (Scotland, UK) Deadweght Tonnage57,625
Cargo carried on arrivalCrude oil

The tanker is now altering course to head for thr entrance to Loch Long where she will meet the three tugs SVITZER WARDEN, SVITZER MILFORD and ANGLEGARTH who will escort her to the Finnart Oil Terminal.

News Event

Sunday, July 23, 1967 @ 0110
ADELAIDE STAR (1950-1975 Refrigerated cargo liner 574 feet overall of Blue Star Line / Lamport & Holt Line, London)) Own Page

ADELAIDE STAR arrives at King George V Dock, Glasgow to load cargo for Australia

Arrived fromLondon (England, UK)Port of RegistryLondon (England, UK)
Arrived in berth2 King George V Dock, Shieldhall, Govan, Glasgow (Scotland, UK) with her head south
Sailing forStobcross Crane, Glasgow then to Australia for Fremantle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane
Sailed from berth2 King George V Dock, Shieldhall, Govan, Glasgow (Scotland, UK) with her head south
Draught forward on arrival16 feet
Draught aft on arrival22 feet
Cargo carried on arrivalLight ship = no cargo on board
Commened loading outward cargo23 July at 0800
Outward cargoGeneral cargo (part outwards) 1,800 tons
Stevedore loading outward cargoStrathclyde Stevedores
Heavy lifts loaded25 July loaded 9 lifts total 125 tons : 26 July loaded 6 lifts total 83 tons, all by NEWSHOT
Completed loading outward cargo26 July at 2045
Draught forward on sailing18 feet 6 inches
Draught aft on sailing28 feet 3 inches
Ships agentJ J S Nowery & Co. Ltd., 93 Hope Street, Glasgow C.3. Tel. 041-221-3775
Sailed0230 on 27 July, moving upriver to Stobcross Crane, Glasgow

Images contributed by Tony Fletcher

Adelaide Star alongside at Wellington

Adelaide Star alongside at Lyttelton

Adelaide Star ~ BSL Postcard

News Event

Wednesday, July 23, 1952 @ 1000
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
UNITED STATES (1952-1969 Passenger liner 990 feet long (302 metres) of United States Lines, New York) Own Page

Postcard of maiden voyage of UNITED STATES, date stamp 23 July 1952 at Isle of Wight, England

Ship's locationArriving at Southampton (England, UK)Port of RegistryNew York City (USA)

News Event

Sunday, February 18, 1968 @ 1000
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
SAVANNAH (1962-1972 Nuclear powered cargo / 60-passenger ship 596 feet 181.66m overall of US Maritime Administration / States Marine Lines / American Export -Isbrandtsen Lines : 1981 - Museum ship) Own Page

Postcard showing nuclear powered ship SAVANNAH passing through the Panama Canal

Ship's locationPassing through the Panama CanalPort of RegistrySavannah (Georgia, USA)
Gross Tonnage13,599
Deadweght Tonnage9,900

NS Savannah
NS Savannah reaching the Golden Gate Bridge in 1962
 United States
Owner US Maritime Administration[1]
Port of registry Savannah
Ordered 1955
Builder New York Shipbuilding CorporationCamden, New JerseyUnited States
Cost $46,900,000 ($18,600,000 for the ship, and $28,300,000 for the nuclear plant and fuel)
Yard number 529[2]
Launched July 21, 1959[2]
Sponsored by Mamie Eisenhower
Completed December 1961[2]
Acquired May 1, 1962[2]
Maiden voyage August 20, 1962[2]
In service 1964[2]
Out of service January 10, 1972[2]
Status Museum ship
General characteristics
Type Nuclear-powered cargo ship
Tonnage 13,599 gross register tons (GRT); 9,900 long tons deadweight (DWT)[2]
Length 596 ft (181.66 m)
Beam 78 ft (23.77 m)
Installed power One 74 MW Babcock & Wilcox nuclear reactor (LEU <= 4.6%[3]) powering two De Laval steam turbines[2]
Propulsion 20,300 hp (15,100 kW) (designed) single shaft
  • 21 knots (39 km/h; 24 mph) (service speed)[2]
  • 24 knots (44 km/h; 28 mph) (maximum speed)
Range 300,000 nmi (560,000 km; 350,000 mi) at 20 knots (37 km/h; 23 mph) on one single load of 32 fuel elements
  • 60 passengers
  • 14,040 ton cargo capacity
Crew 124
Savannah (nuclear ship)

News Event

Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 1745
Own Page

When Grangemouth Refinery closes will tankers still come to Finnart and Rothesay Dock, Clydebank


17:45 on 10 February 2025

E-mail from David (Dumbarton, Scotland)

   Grangemouth Oil Refinery (near to Edinburgh, Scotland) is Scotland's only refinery and is due to close in summer 2025.

   When it closes will oil tankers still keep coming to Finnart Terminal in Loch Long and also to the Fuel Terminal at Rothesay Dock, Clydebank  ?


News Event

Thursday, June 10, 1965 @ 1400
The actual date and time are unknown and details shown here are our best estimate
CRUISER (1953-1969 Shiphandling Tug 122 feet 5 inches overall of Steel & Bennie Tugowners, Glasgow : 1969 sold and renamed ARDNEIL) Own Page

Tug CRUISER passing Springfield Quay, Glasgow

Ship's locationRiver Clyde at Glasgow (Scotland, UK) passing Springfield QuayPort of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Ships agentSteel & Bennie Ltd., tug owners, GlasgowGross Tonnage304

Image contributed by Jim Henderson.   The correct date and time of the photograph are unknown and the parts shown here are simply an estimate.

   In the background at Lancefield Quay, Glasgow are two Burns & Laird vessels, LAIRDSGLEN (on the left) and SCOTTISH COAST (on the right)

  As a little snippet of information, CRUISER was sold in 1969 to Ardrossan Harbour Company and renamed ARDNEIL and remained working at Ardrossan until being sold in 1978 

News Event

Saturday, August 25, 1973 @ 0800
BENCAIRN (1970-1975 General / refrigerated cargo liner (formerly Ellerman's CITY OF BRISBANE) of Ben Line Steamers, Edinburgh) Own Page

Ben Line's BENCAIRN voyage diary from August 1973 to delivered to shipbreakers in March 1975

Port of RegistryLeith (Scotland)
Gross Tonnage10,595
Deadweght Tonnage13,249

BENCAIRN leaving Cape Town (South Africa) probably to be for Hamburg (Germany) on 7 November 1974    Image contributed.

News Event

Friday, June 4, 1965 @ 1000
ASHTON (1938-1965 a twin-screw 72-Passenger ferry 63 feet long of British Railways Board / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) Own Page

1965 Advert for Caledonian Steam Packet's ASHTON and LEVEN offered for sale

Ship's locationGreenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (UK)
Net Tonnage17
Gross Tonnage38

News Event

Friday, February 7, 2025 @ 2025
GLEN SANNOX (2024- Ro-ro ferry 102.4m 336 feet overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) Own Page

New Caledonian MacBrayne ferry GLEN SANNOX booked in to Greenock for snagging repairs

Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)


From BBC Scotland online news 7 February 2025

New CalMac ferry booked in for snagging repairs


A black and white ship with red funnels in the early morning lightImage source,PA Media
Image caption,

CalMac described the performance of Glen Sannox since entering service as "first class"

  • Published
    7 February 2025

The latest ferry to join Scotland's CalMac's west coast fleet is to be taken out of service for a week for snagging repairs.

MV Glen Sannox will move to Greenock from Sunday 23 February, six weeks after entering service, for "planned essential maintenance", the ferry operator said.

During the week, a permanent fix will be made for an issue with the ship's anchor mechanism which was identified last year, and several other "minor remedial issues" will be dealt with.

MV Isle of Arran will be redeployed to cover Troon to Arran services until Glen Sannox returns to service on Monday 3 March.


Glen Sannox, built by the Ferguson shipyard in Port Glasgow, has been at the centre of a long-running political controversy after a series of issues led to delays and cost overruns.

But CalMac said the new ship, the first large vessel to join the fleet in a decade, had performed exceptionally well since it began scheduled sailings on 13 January.

A spokesperson said: "MV Glen Sannox's performance since entering service has been first class.

"We're delighted with how resilient she has proven, particularly when operating in weather conditions which have led to other services on the network being disrupted.

"We anticipate losing a number of return sailings to technical issues when any new vessel enters service, but MV Glen Sannox has outperformed our expectations."

A black and white ship with red funnels. The ships has a dated appearance. Image source,Tom Lennon
Image caption,

The "Auld Trooper" MV Isle of Arran will cover services while Glen Sannox is away for maintenance

A problem with the retrieval mechanism for the emergency anchors was identified during the ship's final approval trials by regulators, but a temporary solution was agreed so that the ship could enter service in January.

Replacement parts have now arrived, and these will be fitted at Inchgreen, just a short distance downriver from the Ferguson shipyard which is still building an identical sister vessel, Glen Rosa.

The 41-year-old MV Isle of Arran, which will provide cover for Glen Sannox, is also a Ferguson-built ship.

Nicknamed "The Auld Trooper" by ferry users because of its longevity, the ship is currently operating between Oban and Craignure on the Isle of Mull.

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1239
SOUND OF SEIL (2013- roro ferry of Western Ferries, Hunters Quay, Scotland) Own Page

SOUND OF SEIL (on left) and SOUND OF SOAY (on right) pass in Firth of Clyde (Scotland, UK)

Ship's locationFirth of Clyde (Scotland, UK) : between McInroy's Point and Hunter's QuayPort of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1543
Own Page

Garvel Drydock, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) with HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS and CALEDONIAN ISLES

Ship's locationGarvel Drydock, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1520
PRINCE MADOG (2001- Research vessel 34.9 metres long of University of Bangor, Wales / Managed by P & O Maritime Services, London, UK) Own Page

PRINCE MADOG at Dales Marine Services, James Watt Dock, Greenock for maintenance

Ship's locationDales Marine Services, James Watt Dock, Greenock (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryBeaumaris (Wales, UK)
Gross Tonnage390

Research Vessel Prince Madog

State-of-the-art, purpose built research vessel commissioned by Bangor University using a £2.8 million Joint Infrastructure Fund grant. Managed and operated by P&O Maritime Services, delivered and in service July 2001.

The vessel enables the UK's marine scientists to study the biology, chemistry, geology and physics of our seas. Designed to take up to ten scientists and 20 students.  The School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor and other university departments in the UK also use the vessel as a teaching platform, training the next generation of marine scientists.

Full details and specifications

Prince Madog (P&O Maritime Services)

Build Number 3485

Gross Tonnes 390 tonnes

Length Overall 34.9m

Breadth Moulded 8.5m

Draft max 3.5m

Endurance 10 days between ports

Scientific Berths 9 + 1

Crew 8

Constructed Visser, 2001

Design Speed 10.5 knots

Actual Speed 12 knots

Propulsion 1080kW

Bow Thruster 150kW


Reson 7125 dual frequency (200 kHz and 400 kHz) SeaBat Multi-beam system.

Teledyne RD Instruments (RDI) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling system 300 kHz

Simrad HPR-410P Hydroacoustic Positioning reference system

Simrad EK60 Scientific echosounder 120kHz and 38kHz split beam transducers

Geoacoustics 5 to 7 kHz Pinger

QTC Seabed discrimination system

Underway sampling and meteorological package

Water purification system

Walker Marine Aquaprobe speedlog

Trimble DGPS 12 channel receiver

Scientific Fridge and Freezer

Seabird SBE 911plus CTD with SBE32 water sampler

CTD cable

1000m Hydrographic winch

Telephone +44 (0)1248 382902 

Satellite phone: 00870 323523411 

School Fax +44 (0)1248 716367 


Who was Prince Madog? 

According to Welsh legend, Madog was one of the sons of Owain, Prince of Gwynedd (North Wales). On the death of his father in 1170, Madog is supposed to have set sail with a shipload of companions on a westward course. He is reputed to have reached America, left some of his party, returned to Wales for additional compatriots, and repeated the crossing of the Atlantic. As a result of this story the belief grew up that somewhere in North America there existed a tribe of white Indians who spoke perfect Welsh, produced supposedly by the inter-marriage of the original Welsh seafarers and indigenous inhabitants as in Patagonia today.

As for Madog himself, there is no historical proof of his existence. A medieval poem refers to Madog ab Owain Gwynedd as a sailor; and, quite probably, the Welsh Tudors used the story for propaganda purposes to challenge Spanish claims to the New World. Romantically, however, and particularly in view of the maritime traditions of North Wales, it is perhaps fitting that this research vessel should bear the name of Madog, the legendary marine explorer of an earlier age.

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1427
SD ORONSAY (2000- IMO 9201607 Naval Auxiliary passenger ferry 27m long) Own Page

SD ORONSAY passes Custom House Quay, Greenock on her way from Faslane to Great Harbour

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLondon (England, U.K.)
Arrived fromHMNB (= His Majesty's Naval Base) Faslane (Gare Loch, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage199
Sailing forGreat Harbour, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage109

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1113
BUTE (2005- IMO 9319741 Passenger / Ro-ro ferry 72m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

BUTE leaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) for Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde)

Ship's locationLeaving Wemyss Bay Pier (Firth of Clyde) for Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Sailing forRothesay (Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers and vehicles
Ships agentCaledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1300
ARGYLL FLYER (in 2023 a 188 passenger ferry 30m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

Caledonian MacBrayne's ARGYLL FLYER on passage from Dunoon to Gourock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland)

Ship's locationOn passage from Dunoon to Gourock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, UK)
Outward cargoPassengers

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1521
LOCH PORTAIN (2003- Ro-ro passenger ferry 50m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) Own Page

Caledonian MacBrayne's LOCH PORTAIN at Dales Marine Services, James Watt Dock, Greenock

Ship's locationDales Marine Services, James Watt Dock, Greenock (Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGlasgow

LOCH PORTAIN is specially designed for the Berneray – Leverburgh shallow water service on Harris in the Outer Hebrides in the Western Isles of Scotland

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1400
SD IMPETUS (1993- Tug IMO 9050802 : 32.53m overall length of Serco Marine Services, London) Own Page

SD IMPETUS was passing Custom House Quay, Greenock on her way to Great Harbour (Greenock)

Ship's locationPassing Custom House Quay, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryLondon (England, UK)
Arrived fromHMNB (= His Majesty's Naval Base) Faslane (Gare Loch, Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage319
Sailing forGreat Harbour, Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage92

News Event

Thursday, February 6, 2025 @ 1255
AILA (2018- Container Ship IMO 9354337 MMSI 230985000 : 141m overall length of Langh Ship, Piikkio, Finland) Own Page

AILA passing Cloch Lighthouse (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) inbound to Greenock Ocean Terminal

Ship's locationPassing Cloch Lighthouse (Firth of Clyde, Scotland) inbound to West Berth Greenock Ocean Terminal Port of RegistryHelsinki (Finland)
Arrived fromLiverpool (England, UK)Gross Tonnage9,131 tons
Sailing forWest Berth, Greenock Ocean Terminal (Scotland, UK)Deadweght Tonnage11,497
Cargo carried on arrivalContainers

12:55   AILA had boarded a Clyde Pilot from the Pilot Boat MOUNT STEWART at Cumbrae Head (the Isle of Great Cumbrae) and was making her way through the Firth of Clyde to the container berth at Greenock Ocean Terminal. 

 The next two images were taken as she was passing Cloch Lighthouse (near Gourock)


13:28   AILA approaching Greenock Ocean Terminal where she will berth at the West end (under the container cranes)

News Event

Friday, September 2, 1955 @ 1000
SAXONIA (1954- 1963 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) Own Page

SAXONIA tourist class passenger list for passage from Montreal (Canada) for Greenock and Liverpool

Ship's locationAt Montreal (Canada) commencing passage for Greenock and LiverpoolPort of RegistryLiverpool (England, UK)
Gross Tonnage21,637

News Event

Monday, November 18, 2024 @ 1330
HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS (1989- Passenger cruise ship 72m 236ft long of Hebridean Island Cruises, Skipton, England) Own Page

HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS arriving at James Watt Dock, Greenock for winter lay-up

Ship's locationArriving at James Watt Dock, Greenock (Scotland, UK) ... tugs CMS WRESTLER and CMS BOXERPort of RegistryGlasgow (Scotland, U.K.)
Arrived fromCustom House Quay, Greenock (Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage2,112
Cargo carried on arrivalLight ship = no passengers on board
Ships agentHebridean Island Cruises (Skipton, England, UK)

Latest Comments

This shows the 100 latest comments.



On 25 March 1966, RAVNEFJELL at 30 Prince's Dock, Glasgow loaded 2 lifts by WRC, total 48 tons 10 hundredweights.   What was WRC ?????


E-mail from Nelson (Liverpool)        16 June 2024


   I am interested in your latest Clan Line item about CLAN ROSS at Birkenhead in 1958.

  Does anyone know the address of the Cayzer Irvine and Clan Line office in Liverpool in 1958 ?




Any information please on 

   motor launch / cruiser PIONEER at Glasgow Riverside Museum


  the unknown workboat at Govan Pontoon, Glasgow

these vessels may have been involved in the construction of the new Govan Bridge in January 2024.




CLAN MACKINNON at New York in March 1954

  Yes, Clan Line's CLAN MACKINNON arrived in New York (USA) from London in March 1954.   This is well outwith the usual Clan Line trading areas.   Any suggestions as to why CLAN MACKINNON would be in New York  ?


Harrison Line memories : the song Matilda by Harry Belafonte


Contributed by Jim (Birkenhead)  28 April 2024


I spent many enjoyable years with Harrison Line of Liverpool.


One of the memories when on the West Indies run was when in the Caribbean and in the ship’s crew mess or over the ship’s loudspeakers music was played.  

Harry Belafonte was always enjoyed, and when he sang Matilda, Coconut woman  and island in the sun all over the ship the crew would accompany him, singing out loudly, especially the word Matilda .   It it was amazing to hear everyone blasting out Matilda  at the top of their voices.


A few years after leaving Harrison’s I was at Bidston Dock and met an old shipmate from TACTICIAN and ADVENTURER.  He was walking his dog.  It’s name was Matilda.


A question for everyone, for something that has puzzled me was in Belafonte's song Matilda, who was Matilda and what was her story.    Does anyone know?




AHMADU BELLO  (1963-1981) of Nigerian National Line

Contributed by J. (Engineer, London)  by e-mail 22 April 2024

   Does anyone remember AHMADU BELLO (1963-1981) a general cargo ship of Nigerian National Line : a frequent visitor to London, Birkenhead, Glasgow and Tees Dock.



Walter Runciman / Moor Line’s CRAGMOOR


E-mail received 26 August 2022

I was staggered to read about Moor Line’s CRAGMOOR in your Latest Entries.   My father sailed in that ship in 1961-62.  Mostly a Newcastle and Sunderland crew.    Have you the details of those times.

 Name is not shown, by request.

 Douglas replies :    Yes, I’ve got the details from the Chief Officers Log Books.   There’s an awful lot in the books, maybe 100 large pages or so and masses of daily detail.   Let me know on CONTACT US what you actually want and I’ll see what can be done.  Thanks for your message.


Does anyone remember Hogarth’s BARON FORBES which was

scrapped in 1953


Tracing a discharge book left aboard in 1959.

 E-mail 13 November 2020

From Murdo MacPherson

 Does anybody remember the rent boat BARON FORBES an old

ex-german ship the worst ship I sailed in she was scrapped

in 1953,  forecastle accommodation one trip was enough

The captain Mcphail was strict
ps I left my discharge book on an Everard ship in Goole

in 1959 got any ideas how I can trace it


Isthmian Steamship Lines of USA

E-mail October 10  2020 

 From Bobby Ford  (USA)

Do you have anything about Isthmian Steamship Lines,

or anyone remember them, who did freighter service

from India and Far East in 1950 / 60’s.

   Any memories of the "STEEL" boats  ?


What do you want (or not want) on this website ?

    It is the time of year to ask you, the readers, what you want  -  or

do not want  -  on this website.

    More of this, or less of that, or maybe something new ?

    Please let us know what you want, so that we can try to provide the material which is of interest to YOU.

    Also we are always interested in receiving material from our readers.   So, wherever you are in the world, how about sending

stories, images or items to put in the website ?

 Thank you.  11 August 2020


Information needed on Cunard Line's ASCANIA (1911-1918)

10th August 2020    E-mail from a viewer. 

Cunard Lines ASCANIA  (1911-1918)

 I am wondering if you might have more information and pictures

on the Vessel Ascania - Shipping line Cunard 1911-1918

Master - SGS Mihal.

This is a ship that my grandfather travelled from Southampton,

England to HalifaxNova ScotiaCanada in 1914.

Please any information would help.

Thank You


Where did the Royal Navy families from H.M.S.MAIDSTONE stay in Rothesay ?

    Port of Registry Admiralty (Royal Navy, London)


Where did the Royal Navy families stay in Rothesay ?


E-mail 03 June 2020 from Helen G (Glasgow)


   As a young girl in 1960s my parents and I often visited my

aunt in Rothesay …(Isle of Bute, Firth of Clyde,)

   It was exciting to see a big Royal Navy ship, I remember

her name was MAIDSTONE, and she was anchored in the bay. 

  There was always submarines about her and sailors in

uniform in the town.

   My aunt used to tell that some sailors and their families

stayed in “Navy Houses” in Rothesay.   Does anyone know

where the houses were ?


Song about the Clyde and the musical band on Glasgow excursion steamers in 1950s / 60s


Email from Margaret Rose (nee Wilson)   May 31 2020 Montreal  


In the early 1960s my family emigrated from Scotland to Montreal(Canada).

   Dad always used to tell of sailing down the Clyde from

Glasgow on excursion steamers and there was a musical

band aboard which played Scottish tunes to entertain


   A favourite song was something about the Clyde.   I know

it’s a long shot but does anyone know the name of the

song and the band ?


Lightship ALBATROSS built at Robbs Shipyard, Leith in 1927

E-Mail from a viewer   31 May 2020

Hello- I wonder if anyone can please help. I am researching a lightship built at Robbs shipyard in 1927. Her name is Albatross and I believe she was built in yard 30. I would dearly love to see her build plans but I know that is a massive ask. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks


Cruise ships may be laid up in the Clyde


22 May 2020



From Jimmy Johnston (Paisley)


   In the news they are talking about laying up idle cruise liners in the Clyde.   Where in the Clyde or even in Scotland could be good places to put these big ships.


e-mail from Tommy Robertson   (Dumbarton)

21 May 2020


Elder Dempster / Blue Funnel ship scrapped at Dalmuir (Glasgow) around 1980


Does anyone know the name of the Alfred Holt Blue Funnel

ship that was scrapped at the Arnott Young yard at Dalmuir. 

  She was definitely a Blue Funnel job but had the Elder

Dempster buff funnel.


Paddle Steamers at Pusser River, Chalna, Bangladesh


E-mail 23 March 2020 from N.L. of Cardiff, Wales


   I was looking at your item on the WAVERLEY which calls herself the “Last seagoing paddle steamer in the World.”

  It reminded me of the last time I was at Chalna (Pusser River, Bangladesh) in early 1980s where there were many largish paddle steamers about 300 feet (100 metres) long chugging around.  

   I never thought of what they were doing, maybe bringing the gangs of workers to the anchorage to load Jute (who remembers the biting Jute Flies) onto the ships, or maybe taking passengers to some place downriver.

   But these were big working paddle steamers.   Does anyone else remember them ?


Why was Irish Lights Tender IERNE registered in Liverpool ?

 19 March 2020 @ 1057

J R of Birkenhead e-mails :

   I read your item about the IERNE, a lights tender owned by the Commissioners of Irish Lights, DublinIreland.  

   Why was she registered in Liverpool and not Dublin ? and what was her eventual fate ?


Maclay and McIntyre of Glasgow ships DOMIRA and KASSANGA and a ship LYNFIELD of Stockton on Tees

A viewer e-mails 

   I am particularly looking for some information about a Glasgow Tramp Shipping Co called Maclay and Mc intyre and 2 ships of there's Domira sold 1919 and Kassanga bought 1911 sunk 1917. 

 Also a ship called Lynfield belonging to a shipping co called Field from Stockton on Tees 

Can anyone help ?


Stewardesses and Nurse on Burns & Lairds IRISH COAST in 1966


By e-mail

Does anyone remember the Stewardesses (usually student school-teachers who were working during the summer holidays) and the Nurse who worked on Burns & Lairds IRISH COAST in 1966.

Mary D.


Old Mississippi – type passenger steamer in Sydney (Australia)

Jim Middleton (London) e-mails

29 December 2019

 The BBC news today showed the wild fires at Sydney and the smoke at Sydney Harbour.

   I was surprised to see in the news report, in the background, an old Mississippi type passenger steamer, with two tall abreast funnels (stacks) passing under the Harbour Bridge.

   Can anyone give details of this vessel and its route and timetable ?

   Thanks, JM.


CLAN FRASER and a rope across the dock at Glasgow

 4 November 2019

Jim McGoogan e-mails :

   Your article of CLAN FRASER of 8th January 1964 says a rope was put across King George V Dock, Glasgow while the ship was making an engine trial.

   Why put a rope across the dock and where would the rope be attached to the ship and also attached to the dock ?




Glasgow shipping line Maclay and Mcintyre and ship pictures of DOMIRA 2 and LYNFIELD.


   A reader asks for any information on Glasgow shipping line Maclay and Mcintyre and ship pictures of DOMIRA 2 and LYNFIELD.

   Can anyone help ?

14 September 2019


Where is the “Chapman Anchorage” ???

   Robbie Keen (CarlisleEngland) emails:

 I see in the entry for BENWYVIS that she

was in “Chapman Anchorage.”   Where is

Chapman Anchorage and what would she

 be doing there ???

Robbie.  31 August 2019


Teak fronts on the front of ship's bridges

By Eric S.     8th July 2019

Many cargo vessels and tankers built as late as the 1950s had

teak fronts to their bridges, even though the rest of their

superstructures was steel. Why was this so? Was the teak

front at these late dates merely a design feature, or an echo

of past practice, perhaps, or were there practical reasons?

All comments are welcome.


Can anyone identify this cap badge ?

Samms of Nantwich e-mails:    07 July 2019

 I saw this officer’s cap at a flea market.   Can


anyone identify the cap badge ? 


What shipping Companies served Calcutta, Chalna, Chittagong and Rangoon and what problems did the Monsoon rains and storms cause to the ships ?

By e-mail from R.S. (London)  2 July 2019

    There was a programme on television the other evening

about the Monsoon in the Bay of Bengal.   I was a North

Atlantic man and never ventured to the Far East.

   I wondered what difficulties would be experienced by

ships during the Monsoon season’s heavy rainfall and

swollen rivers and storms.

    And also, I can only think of maybe 3 shipping

companies which regularly traded to the area – Calcutta,

Chalna, Chittagong, Rangoon.   What other companies

were there ?


Where did this ship come from in Sweden ???

Haltst…….. ?????

January 2020 and Bryn Wayt e-mails

A chap was asking where ship came from: the spelling was incorrect using Haltstwik on the 'docket'.

The origin of the ship must have been HALLSTAVIK in Sweden.

The place was/is famous for it paper-mill, hence the ships cargo bound for Belfast.


U.S. Navy supply ships calling at Fairlie (Firth of Clyde)

From Alan and Jean, (Fairlie, Firth of ClydeScotland)

20 May 2019  @ 1540

    We were very interested in your mention of U.S.S. YELLOWSTONE

at Tail-of-the Bank.

   It reminded us in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s when U.S. Navy

supply ships were common callers at the Navy jetty at Fairlie,

bringing stores for the Holy Loch vessels, and the stores

were taken from Fairlie to Holy Loch in the Ross & Marshall

lighters and small coasters.

   The U.S. ships were quite colourful (colorful) with their

grey hulls and their funnels (stacks) painted grey with yellow

and blue bands.

   Our favourite, her name began with M, not quite sure but

could be MARSHFIELD or MARSHLAND ….. or something like

that, was obviously a WW2 type but always immaculate

 and a frequent caller.

   Does anyone else remember these ships calling at

the Clyde ?


Alan and Jean.


Clyde Navigation Trust launches NEWARK, GARMOYLE and DUNGLASS


 14 March 2019   @ 1239

Richard Danielson e-mails

 The Clyde Navigation Trust harbour launches: Newark, Garmoyle and Dunglass have had little written about them. 

I have a photo showing two of them (which two I cannot tell) giving a tow to the Duchess of Hamilton to help her turn at Bridge Wharf in 1969. 

Please ask anyone who knows about the work of the launches to get in touch with me by email.

Richard Danielson.


Admin Note :

   For safety and security of our readers we do not normally show e-mail addresses.    Any reply to this interesting question should be made to our “CONTACT US” and we will forward the message to Richard.


20 March 2019  @ 1604


Jim Howie  (Partick, Glasgow)


   I am replying to Richard’s query about the small boats at Glasgow.

   Sorry to disappoint you Richard but there was a small but bulky booklet produced possibly about 50 years ago that described in great detail all the Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority vessels.   I did have a copy but it’s been lost.


In 1960’s the Clyde Trust / Authority had quite a few vessels.


12 Hopper Barges.

1 Dumb grab hopper barge.

1 Tug CLYDE.

4 high-level Vehicular Ferryboats : FINNIESTON, GOVAN and WHITEINCH.  The remaining one was a spare in case of breakdowns.

3 chain-operated ferries : RENFREW and ERSKINE.  The remaining one was a spare in case of breakdowns.

11 passenger ferryboats.

1 60-ton floating crane NEWSHOT.

1 Diving Bell barge.

2 Divers’ motor boats.

1 Oil Separating Barge PLOVER

3 motor launches NEWARK, GARMOYLE and DUNGLASS.

1 Hydrographic Survey launch CRANNOG.

And a number of very small rope boats which were used in the docks and piers to bring the mooring ropes from ships to the pawls on the dockside.


I think CRANNOG did an awful lot of the surveying for the placement for both Finnart and Hunterston jetties.

And around mid 1990s NEWARK was fitted with an A-frame at the stern and spent a week in Ardrossan Harbour dragging the bottom of Eglinton Dock to clear all debris prior to the construction of the Marina in the dock.

   The motor launches normally berthed at the Trust / Authority workshops at Renfrew although at odd times they laid alongside the dredgers and hoppers in Queen’s Dock.


   If you would care to put the photograph on this site I have a friend who may be able to identify the boats in question.


Jim Howie.


Looking for images / photos of BALLYGALLY HEAD of 1950s

 23 January 2019  1011

Joseph McGurk Jr. e-mails

Hi, I am looking for any photos of the tramp steam ship, BALLYGALLY HEAD, I think

there were two built, one in the late 1800s and the other in the mid 1950s

   I would appreciate if you could find any as it would make my father very happy as

he sailed on her

   Thank you, regards Joseph mc gurk jr


Renfrew Harbour, Firth of Clyde, around 1980

    January 2019 : Robert Orr contributed this image of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority HOPPER No. 25 at their wharf at their workshops at Renfrew Harbour around 1980.


   Does anyone have any idea what the other ships are ?


The advert for paddle steamer EAGLE 111 in 1937

 6th  January 2019.

   James Barrowman (Brighton, England) e-mails :

I am an enthusiast for paddle steamers and read your item on EAGLE 111.

   The advertisement shows the ship departing from Glasgow (Bridge Wharf) s. s.

   Assuming that s.s. does not mean Steam Ship, can anyone help with what s.s. means ?

   Thanks, Jim Barrowman.

7th January 2019 

   J.S. (Pollokshaws, Glasgow) replies :

The River Clyde runs generally east to west through

the centre of Glasgow and essentially divides the city

into two halves, the  “North Side” and the “South Side.”

   In the past and even today people talk of coming

from or living in the South Side.

   Up to around 1970’s passenger excursion steamers

and cross-channel to Ireland steamers left Broomielaw,

Anderston Quay and Lancefield Quay on the North Side

and in the summer months left Bridge Wharf on the

South Side (hence S.S.) on excursions “Doon the Watter”

= Down the Water = sailing down the River Clyde to

Clyde piers such as Dunoon and Rothesay and


   The advert mentions the steamer calling at Govan

 Wharf and Renfrew to pick up passengers.

   Today Govan Wharf is only recognisable by a derelict

and ruined few baulks of timber.   It was situated on the

South Bank essentially between the Govan Drydocks

(now also derelict) and the Bae Shipyard (formerly Fairfields

yard) and beside the playing field between Wanlock Street

and Dunvegan Street, Govan.   Up to the 1960s the

small Govan Passenger Ferry used to ply from near

Govan Wharf across the river to the east end of Meadowside


   It was news to me that excursion steamers stopped

at Renfrew.   I have no idea where the stop was located.

   Perhaps someone can help.


Ref The advert for paddle steamer EAGLE 111 in 1937.

12 January 2019   Robert Orr replies :

The steamer berth at Renfrew was on the river bank at 'The Green' in

Renfrew and as far as I'm aware was destroyed during the 'Clydebank

Blitz' in 1941, (this being air attacks on the town of Clydebank on the

opposite bank of the Clyde, home amongst other things to John Browns

shipyard). If you go to Google maps and search Clyde Street Renfrew

the bollards for mooring ropes are still visible at the edge of the Green.

The Scania Yard visible in street view was the start of the land


occupied by Simons and Lobnitz shipyards in Renfrew.



Questions about Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line in 1960's

10 December 2018   Geoff in Australia e-mails :

I was on the Ulysses which traded between the Far East,mainly Indonesia and the East Coast and Gulf of the US.I understand it was a route which belonged to the Indra Line which Holts acquired in 1915. I believe that it may have been incorporated into a round the world service later.My time was during the late 50s and ended in 1960.

Crews during my time consisted of Europeans on deck and Chinese in the engine room, and catering,on ships trading from Liverpool. The Ulysses had Malays on deck and Chinese in the engine room,I cant remember who were the catering staff.

Gunung Djati was the name of the leading Javanese Haji and Islamic missionary.


With regards to crewing, the Dutch arm of Blue Funnel had all Chinese crews with Dutch officers, certainly in the 1950s.



Ellerman’s CITY OF EXETER at Plymouth in 1958    

I was quite surprised to read that CITY OF EXETER called

at Plymouth in 1958.   Was Plymouth a normal call for Ellerman

African service passenger liners?

   Jim Hesketh, Liverpool 


12 November 2018


TWEED, a 1959-built 112 foot water carrier of

Furness Withy, Port of Spain, Trinidad

 James R. (Avonmouth, England) e-mails :

    Looking at your list of ships I was surprised to see

TWEED of Furness Withy, a 112 foot water tanker at

Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

   Anyone have information on this ship ?


Can anyone name this British coaster ?


05 November 2018

Billy Fullarton writes :

  I took this photograph in 1970s or 1980s at Ardrossan

HarbourScotland.   Can anyone name this coaster. ?


   I think her name ends in SOUND.


British & Irish KILKENNY in 1935

Does anyone have details of this ship in 1935 ???


Ben Line carried a Naval tug from Trincomali to Gan ???

     I was with Brocklebank’s and sometimes called at

Gan Island in the Indian Ocean to discharge stores for

the RAF overside to landing craft in the lagoon.

   Talking to someone he said that he was on a Ben ship

which carried a small naval tug from Trincomali in

Ceylon to Gan, around late 1960s.

   Anyone know about this ?

    J.S., (Wallasey)


Questions about Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line in 1960's

Jim J. of Liverpool e-mails :

   Around 1966 I was on a Royal Mail or Pacific Steam ship

in Houston / New Orleans area and saw an Alfred Holt Blue

Funnel ship there.

   Can anyone enlighten me as to why a Blue Funnel would

be in the Gulf of Mexico ?

   Also in conversation someone told of Blue Funnel having

Chinese crews on deck and catering.   I had always thought

that Blueys had British crews.   Someone please tell me

what is correct.


Deck cadets Critchley and Doherty on RAMON DE LARRINAGA in 1965

 22 May 2018

 Alan Rutherford e-mails :

   Interested in whereabouts of other deck cadet officers Critchley and Doherty from RAMON DE LARRINAGA in 1965 ?



   Looking for information on some British ships around 1950-1954

 Ian Rae e-mails  ....  4 March 2018 @ 1221

 Great website.

I am trying to find information on some of the voyages my late brother -in-law made.
Blairdevon-this was his first trip, signed on 30 April paid off 12 June 1950.This was a fairly ancient coal burner.Dont know owner
Tahsinia-20Jun-13 Oct 1950-to
Saxon (?) Star-28 Sep -25 April 1952-(paid off Manchester)
Camerionia9 Jun to 10 Sep 1952
Empire Halladale-a troopship-23 Oct 1952 -paid off Birkenhead 22 Jan 1953
Retainer 6 Feb-31 Oct 1953-paid off Antwerp
Cortona 15 Dec 1953-19 Jan 1954

Thereafter he sailed out of London and latterly on Manchester Liners
When I tried your search the year 1951 was missing

Ian Rae



Can anyone identify this USN lapel badge ?

     Dominique and her husband from Lyons (France) were on vacation in Spain and bought this lapel badge in a street market in Tarragona (near Barcelona).

   Can anyone identify the badge ?

2018-02-18 @ 1320


19 May 2018

Hello Douglas,

It's Bryn (Wayt) here - you helped me with the Austerland cargo vessel last year. Thanks again.

This message is about the image of the USN "Anchor pin".
There are loads on eBay just type in "US Navy Petty Officer gold tie pin" 


First ship was CHARLTON MIRA of Charlton Steam Shipping Company, London

Bill Steel e-mails

Charlton Mira was my first ship. Built in Sunderland at Bartram's yard. Doxford 670LB4 diesel oil engine. She had two scotch boilers and steam auxiliaries. Lovely vessel but would roll on wet grass.

17 February 2018 @ 2307


 What is the difference between Agents / General Agents and Freight Brokers ?

    Jim Harrison  (Brighton, England) e-mails :

 I am using the India Steamship Company sailing notice as a simple example, but my question actually can also relate to many other shipping companies.

   The India Company shows that intending shippers can contact the U.K. General Agents Stelp & Leighton or the U.K. Freight Brokers J. H. Wackerbarth.

   My question is : what is the difference between using Agents / General Agents and Freight Brokers ?



   German cargo ship MILLERNTOR in 1954


    In January 1954 the cargo ship MILLERNTOR, registered in Hamburg, 2,787 nett tons and Master T. Goldsweer, arrived at Ardrossan Harbour, Scotland, with a cargo of Iron Ore from Narvik (Norway).


   After unloading she left Ardrossan returning to Narvik.


Does anyone have any information or details of MILLERNTOR ?



" If sufficient inducement "

 James Bridges (Canterbury, England) e-mails –

   Many of your sailing notices show that a ship will go to a port “if sufficient inducement.”      What exactly is “if sufficient inducement ?”

“ If sufficient inducement “


23 January 2019 at 2113

 Geoff  (Australia)  e-mails :


James Bridges (Canterbury, England) e-mails –

 “Many of your sailing notices show that a ship will go to a port “if

sufficient inducement.” What exactly is “if sufficient inducement ?

My understanding of "sufficient inducement" meant if there was

 enough cargo to be lifted to be commercially viable. ”


Was she “ LAIRDS OAK “ or “ LAIRDSOAK ” ?

   Robert Bothwell (Glasgow) e-mails :

I have always had an affection for Burns & Laird Lines of Glasgow and refer to your entry of their coaster LAIRDS OAK in 1954.

   The Ships in Focus book shows her name as LAIRDSOAK but the accompanying photograph clearly shows the name LAIRDS OAK.

   I know it’s a bit pedantic but what was her name, LAIRDS OAK or was it LAIRDSOAK ?  


Harbour oilers CLYDE ENTERPRISE and CLYDE VENTURE in late 1960’s


   Does anyone have details of these two oilers which were working in the Clyde in late 1960’s ?





Coaster BALLYCASTLE in 1953


In 1953 the coaster BALLYCASTLE of John Kelly, Belfast, was at Ardrossan Harbour loading a cargo of coke for Londonderry.   Does anyone have details of this ship ?




   Carebeka's coaster RIAN in 1953


 In December 1953 the Carebeka’s Groningen registered coaster RIAN arrived at Ardrossan Harbour from Hamburg.


   The handwriting in the Harbour Log-book is not easy to read.   The master’s name could be Cloinga or Eloinga : can any Netherlands reader tell what the name is ?


   Also the cargo is shown as  “M of Potash” …. What is “M of Potash” ???


Details needed of Van Nievelt, Goudriaan's ALPHERAT in 1954

When the Blue Star Line cargo ship PARAGUAY STAR was leaving Montevideo for Buenos Aires her docking bridge fouled the housed port anchor of the Dutch cargo ship ALPHERAT.

   The docking bridge sustained displaced and buckled bridge rails and started deck plank caulking.   Repairs at Buenos Aires cost 5,850 Argentinian Pesos.

   PARAGUAY STAR. a passenger and cargo liner of 10,722 gross tons, was on passage from Liverpool for Buenos Aires and ALPHERAT is a passenger and cargo ship of Rotterdam South America Line (Rotterdam-Zuid Amerika Lijn) and operated by Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co. Stoomvaart Maatschappij, Rotterdam.   ALPHERAT is well known for carrying Jewish emigrants from Rotterdam to South America.

Additional note :

Can anyone supply details of ALPHERAT ?


Norwegian Tanker RAILA in 1953


   Does anyone have details of the Tanker RAILA, registered in Oslo, which was working around the British coast in 1953 ?




Elder Dempster services from USA and Canada and Calcutta to Africa.

 Fred from Formby (Merseyside, England, writes


“ I was surprised to read in the Elder Dempster Lines entry of 27th May 1957 that they did sailings from U.S.A. and Canada to West Africa, also Canada to South Africa and also Calcutta to West Africa.


Can someone tell something about these services ? ”



CHANTALA  (Worcester Park, Surrey) writes :

British India Steam Navigation handbook for Hindustani for Navigating Officers and Deck Cadets

   In 1965 when joining BI as a Deck Cadet a necessary handbook was for issuing commands in the Hindustani Language.

   All I can remember now is “Asti aria kurro”

   Does anyone still have the book and can scan or photograph a few pages to show the commands ?



Sailings from Glasgow Bridge Wharf in April, May and June 1968 to Rothesay and Tighnabruaich.


      Thank you so very much for putting in the sailings from Bridge Wharf in Glasgow that I asked for.   Anne G., Isle of Bute



British Army Tank Landing Craft LCT 4086 and her base at Cairnryan in 1954


   Tank Landing Craft LCT 4086 of the British Army’s Royal Army Service Corps arrived at Ardrossan Dockyard in February 1954.   Anyone have details of this vessel and of her life and also details of her base at Cairnryan (which is near Stranraer in south-west Scotland)


Anchor Line advertisement of 1871

    I did laugh on seeing the wonderful Handyside and Henderson address of their office in Londonderry as 96 ½ Foyle Street.

   If anyone is in Londonderry can they please, please take a photograph of that building and post it on this site.

Thank you.

Still laughing

Fred of Formby, Merseyside, England.

11 June 2018  Bryn Wayt replies that the building has been demolished and modern housing has been built on its site




German cargo ship RUHR in 1953


  On 15th December 1953 the German cargo ship RUHR, registered in Hamburg and 1,725 nett tons, Captain Ekelman, brought a cargo of scrap metal from Halifax (Canada) to Ardrossan Harbour.


   Has anyone got any details of this ship ?





British coaster J B KEE in 1957


 Fred of Formby (Merseyside, England) writes :


   I have put in a short article about J B KEE making a distress call on 4th November 1957.


   Anyone have details of this ship ?





Which Donaldson Line ship collided with a Cunard Liner in 1960’s in Quebec or Montreal ?


 Bas Buma (Rotterdam) e-mails ….. translated by Google


   Does anyone remember in 1960’s when a Donaldson cargo ship collided with a Cunard passenger liner, maybe CARINTHIA or SYLVANIA at Quebec or Montreal?   My memory is not good now.




At what time did Union Castle mailships leave South Africa for U.K. ?


 Jim Allbright (London) e-mails :


   I thoroughly enjoy reading your “Conducting their business in Great Waters” articles as they remind me of places and ships of long, long ago.


   Something which I have always pondered – Union Castle passenger liners left Southampton at 4pm on Thursdays for South Africa, --- but did they have a set time, say 4pm when sailing from, for example Cape Town or Durban, when returning to U.K. ?





SUNBEAR of Saguenay Terminals.


   In 1962 Saguenay had chartered a general cargo ship named SUNBEAR.   Does anyone have details of this vessel ?


Can anyone identify or help with a cargo ship AUSTERLAND around 1955-1960 ? === ship is now firmly believed to be AUSTRALIND 

Captain Bryn Wayt writes :

 My father fitted a T/V to a ship that visited the Clyde around the years 1955-60 and I accompanied my him to assist - I was young and have only a limited memory of the event.
The 'Master' invited us both to sail with him "around the world" - so my guess was it was a long-range merchant vessel. It was NOT a "liner" but more of an "ocean freighter".
The name that sticks in my limited memory bank is the "AUSTERLAND".
I've tried various sources to find her, but have not been successful.
I was born and bred in
Glasgow, but I was not acquainted with the Dock in which the ship was anchored to narrow the search.
It was there for at least a week, as the "Master" visited my father's shop and asked for a T/V to be fitted in his vessel.
It took a little time to gather the required bits and bobs to accommodate the order that's why I say a week all told in dock.
Anybody who can give me a clue where to look would be thanked in customer fashion.

James Jeffries replies :

   I saw the message from Captain Wayt and I don’t know off-hand of AUSTERLAND but the name makes me think of AUSTRALIND of the Australind Steam Shipping Company / Bethell, Gwyn & Trinder Anderson & Company, London.

    AUSTRALIND was a 7,214 gross ton tramp cargo ship and was built in 1944 by William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton, for Australind,  and in 1959 was sold to Argus Steam Ship Company, Liberia and renamed PORTALON.

   In 1972 she was scrapped in Santander, Spain.

However it’s an interesting problem and I’ll start looking for an AUSTERLAND


Billy MacAulay (Moderator and Senior Member) writes :

   I have never heard of AUSTERLAND, but as Jim says AUSTRALIND is a possibility as Trinder Anderson vessels were visitors – though not too frequently – to Glasgow - and AUSTRALIND was in Govan Drydock, Glasgow around 1954.

   But I will also look for AUSTERLAND and being a cargo ship will search at Queen’s and Prince’s Docks and surroundings.   It will take some time as there is a lot to plough through.





   Why was LADY McGOWAN IN Loch Riddon ?


 The small I.C.I. explosives carrying coaster LADY McGOWAN was in Loch Riddon on 29 November 1953.


   Loch Riddon is a small Loch situated near Tighnabruaich in the Kyles of Bute, a lonely and sparsely populated hilly area off the main area known as Firth of Clyde, Scotland.


   Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions as to the reason why LADY McGOWAN would be in this unusual locality ?


John Kelly's coaster BALLYCLARE in late 1953.

   In our entries for this ship it is difficult to read the Master's name... possibly Capt. Crab.   Anyone know if this is correct ?



Small boat sailor writes from Inverkip :




   I see that motor launches P.D.1 and 8641 passed King George V Dock, Glasgow in January 1967.   Their names vaguely ring a bell in my memory but I don’t remember anything about them.


   Does anyone know anything of these two launches ?


Just a guess could P.D.1 refer to the launch being the mooring rope boat in Prince’s Dock ?




Mystery of CVC in Prince’s Dock area of Glasgow

   In 1958 the Clyde Shipping Company’s coaster PLADDA

 was listed as berthed in CVC in Prince’s Dock

 area in Glasgow.

   Does anyone know where CVC was ?

Jim Sloan replies : CVC was Clyde Vila Crane on the quay around berth 81 Plantation Quay, Glasgow



Pacific Steam Navigation’s KENUTA at Puna in 1957


Tom Hayworth e-mails :


Your homepage shows KENUTA at Puna in 1957.   Where is Puna ?


Ben Line’s Far-East coaster BENVEG in 1957


Leith Man e-mails

I was very surprised to see your entry for BENVEG in January 1957

for BENVEG as I had never heard of her.


Anyone have any more information please ?



Harry Cochrane e-mails :and conveniently close to the city centre. With restaurants, casino, bingo, bowling, cinema and hotel, everything you need is at The Quay.

For a good few years what was Springfield Quay in Glasgow has been redeveloped into an entertainment area with a cinema, hotel, casino and restaurants.   There was always a big sign at the entrance reading "SPRINGFIELD QUAY" but now the sign has been removed and replaced with a much smaller and more modern one saying "THE QUAY"

It's sad to have the last of the great Glasgow dockside quayside names disappear from public view.

aand conveniently close to the city centre. With restaurants, casino, bingo, bowling, cinema and hotel, everything you need is at The Quay.nd conveniently close to the city centre. With restaurants, casino, bingo, bowling, cinema and hotel, everything you need is at The Quay.


 From Michael Irwin (
When: 16 September 2016 15:09
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I have a very short video posted on youtube of a porthole that I am trying to identify. It is more than likely WW1 era. Glass window is 14" in diameter and the entire assembly weighs 132 lbs. The name of the youtube video is Mystery Ship Porthole and I will leave a link. Thanks


LASHERCIA ..... A Spanish coaster in 1962

   Does anyone have information on LASHERCIA which was trading around the Irish Sea and Liverpool in 1962 ?


Clyde Navigation Trust launches GARMOYLE and DUNGLASS

Jim Allison writes : I see from arrivals and sailings that the Clyde Navigation Trust launches GARMOYLE and DUNGLASS were busy on the River, even in the middle of the night.  What was their occupation ?


Carrickfergus (Northern Ireland) in January 1963.

From Sean R  (Larne, Northern Ireland)

   Thanks very much for showing the ships bringing explosives from Irvine to Carrickfergus in January 1963.   After 53 years I've now found out the two ships in the photographs, CASCADE the Dutch coaster and LADY ANSTRUTHER of ICI.    Sean R.


   What do you want  (or don't want)  on this website  ?

   With new Administrators and Contributors now helping with this website, it is probably a good time to find out what you, the viewers, want to see and read about.

   So, what do you want -  or don't want  -  on this website ?   Should there be more of this  ....... or less of that   ....... or maybe something entirely new  ?

   Please use the "Contact us" button and tell the team in as much detail as possible so that we can try to provide items which are of interest to you.

   Thank you. 


Netherlands coaster MADO in 1963

   In January 1963 the Groningen registered coaster MADO was at Irvine, Scotland, having arrived with a cargo of 200 tons of fertilizer from Rotterdam.   Does anyone have any information or details of this ship




I see from the sailing notices (such as in SYDNEY STAR) that cargoes for Beira in East Africa are often accepted by special arrangement only.  Why by special arrangement ?

  Charlie and Misty Fennelly, New Jersey. U.S.A.


Holland America cargo ship DUIVENDYK

Holland America cargo ship DUIVENDYK was at Glasgow from August 27 1959 to September 2 1959 loading scrap metal for Japan.   Does anyone have any information about this vessel.


Information needed on cargo ship KORBACH in 1958


KORBACH was closing for receiving cargo in Glasgow on 25 July 1958 and loading for the Great Lakes, Detroit and Chicago.    She was probably on a charter by Anchor Line or Head Line or Cunard Line.


Does anyone have any information on KORBACH ?


“Conducting their business in Great Waters” series

Just to say how much we enjoy reading your “Conducting their business in Great Waters” series.   Really good to read of BENDORAN at Zamboanga and DURBAN CASTLE at St. Helena Island and British India’s KENYA at Zanzibar. And Misty appreciates the diary of Donaldson Line's LETITIA that you included for her.  This is the only website that brings the voyages to life.   Even the kids read it and are sure learning their world geography.   Charlie and Misty Fennelly,  New Jersey. U.S.A (Misty was born in Canada and her family were Pilots on Saint Lawrence)


On 5th January 1957 Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel CALCHAS was at Pulo Bokom.   It's not on Wikipedia.   Where is Pulo Bokom ?

"Hydatina" of Croydon, England, writes :

Pulau Bukom, also known as Pulau Bukum, is a small island belonging to Singapore that is located about five kilometres to the south of the main island of Singapore, off the Straits of Singapore. The size of Pulau Bukom is about 1.45 km².   Royal Dutch Shell Group had a refinery there which I visited a number of times on Shell U.K. Tankers.

Note : The event for CALCHAS has been amended accordingly.

Mandy Skinner writes :
   I teach Modern Studies and Geography and my classes use this amazing website to learn of the trade and shipping business on the Clyde from the 1950's, and how the Port of Glasgow and Britain supplied to, and received goods from, every part of the world.
   However, as a non-sailor, I am mystified as to the actual meanings of some descriptions regarding ships.   Can someone please enlighten me ?
   The terms are
   Gross tonnage
   Net tonnage
   Deadweight tonnage
   Loading coal or oil bunkers / bunkered
   The ship was "ranging"
   On the ground
   Bad spillage while unloading cargo  (I would have thought that any spillage was bad)
   Dragging her anchor
   Hopper barge
   Canting in Prince's Dock
   Shifting along the wall
   Palm oil cargo
   Weatherbound / Windbound 
   Cleaning tanks  (as in the ship TULIPBANK)
   Fitting out
   Thank you,   Mandy Skinner


A question about Alfred Holt and the King George V Dock in Glasgow

Jim Alison e-mails :   Your event of 25th August 1958 tells that Blue Funnel's PELEUS loaded a 6-ton lift by "Holt's crane".   Did Alfred Holt have a company crane at Glasgow, or could it be the ship's own derrick that was used. ?

CLAN MACINTOSH and help needed on the origin of three launches loaded at Glasgow.

On 9th July 1958 CLAN MACINTOSH loaded 3 launches by her own gear at Glasgow.   The launches came from "Mechano / Medano.   Please have a look at the image, which has been enlarged, and see if you can throw some light on the launches.

Scottish motor coaster PIBROCH built in 1956 by Scott & Sons of Bowling

Does anyone have details of her owners and employment after being sold by Scottish Malt Distillers Company ?

CAN YOU HELP  The oilers "Invertest, Apexity and Clanity" are noted as daily supplying bunker fuel oil to vessels. Have you any images or information on these three ships. ? 

A. Manson replies: Apexity and Clanity were owned by F.T Everard later taken over by Fisher.

CAN YOU HELP   Ore ships at General Terminus Quay .....when leaving, they left Terminus Quay astern.... where were they turned, to go downriver ahead.  Did they turn in Princes Dock...or at Yorkhill Basin...or at King George V Dock ?

  A. Manson replies "Ore carriers leaving General Terminus Quay were canted at Princes Dock ; the area inside the entrance was known as the Canting Basin."

CAN YOU HELP   Glasgow fire-boat "St. Mungo"    Billy and Terry Kelly noted that Glasgow had a fire-boat named "St. Mungo" operated by Glasgow Fire Service, moored at Yorkhill Quay at the entrance to Queens Dock,  and crewed by firemen based in Yorkhill Fire Station (just across the road from Yorkhill Quay.)  Does anyone have a photograph of "St. Mungo" ?

A. Manson replies :Photographs and history the early and latter St. Mungo Fireboats can be seen by going on website "St. Mungo Fireboat"

CAN YOU HELP    Blue funnel liner "Pyrrhus" is shown as arriving on 16th July 1958 (see the image) at berth 3 King George V Dock, head South, bow 5 1/2 ...something...into berth 4.   Any idea what the 5 1/2 something is ?

Ref. "Pyrrhus Berthing. The large timber or metal doors on the dockside of the cargo sheds are referred to as Blinds. There may six or seven of these so the bow or stern of a vessel may be sited in a position relative to the blinds.

CAN YOU HELP   The coaster "Salling" arrived at KG5 on 16th July 1958 from " ? " (see the image)  Can anyone hazard a guess what the place "" is ?

A Manson replies "Destination of "Salling" could possibly have Ghent, Belgium."

CAN YOU HELP.   Princes Dock logbook shows these vessels arriving, but the writing is hard to read.   Can you make out the names?


Click on these images to enlarge them

First is maybe.... Cruzeiro Do Sul

Below it is maybe.... Templar

Further down is maybe... Kaduna ...or Kadura

Further down maybe... La Manche

Just below that ......Barbanihalis (or something)

Still further down..... Prins W J or G Frerderick

And also on that page for 28th June at 2045 arrives "Somme" at berth 65 annexe.   I had never heard of "65 annexe"     Can anyone enlighten me? 

A Manson replies "berth 65 Plantation was an Annex abutting on the West end of Mavisbank Quay."    and Kaduna was owned by Paddy Henderson, vessels trading to Burma and associated areas.

Prinz Willem 1V and Prinz W J Fredrick were owned by Dutch Company Oranje Lijn and traded to, and spent some time in the Great Lakes.

CAN YOU HELP   What is the name of this ship?  Is it Sunnarhav or Sunnanhav.  She arrived in Glasgow on 6th July 1965.  Just to allow continuity of entering details, the ship is listed in events as being "Sunnanhav" unless otherwise corrected.

A Manson replies : "Sunnanhan" could possibly have been owned by Saguenay Terminals who prefixed several of their ships names by "Sun"

CAN YOU HELP   The vessel "Mango" or "Manyo" arrived at Princes Dock from Ardrossan on 14th July 1965, draft 5' 10" forard and 12' 8" aft, which would be the draft of a coaster.  But the logbook shows her sailing on 18th July for Three Rivers (Canada) draft forard 17' 07" and aft 19' 06"   Any thoughts or information on this vessel would be welcome. 

THANKS FOR THE MEMORY   Mrs  Margaret Buckner e-mails from Canada.

"I was browsing and chanced on your website, and was astonished to discover mention of the Donaldson ships taking passengers from Princes Dock to Montreal.   I was a little girl in 1960 when my folks emigrated from Kirkintilloch to Canada on Laurentia, and it was a very rough crossing, but was calm when we passed Newfoundland.  The mention of "Laurentia" brought the memories flooding back, having been forgotten for 50 years. Thanks for bringing back the memory.

CAN YOU HELP   : This interesting little advert was in the 23rd June 1906 issue of "Largs and Millport Weekly News"   Note the early start for the days sailing, and the unusual name "Bute 4"     Any information on the firm or the vessels?   Click on the image to enlarge it to full size.


A Manson replies: For full history on SS Bute suggest Logging on" SS Bute at Greenock" With information regarding builders of same and SS Kyle then follow Princess Alice Disaster where all will be revealed re ultimate fate of Vessel. 

CAN YOU HELP  : The vessel "Cedric" arrived at KG5 on 10th October 1967. It's difficult to decipher where she came from.  Any suggestions?  Click on the image to enlarge it.

A Manson writes : 
The "Cedric" which arrived at KG5 dock 10th October 1967 would have come from Napier, New Zealand, where she would have loaded refrigerated cargo, e.g. lamb, butter, etc. This was a regular run for vessels belonging to the New Zealand Shipping Company.

A Manson writes :

Ref. the "Cedric" The port referred to is Napier New Zealand.

CAN YOU HELP   This vessel "Stern" or "Stein" arrived KG5.   Is the name "Stern" or "Stein"    Click on the image to enlarge it.

CAN YOU HELP   : What is the name of this 1967 arrival.  Click on the image to enlarge it.

CAN YOU HELP  : Falcon Reefer arrived from USA and Newfoundland.   Which was the USA port concerned?   Click on the image to enlarge it.

A MANSON replies: Gloucester Massachusetts USA is on of America's oldest Ports.

CAN YOU HELP  : Harrison's "Statesman" in Jan 1968 at Shieldhall Riverside Quay conducted an engine test.   What is the word after the test.  Click on the image to enlarge it.

A Manson writes :

Ref. the engine test on "Statesman" at Riverside Shieldhall . The engines would have been run on slow speed. Vessels having such must be securely moored probably with insurance wires as an added precaution .