Ships Listed Alphabetically
- 8641 (Motor Launch)
- A V GERARD (in 1958 in Sydney, Australia)
- A.N.P. (in 1966 General cargo coaster at Ardrossan and Belfast) (Kobenhaven (= Copenhagen, Denmark))
- AAGTEKERK (in 1954 in Penang and Japan)
- AALSUM (1965-1966 Oil tanker 524 feet overall 68 feet broad of Firma Vinke & Zonen, Amsterdam / Vanguard Tankers Ltd., Monrovia :1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- AARDYK (in 1954 sailing from Rotterdam to New Orleans)
- AASFJORD (2006- Self discharger general cargo / bulk carrier 113.76m long of Aasen Shipping, Mosterhamm, Norway) (Gibraltar)
- ABBEVILLE (LTC 4041 in 1965 in Clyde and Finland) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- ABBEYDALE (1937-1960 1st Dale Class Freighting Tanker Pennant X32/A109 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) (London (UK))
- ABEILLE NO. 10 (in 1957 Tug at Cherbourg, France) (France)
- ABEL TASMAN (in 1986 at Melbourne, Australia)
- ABILITY (1943 - 1975 General cargo coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1982 scrapped in Greece) (London)
- ABISKO ( 1955-1964 Swedish ore carrier) (Sweden)
- ABRAHAM CLARK (1942-1947 "Liberty" type general cargo ship 441 feet long of United States War Shipping Administration. USA (Los Angeles (California, USA))
- ABU SIMBEL (1961-1989 General cargo ship of United Arab Maritime Company, Alexandria, Egypt)) (Alexandria (Egypt))
- ACACIA V (in 1986 at North Sumatra and Fremantle, Australia)
- ACADIA 1938-1963 General cargo ship of A/S Acadia, Drammen, Norway) (Drammen (Norway))
- ACCLIVITY (General cargo coaster of F T Everard & Sons, London) (London (U.K.))
- ACCRA (1947- 1967 Passenger / cargo liner 453 feet long of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool)) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ACHATINA (1958-1984 an A-class crude and white oil products tanker 170m of Shell Tankers UK : 1984 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- ACHILLES ( 1957 - 1972 Cargo liner 491 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ACMAEA (1959 - 1986 Oil product tanker of Maatschappij Tot Financiering van bedrijspande N.V (Shell Tanker BV Rotterdam as manager : 1995 scrapped) (s'Gravenhage (Hague, Netherlands) (Dutch flag))
- ACT 11 (in 1986 at Auckland, New Zealand)
- ACT 6
- ACT 7
- ACTEON (1961- 1985 Oil tanker "A"- class carrying crude oil and white oil products,170m overall of La Corona / Shell Tankers, Rotterdam, Holland) : 1985 scrapped at Chittagong, Bangladesh) ('s-Gravenhage (Netherlands))
- ACTOR (1917-1939 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ACTUALITY (1945-1963 General cargo coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1963 sank off Hastings, England) (London (England, U.K.))
- ACUITY (1951-1967 Coastal oil tanker 202 feet overall of F T Everard, London : scrapped 1975) (London (England, U.K.))
- ADA FERRER (1957- General cargo coaster 130 feet overall of Federico Ferrer Tuset, Valencia ) (Valencia (Spain))
- ADA GORTHON (General cargo ship 400 feet long) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- ADAK (1959-1976 Ore carrier 490 feet overall of Trafik A / B Grangesberg-Oxelosund, / Erland Waldenstrom, Stockholm, Sweden : Scrapped 1984) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- ADAM MITZKEVICH (General cargo ship 355 feet long of Polish Ocean Lines / Polskie Linie Oceaniczne) (Gdynia (Poland))
- ADAMASTOS (1961-1970 General cargo ship of Empros Line, Greece) (Piraues, Greece)
- ADAPTITY (1945-1970 General cargo 3-island type coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London (England, UK))
- ADELAIDE STAR (1950-1975 Refrigerated cargo liner 574 feet overall of Blue Star Line / Lamport & Holt Line, London)) (London (England, UK))
- ADEN (1954-1967 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ADHERENCE (Coaster in 1947)
- ADJUTANT (1954-1966 Cargo vessel 246 feet long of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London)
- ADLER (General cargo ship of Argo Reederei R Adler) (Germany)
- ADMINISTRATOR (1958 - 1978 General cargo ship 489 feet long of T & J Harrison's Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ADMIRAL (In 1903 tug of Glasgow and Greenock Towing Company)
- ADMIRAL NELSON (1949-1969 General cargo coaster of G. de Ruiter's Kustvaart- en Rederijbedrijf (K. de Ruiter), Scheveningen / Gerrit de Ruiter, Scheveningen (Scheveningen (Netherlands))
- ADRASTUS ( 1954 - 1978 "A" class General cargo liner 489 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ADRIATIC (1907-1935 Passenger Liner of White Star Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ADRIATIC COAST (General cargo coaster 247 feet long of Coast Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ADROITY (1963-1969 Coastal oil tanker 150 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1969 scrapped at Colchester, England) (London (England, U.K.))
- ADVENT ( 1958 - 1969 General cargo coaster 135 feet long of Derk Bosscher, Groningen, Holland)) (Groningen (Holland))
- ADVENTURER (1960-1980 Cargo liner 490 feet long 15 knot of Charente S S Co / T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ADVISER (General cargo liner of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ADVOCATE (1971-1972 General cargo liner 482 feet long of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- AENEAS ( 1947 - 1972 "A" class Cargo liner 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- AFALINA (2005- General cargo ship IMO: 8820092 : 104.80m overall of Afalita Shipping Jsc, Klaipeda, Lithuania) (Lithuania)
- AFGHANISTAN (1946-1962 General cargo ship 454 feet long of F C Strick Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- AFGHANISTAN (1957-1972 Ore carrier 526 feet long of Common Brothers/ Hindustan Shipping, Newcastle : 1986 Scrapped) (Newcastle (England))
- AFON LLIGWY (2006- tug 22m long of Holyhead Towing Co., Holyhead) (Beaumaris (U.K.))
- AFRAM RIVER (1962- 1984 General cargo ship 461 feet long of Black Star Line, Accra, Ghana 1984 scrapped at Aviles, Spain) (Takoradi (Ghana))
- AFRIC in 1954
- AFRIC (1957-1968 Refrigerated cargo ship of Shaw savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- AFRICA (in 1957)
- AFRICA PALM (1953-1972 General cargo ship 452 feet long of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- AFRICAN CRESCENT (in 1954 General cargo freighter)
- AFRICAN GLEN (1946-1973 General cargo freighter 140m overall of American South African Line Inc. (Farrell Lines), New York : 1973 sunk in Great Bitter Lake, Suez Canal during Arab-Israeli war)) (New York (USA))
- AFRICAN LIGHTNING (1947-1973 General cargo freighter 150m overall of American South African Line Inc. (Farrell Lines), New York :: 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- AFRICAN PILGRIM (in 1957 in west Africa)
- AFRICAN PILOT (in 1952)
- AFRICAN PLANET (in 1957)
- AFRICAN QUEEN (in 1957)
- AGAIS (1958- General cargo coaster)
- AGAMEMNON (in 1952 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- AGAPENOR ( 1947 - 1975 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line's "A" class (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- AGATE (1950-1961 General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- AGBERI (1905-1917 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- AGE (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- AGOSTINO BERTANI (in 1957 at Las Palmas)
- AGROMAYOR (1960- General cargo coastal ship) (Spain)
- AH1 (Motor workboat launch of Ardrossan Harbour Company, Ardrossan)
- AILA (2018- Container Ship IMO 9354337 MMSI 230985000 : 141m overall length of Langh Ship, Piikkio, Finland) (Helsinki (Finland))
- AILEEN M (2010- IMO 9570888 Workboat / Utility vessel 25m long) (UK)
- AIMEE LYKES (in 1957 General cargo freighter) (USA)
- AIMEE LYKES (around 1963 in Cape Town, South Africa) (USA)
- AJAX (1931-1957 General cargo ship 480 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- AJAX (1958-1972 General cargo ship 492 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- AJOY ( 1960 - ? a bucket dredger 185 feet long of Commissioners for the Port of Calcutta, Calcutta) (Calcutta, India)
- AKADEMIK GORBUNOV (in 1954 at New Zealand) (USSR (Russia))
- AKADEMIK KOMAROV (1946 - A three-island general cargo coaster 253 feet long of USSR Fleet) (U.S.S.R.)
- AKADEMIK PAVLOV (1956-1964 General cargo ship of USSR Baltic Shipping, Leningrad) (USSR (Russia))
- AKAROA (1968-1971 Passenger/cargo liner of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- AKASHISAN MARU (in 1957)
- AKASSA PALM (1958-1972 General cargo ship 473 feet long of Palm Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- AKINITY (General cargo coaster)
- AKITA MARU (1952- 1973 General cargo ship : Scrapped 1980) (Tokyo (Japan))
- AKKA (1942-1956 General cargo ship 442 feet overall of Grangesberg Oxelosund, Sweden : 1956 wrecked off Dunoon, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK) (Sweden)
- AKTIS (1955-1970 General cargo ship 147m long) (Cyprus)
- ALABAMA (in 1957 at New York)
- ALABAMAN (in 1944 at Glasgow being fitted out for invasion)
- ALARIC (1958-1972 Cargo liner of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ALATYRLES (1961-1996 General cargo ship 405 feet long of Baltic Shipping Company, Leningrad : 1997 scrapped) (Leningrad (U.S.S.R.))
- ALAUNIA (1960-1969 Cargo liner 490 feet long of Cunard Line) (Liverpool)
- ALAUNIA (1925-1944 Passenger/cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ALBA VENTURER (1999- Bermudan ketch 70 feet (21.33m) overall of Ocean Youth Trust, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- ALBANY (1957-1971 General cargo ship 445 feet overall of Royal Mail Line, London : 1979 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- ALBATROSS ( 1925-1970 Lightship 102 feet long of Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin) (Dublin)
- ALBEMARLE (1955-1957 General cargo liner of Prince Line / Furness Withy Group) (London (England, UK))
- ALBERGEN (1952-1959 General cargo coaster of Furness' Scheepvaart- & Agentuur Maatschappij N.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands Owner: N.V. Zuid-Hollandsche Scheepvaart Maatschappij, Rotterdam, Netherland) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ALBERT V (1965-1973 General cargo coaster 65.98m 161 feet overall of P.A. van Es & Co. N.V., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ALBERT WILLEM (1954-1966 General cargo coaster 170 feet (51.9 meters) of N.V. Agence Maritime John B. Vets & Co., Antwerp, Belgium Owner: N.V. Motorschip Westland, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ALBISTAN ( 1948 - 1971 General cargo ship 442 feet long of F C Strick Line, London) (London)
- ALCA (1927-1955 Passenger / cargo ship of Yeoward Line, Liverpool : 1955 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ALCALA (1947- General cargo ship 89.5m long of Compañía Frutera Valenciana de Navegación (COFRUNA),) Spain) (Valencia (Spain))
- ALCANTARA (1926-39 Passenger / cargo liner of Royal Mail Line, London :1939-1948 Armed merchant cruiser/Troopship : 1948 returned to owners : 1958 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- ALCAZAR (1947-1958 General cargo ship 294 feet 89.5m long of COFRUNA – Cia. Frutero Valenciana de Nav. Sa, Valencia :1973 Scrapped) (Valencia (Espana / Spain))
- ALCHYMIST (1950-1969 Coastal tanker 62m long of F T Everard, London: Scrapped 1969) (London (UK))
- ALCINOUS (1973-1975 formerly ANCHISES 1946-1973 General cargo ship 487 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1975 scrapped Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ALCINOUS (1952-1960 General cargo ship 487 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ALCORA (1951-1958 General cargo ship 345 feet long of Mossgiel Steam Ship Co. Ltd / John Bruce & Co., Glasgow : 1967 foundered in Mediterranean) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ALDEBARAN (1938- General cargo ship 310 feet long of Finska Angf. Aktieb, Helsingfors) (Helsingfors (= Helsinki, capital of Finland))
- ALDERSGATE (1960-1969 Ore carrier 525 feet long of Bishopsgate Shipping / Silver Line, London) (London)
- ALEKSANDR PUSHKIN (1965- Passenger liner of USSR) (Vladivostock (USSR))
- ALERT (1961-1981 H.M.Telegraph Ship 417 feet long 14 knots of H M Postmaster General, London : 1995 scrapped) (Southampton (England))
- ALEX (in 1965 at Glasgow, Liverpool, Swansea and Gulf of Mexico)
- ALEXANDER B (2007- Container ship IMO 9328649 : 154.5m overall : of Reederei Thekla Schepers, Haren/Ems, Germany , Manager: TS-Shipping, Haren/Ems, Germany (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- ALEXANDRA (in 1953 General cargo coaster at Ardrossan and Belfast) (Liverpool (England))
- ALEXANDRA SARTORI (Hamburg Chicago Linie) (Kiel, Germany)
- ALFONSO (1950-1966 General cargo ship) (Belgium)
- ALFONSO (in 1957 General cargo coaster 245 feet long at Glasgow and Valencia, Spain)
- ALFONSO CUARTO (1960- General cargo coaster 204 feet long of Compañia Maritima Golfo de Vizcaya S.A., , Bilbao) (Bilbao (Spain))
- ALFONSO TERCERO (1960-1969 General cargo coaster length 70 metres of Cia. Maritima Golfo de Viscaya, Bilbao, Spain) (Bilbao (Spain))
- ALFRED (2019- Ro-ro passenger catamaran ferry 84m overall on charter to Caledonian MacBrayne from Pentland Ferries) (Kirkwall (Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK))
- ALFRED EVERARD (1957-1978 A 3-island type General cargo coaster 241 feet long of J Hay & Sons, Glasgow / F T Everard, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ALGERIA (1870-1881 Steam Passenger liner 361 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ALGERIEN (in 1954 at Rouen (France) and Casablanca)
- ALHAMA (1953-1962 General cargo ship 335 feet long of John Bruce Company / Mossgiel Shipping, Glasgow : 1974 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ALI DAMHOF (1957-1974 General cargo coaster 50.59m 154 feet long 10 knots of J Damhof, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl.((Holland))
- ALIAKMON (in 1969 at Glasgow)
- ALICAT (2019- Passenger ferry 19m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ALICE BOWATER (1959-1969 General cargo ship 325 feet long of Bowater Steamship Company, London : 1984 scrapped at Bizerta after catching fire) (London (England, U.K.))
- ALIDA GORTHON (in 1957 from Brazil for Italy)
- ALIGNITY (1952-1971 A 3-island Coastal oil tanker 193 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- ALIPED (Fishing vessel)
- ALKIMOS ( 1947 - 1964 Liberty-type tramp cargo ship 442 feet long of Alkimos Shipping Company, Greece) (Greece)
- ALKOR (in 1957 sailed from Tenerife for Rotterdam)
- ALLEGHENY (1921- Oil Tanker 213 feet long of Esso Petroleum Company)) (Liverpool )
- ALLEGRETTO (2006- General cargo ship 90m long) (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- ALMADEN (1946- General cargo ship of Cofruna Line, Valencia : 1970 scrapped at Santander)) (Valencia (Spain))
- ALMANZORA (1915-1920 completed as Auxiliary cruiser then 589 feet long 1930-1939 Passenger liner of Royal Mail Lines then 1939-1947 Troop Transport) (London (England, UK))
- ALMERIA LYKES (1945-1971 General cargo ship 492 feet long of Lykes Lines : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Galveston (Texas, U.S.A.))
- ALMERIAN (1956-1962 then 1964-1966 General cargo ship 377 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ALMIRANTE (1909-1918 General cargo / fruit carrier of United Fruit Company : 1918 1918 sunk in collision with USS HISCO off Atlantic City.) (1909-1914 UK flag : 1914-1918 New York (U.S.A.))
- ALPERA (1949- General cargo ship 258 feet long of Mossgiel Steam Ship Co. Ltd. / John Bruce & Co., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ALPET 6 (newly built Barge)
- ALPHERAT (In 1954 a passenger and cargo ship of Rotterdam South America Line (Rotterdam-Zuid Amerika Lijn) and operated by Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co. Stoomvaart Maatschappij, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ALS TRUST (in 1987)
- ALSATIA (1951-1963 General cargo liner 503 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ALSATIAN (1914-1917 Passenger Liner 600 feet 4-screw 20 knots of Allan Line)
- ALSTERFLEET (1957- General cargo coaster 207 feet long of Partenrederei m.s. "ALSTERFLEET" / Weidtman & Baillin, Hamburg) (Hamburg (West Germany))
- ALSTERKAMP (1957- General cargo coaster) (Hamburg (Germany))
- ALT DUBH (Small motor vessel) (Glasgow)
- ALTNES (1965-1967 General cargo ship of A/S Kristian Jebsens Rederi, Norway) (Bergen, Norway)
- ALVA BAY (1953-1969 Oil tanker 546 feet long of Alva Steam Ship Co., London : 1969 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- ALVA STAR (in 1957 Oil tanker : from Tenerife for Mena al Ahmadi (Kuwait)
- AMAGISAN MARU (in 1955 Conventional general cargo ship) (Japan)
- AMAKURA (1949-1961 General cargo ship 351 feet long of Booker Bros. McConnell & Co., Liverpool : scrapped 1973) (Liverpool)
- AMAL (in 1961 at Glasgow and Israel)
- AMALTHEA (in 2024 at James Watt Dock Marina, Greenock) (Switzerland)
- AMANDA MILLER (in 1986 in Australia)
- AMARAPOORA (1920-1939 Passenger / cargo ship of Patrick Henderson & Co., Glasgow : 1959 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- AMARNA (1949-1967 then 1968-1971 General cargo ship of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- AMAZON (1959-1968 Passenger / cargo liner of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (UK))
- AMAZONE (yacht)
- AMBER (1956- General cargo coaster 268 feet long of William Robertson Shipowners, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- AMBITION (Cruise liner)
- AMBRA (in 1954 in Chittagong)
- AMBULANT (1959-1962 and 1962-1964 General cargo coaster 60.34m 198 feet long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Willem Koerts & Hendrik Koerts, Zuidbroek, Netherlands )) (Zuidbroek (Netherlands))
- AMELAND (1956-1970 White products tanker of Stoomvaart Maatschappij Rotterdam (dochter K.R.L.) / Shell Tankers, Rotterdam : 1976 scrapped Bilbao) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- AMELIA DE ASPE (1962-1968 General cargo ship) (Seville (Spain))
- AMENITY (1944 - 1968 General cargo coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- AMERICA (1946-1964 Passenger Liner of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICA (in 1886 Passenger Liner of National Line)
- AMERICA STAR (1963-1982 Gereral cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- AMERICAN ANGLER (1956-1963 General cargo freighter of United States Lines, New York : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN BANKER (1945-1963 General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York : Scrapped in 1971) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN BUILDER (1947-1973 General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN CHAMPION (Cargo liner of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN CHARGER (1962- General cargo freighter of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN CHIEF (in 1959 General cargo freighter 457 feet long of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN CLIPPER (1946- 1969 cargo ship 458 feet long of United States Line, New York) (New York)
- AMERICAN CORSAIR (General cargo ship of United States Line, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN FARMER (1945-1964 General cargo freighter 461 feet long of United States Lines, New York : 1969 scrapped) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN FORESTER (General cargo liner of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN FORWARDER (1946-1970 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Lines, New York : Scrapped 1972) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN GUNNER (General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN HARVESTER (1948-1968 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Lines, New York : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN IMPORTER ( 1945 - 1969 C"-type cargo / 12 passengers ship 459 feet long of United States Line) (New York)
- AMERICAN INVENTOR (in 1958 at New York : General cargo ship of United States Line, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN JUDGE (1948-1956 General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York (U.S.A.))
- AMERICAN LARK (1969-1987 Container ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN LEADER (1946-1970 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Line, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN MANUFACTURER (1948-1968 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN MERCHANT (1945-1968 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Lines, New York : 1969 scrapped) (New York (U.S.A.))
- AMERICAN MILLER (1948- General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN PACKER (1948-1970 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Line, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN PILOT (1958-1972 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Lines, New York : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (U.S.A.))
- AMERICAN PLANTER (General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN PRESS (1948-1967 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Line, New York : 1971 scrapped) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN PRODUCER (1947-1969 General cargo freighter 140m long of United States Lines, New York : 1969 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN RANGER (1946-1963 General cargo ship 461 feet long of United States Lines, New York : 1971 scrapped) (New York (U.S.A.))
- AMERICAN REPORTER (General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN ROVER (1959-1969 General cargo freighter of United States Lines, New York : 2004 scrapped) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN SCIENTIST (1947 - 1969 cargo ship 459 feet overall of United States Lines, New York : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York)
- AMERICAN SCOUT (United States Line) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN SHIPPER (General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (New York (USA))
- AMERICAN TRADER (in 1957 General cargo ship / freighter )
- AMERICAN TRAVELER (1946-1969 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Lines, New York : 1972 scrapped) (New York, USA)
- AMERICAN VETERAN (1946-1968 A 15.5 knot general cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Lines, New York : 1969 scrapped) (New York (USA))
- AMERSKERK (1952- General cargo ship 495 feet overall of N.V. Veerenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaart Maats., The Hague, Netherlands) (s'Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands))
- AMETHYST (1958- General cargo coaster 258 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- AMHERST (in 1957 at Gibraltar)
- AMIABLE (Inshore fishing boat) (Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Scotland))
- AMICABLE (Inshore fishing boat) (Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Scotland))
- AMITY (F T Everard) (London (England, U.K.))
- AMITY (Inshore fishing trawler) (Girvan (Firth of Clyde))
- AMOCO TEXAS (in 1957 at New York)
- AMOKURA (in 1986 at Wellington, New Zealand)
- AMPENAN (in 1957)
- AMPOL SAREL (in 1986 at Brisbane, Australia and Japan)
- AMRA (1938-1966 Passenger / general cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1966 scrapped in Keelung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- AMSTELKROON (1952-1968 General cargo ship of Rederij N.V. "Amsterdam", Netherlands (Netherlands)
- AMSTELSTAD (in 1957 at Chittagong)
- AMUR STAR (2010- Chemical / oil products tanker IMO 9480368 being 128m long of Amur Star GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen, Germany) (Valletta (Malta))
- AMVOURGON (1972-1975 General cargo ship of Empros Line, Greece) (Greece)
- AMZAR (French fishing trawler in 1962) (France)
- ANABISI (General cargo coaster of S W Coe, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ANADARA ( 1959 - 1978 Crude/oil products tanker of Tanker Finance/Shell Tankers, London) (London)
- ANADOLU KAVAGI ( 1961 - 1986 Passenger ferry of Istanbul Ferries, Istanbul, Turkey) (Istanbul, Turkey)
- ANATOLIAN (1955-1963 then 1966-1971 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Papayanni Lines Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ANCHISES ( 1947 - 1973 General cargo liner 489 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ANDALUCIA STAR (1929-1942 Passenger/cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London : 1942 torpedoed and sunk off West Africa; loss of 7 lives.) (London (UK))
- ANDALUSIAN (1950-1962 and 1964-1966 General cargo liner 376 feet long of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ANDANIA (1913-1914 Passenger liner 540 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ANDANIA (1922-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1939-1940 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1940 torpedoed and sunk off Reykjavik, Iceland) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ANDANIA (1960-1969 Refrigerated / General cargo liner 490 feet long of Cunard Line) (Liverpool)
- ANDES (1939-1945 Troopship then 1945 - 1959 Passenger Liner then 1959-1971 cruise ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- ANDES MARU (General cargo ship of O.S.K. Line (Osaka Shosen Kaisha) (Japan)
- ANDONI PALM (1958-1976 General cargo liner 473 feet long of Palm Line, London) (Liverpool)
- ANDRADITE (1949-1957 Steam Deep sea fishing trawler, number H26, 131 feet overall of J Marr & Sons, Fleetwood)) (Hull (England, UK))
- ANDREA 1 (General cargo ship) (Elshleth)
- ANDREA COSTA (in 1954 left Rouen, France for Messina, Sicily)
- ANDRES QUINTANA ROO (1974- Pennant P-01 Azteca-class Fishery protection vessel 112 feet long of Mexican Navy) (Mexico)
- ANDRIA (1951-1963 Cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ANDROS MENTOR (1973-1987 Bulk carrier of Transagean Marine Ltd. - Liberia : scrapped 1997) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- ANGELO PARODI (in 1957 at USA, Gibraltar and Italy)
- ANGHYRA (Greece)
- ANGLEGARTH (1996- Tug 33m long of Svitzer A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark / Managers: Svitzer Marine Ltd, Middlesbrough) (Milford (Wales, UK))
- ANGLIA (In 1959 General cargo ship)
- ANGLIAN (1947 - 1963 general cargo ship 308 feet long of Ellerman Lines / Ellerman & Papayanni Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ANGULARITY (1946-1967 General cargo coaster 211 feet overall of F T Everard, London) (London (UK))
- ANGULARITY (Coaster of F T Everard, London) (London (UK))
- ANKING (The China Navigation Company Limited)
- ANN MARIE (Motor fishing vessel TT150)
- ANNA BAKKE in 1954
- ANNA HENNY (1952-1965 General cargo coaster 53 metres long of Evert Smid & Cornelis Tammes, Groningen) (Groningen, Holland)
- ANNABUROO (Australian yacht in 1985) (Australia)
- ANNI NUBEL (1956-1967 A 2-deck General cargo ship 259 feet long of Emder Dampfer-Kompagnie A.G., Emden) (Emden (Germany))
- ANNICK (1947-1954 General cargo coaster 259 feet long of J.K. Campbell, Irvine) (Irvine (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- ANONITY (1947-1966 Coastal tanker 193 feet long 59m of F T Everard, London : Scrapped 1970) (London (England, UK))
- ANSHUN (1950-1971 Passenger / cargo ship of The China Navigation Co. Ltd., : 1991 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan)
- ANTENOR (1924-1953 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ANTENOR (1957-1970 General cargo ship 491 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ANTHONY (in 1957)
- ANTILLA (1956-1970 General cargo coaster 56.22m 185 feet long of M. Havinga Scheepvaart- & Handelsmaatschappij N.V., Groningen / Jannes Reint Bonninga, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ANTILLES (1953-1971 Passenger Liner of Compagnie Generale Transatlantique French Line, Le Havre (Le Havre (France))
- ANTILOCHUS (1949-1976 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Ocean Steam Ship Co. Ltd / Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line and associated Companies, Liverpool : 1978 scrapped in Pakistan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ANTILOPE (1945-1966 General cargo coaster 38 meters long of Kant Gruno / A. Wester, Netherlands) (Netherlands)
- ANTIOCHE 11 (Fishing Trawler)
- ANTIOPE (1958-1964 Formerly Johnston Warren Line's JESSMORE, General cargo ship 432 feet long of Maritime & Commercial Corp. Inc. / Bernardo Burger, Panama :Scrapped in 1971) (Panama)
- ANTONIA (General cargo ship 431 feet long in 1966)
- ANTONIA (Passenger / cargo liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ANTONIO LEMOS (1900-1904 Stern paddle wheeler steam river passenger / cargo steamer 170 feet long of Amazon Steam Navigation Company, Para, Brasil) (Para (Brasil))
- ANTRIM COAST (1937-1964 a general cargo coaster 209 feet long of Coast Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ANTRIM PRINCESS (1967- Passenger and vehicle ferry of British Railways "Sealink") (Stranraer (Scotland))
- ANTUR (Aberystwyth, Wales)
- ANUNCIADA (General cargo ship of Swiss Overseas Shipping Co. Ltd., Geneva) (Switzerland)
- ANZAC (1939-1976 Steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & J Hay Ltd, Glasgow : scrapped 1976)) (Glasgow)
- AORANGI (1924-1940 Passenger liner of Union Steamship Company, then 1940-1946 Troopship and Depot ship, then 1948-1953 Passenger Liner 600 feet long of Union S.S. Company) (New Zealand)
- APAPA (1948-1968 Passenger and cargo liner 471 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- APEXITY ( 1945 - 1964 Harbour and coastal oil tanker 136 feet long of F T Everard Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- APOLLO (1954-1982 General cargo coaster of Bristol steam Navigation Company, Bristol (Bristol (England, U.K.))
- APPAM (1912-1917 then 1919-1936 Cargo liner of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool, 1936 scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- APPINGEDYK in 1954
- AQUEITY ( 1949 - 1964 a bridge-amidships coastal tanker 201 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- AQUITANIA (1914-1919 Armed Merchant Cruiser then Troopship then Hospital Ship then Troopship: 1919 -1939 Returned to Cunard Line as Passenger Liner: 1939-1948 Troopship: 1950 Scrapped (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ARABIA (1948-1963 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ARABIAN PRINCE (1936-1959 General cargo ship 304 feet long of Prince Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ARABIC (1956-1968 Refrigerated and general cargo liner of Shaw Savil and Albion,London) (London)
- ARABISTAN (1929-1942 General cargo ship of Frank Strick Company, London : 1942 sunk by German surface raider) (London (UK))
- ARABRITT (General cargo ship 324 feet overall)
- ARABY (1947-1961 Cargo liner of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- ARAFURA (in 1957)
- ARAGON (in 1961 at Las Palmas for Buenos Aires)
- ARAGONA (in 1966 General cargo ship)
- ARAKAKA (1946-1963 General cargo ship of Booker Line, Liverpool : Scrapped 1972) (Liverpool (England))
- ARAMAC (1965-1969 Passenger / cargo liner (formerly Cunard's PARTHIA) of Eastern & Australia Steamship Co. Ltd, Australia : 1969 scrapped) (Australia)
- ARAMAIC (1957-1968 General cargo ship of Shaw Savill & Albion Lines, London) (London (UK))
- ARANDORA STAR (1929-1940 Passenger/cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London : 1940 torpedoed and sunk in Atlantic; loss of 805 lives.) (London (UK))
- ARBITRATOR (1951-1970 Cargo liner of Thos & Jas Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ARCA (1959-1978 "A-class" Oil products tanker 170m overall of Shell Tankers N.V., Rotterdam : 1978 scrapped Hong Kong) (s'Gravenhage (Hague, Netherlands))
- ARCADIA (1954-1979 Passenger liner / Cruise ship of P & O Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- ARCADIAN (1960 - 1974 General cargo liner 366 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ARCTIC ROCK (2014- Wind Turbine Carrier / General cargo ship 93m overall of Amasus Shipping, Netherlands) (Urk (Netherlands))
- ARDENNES (Landing craft / Her Majesty's Army Vessel pennant number L4001) (Ministry of Defence, London)
- ARDFERN (Steam Clyde puffer lighter of Warnock Brothers, Paisley) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.) ... ???)
- ARDGANTOCK (1919-1955 a 3-island general cargo coaster 200 feet long of P MacCallum & Sons, Greenock / Monroe Brothers / Walton Steamship Co., Liverpool : scrapped 1958) (Greenock (Scotland))
- ARDGARVEL (1965- General cargo coaster 215 feet long of P MacCallum & Sons Ltd., Greenock) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- ARDGLEN (1953-1972 General cargo coaster 221 feet long of P MacCallum & Sons, Greenock: 1982 Scrapped) (Greenock (UK))
- Ardrossan Harbour Pilot Boat (in 1945) (Ardrossan (Scotland, UK))
- ARDTARA (1964-1967 General cargo ship of Mullion & Co. Ltd., Hong Kong : Scrapped in 1972) (Glasgow (UK))
- ARDUITY (1946-1969 Coastal Tanker 234ft long of F T Everard, London) (London (England, UK))
- ARENDSKERK (in 1954 at Hamburg and South Africa)
- ARGENFELS (in 1957)
- ARGENTINA 1955-1966 Passenger / cargo ship of Compañia Argentina de Navegación Dodero / Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas : 1973 Scrapped) (Buenos Aires (Argentina))
- ARGENTINA STAR (1947-1972 Refrigerated cargo/passenger liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ARGENTINE TRANSPORT (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers & Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ARGO (General cargo ship)
- ARGOLIS (General cargo ship
- ARGONAFTIS (1946-1958 Submarine 204 feet long (64m) U-15 of the Hellenic Navy, Greece (Greece)
- ARGONAUT (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- ARGOSITY (1956-1969 Coastal oil products tanker 230 feet long of F T Everard, London : scrapped 1969) (London (England, UK))
- ARGUS (in 1948)
- ARGYLE (2006- Passenger and vehicle ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (UK))
- ARGYLL FLYER (2011- A 188- Passenger ferry 30m long of Argyll Ferries, Ferry Terminal, Gourock) (Glasgow (UK))
- ARGYLL FLYER (in 2023 a 188 passenger ferry 30m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- ARGYLLSHIRE ( 1956 - 1975 General cargo liner 471 feet long of Scottish Shire Line / Cayzer Irvine, London : 1977 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ARIANTA (1959-1978 Oil tanker 560 feet 169m overall 14.5 knots of Shell Tankers U.K. : 1978 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- ARIEL (1939- Cable ship 252 feet long of H M Postmaster General, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ARIGUANI (1926-1956 Passenger and Banana carrier of Elders & Fyffes, U.K. : 1956 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- ARIZONA (1960-1967 General cargo ship of Det Forenede Dampsskibselskap DFDS Copenhagen Denmark.) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ARJEPLOG (1956-1965 Ore carrier of Trafik A/B Grangesberg-Oxelosund, Sweden) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- ARKADIA (1958-1966 Emigrant ship / Cruise liner 590 feet overall of Arcadia Steam Ship Company, Andros, Greece : December 1966 scrapped at Valencia, Spain) (Greece)
- ARKELDYK (in 1957)
- ARKLOW CLAN (2017- General cargo ship IMO 9757113 being 87m long of Crinnis Shipping Ltd.) (Arklow (Ireland / Eire))
- ARKLOW COAST (2022- General cargo ship 87m overall of Arklow Shipping, North Beach, Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland) (Arklow (Eire / Ireland))
- ARKLOW COVE (in 2022 General cargo ship)
- ARKLOW FERN (2010- General cargo ship 90m overall of Banco Espanol de Credito SA) (Arklow (Ireland))
- ARKLOW FUTURE (2008-2022 General cargo ship 89.95m overall of Arklow Shipping, Ireland) (Arklow (Eire / Ireland))
- ARKLOW RAVEN (in 2022 General cargo ship)
- ARKLOW VIEW (2016- General Cargo IMO: 9772539 : 86.93m overall of Arklow Shipping, Ireland) (Rotterdam (The Netherlands))
- ARLANZA (1960-1968 Part refrigerated cargo/passenger liner of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London)
- ARLINGTON (in 1957 at New York)
- ARMAGH (1954-1961 General cargo ship 432 feet long of Avenue Shipping Company, London : 1967 Scrapped at Nagasaki, Japan) (London (England, U.K.))
- ARMANISTAN (1949-1965 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick Line, London) (London)
- ARNEDYK .... in 1954
- ARNHOLT (in 1965 at Ayr, Glasgow and Haugesund ... Norway ? )
- ARNOLD MAERSK (1947-1959 General cargo ship 412 feet overall of Maersk Line, Kobenhaven : 1965 scrapped) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ARONDA (1941-1963 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London : 1963 scrapped in Hong Kong) (London (UK))
- ARRAN (1953-1979 Passenger and vehicle ferry 186 feet (57 metres) of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- ARRAN (1958-1968 General cargo ship 175 feet 54.67m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands / Rederij Ruben & Cremer (Harm Ruben, Jan Cremer en Mees Cremer Sr.), Rotterdam, Netherlands ) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ARRAN (in 1948)
- ARRAN MAIL (1936-1951 General cargo coaster 95ft long of L.M.S. Railway Company / Caledonian Steam Packet Co.Ltd.) (Glasgow (UK))
- ARRAN ROSE (General coaster of James Latona, Brodick, Arran, Scotland) (Glasgow)
- ARREBO (1965-1993 Coastal general cargo ship : 1999 wrecked) (Denmark)
- ARROW (1966-1985 General cargo coaster of Beck's Scheepvaartkantoor N.V., Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Rederij Arrow, Groningen, Netherlands ) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ARROW (2007- Ro-ro cargo ship 122m long at present chartered to Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock and owned by Seatruck Nav. Co.) (Douglas (Isle of Man))
- ARTISAN (1946-1969 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool : 1969 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- ARUNDEL CASTLE (1921-1958 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ASCANIA (1911-1918 Passenger liner 482 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ASCANIA (1925- 1939 and 1947-1957 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ASCANIA (1955-1967 Passenger Liner of Sicula Oceanica S.p.A. / Grimaldi SIOSA Line, Naples : 1968 Scrapped at La Spezia) (Naples (Italy))
- ASCANIUS (1950-1972 then 1973-1976 General cargo liner of Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ASHANTI PALM (1949 - 1962 general cargo liner (ex- ASHANTIAN) 456 feet long of Palm line, London) (London)
- ASHBURTON (1946-1962 General cargo ship 430 feet overall of Australind Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. - manager, Trinder, Anderson & Co., London : 1967 scrapped at Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan) (London (England, UK))
- ASHDOD (1958 - 1969 General cargo ship 265 feet long of Zim Israel Line) (Haifa (Israel))
- ASHTON (1938-1965 a twin-screw 72-Passenger ferry 63 feet long of British Railways Board / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (UK))
- ASIA (1947-1963 General cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ASKJA (1957- General cargo ship of Eimskipafelag Reykjavikur, Iceland) (Reykjavik (Iceland))
- ASLEET (In 1952 a sailing yacht) (UK)
- ASMIDISKE (1963- General cargo ship 541 feet long of van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co. Stoomv. Maats N.V., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ASPERITY (1946-1967 Coastal tanker 184 feet long of F T Everard, London :1967 scrapped Belgium) (London (England, U.K.))
- ASPHALION (1924-1959 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : scrapped in 1959) (Liverpool)
- ASPHALION (1963-1966 General cargo ship 487 feet long of China Mutual Steam Navigation Company / Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ASSIDUITY (1930- General cargo coaster 135 feet long of F T Everard & Sons Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- ASSIOUT (1949 - 1973 General cargo ship 367 feet long of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ASSYRIA (1950-1963 General cargo ship 509 feet long of Cunard Steam Ship Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ASTERIA (1929-1954 General cargo coaster 171 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : Stranded 1954) (Glasgow (UK))
- ASTINA (2006- Chemical / Oil products tanker 130m long of Veritas Tankers, Donso)) (Donso (Sweden))
- ASTRID BAKKE (in 1954 in Chile)
- ASTRONOMER (1951-1970 General cargo Liner 12 knots speed of Charente Steamship / T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ASTURIAS (1945-1957 Troop ship / Emigrant ship of British Government, London) (London (England))
- ASTURIUS (1926-1939 Passenger liner of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1939-1957 Armed Merchant Cruiser / Troop Transport / Emigrant ship of British Government : 1957 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- ASTYANAX (1948-1957 General cargo ship 487 feet overall of Blue Funnel Line then in 1957 transferred to Glen Line, renamed Glenfruin, 1962 reverted to Astyanax, 1972 scrapped.) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ATENA (General cargo coaster 176 feet long)
- ATHELCREST in 1954
- ATHELDUKE (1949-1967 Molasses tanker of Athel Line, Liverpool : 1967 scrapped at Hirao, Japan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ATHELKING (1950-1962 Molasses tanker 522 feet overall of Athel Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped at Valencia, Spain)) (Liverpool)
- ATHELPRINCE (in 1954 at Aden from Kuwait)
- ATHELQUEEN (1960-1966 Oil products tanker 560 feet long of Athel Line Ltd., Liverpool : 1981 scrapped (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ATHELSTANE (1955-1969 Cargo-tanker / oil products tanker of Athel Line Ltd, London : Scrapped 1969) (London (UK))
- ATHELSULTAN (in 1954 in West Indies)
- ATHELTEMPLAR (Molasses Tanker of Athel Line)
- ATHENIA ( 1923-1939 Passenger and cargo liner 526 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- ATHENIAN ( --- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- ATHENIC (1946-1969 Refrigerated cargo liner of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London)
- ATHENTIC (1946-1969 Cargo / passenger ship of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London (UK))
- ATHINA (in 1957)
- ATHLONE CASTLE (1934-1965 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ATHOS (Oil products tanker)
- ATLANTA ( 1959 - 1988 Lighthouse tender 215 feet long of Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin : 2001 scrapped) (Liverpool)
- ATLANTIC (1955-1969 General cargo coaster 59m long of N.V. Scheepvaartkantoor Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Rederij 'Atlantic', Groningen, Netherlands ) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ATLANTIC 1 ( Drill Rig managed by Ben Line, Edinburgh)
- ATLANTIC 11 (for ATLANTIC 2 : Drill Rig managed by Ben Line, Edinburgh)
- ATLANTIC BARONET (1956-1969 Oil Tanker 553 feet overall of Atlantic Tankers Ltd., Monrovia Baronet Shipping, Monrovia: 1970 scrapped at Santander, Spain) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- ATLANTIC FAITH ( 1958 - Ore/ bulk oil carrier 585 feet long of Atlantic Bulk Carriers Inc., Panama) (Panama)
- ATLANTIC KESTREL (2012- Tug / Supply Vessel / Anchor Handling Vessel : IMO: 9557446 : 85.2m overall of Atlantic Towing Ltd., Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Saint John, New Brunswick (Canada))
- ATLANTIC QUEEN (1957- Oil tanker 695 feet long of Queen Shipping Company Ltd, Monrovia) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- ATLANTIC TRADER (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- ATLANTIC TWIN (2014- Oil / chemical tanker 149.6m long of Reederei TMS Atlantic Tween GmbH & Co KG ( Carl F.Peters GmbH & Co KG Hamburg as manager ) Hamburg) (Gibraltar)
- ATLANTIDE (1959-1974 General cargo coaster 61.8meters 203ft long of N.V. Scheepvaartkantoor Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Rederij 'Atlantide', Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ATLANTIS (1963- General cargo coaster 176 feet long of Kapitan Johann Heeren, Brake) (Brake (Germany))
- ATLANTIS (2015- Tug 30.66 meters overall 70 tonnes bollard pull of Seacontractors, Vlissingen, The Netherlands) (Vlissingen (The Netherlands / Holland))
- ATLIT (1955-1968 General cargo ship of Zim Israel Line, Haifa) (Haifa (Israel))
- ATONALITY (F T Everard) (London (England, U.K.))
- ATREO ( 1957 - 1979 General cargo ship 484 feet long of Soc. Ligure Armamento, Genova, Italy) (Italy)
- ATREUS ( 1951-1977 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung (Taiwan)) (Liverpool)
- ATTUNITY (Bunkering tanker of F T Everard Company, London) (London (UK))
- AUALEUN (General cargo ship 470 feet long)
- AUCKLAND STAR ( 1958 - 1978 cargo liner 573 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- AUCTORITAS (1959-1979 General cargo ship 545 feet long of Adriatico Tirenni Jonio Ligure ATJL di Alberto Ravano + Figli, Italy : 1979 scrapped) (Italy)
- AUDACIA (1951-1963 General cargo coaster 50.46 metres of C. Minnaar, Overschie, Netherlands) (Overschie, Netherlands)
- AUGUSTE SCHULTE (1957- General cargo ship of Bernhard Schulte, Emden) (Emden (Germany))
- AUGVALD (1958-1969 General cargo ship of A/S Corona ( H.M.Wrangel & Co A/S Haugesund as manager ) Haugesund Norway : 1984 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Haugesund (Norway))
- AUK (1949-1965 General cargo ship 259 feet long on short sea and Mediterranean service for General Steam Navigation Company Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- AULICA (1960-1984 Crude and white oil products tanker 560 feet long of Tanker Finance Ltd / Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers U.K, London. :1984 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- AURANIA (1924-1939 Passenger/cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1939 Armed Merchant Cruiser, 1942 sold to Admiralty as fleet repair ship renamed HMS Artifex.) (Liverpool (England))
- AUREITY (1951-1968 Coastal tanker 203 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London (England, UK))
- AURELIA (1954-1969 Passenger Liner of Cia, Genovese do Armamento / Codegar Line, Trieste) (Trieste (Italy))
- AUREOL (1951- Passenger(550) / general cargo liner 480 feet long of Elder Dempster) (Liverpool)
- AURIGA G (1954-1971 General cargo coaster 49.5 metres long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Jan Kuiper & Egbert Mooij, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen, Netherlands)
- AURIVAARA (1961-1976 Ore carrier of Grangens AB Stockholm Sweden.) (Sweden)
- AURORA (in 2025 Container ship at Greenock)
- AUSPICITY (1955-1972 Coastal tanker 142 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1973 scrapped at Perama, Greece)) (London (England, U.K.))
- AUSTERLAND (Cargo ship around 1955-1960)
- AUSTRALIA STAR (1935 - 1964 General cargo liner 543 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (Belfast)
- AUSTRALIA STAR (1965-1972 then 1974-1974 General cargo ship 526 feet overall of Blue Star Line, London) (London (U.K.))
- AUSTRALIND (1944-1959 General cargo ship 429 feet long of Australind Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. / Trinder, Anderson & Co., London : scrapped 1972 at Santander, Spain) (London (UK))
- AUSTRALIND (1961-1975 General cargo ship 476 feet long of Australind Steam Shipping Company / Bethell, Gwyn & Trinder, Anderson & Co, London) (London (UK))
- AUSTRALIS (in 1967 Passenger liner of Chandris Line at Australia, Panama Canal and Southampton)
- AUSTRALIS (2019- Crude Oil Tanker IMO 9284946 : 329.66m 1083 feet overall and 60.04m breadth of Australis Shipping Inc. / Chandris (Hellas) Inc., Piraeus, Greece) )) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- AUTHOR (1958-1978 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- AUTOCARRIER (1931- Passenger and car carrier 220 feet long of British Transport Commission Southern Railway : 1954 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- AUTOLYCUS (1949-1976 General cargo liner 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- AUTOMEDON (1949-1971 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- AVAFORS (1959-1976 Ore carrier of Grangesberg-Oxelosund, Sweden : Scrapped 1983 ) (Gothenburg, Sweden)
- AVALA (In 1957 at New York and Baltimore)
- AVERITY (1954-1972 Harbour oil bunkering vessel 45 metres long of F T Everard Ltd., London)) (London (England, UK))
- AVILA STAR (1929-1942 Passenger/cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London : 1942 torpedoed and sunk off Azores; loss of 73 lives.) (London (UK))
- AVIOR (formerly BRONNOY)
- AVISGLEN (1954-1961 Tramp general cargo ship of Aviation Shipping Company, London) (London)
- AVONMOOR (in 1957 at Liverpool and Australia)
- AVONWOOD (1944-1960 General cargo ship of Joseph Constantine, Middlesborough) (Middlesborough, England)
- AVRISTAN (1942 - 1963 general cargo liner 443 feet long of F C Strick Company, London) (London)
- AVRISTAN (1942-1963 Conventional general cargo ship of F C Strick Line, London : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, UK))
- AXEL GORTHON (in 1957 at Demerara, Guyana) from Rotterdam)
- AXENFELS (1950-1961 General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen, Germany : 1961 Scrapped) (Bremen (Germany))
- AXINITE (1929-1955 General cargo coaster 180 feet long of William Robertson Gem Line, Glasgow : Scrapped in 1959) (Glasgow (UK))
- AYANE (2010- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker 144m overall of Ayane Shipping Limited) (Valletta (Malta) )
- AYRESS (2002- General cargo ship 80m overall of Coast Lines Shipping) (Portsmouth (England))
- AYRFIELD (in 1965 at Sydney, Australia)
- AYRSHIRE ( 1957 - 1965 General cargo liner 534 feet long of Scottish Shire Line / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- AYTON CROSS (in 2022 Tug of Svitzer)
- AZALEA (1878-1920 Passenger / cargo steamer 218 feet long of Alex A Laird & Company, Glasgow : 1939 scrapped)) (Glasgow (UK))
- AZAMARA JOURNEY (2000 - Cruise Liner of Azamara Club Cruises)
- AZAMARA PURSUIT (2001- Cruise liner 592 feet long of Azamara Club Cruises) (Valletta (Malta) )
- AZAMARA QUEST (2007- Cruise Liner 181.00 m (593 ft 10 in) of Azamara Club Cruises)
- B 302 (Dumb barge) (Sliedrecht (Netherlands))
- B 401 (Dumb barge) (Sliedrecht (Netherlands))
- B 402 (Dumb Barge) (Sliedrecht (Netherlands))
- B P DISTRIBUTOR (Coastal oil/product tanker) (London)
- B P ENGINEER (Coastal oil tanker of Shell Mex & bp, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- B P MARKETER (1952-1964 Coastal oil products tanker of Shell Mex & B P, London) (London (UK))
- B P REFINER (1952-1964 Coastal oil tanker of Shell Mex & BP, London) (London)
- BA101 Fishing boat ... in 1953 (U.K.)
- BA131 (Fishing boat ... in 1953) (U.K.)
- BA18 Fishing boat ... in 1953 (U.K.)
- BA202 Fishing boat ... in 1953 (U.K.)
- BA217 (Inshore fishing boat in 1954) (U.K.)
- BA246 (Fishing boat ..... in 1953) (U.K.)
- BA327 (Fishing boat .... in 1953) (U.K.)
- BAB T (in 1954 at Liverpool and north Africa)
- BADAGRY PALM (i1956-1972 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 446.8 feet overall of Palm Line, London, UK. : 1981 scrapped at Bombay, India) (London (England, U.K.))
- BAGH-E-DACCA (1966-1985 General cargo ship 155m long of Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, Karachi, Pakistan :1985 Scrapped) (Karachi (Pakistan))
- BAGH-e-KARACHI (1964- General cargo ship of Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, Karachi, Pakistan) (Karachi (Pakistan))
- BAHADUR (1948-1970 General cargo ship 425 feet long of Asiatic Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London : 1974 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- BAHAMASTARS (in 1986 at Durban, South Africa)
- BAHARISTAN (1959-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick & Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BAHIA de MATINZAS (In 1957)
- BAKIR (in 1947 Passenger / cargo ship) (Turkey)
- BAKKAFOSS (in 1964 at Iceland, Ardrossan and Manchrster) (Reykjavik (Iceland))
- BAKNES (1970-74 Bulk carrier 520 feet long of Nile Steamship Co Ltd (Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation Ltd) / Tenax Steamship Company Ltd, London / J & J Denholm) (London (UK))
- BALANTIA (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- BALLARAT (1954-1968 General cargo liner 527 feet long of P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- BALLYADAM (1952-1955 General cargo coaster of John Kelly, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYALTON (1952-1956 General cargo coaster of John Kelly, Belfast : Scrapped 1956) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYARDS (1951-1955 General cargo coaster 125 feet long of John Kelly, Belfast : Scrapped 1955) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYARNOT (1952-1956 General cargo coaster of John Kelly, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYCASTLE (In 1953 General cargo coaster of John Kelly, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYCLARE (1951-1959 General cargo coaster of John Kelly Shipowners, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYDONNELL (General cargo coaster of John Kelly Shipowners, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYDOUGAN (1952-1959 General cargo coaster 179 feet overall of John Kelly, Belfast : 1959 scrapped at Antwerp, Belgium) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- BALLYGALLY (1952-1962 General cargo coaster 187 feet long of John Kelly Shipping, Belfast : 1962 Scrapped) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYGALLY HEAD (1954-1968 General cargo ship 242 feet long of Head Line / Ulster Steamship Company, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- BALLYGARVEY (in 1957 General cargo coaster at Ayr and Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- BALLYHAFT (1952-1970 General cargo coaster 190 feet long of John Kelly Ltd., Belfast : 1970 Scrapped) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- BALLYHENRY (1951-1959 Steam 3-island type General cargo coaster of John Kelly Ltd., Belfast : 1959 scrapped at Troon) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- BALLYHILL (in 1962 at Ardrossan and Swansea) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYKERN (General cargo coaster of John Kelly Ltd., Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYLAGAN ( 1955-1970 General cargo coaster 255 feet long of John Kelly Shipowners, Belfast) (Belfast)
- BALLYLUMFORD (1954- 1971 General cargo coaster 252 feet 72m long of John Kelly Ltd., Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- BALLYMENA (1954-1971 General cargo coaster of John Kelly Shipping, Belfast : 1971 scrapped at Faslane) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- BALMORAL (1949- Present Passenger excursion ferry 204 feet 62m long) (U.K.)
- BALRANALD (1964-1968 General cargo ship 514 feet 157m long formerly NYANZA of P & O Steam Navigation, London) (London)
- BALTIC (2023- Chemical / Oil tanker 129.5m overall) (Denmark)
- BALTIC (General cargo coaster)
- BALTIC COAST (1948- General cargo coaster of Coast Lines Limited, Liverpool)
- BALTIC FIN (2023 --- General cargo ship IMO 9953925 : 89.75m overall of Ocean Star Shipping Gmbh & Co Kg - Jork, Germany (Limassol (Cyprus))
- BALTIC IMPORTER (1953-1969 General cargo ship of United Baltic Corporation, London) (London (UK))
- BALTISTAN (1953-1972 General cargo ship 478 feet overall of Frank C Strick & Co., London : 1974 scrapped after stranding) (London (England, U.K.))
- BALUCHISTAN (1956-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BAMBOROUGH CASTLE (Sailing schooner in 1860)
- BAMBURGH CASTLE (1959 - 1976 Ore carrier of W A Souter Line (Bamburgh Shipping Company)) (Newcastle)
- BAMENDA PALM (1956-1972 General cargo ship 447 feet overall of Palm Line, London : scrapped 1983) (London (England, UK))
- BAMORA (1961-1971 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BANADEROS (in 1954 General cargo ship at London, Antwerp and east Mediterranean)
- BANGAL (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- BANKURA (1959- 1971 General cargo liner 426 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London)
- BANNPRIDE (1953-1961 A 3-island type steam general cargo coaster 164 feet long of Thorn Line / S W Coe, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BANNROSE (General cargo coaster of Thorn Line / S W Coe, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BANNTHORN (1939-1946 then 1947-1949 then 1950-1954 General cargo coaster of Thorne Line / S. W. Coe, Liverpool : Scrapped 1954) (Liverpool (England))
- BANNTRADER (1950-1962 General cargo coaster 160 feet long of Thorn Line / S W Coe, Liverpool : 1962 Broken up at Preston, England) (Liverpool (England))
- BANTRIA (1928-1954 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, London) (Liverpool (England))
- BARADINE (1963-1968 General cargo ship of P & O Lines, London : 1976 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Karachi, Pakistan)) (London (UK))
- BARDISTAN (Cargo liner of F C Strick Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- BARENFELS (in 1957)
- BARNEY KIRSCHBAUM (1945-1949 "Liberty" type General cargo ship 442 feet long of USA War Shipping Administration/ Weyerhaeuser Steamship Co., 1949-1972 placed in reserve fleet : 1973 scrapped) (United States)
- BARON AILSA (1946-1955 General cargo ship of H Hogarth & Co. / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1972 Scrapped) (Ardrossan (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON ARDROSSAN (1954-1966 General cargo ship H. Hogarth & Co. / Baron Line, Glasgow : Scrapped in 1977) (Glasgow (UK))
- BARON CAWDOR (in 1957)
- BARON ELIBANK (1946-1959 General cargo ship 328 feet overall of Hugh Hogarth / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1971 scrapped} (Ardrossan (Scotland, UK))
- BARON ELPHINSTONE (1937-1959 General cargo ship of Hugh Hogarth & Co. Ltd. / Baron Line, Ardrossan : 1971 scrapped) (Ardrossan (Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON FAIRLIE (in 1952)
- BARON FORBES (1922-1953 General cargo ship of Hugh Hogarth & Co. Ltd., / Baron Line, Ardrossan : 1953 scrapped) (Ardrossan (Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON INVERCLYDE (1954-1963 General cargo ship 438ft 139.2 metres long 12.5 knots of Hugh Hogarth Company, Glasgow) (Ardrossan (Scotland))
- BARON KILMARNOCK (1953-1957 Oil products tanker 547 feet long of Hugh Hogarth & Co. / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1979 scrapped) (Ardrossan (Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON MACLAY (1924-1957 General cargo ship of Hugh Hogarth / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1959 scrapped) (Ardrossan (Scotland, UK))
- BARON PENTLAND (1959-1968 General cargo ship 465 feet long of Hugh Hogarth / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1984 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON RAMSAY (1929-1959 General cargo ship 350 feet long of Hugh Hogarth Company, Glasgow) (Ardrossan (Scotland))
- BARON RENFREW (1935-1961 General cargo ship 401 feet long of Hugh Hogarth, Ardrossan) (Ardrossan (Scotland))
- BARON SCOTT (1940-1961 General cargo ship of H Hogarth & Co. / Baron Line, Glasgow : 1969 Scrapped) (Ardrossan (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- BARON YARBOROUGH ... in 1954
- BARPETA (1960-1971 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BARRADINE (in 1966)
- BARRANCA (1947-1957 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1967 scrapped at Spezia, Italy) (London (England, U.K.))
- BARRERAS PUENTE (1959-1970 General cargo coaster 49 metres long of A Pesquera Industrial Gallega, Vigo) (Vigo (a city in north-west Spain))
- BARRISTER (1954-1974 General cargo ship of Charente / T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BARTON GRANGE (1949-1958 General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers, London) (London (UK))
- BASILDON (1963-1967 General cargo three-island coaster 205 feet long of R S Braggs (Shipping) Ltd (UK)
- BASKERVILLE (1954 - 1967 General cargo ship of Transatlantic Carriers, London) (London)
- BASSANO (1946-1967 General cargo ship of Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull : 1969 scrapped at Shanghai) (Hull (England))
- BASSETHOUND (1934-1954 Coastal oil tanker of Hadley Shipping Company, London : Scrapped 1968) (London (UK))
- BATAVIA (1899-1914 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line) (Hamburg (Germany))
- BATORY (1936-1939 and 1946-1969 Passenger Liner of Polish Ocean Lines, Gydnia, Poland)) (Gydnia, Poland)
- BATTLEAXE (1949-1957 Steam Tug 105 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow : Scrapped 1964) (Glasgow (UK))
- BATTLER (Barge towing and berthing operations tug 19.50m long of Clyde Marine services, Victoria Harbour, Greenock) (Greenock (UK))
- BATU (1957-1977 General cargo ship of NV Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland, Amsterdam) (Netherlands)
- BAUDOUINVILLE (1957-1961 Passenger / cargo liner of Cie. Marine Belge) (Belgium)
- BAUDOUINVILLE (in 1954 at Matadi, Congo, West Africa)
- BAY FISHER (1958 - 1970 General cargo ship 221 feet long of James Fisher Company, Barrow) (Barrow (England))
- BAYANO (1915-1918 HMS BAYANO then 1918 - 1956 Passenger & Banana Carrier of Elders & Fyffes, U.K. : 1956 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- BAYNES (1968-1973 Bulk carrier 522 feet long of Tenax Steamship Company Ltd., London / Kristian Jebsens Rederi AS, Bergen) (London (UK))
- BBC GEORGIA (2008- General cargo ship 138m overall of BBC Chartering, Leer, Germany) (St. John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- BEACHY (1947-1959 General cargo ship 254 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1968 foundered off India) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BEACONIA (1937-1954 General cargo coaster : Scrapped in 1957) (Whitehaven (England))
- BEACONSFIELD (in 1957 General cargo coaster at Garston, England)
- BEAUVAIS (1950-1961 General cargo ship of Messageries Maritimes, France) (France)
- BEAVERBURN (1927-1940 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line : 1940 torpedoed and sunk in North Atlantic.)
- BEAVERBURN (1946-1960 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BEAVERDELL (1956-1963 General cargo freighter of Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd.) (Liverpool )
- BEAVERELM (London (England, UK))
- BEAVERFIR (1961-1972 General cargo ship 373 feet long of Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Liverpool) (London (England, UK))
- BEAVERFORD (1928-1940 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line :1940 sunk with all hands by German battleship ADMIRAL SCHEER while protecting convoy after JERVIS BAY had been sunk)
- BEAVERFORD (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BEAVERGLEN (1946-1963 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Steamships, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BEAVERLAKE (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BEAVERLODGE (1952-1960 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Steamship Company, Liverpool) (London (England, UK))
- BEAVERPINE (1962-1971 General cargo ship of Canadian Pacific Line)
- BECKY (1945-1965 General cargo ship 99.32m 326 feet overall of Aktiebolaget Transmarin, Helsingborg, Sweden : 1980 scrapped) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- BECKY (1965-1975 General cargo ship 99.32m 326 feet long of John E. Sandstrom, Stockholm but chartered to A/B Transmarin : 1981 scrapped)) (Panama)
- BEECH HILL (1950-1964 General cargo ship 441 feet long of Counties Ship Management, London : 1967 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- BEECHFIELD (in 1953 General cargo coaster at Belfast and Ardrossan) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BEECHMORE (1954-1965 General cargo ship 372 feet long of Johnston Warren Line / Furness Warren Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BEECHWOOD (1957-1968 Oil Tanker 631 feet overall of John I. Jacobs & Co. Ltd., London : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (UK))
- BEKAA (1968-1977 General cargo ship 101m long of Associated Levant Lines SARL, Beirut, Lebanon : Scrapped in 1977 ) (Beirut (Lebanon))
- BELARD (1985-1997 Chartered Ro-RO Trailer ferry IMO 7725362 of P & O Pandoro : 1997 returned to owners) (Manchester (England, U.K.))
- BELGIQUE ( -1944 Scuttled as a blockship at Juno Beach, D-Day Landings) (Belgium)
- BELI (General cargo ship / Bulker)
- BELJEANNE (1947-1974 Heavy Lift cargo ship 470 feet 143.21 m long of Belships, Oslo : 1969 Scrapped in Japan) (Oslo (Norway))
- BELLA DAN (in 1957 in Chile and New York)
- BELLE ETOILE (1965-1970 General cargo ship 432 feet long formerly British India's LANDAURA of Mauritius Steam Navigation Company / Rogers & Company, London : Scrapped 1972)
- BELLERBY (1946-1960 General cargo ship 446 feet long of Ropner & Company : Scrapped 1970) (West Hartlepool (England, U.K.))
- BELLEROPHON (1950-1957 then 1972-1976 General cargo ship 463 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1978 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BELLIS ( 1955 - 1967 Cargo ship / heavy lift ship 408 feet long of Belship Co Ltd Ships A/S ( Christian Smith, Oslo as manager ) Oslo Norway. (Oslo, Norway)
- BELMAR (1959-1962 Oil products tanker of Ships A/S Oiltank / Georg Vefling Rederi, Tonsberg)) (Tonsberg (Norway))
- BELNOR (1926-1956 Heavy lift ship 309 feet long of Rederiet Belnor A/S (Christen Smith & Co.), Oslo / Skibs-A/S Belships Co. Ltd., Oslo, Norway : Sank 1966) (Oslo (Norway))
- BELVEDERE (1961-1965 General cargo coaster 226 feet long of Onesimus Dorey, Guernsey) (Guernsey (Channel Islands))
- BEN OCEAN LANCER (1977-1990 Drill ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BEN OCEAN TYPHOON (1976-1987 Drilling rig of Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1987 scrapped)
- BEN-MY-CHREE (1998- Ro-Pax ferry 125.2m 411 feet overall of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Ltd., Douglas) (Douglas (Isle of Man, UK))
- BEN-MY-CHREE (1927-1939 and 1946-1965 Passenger Steamer of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, Douglas) (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- BENALBANACH (1947-1965 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENALBANACH (1967-1972 General cargo ship 563 feet long of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENALBANACH (1974-1978 Conventional general cargo ship (1957-1974 was P & O Line's PANDO GULF) : 1978 scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENALDER (1935-1947 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENALDER (1949-1968 General cargo liner 475 feet long of Ben Line / William Thomson & Company, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENALDER (1972-1992 Container ship of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENALLIGIN (1968-1972 General cargo liner (formerly Ellerman's CITY OF KHARTOUM) of Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1972 scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENARKLE (1968-1974 General cargo liner of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENARMIN (1963-1972 General cargo liner 550 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENARTY (1947-1954 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENARTY (1956-1962 Cargo Liner of Ben Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENARTY (1963-1981 General cargo liner 509 feet long 17.5 knots of William Thomson's Ben Line, Leith) (Leith)
- BENATTOW (1950-1963 General cargo liner 446 feet long (formerly PEGU) of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENATTOW (1965-1977 Conventional general cargo liner of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENAVON (1949-1970 General cargo ship 483 feet overall of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENAVON (1973-1992 Container ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENBHUI (1974- Ben Line's harbour launch at Hong Kong)
- BENCAIRN (1970-1975 General / refrigerated cargo liner (formerly Ellerman's CITY OF BRISBANE) of Ben Line Steamers, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENCLEUCH (1922-1941 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : Sank 1941) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENCLEUCH (1949-1972 General cargo liner of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENCLEUCH (1976-1989 Chemical Tanker of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENCOMO (1950- Fruit and vegetable carrier of Fred Olsen Line, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- BENCRUACHAN (1946-1966 General cargo liner of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENCRUACHAN (1968-1980 General cargo liner 558 feet long of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENCRUACHAN (1983-1986 Bulk carrier 274m overall of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENDEARG (1964-1981 General cargo liner of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENDIGO (1954-1968 General cargo liner 527 feet long of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- BENDORAN (1947-1953 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENDORAN (1956-1977 Conventional general cargo liner 508 feet long 17 knots of William Thomson's Ben Line of Leith : 1977 scrapped in Taiwan) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENEDIN (1968-1970 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENGAZI (1947-1968 General cargo ship of Fred Olsen & Co., Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- BENGLOE ( 1961 - 1978 Cargo liner 550 feet long of Ben Line) (Leith)
- BENHIANT (1960-1970 General cargo ship of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENHOPE (1962-1972 General cargo liner 497 feet long 15 knots of William Thomson's Ben Line, Leith) (Leith)
- BENHOPE (1978-1989 Bulk carrier of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENIN (1907-1929 General cargo liner of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BENIN PALM (1949-1959 General cargo liner of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- BENKITLAN (1968-1972 General cargo liner 498 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLARIG (1961-1969 General cargo ship of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLAWERS (1944-1968 General cargo ship 475 feet long of Ben Line / William Thomson Company, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLAWERS (1970-1978 General cargo ship of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENLEDI (1951-1963 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLEDI (1965-1972 General cargo liner 563 feet long of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLEDI (1981-1984 Bulk carrier of Ben Line Steamers Ltd., Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENLOMOND (1946-1956 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENLOMOND (1957-1977 General cargo liner 508 feet long 17 knots of William Thomson's Ben Line, Leith) (Leith)
- BENLOYAL (1959-1978 General cargo liner 550 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : scrapped 1978) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENMACDHUI (1948-1972 General cargo liner 474 feet long of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENMACDHUI (1976-1989 Chemical Tanker of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENMHOR (1952-1973 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1973 Scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENMHOR (1977-1979 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1979 Scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENNACHIE (1960-1964 General cargo liner of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith, Scotland)
- BENNACHIE (1960-1964 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENNACHIE (1966-1971 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1971 Scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENNEVIS (1928-1941 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENNEVIS (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Ben Line / William Thomson Company, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENNEVIS (1959-1973 General cargo liner of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENNEVIS (1977-1982 General cargo ship (formerly BARON DUNMORE 1968-1977) of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENNY SKOU (1951-1966 General cargo ship 390 feet (119 metres) of Ove Skou, Kobenhaven, Denmark : 1980 scrapped in Spain) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- BENOIL (1961- Oil products tanker 560 feet long of Skibs A/S Excelsior / Bendi Rasmussen, Norway) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- BENRATHA (1968-1970 General cargo ship (formerly Ellerman's CITY OF NEWCASTLE) 507 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENREOCH (1952-1976 General cargo ship 503 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line Steamers Ltd., Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENRINNES (1938-1949 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENRINNES (1950-1959 General cargo liner of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENRINNES (1959-1973 General cargo ship 492 feet long of Ben Line Steamers Ltd., Edinburgh : 1973 scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENRINNES (1977-1980 Feeder container ship of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENSTAC (1968-1982 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 531 feet long of Sir Douglas Thomson & Partners / William Thomson & Co., Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENULA (in 1957 coaster in Manchester Ship Canal)
- BENVALLA (1962-1972 General cargo liner 550 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVALLA (1979-1987 and 1993-1993 Containership of Ben Line, Edinburgh, Scotland) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENVANNOCH (1950-1956 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVANNOCH (1956-1969 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVANNOCH (1970-1975 General cargo liner 568 feet long of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVANNOCH (1978-1978 General cargo ship - - formerly CITY OF RIPON --- of Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1979 scrapped) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENVEG (1951-1962 Coastal cargo liner 224 feet long of Ben Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVEG (1978- Pleasure Junk 36 feet long of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Singapore (probably))
- BENVENUE (1948-1973 General cargo liner 475 feet long of Ben Line / William Thomson, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENVENUE (1974-1989 Chemical Tanker of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- BENVORLICH (1946-1971 General cargo ship of William Thomson Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENVORLICH (1973-1976 Bulk carrier of Ben Line Steamers, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland))
- BENVRACKIE (1955-1975 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENWELL (1962-1968 Oil products tanker) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- BENWYVIS (1949-1955 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENWYVIS (1955-1963 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENWYVIS (1966-1972 General cargo ship of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BENWYVIS (1974-1978 General cargo liner of William Thomson's Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- BERBICE (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BERENGARIA (1921-1938 Passenger Liner of Cunard White Star Line, Liverpool : 1938 sold for scrapping after fire at New York.) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- BERGSINGEL (1953-1957 General cargo coaster 48m long of N.V. Invoer- & Transportonderneming 'Invotra', Rotterdam, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- BERIT (1957 - Oil products tanker of Rederi A/S Mascot, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- BERLIN (Passenger liner)
- BERNARD V in 1954
- BERNI NUBEL (1952- General cargo ship of Schulte & Bruns Kg, Papenburg) (Germany)
- BERNY (in 1966 General cargo ship of Rederi A/B Sally, Mariehamn, Sweden) (Mariehamn (Sweden))
- BERTAIN (Italy)
- BETTY ANNE S (1952-1965 General cargo coaster of Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale, Rotterdam). (Rotterdam, Holland)
- BHAMO (1907-1938 General cargo ship of P. Henderson & Co. / British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co., Glasgow : 1938 scrapped at Japan.) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BHAMO (1957-1967 General cargo ship 470 feet long of Patrick Henderson / 1967 transferred to Guinea Gulf Line : 1979 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BHARATSENA (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- BIBI (1967- 1977 General cargo liner of Wm Brandts (Leasing) Limited, London / TMM Mexico : 1985 sank after collosion) (Glasgow)
- BIDEFORD (in 1971)
- BIDFORD PRIORY (1960-1975 Oil tanker of Warwick Tankers and chartered to B.P.)
- BIOGRAPHER (1949-1964 General cargo ship 464 feer long of Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BIRDWOOD (1945-1968 General cargo ship 329 feet long 11 knots speed of William France, Fenwick & Co., England : 1979 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- BIRGIT MULLER (1957-1967 General cargo coaster 181 feet long of Otto A Muller, Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- BIRGITTE SKOU (1947-1969 General cargo ship of Ove Skou Rederiaktieselskab, Kobenhaven, Denmark) (Copenhagen (Denmark))
- BIRKNES (1967-1973 Bulk carrier 522 feet long of Kristian Jebsen Rederi A/S, Bergen : 1986 Scrapped) (Bergen, Norway)
- BIRLING (1977-2000 General cargo ship 91m overall of Powell Duffryn Shipping Ltd, London / Stephenson Clarke Shipping Ltd, London : 2010 scrapped) (London)
- BIRMINGHAM CITY (1950-1963 General cargo ship 452 feet overall of Bristol City Line, Bristol) (Bristol (England, U.K.))
- BISHOPDALE (1937-1970 Oil products tanker 468 feet long Pennant No. A 128 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : 1970 scrapped at Bilbao (Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- BISHOPSGATE (1960-1968 Ore carrier 525 feet long of Bishopsgate Shipping / Silver Line, London) (London)
- BITER (1982-2023 Tug of Clyde Marine Services, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- BITOLA (1963-1968 General cargo ship 200 feet long of Atlantska Plovidba, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia) (Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia))
- BITTERN (1949-1966 General cargo ship 290 feet overall of British and Continental Steamship Co., Liverpool : 1975 scrapped in Pakistan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- BJORGSTEIN (1956-1969 Reefer = Refrigerated cargo ship 396 feet overall of Hjalmar Bjorge Oslo : 1983 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Oslo (Norway))
- BLACK PRINCE (in 1966 Cruise liner of Fred. Olsen Lines) (Norway)
- BLACK STAR (1966-1972 Frigate of Ghana Navy) (Ghana)
- BLACK WATCH (In 1966 Cruise liner of Fred Olsen Line) (Norway)
- BLAIRCLOVA (1939-1961 Steam general cargo ship 439 feet long of Clydesdale Navigation Co. Ltd. / George Nisbet & Co., Glasgow : 1962 wrecked in a typhoon at Hong Kong) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BLANCHLAND (1961-1968 Tramp general cargo ship of Stephenson Clarke Ltd. / Stephenson Clarke Shipping Ltd. ) (UK)
- BLEASDALE (1962-1984 Suction Hopper Dredger 193 feet overall of British Transport Docks Board, Fleetwood : 1984 scrapped at Garston) (Fleetwood (England))
- BLENHEIM (1970-1981 Passenger cruise liner 149.38 metres long of Fred Olsen Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- BLISWORTH (General cargo coaster 1957-1968 of Grand Union Shipping Company, London) (London)
- BLOEMFONTEIN CASTLE (1950-1959 Passenger Liner 595 feet 181.2m overall 739 passengers in single class of Union Castle Line, London : 1989 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- BLUEBELL (Inshore fishing boat)
- BLYTHE STAR (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- BLYTHSWOOD (1963-1992 Bucket Ladder Dredger 175 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- BOATMEN ( motor launch used by employees of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- BOER (1941-1964 Steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & j Hay, Glasgow : 1965 scrapped at Troon) (Glasgow)
- BOGESUND (1948- General cargo ship 284 feet long of Stockholms Rederi A/B Svea / Eman, Hogberg, Stockholm) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- BOKELNBURG (1956-1965 General cargo coaster of Julius Penns, Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- BOMBALA (1961- General cargo ship 426 feet overall of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BON AMI (Inshore fishing trawler register number BA 104)
- BONAIRE (1950-1971 General cargo coaster 51.20m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors / Erven Jan Westers Hzn., Geesina Westers, Hendrik W. Westers, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- BONAWE (1919-1954 General cargo coaster 141 feet long of J. & A. Gardner & Co. Ltd., Glasgow : Scrapped in 1954) (Glasgow (UK))
- BOOJUM (in 1953 Barge of William Denny Shipbuilders, Dumbarton, Scotland)
- BOOKER VALIANCE ( 1963 - 1973 General cargo ship 375 feet long chartered from J H Wessels, Drammen, Norway, by Booker Line, Liverpool) (Drammen (Norway))
- BOOKER VANGUARD (1963-1979 General cargo ship 403 feet overall of Booker Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BORDER FUSILIER (Oil tanker of Lowland Tanker Company)
- BORDER LAIRD (Oil tanker in 1957 of Lowland Tanker Company) (Newcastle (U.K.))
- BORDER PELE (1961-1979 Oil tanker 569 feet overall of Lowland Tanker Company : 1984 scrapped at Chittagong) (Newcastle (U.K.))
- BORDER REGIMENT (1953-1969 Oil products tanker 525 feet long of Lowland Tanker Co. Ltd./ Common Brothers Ltd., Newcastle : 1975 scrapped) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- BORDER SENTINEL (1955-1970 Oil products tanker of Lowland Tanker Co / British Tanker Co / Common Brothers, Newcastle : 1976 scrapped) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- BORDER SHEPHERD ( 1960 - 1981 an all-aft Product tanker 572 feet long of Lowland Tanker Company/ Common Brothers, Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- BOREALIS (1948-1972 General cargo ship 115m 377 feet overall of Norske Middelhavslinje A/S / Fred Olsen Mediterranean Line, Oslo : 1973 scrapped at Hong Kong (Oslo (Norway))
- BORNEO (1948-1963 General cargo ship 496 feet long of N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Nederland', Amsterdam, Netherlands) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- BORNRIF (1963-1969 General cargo coaster 61.77m long of J. de Winter's Scheepvaartbedrijf, Groningen / Wed. Rikstje de Winter-Brouwer, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- BORNU (1899-1915 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- BORODINO in 1954
- BOSNA (1926- General cargo ship of Jugolinija = Jugoslavenska Linijska Plovidra, Rijeka, Jugoslavia)) (Rijeka (Yugoslavia))
- BOSS TUG (1967- Tug 25.3m long)
- BOSTON TYPHOON (1959-1968 Deep Sea fishing trawler 139 feet long Number FD183 of Boston Deep Sea Fisheries, Fleetwood : 1978 fire off South Africa and scuttled as artificial reef off Cape Town) (Fleetwood England, U.K.))
- BOURGUIGNON (Frigate of French Navy) (France)
- BOY HARRIS (in 2025 Inshore fishing boat OB454 at Clyde Marina, Ardrossan) (Oban (Scotland, UK))
- BP ENDEAVOUR (1967-1987 Oil products tanker 561 feet long of BP Tankers Australia Pty ) (Australia)
- BRADEVERETT (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- BRAEMAR CASTLE (1952-1966 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- BRAESIDE (1948-1970 Passenger / cargo ship of Burns, Philp & Co., Sydney, Australia) (Sydney (Australia))
- BRAGANCA (Lisbon (Portugal))
- BRANDON BAY (1968-1987 Tug 39m 128ft long of Bantry Bay Towing Co. / Rea / Cory Towage / Irish Tugs)
- BRASIL STAR (1947-1972 Passenger / cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- BRAUNFELS (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- BRAZILIAN PRINCE (1946-1958 General cargo ship of Prince Line) (U.K.)
- BRECONSHIRE (in 1954) (London (U.K.))
- BREEWIJD (1965-1974 General cargo coaster 200 feet long of P A Van ES, Rotterdan) (Rotterdam (Holland))
- BREIM (1949- 1964 General cargo ship 326 feet long of A/S Borgestad Rederi, Porsgrunn, Norway : 1978 scrapped Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Porsgrunn, Norway)
- BREMEN (1959-1971 Passenger liner of North German LLoyd, Bremen)) (Bremen (Germany))
- BRESCIA (1947-1966 General cargo liner 339 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- BRESLAU (In 1927 Cargo / passenger ship of Currie Line)
- BRETAGNE (1961-1962 Passenger / cargo liner 177m overall of Europe Australia Line S.A. / Chandris Group, Piraeus) (Piraeus (Greece))
- BRIGADIER (1946-1960 Tug of Steel & Bennie Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BRIGADIER (1961-1976 coastal and harbour tug 110 feet long of Steel & Bennie) (Glasgow)
- BRIGAND (Tug of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- BRIGIT MAERSK (in 1954 left Durban for Puerto Rico)
- BRILLIANT (1958-1968 General cargo coaster 68.4m overall of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : 1982 foundered in Caribbean) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BRISBANE STAR (1937 - 1963 Cargo liner 549 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- BRISTOL CITY in 1954
- BRITANNIA (1926-1941 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1941 sunk by German surface raider THOR; loss of 249 lives) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BRITANNIA (1953-2003 Royal Yacht 413 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- BRITANNIC (1930-1960 Passenger liner of White Star Line / Cunard White Star Line) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- BRITISH ADVENTURE (in 1954 Oil tanker of BP British Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH AMBASSADOR (1959- 1975 Oil products tanker of B P Tanker Company, London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH BARON (1947-1962 Oil products tanker of British Tanker Company / B.P. Tanker Company, London : 1962 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH BOMBARDIER (1946-1960 Oil products tanker of British Tanker Company, London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH BOMBARDIER (1962-1976 Oil products tanker 232m long of BP Tanker Company, London : Scrapped 1976) (London (UK))
- BRITISH CAVALIER (1962-1975 Bridge amidships crude oil carrier 760 feet long of B P Tanker Co. Ltd, London : Scrapped 1975 (London (UK))
- BRITISH CHARACTER (Oil tanker) (London)
- BRITISH COMMODORE (1967-1982 Oil tanker 820 feet long of BP Tanker Company, London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH CONFIDENCE (B.P, Tankers) (London)
- BRITISH COURAGE (1928-1953 Oil products tanker 440 feet long of British Tanker Company, London : Scrapped in 1953) (London (UK))
- BRITISH CRAFTSMAN (1951-1964 Oil products tanker of BP Tanker Company) (London (England, UK))
- BRITISH CROWN (in 1954 Oil Tanker of BP British Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH DIPLOMAT (in 1957 Oil tanker of BP = British Petroleum / British Tanker Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- BRITISH EMPRESS (Oil tanker in 1957 of BP Tanker Company, London) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH ENERGY (1958-1975 Oil products tanker of BP Tanker Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH ENTERPRISE (in 1954 and 1957 at Cape Town and Durban)
- BRITISH FAME (1949- Oil products tanker 547 feet long of B P Tanker Co., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH FULMAR (1959-1973 Oil tanker 525 feet long of BP Tanker Co., London : 1983 Sank after collision off Hong Kong)) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH GANNET ( 1959 - 1976 Product tanker "Bird Class" 525 feet long of BP Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH GENERAL (in 1954 Oil Tanker of BP British Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH GUARDIAN (1953-1956 then 1963- 1972 Oil Tanker 525 feet overall of British Petroleum / British Tanker Company : 1972 scrapped in Spain) (London)
- BRITISH GUARDSMAN (1963-1976 Oil Tanker 760 feet long of British Petroleum Company of London : 1976Scrapped at Taiwan) (London (UK))
- BRITISH HARMONY (1941-1960 Oil products tanker 466 feet overall of British Tanker Co. / BP, London : 1960 scrapped at Troon, Scotland)) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH KESTREL (1962-1976 Oil products tanker 525 feet long of BP British Tanker Company, London : Scrapped 1983) (London (UK))
- BRITISH LIGHT (1959-1975 Oil tanker of B.P. Tankers, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH LOYALTY (in 1954 Oil tanker of BP Tankers, London) (London (England, UK))
- BRITISH MARINER (1963- 1975 Oil Tanker 815 feet overall of B.P. Tanker Company, London : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH MERLIN (1962-1977 Oil tanker 526 feet long of B P Tanker company, London) (London)
- BRITISH PIPER (Oil tanker) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH PRINCE (General cargo ship of Prince Line, London) (London)
- BRITISH QUEEN (1959-1975 Oil tanker 760 feet overall of Tanker Charter Co / BP Tanker Co., London : scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan in April 1975) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH RESOURCE (1949-1972 Ocean oil tanker 166.73m overall of BP Tanker Company, London : 1972 scrapped at Castellon, Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRITISH ROBIN ( 1960 - 1977 Product tanker "Bird class" of BP Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH SAILOR (1953-1972 Oil products tanker of BP Tanker Company, London : 1980 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- BRITISH SCIENTIST (In 1954 Oil Tanker of BP Tanker Company, London) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH SECURITY (1948- Oil products tanker 490 feet long of British Tanker Company / BP Tanker Company, London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH SKILL (1952-1972 Oil products tanker of BP Tanker Company, London) (London (UK))
- BRITISH SWIFT ( 1959 - 1977 Product tanker of "Bird Class" 525 feet long of BP Tankers, London) (London)
- BRITISH SWORDFISH (in 1954 Oil Tanker of BP British Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH TALENT (Oil tanker in 1957 of BP Tanker Company, London) (London (U.K.))
- BRITISH TENACITY (1939-1959 Oil products tanker 466 feet long of B.P. Tanker Company, London : Scrapped 12 January 1959) (London (England, UK))
- BRITISH TRUST ( 1960 - 1976 Product tanker 525 feet long of BP Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH TRUST (in 1954 Oil tanker of BP British Tanker Company, London) (London)
- BRITISH VIGOUR (in 1957 Oil tanker of BP = British Petroleum / British Tanker Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- BRITTA (Helsingborg, Sweden))
- BRITTA (Coaster of Honduras flag)
- BRITTANY (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Line, London : 1971 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- BRO NISSUM (2013- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9340623 : 144.18m overall of Maersk Tankers, Copenhagen, Denmark) (Lemvig (Midtjylland Region, Jutland peninsula, west Denmark))
- BRO NUUK (2008- Chemical / Oil products tanker IMO 9323819, MMSI 220502000 : 118.14m overall of )Manager: Brostrom Ab - Copenhagen, Denmark Owner: Maersk Product Tankers A/s - Copenhagen, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (= Copenhagen, Denmark))
- BRODICK (in 1962 Coastal oil products tanker) (Leith (Scotland,U.K.))
- BRODICK (Tender of Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service / Port Auxiliary Service, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BROOKMOUNT (1948- General cargo coaster (formerly EDDYSTONE 1927-1948 of Clyde Shipping Company) of Belfast, Mersey & Manchester Steam Ship Company Limited)
- BROOKMOUNT (1959-1970 General cargo coaster 265 feet overall of Belfast Steamship Company, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- BROOMDALE (1937-1959 Dale class fleet oil tanker of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : scrapped 1959) (London (UK))
- BROWN RANGER (1941-1974 Fleet support tanker 366 feet long pennant A169 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : scrapped 1975) (London (U.K.))
- BRUCE (2020- General cargo ship 145m long of Nordic Hamburg Shipping Gmbh., Hamburg, Germany) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- BRUGES (1952- General cargo ship 442 feet overall of Armement Deppe S.A., Antwerp) (Antwerp (Belgium))
- BRUNHOLM (1958-1965 General cargo coaster 44.1 metres long 10 knots speed of I/S Brunholm) (Farsund ( A town in the county of Vest-Agder, Norway))
- BUENOS AIRES MARU (General cargo ship of O.S.K. (Osaka Shosen Kaisha), Japan) (Japan)
- BULIMBA (1959-1971 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BULOLO (in 1962 of Burns, Philp, Sydney, Australia)
- BULWARRA (1954-1971 General cargo ship of Australian National Line) (Australia)
- BURMA (1914-1949 Passenger /cargo ship of Patrick Henderson, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- BURMAH SAPPHIRE (1953-1961 Oil tanker 434 feet long of Burmah Oil Co (Tankers) Ltd, London : 1961 Scrapped after collision) (London (England, UK))
- BURNSIDE (in 1962 of Burns, Philp, Sydney, Australia) (Sydney (Australia))
- BURUTU PALM (1952-1967 General cargo ship 452 feet long of Palm Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- BURWAH (1956-1978 General cargo ship of Howard Smith, Melbourne) (Melbourne (Australia))
- BUSTLER (1943-1973 Deep-sea tug of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : 1989 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- BUTE (in 1960s Vehicle / passenger ferry of Caledonian Steam Packet Company / Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- BUTE (2005- IMO 9319741 Passenger / Ro-ro ferry 72m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- BYSANZ (General cargo ship)
- C 2 (1906-1920 "C" class Submarine of Royal Navy) (Admiralty, London)
- C 25 (Royal Fleet Auxiliary oiler of Admiralty, London) (London)
- CABLE ENTERPRISE (1924-1954 Cable repairing ship 199 feet long of Cable & Wireless, London) (London (UK))
- CABOURNE (1931-1968 IMO Number: 505700 coastal general cargo ship of Coastal Carriers Ltd.) (Grimsby (England, UK))
- CADANS (1958-1969 General cargo coaster 60.21 meters long of Beck's Scheepvaartkantoor N.V., Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Rederij Beck's Scheepvaartbedrijf Motorschip Cadans, Groningen, Netherlands (Groningen (Netherlands))
- CAERNARVONBROOK (1964-1976 General cargo coaster 265 feet overall of Comben Longstaff, London : 1995 scrapped at Aliaga) (London (England, U.K.))
- CAIRNDHU (1952-1965 General cargo ship of Cairn Line, Newcastle, U.K.) (Newcastle (England, UK))
- CAIRNGORM ( 1949-1962 General cargo coaster 146 feet long of Gem Line / William Robertson Shipowners, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CAIRNGOWAN (1952-1965 General cargo ship 444 feet long of Cairn Line of Steamships Ltd. (Cairns, Noble & Co. Ltd.), Newcastle : 1973 scrapped in Gandia, Spain) (Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England, UK))
- CALABAR (1957-1962 Passenger / cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CALABAR (in 1952)
- CALANUS (Marine Biological research vessel of University of Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CALCHAS (1947-1957 then 1962-1973 General cargo ship 487 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CALEDONIA (1948-1965 Passenger - Cargo Liner 506 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CALEDONIA (1934-1939 and 1946-1969 Excursion paddle steamer 230 feet 70.1 metres 14 knots of Caledonian Steam Packet Company. Gourock) (Glasgow)
- CALEDONIA (Inshore fishing boat registered TT17) (Tarbert (Scotland))
- CALEDONIA (1925-1939 Passenger liner 553 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow - see also HMS SCOTSTOUN) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CALEDONIA STAR (1961 - 1971 cargo liner 458 feet long of Blue Star Line, London (London)
- CALEDONIAN ISLES (1993- Passenger and vehicle ferry 308 feet 94m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (UK))
- CALEDONIAN PRINCESS (1961-1982 Passenger / vehicle ferry 353 feet long of British Railways Board / Caledonian Steam Packet/ /British Transport Ship Management/Sealink) (Stranraer (Scotland, U.K.))
- CALGARIA (1956-1963 General cargo liner 495 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CALGARY (1921-1957 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool : 1957 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- CALIFORNIA (1923-1939 Passenger liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1939-1943 Troopship : 1943 Sunk_) (Glasgow (UK))
- CALIFORNIA STAR (1958-1969 General cargo ship 474 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1969 scrapped)) (London (England, U.K.))
- CALTEX DELFT (in 1952)
- CALTEX DUBLIN (in 1954 and 1957 at Aden and Persian Gulf))
- CALTEX JOHANNESBURG (in 1954 Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf)
- CALTEX LIVERPOOL (1952-1967 Oil Tanker of Overseas Tankship Ltd, London, 1964 transferred to Australian registry, managed by Howard Smith Ltd, 1967 sold to Texaco Ltd, London renamed Texaco Glasgow.) (London (England, UK) .. in 1964 transferred to Australian registry)
- CALTEX LONDON (in 1954 Oil Tanker in Persian Gulf and Singapore)
- CALTEX MANCHESTER (1953-1968 Oil products tanker 544 feet overall of Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd, London : 1972 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London)
- CALTEX MANILA (Oil tanker in 1957)
- CALUMET (1923-1955 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CALYX (General cargo coaster)
- CAMBRIAN COAST (1957-1971 General cargo coaster 187 feet long of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CAMERONIA (1911-1915 Passenger / cargo liner 533 feet long of Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers) Ltd.,, Glasgow : 1915-1917 Troopship of British Government, London : 1917 torpedoed and sunk near Malta (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAMERONIA (1921-1940 Passenger liner 678 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow: 1940-1948 Troopship: 1948-1953 Emigrant ship from U.K. to Australia: sold 1953) (Glasgow (UK))
- CAMITO (1915-1941 Passenger and Banana cargo ship of Elders & Fyffes Shipping Ltd.: 1941 torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U 97 in North Atlantic as the Ocean Boarding Vessel HMS Camito.) (London (England, U.K.))
- CAMMELL LAIRD (1968-1970 Accommodation ship (formerly ROYAL ULSTERMAN) 340 feet long of Cammell Laird Shipyard, Birkenhead ) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CAMMING (General cargo ship) (Panama)
- CAMPAIGNER ( 1957 - 1970 Tug 114 feet long of Steel & Bennie Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAMPAIGNER (1911-1957 Ship-handling Tug 112 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow : Scrapped 1960) (Glasgow (UK))
- CANADA CAPE (1904-1912 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CANADIAN EMPRESS (1981- Present day : Passenger replica steamboat 108 feet long of St Lawrence Cruise Lines Inc., Kingston, Ontario, Canada) (Kingston (Ontario, Canada))
- CANADIAN STAR ( 1957 - 1972 General cargo liner 472 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- CANBERRA (General cargo ship in Australia in 1957) (Australia)
- CANBERRA (1961-1997 Passenger liner 820 feet (250 m) of P & O Line, London : 1997-8 Scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CANBERRA STAR (1956-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Salient Shipping Co (Hamilton, Bermuda) Ltd (Blue Star Line) London) (London (England, UK))
- CANDOURITY (1958-1969 Harbour oiler 165 feet long of F T Everard Company) (London)
- CANNANORE (1948-1972 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CANOPIC (1954-1976 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 512 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London ) (London (England, UK))
- CANTON (1938-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O Line, London :1939-1944 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1944-1947 Troopship : 1947- 1962 Returned to owners :Scrapped 1962) (London (England, UK))
- CAP ARCONA (1927-40 Passenger Liner 205.90 m (675 ft 6 in) of Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft : 1940-45 Kreigsmarine Prison ship : 1945 Sunk : 1949 Wreck dismantled) (Hamburg (Germany))
- CAPE CORSO (General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CAPE FINISTERRE (1874- Cargo vessel of Abram Lyle & Son, Greenock)
- CAPE FRANKLIN ( 1959- 1974 Ore carrier 524 feet long of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : Scrapped 1988) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAPE GRAFTON ( General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CAPE GRENVILLE (1949-1965 General cargo ship 437 feet long of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1980 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAPE HAWKE (1941-1963 General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1967 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAPE HORN (1957- 1967 General cargo ship 478 feet overall of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1972 wrecked) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- CAPE HOWE (1943-1961 General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CAPE HOWE (Lyle) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- CAPE NELSON (1948-1959 General cargo ship 442 feet overall of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1967 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAPE NELSON (1961-1976 Ore carrier 524 feet long of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : Scrapped 1989) (Glasgow (UK))
- CAPE ORTEGAL (in 1958 and 1960 at San Francisco and Japan : Lyle)
- CAPE OTWAY (1931- 1963 Lighthouse maintenance vessel 60m long : scuttled 1968) (Australia)
- CAPE OTWAY (1963- 1968 Coastal general cargo ship 60m long of J. Krasnostein & Co., Sydney : scuttled 1968) (Sydney (Australia))
- CAPE RODNEY (1946-1963 General cargo ship 136m overall of Lyle Shipping Co., Glasgow : 1971 scrapped at Shanghai, China) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CAPE SABLE (1939-1958 General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow : Scrapped 1968) (Glasgow (UK))
- CAPE SABLE (1960-1966 Bulk carrier 503 feet long of Lyle Shipping, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CAPE WRATH ( 1960 - 1966 General cargo ship 513 feet long of Scottish Ship Management/Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CAPE WRATH (1940-1958 General cargo ship of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAPE YORK (1955-1965 General cargo ship 479 feet long of Lyle Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- CAPELLA (General cargo coaster ) (Groningen, Holland)
- CAPETAN PASTILES (General cargo ship)
- CAPETOWN CASTLE (1938-1967 passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London : scrapped 1967) (London)
- CAPETOWN CASTLE (1938-1967 Passenger / Refrigerated / general cargo liner 734 feet long of Union Castle Mail Steam Ship Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- CAPETOWN CASTLE (Union Castle) (London (England, UK))
- CAPO 11J (Motor Launch)
- CAPRICORNUS (1958-1960 General cargo coaster 61m 200 feet long of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Delfzijl, Netherlands Owner: Rederij Capricornus, Groningen, Netherlands ) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- CAPTAIN ANTONIOS K (General cargo ship) (Porto Limone (Italy))
- CAPTAIN COOK (maybe around 1970 / 1980s a 3-masted sailing ship)
- CAPTAIN COOK (1952-1960 Passenger ship 525 feet long of British Government (managed by Donaldson Bros & Black, Glasgow) for emigrants to New Zealand) (Glasgow)
- CAPTAIN LEMOS ( 1960 - 1968 Wartime-built Liberty general cargo ship 442 feet long of Marero Cia Nav, Panama/Eagle Ocean Transport, New York) (Panama ?)
- CAPTAYANNIS (1963-1974 General cargo ship 418 feet long of Paleocrassas Brothers, Piraeus : sank 1974) (Piraeus (Greece))
- CARARE (1925-1940 Passenger and Banana cargo ship of Elders & Fyffes Shipping Ltd. : 1940 mined and sunk in Bristol Channel, England) (London (England, U.K.))
- CARDIGAN BAY (in 1974 Container ship)
- CARDON (1959- Shiphandling and Firefighting tug 116 feet long of Terminales Maracaibo CA, Venezuela) (Maracaibo (Venezuela))
- CARDROSS (General cargo ship of James Patrick & Co. Pty. Ltd.)
- CAREBEKA (1957-1968 General cargo coaster 60.31m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- CAREBEKA V (1970-1982 General cargo coaster 78.38 Meters Length overall of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands (Groningen, Netherlands)
- CARIBIA (1931-1945 Passenger ship of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line / Hamburg-Amerika Linie) (Hamburg (Germany))
- CARICOM EXPRESS (Cargo ship of Caricom Caribbean Community) (Bridgetown, Barbados)
- CARINTHIA (1924-1939 Passenger Liner of Cunard White Star Line, Liverpool : 1939-1940 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1940 torpedoed and sunk by U.46 off Ireland; loss of 4 lives) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CARINTHIA (1955-1968 Passenger / cargo liner 608 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CARL FISSER in 1954
- CARL MEENTZEN (1956- General cargo ship of Carl Meentzen, Bremen) (Bremen (Germany))
- CARL W SELVIK (Tug in 1987)
- CARLA C (1969- Cruise ship of Costa Line, Italy)
- CARLTON (General cargo ship in 1948)
- CARMANIA (1962-1973 Dual purpose Passenger liner / Cruise liner IMO 5064324 : formerly SAXONIA 1954-1963 : 608 feet 185m of Cunard Line : 117 1st class, 764 tourist class passengers) (Southampton (England, UK))
- CARMANIA (1905-1914 Passenger Liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool, 1914-1916 Armed Merchant Cruiser, 1916-1932 Returned to owners as Passenger Liner, : 1932 Scrapped (Liverpool (England))
- CARMELA FASSIO (General cargo ship 492 feet long of Villain & Fassio Genova) (Genova (In English - Genoa, Italy))
- CARMEN (1957- General cargo coaster of Wijnne & Barends, Netherlands) (Netherlands)
- CARMENCITA (1959-1975 Ore carrier 517 feet long 66 feet beam of J M Ugland Shipping, Grimstad) (Grimstad (Norway))
- CARNARVON CASTLE (1926-1963 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Mail Steam Ship Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- CARNATIC (1957-1973 Passenger / cargo ship 512 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CARNIVAL LEGEND (2002- a 2124 passenger Spirit-class cruise liner 292 m / 958 ft of Carnival Cruise Line) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- CARNIVAL PRIDE (2001- Spirit-class cruise liner 963 feet 294m overall of Carnival Cruises : 12 decks, 22 knots. 2124 passengers, 930 crew) (Panama)
- CAROLA (Steam yacht presently an exhibit at Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine)
- CAROLIN G. (2019- General cargo ship IMO 9462500 : 88.60m overall of Gerdes Bereederungs Und Verwaltungs Gmbh - Haren Ems, Germany) (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- CAROLINE (1964-1970 General cargo coaster 160 feet 50.78m overall of Kustvaart- en Binnenvaart Rederij Van der Schoot, Harlingen / Jan & Cornelis van der Schoot, Harlingen (Harlingen (Netherlands))
- CARONIA (1949-1968 Passenger Cruise liner of Cunard Line, London) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CARONIA (1905-1914 Passenger Liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool, 1914-1916 Armed Merchant Cruiser, 1916--1919 Troopship, 1919-1932 Returned to owners, 1932 Sold (Liverpool (England))
- CARPENTARIA (1949-1973 General cargo ship of British India Line / P & O, London : 1974 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- CARRICK (Sailing ship berthed for many years at Custom House Quay, Glasgow)
- CARRIGAN HEAD (1958-1972 General cargo ship 459 feet overall of Ulster Steamship Company/ Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- CARRONPARK (1949-1963 General cargo ship of Denholm Line, London : 1974 Scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- CARSTEN SIF (General cargo ship 203 feet overall)
- CARTHAGE (1931-1961 Passenger / cargo liner of Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company / P&O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CASCADE (1956-1966 General cargo coaster 40.98 metres long of NV Scheepvaartbedrijf 'Gruno', Amsterdam) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- CASINO in 1954
- CASPER OWL (in 2024 Workboat of Offshore Workboats Ltd, Dock Street , Clydebank, Scotland, UK) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CASTALIA (1906-1949 Cargo liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CASTEL FELICE ("Happy Castle" 1952-1970 Passenger liner 150m long of Sitmar Line, Italy : 1970 Scrapped) (Italy)
- CASTILLIAN (Ellerman)
- CATALINA STAR (1958-1963 Cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- CATANIAN (1958-1972 General cargo liner of Ellerman/ Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CATELI (1951-1970 General cargo coaster 50.2m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Pieter de Wit & Zoon, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- CATELI (1951-1970 General cargo coaster 152 feet long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands/ Owner: Pieter de Wit & Zoon, Groningen ) (Groningen, Holland)
- CATERINA (Blue Water Cruises)
- CATHAY (1961-1970 Passenger / cargo liner formerly BAUDOUINVILLE 555 feet 170m overall of P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- CATHAY (in 1957)
- CATHERINA OLDENDORFF (1956- General cargo ship 463 feet 149.3m overall) (Germany)
- CATHERINE SARTORI (1954-1967 General cargo ship 298 feet overall of Hamburg Chicago Linie, Germany) (Kiel (Germany))
- CATHERINE McALLISTER (1957-1978 Tug of McAllister Towing & Transportation, 17 Battery Place, New York) (New York (USA))
- CATRIONA (2015- Ro-ro ferry 43.5m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- CAUSEWAY GEOTECH (Jack-up barge : working at Gourock (Scotland) in June 2023
- CAVINA (1924-1957 Passenger / Refrigerated cargo ship 425 feet long of Elders & Fyffes Shipping Limited) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CAVOUR (in 1924)
- CAWI (1957 - 1966 General cargo coaster 153 feet long of "Gruno" N V Scheepvaartkantoor, Amsterdam) (Netherlands)
- CAXTON (1958-1968 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of Transatlantic Carriers Ltd / Canatlantic / Walter Runciman Ltd)
- CD01 (2022- Semisubmersible rofo barge = roll on float off : 137m overall with 12m high cassions of Malin Abram, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CEDRIC ( 1952-1976 Cargo liner 512 feet long in service with Shaw Savill Line, London) (London)
- CEG COSMOS (1983- IMO 8303173 General cargo ship 63.21m long of Fehn Ship Management GmbH & Co. Ltd., Leer, Germany) (Riga (Latvia))
- CEG UNIVERSE (2018- General cargo ship 64m overall of Fehn Ship Management Gmbh & Co Kg - Leer, Germany) (Riga (Latvia))
- CELT (1954- General cargo Clyde puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow)) (Glasgow)
- CELTIC (2021 - General cargo ship / wind turbine carrier 108.25m long of Hartman Seatrade C.V. - Netherlands) (Urk (Netherlands))
- CELTIC MONARCH (1957-1964 General cargo ship of Raeburn and Verel, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CELTIC PIONEER (2006- General cargo ship 106m overall of Charles M Willie & Co. (Shipping) Ltd., Cardiff)) (Cardiff (Wales, UK))
- CEMBAY (2005 - Cement carrier 88m long of Brise Bereederung, Hamburg, Germany / Baltrader / Baltic Shipping) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- CEMVALE (2006- Cement carrier IMO 9048287 and 88m long of ms "Cemvale" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co KG) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- CENTAUR (1964- 1975 Passenger / cargo ship 481 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel / Ocean Transport & Trading Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CENTURITY (General cargo coaster)
- CERAMIC (1948-1972 Passenger/cargo liner 561 feet long 17 knots of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London)
- CERINTHUS (1954-1976 Oil products tanker 556 feet long of Hadley Shipping, London) (London)
- CERIUM ( in 1960 Conventional general cargo coaster of ICI Company)
- CERRO ALTAMIRA (1958-1968 Ore carrier 583 feet long of Skibs A/S Vorma, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- CERRO BOLIVAR (1955- 1968 Ore carrier 582 feet 177.6m overall, 21.3m breadth of Skips-A/S Vorma ( Torvald Klaveness Rederi A/S Oslo Norway : 1992 scrapped at Bombay, India) (Oslo (Norway))
- CESSNOCK (1955-1974 Steam bucket dredger 196 feet long owned by Trustees of the Clyde Navigation / Clyde Port Authority ) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CETA (1963- General cargo coaster 165 feet long of Rederij m.s. "Ceta" / N.V. Scheepvaartbedr "Gruno", Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- CHAILEY (London (England, UK))
- CHAKDARA (1951-1972 General cargo ship 465 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- CHAKDINA (1951-1973 Refrigerated cargo ship 465 feet overall of British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., London :1973-1975 absorbed into P & O Group :1977 scrapped in Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CHAKRATA (1951-1973 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1973 Scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- CHALLENGER OF LEITH (2007- Workboat 15m overall of Coastworks Operations Ltd., Fairlie, Scotland) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- CHAMPENOIS (Frigate of French Navy) (France)
- CHANDA (1944-1969 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CHANDLER (1946-1960 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CHANDPARA (1949-1970 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CHANGSHA (1949-1969 Passenger / cargo ship 424 feet overall of China Navigation Company Ltd / John Swire & Sons Ltd, London : 1981 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Hong Kong)
- CHANTALA (1950-1971 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London)
- CHARLBURY (1946-1958 General cargo ship 136.9m long of Alexander Steam Ship Co Ltd., London : 1969 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CHARLES LYKES (1945-1970 General cargo ship of Lykes Brothers Steam Ship Company, U.S.A.: 1970 Scrapped) (U.S.A.)
- CHARLESVILLE (1951-1967 Passenger / cargo liner 479 feet long of Maritime Belge Lloyd Royal S. A.,) (Belgium)
- CHARLOTTE (Coaster in 1959) (Hamburg (Germany))
- CHARLTON MIRA (1958-1969 Bulk carrier 495 feet long of Charlton Steam Shipping Company, London / Chandris (England) Ltd. : Scrapped in 1987) (London (England, UK))
- CHARLTON VENUS (in 1957)
- CHARON (in 1957)
- CHERBOURGOIS NO. 5 (Tug) (France)
- CHESHIRE (1927-1939 Bibby Line, Liverpool :1939-1943 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1943-1949 Troopship : 1949-1957 Australian Emigrant ship: 1957 scrapped) (Liverpool)
- CHESHIRE (1959-1968 General cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CHESHIRE (1927-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of Bibby Line, Liverpool: 1939-1943 Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS CHESHIRE: 1943-1949 Troopship: 1949-1957 Emigrant ship to Australia: scrapped 1957) (Liverpool (England))
- CHEVALIER (In 1874 Barque) (Irvine (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- CHEVERNY (1956-1976 Oil products tanker 203.7m long of Societe Maritime des Petroles BP France, Paris : Scrapped 1976) (France)
- CHEVIOT (1961-1977 Ore carrier of Bamburgh Shipping Co. (W A Souters) Newcastle (Newcastle (England))
- CHICANOA (1958- 1970 Refrigerated cargo for Elders & Fyffes)
- CHIEFTAIN (1930-1967 Tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CHIEFTAIN (1968-1997 Tug 112 feet long of Steel & Bennie / Cory Towage, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CHIEFTAIN (Passenger ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CHIEFTAIN (Passenger ferry of Clyde Cruises, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland))
- CHILKA (1950-1972 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- CHIMERE (in 2024 at Greenock a yacht with a blue hull) (UK)
- CHINDIT (1945-1960 General cargo Clyde Puffer / Lighter of J & J Hay & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CHINDWARA (1950-1970 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London)) (London (England, UK))
- CHINDWIN (1910-1938 Passenger / general cargo ship of P Henderson & Co, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CHINKOA (1952-1972 Cargo ship of British India Line, London : Scrapped 1972) (London (England, UK))
- CHIPPEWA (Tug in 1987)
- CHITRAL (1961-1975 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O - Orient Lines, London : 1975 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- CHIYO MARU (Japan)
- CHRISTEN SMITH (1947-1968 Heavy lift cargo ship 418 feet long of Christen Smith Shipping Co. Oslo (Belships Company Ltd. Skibs A/S : 1979 scrapped at Santander, Spain) (Oslo (Norway))
- CHRISTINA 11 ( in 1962 for CHRISTINA 2 Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland, UK))
- CHRISTINE (in 2023 Yacht)
- CHRISTOFER (1956- General cargo coaster) (Sweden)
- CHUNG KING (1948 - unknown when scrapped : Light Cruiser 506 feet 154m long of Nationalist Chinese Navy) (China)
- CHUNGKING (1950-1952 Passenger / refrigerated cargo ship 459 feet long of John Swire's China Navigation Company, Hong Kong but chartered to Messageries Maritimes, France : 1980 scrapped at Barcelona) (London (UK))
- CHUPRA (1944-1971 General cargo ship 466 feet overall of British India Steam Navigation, London : 1971 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (UK))
- CHURNI (1961- Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger IMO 5072515 : 372 feet 113.42m overall for Calcutta Port Commissioners, India) (Calcutta (India))
- CHUSAN (1874 Steam Passenger paddle steamer 300 feet long of China Steam Navigation Company)
- CHUSAN (1950-1973 Passenger liner of P & O Line, London : Scrapped 1973) (London (England, UK))
- CHYEBASSA (1942-1969 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1969 scrapped in Hong Kong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CIBELES (1961- General cargo ship) (Spain)
- CILICIA (1938-40 Anchor Line passenger/cargo ship : 1940-44 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1944-46 Troopship : 1946 Returned to owners : 1966-80 training ship / Hostel in Rotterdam : 1980 scrapped Bilbao) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CINCINNATI (1909-1917 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : New York service, 1917 seized by USA,) (Hamburg (Germany))
- CINGALESE PRINCE (1950-1960 then 1962-1964 Passenger / General cargo ship 471 feet long Prince Line Ltd (Furness, Withy & Co Ltd), London) (London (UK))
- CIRCASSIA ( 1937 - 1966 Passenger and cargo liner 483 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CIRCEA (1963-1976 General cargo ship of Cie. Maritime des Chargeurs Réunis, Verdon, France) (Dunkerque (France))
- CITADEL (1950-1971 General cargo coaster 138 feet 45 metres long of Carebeka N.V./ Owner Rijkent Huizenga, Groningen, Netherlands : 1978 scrapped in Antwerp) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- CITO (1960-1969 General cargo coaster 188 feet overall 57.3m of H Willemse, Voorburg : 1969 scuttled off Ashdod, Israel)) (Panama)
- CITO (1965- General cargo coaster 149 feet long of Aage F Grube, Marstal, Denmark) (Denmark)
- CITRINE (1939-1956 General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : Foundered 1956) (Glasgow (UK))
- CITY OF ADELAIDE (1964-1972 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London :1983 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF AGRA ( 1936-1965 Cargo liner 461 feet long of Ellerman Hall Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF ANKARA (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF ATHENS (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF AUCKLAND (1958-1978 Refrigerated cargo ship 507 feet long of Ellerman Lines, London : 1983 scrapped) (London (UK))
- CITY OF BARCELONA (1930- 1958 General cargo ship 428 feet long of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool : 1958 scrapped at Antwerp) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF BATH (1926-1942 General cargo ship of Sun Shipping Company / Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool : 1942 torpedoed and sunk by U.508 off Trinidad) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF BATH (1952-1969 General cargo ship 464 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London : 1972 scrapped at Castellon, Spain) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF BEDFORD (1950-1972 General cargo liner 485 feet long of Ellerman Hall Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF BENARES (1936-1940 Passenger / cargo liner 486 feet long of Ellerman City Line, Glasgow : 1940 Torpedoed and sunk in North Atlantic) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CITY OF BIRMINGHAM (1949 - 1971 General cargo Liner 481 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF BRISBANE (1951-1970 General / refrigerated cargo liner of Ellerman & Bucknall, London) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF BRISTOL (1964-1969 General cargo ship formerly Wilson Line's SACRAMENTO : 1964-1969 in service with Ellerman & Bucknall, London : 1977 scrapped at Faslane, Gare Loch (Scotland, UK)) (London)
- CITY OF BRISTOL (1942-1961 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF BROOKLYN (1949-1967 General cargo ship 485 feet long of Ellerman Lines Ltd (Hall Line Ltd), Liverpool :Sank in 1970) (Liverpool (England))
- CITY OF CANBERRA (1961-1977 Refrigerated cargo ship 155.65m long of Ellerman Lines, London : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF CANBERRA (in 1957)
- CITY OF CAPE TOWN (1968-1978 Refrigerated / General cargo ship formerly CITY OF MELBOURNE 545 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF CAPETOWN (1937- General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF CARDIFF (1949-1967 General cargo liner of Ellerman Lines, Liverpool) (London (UK))
- CITY OF CARLISLE (1946-1963 General cargo ship 497 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall, London : 1963 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF CHELMSFORD (1947-1959 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London)) (London (UK))
- CITY OF CHESTER ( 1944 - 1971 General cargo liner 493 feet long of Ellerman Hall Line, London) (Liverpool)
- CITY OF CHICAGO (1950-1967 General cargo liner of Ellerman Hall Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CITY OF CHRISTIANIA (1921-1957 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines : scrapped 1957) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF COLCHESTER (1947-1959 A wartime-built "Liberty" General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 1967 scrapped (London (UK))
- CITY OF COLOMBO (1956-1977 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : Scrapped in 1979) (London (UK))
- CITY OF CORINTH (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF COVENTRY (1949-1967 General cargo ship 485 feet overall of Ellerman Lines / Hall Line, Liverpool : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool)
- CITY OF DELHI (1925-1956 General cargo ship 470 feet overall of Ellerman Lines, London : Scrapped 1956)) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF DELHI (1970-1976 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 1980 scrapped at Chittagong) (London)
- CITY OF DERBY (General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF DIEPPE (1929-1956 General cargo ship 465 feet long of Ellerman City Line / Ellerman & Bucknall, scrapped 1959 at Hong Kong) (Glasgow)
- CITY OF DONCASTER (1947-1961 General cargo ship 442 feet overall (1943-built "Liberty" ship) of Ellerman & Bucknall Lines, London / City Line, Glasgow : 1970 scrapped at Hong Kong) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CITY OF DUNDEE ( 1961 - 1978 General cargo liner 434 feet long of Ellerman Line / Ellerman & Bucknall, London) (London)
- CITY OF DURBAN (1921- General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF DURBAN (1954-1971 Passenger / cargo liner 541 feet overall of Ellerman Lines Ltd./ Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Company, London : 1974 scrapped)) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF DURHAM (1945 - 1962 General cargo ship 498 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF EASTBOURNE (1962-1971 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 1984 Scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF EDINBURGH (1947-1961 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : Scrapped 1961) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF EDINBURGH (1973-1992 Container ship 2,952 teu of Ben Line Containers Ltd., Edinburgh : 2002 scrapped in China) (Leith (Scotland,U.K.))
- CITY OF ELY (1947-1961 General cargo Liberty-type ship 423 feet overall of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London : 1966 scrapped at Kaosiung, Taiwan) (London (U.K.))
- CITY OF EVANSVILLE (1922-1957 General cargo ship of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CITY OF EXETER (1953-1971 Passenger (107) / General cargo liner of Ellerman Lines, London (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF EXETER (in 1938 Passenger / cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF FAMAGUSTA (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF FLORENCE (1974- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF GENOA (1974 -- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF GLASGOW (Ellerman)
- CITY OF GLOUCESTER (1963-1979 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF GUILDFORD (1957-1979 General cargo ship 434 feet long of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool : 1984 scrapped at Chittagong, Bangladesh) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CITY OF HEREFORD (in 1953)
- CITY OF HEREFORD (1958-1971 General cargo liner of Ellerman Hall Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF HULL (1947-1967 General cargo liner 500 feet overall of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF ISTANBUL (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF IZMIR (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF JOHANNESBURG (1947- 1970 General cargo ship 476 feet overall of Ellerman Hall Line / Ellerman & Bucknall : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung (Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CITY OF KARACHI ( 1951 - 1972 general cargo liner 489 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (Glasgow)
- CITY OF KEANSBURG ( Owned by Delaware & New York Steamboat Company) (Delaware (U.S.A.))
- CITY OF KHARTOUM (1946-1968 General cargo ship 498 feet long of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool : 1972 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- CITY OF KHIOS (1927-1955 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines : scrapped 1963)
- CITY OF KIMBERLEY (1925-1960 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool : 1961 On a voyage from Shanghai to Hong Kong to be scrapped, she broke her tow and was wrecked) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CITY OF LA SPEZIA ( 1974 - Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF LANCASTER (1958-1979 General cargo ship Ellerman Line, London : 1982 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- CITY OF LEEDS (1950-1975 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Ellerman Lines, London : 1977 scrapped) (London (UK))
- CITY OF LEICESTER (1964-1965 General cargo ship 373 feet overall of Ellerman Lines, London : formerly Ellerman Papayanni's EGYPTIAN : 1967 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF LICHFIELD ( 1961 - 1978 General cargo liner 433 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF LICHFIELD (1947-1959 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall / Ellerman Hall Line) (UK)
- CITY OF LIMASSOL ( 1974 -- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF LISBON (1974 -- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF LISBON (in 1986)
- CITY OF LIVERPOOL (1948-1967 General cargo liner of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF LONDON (1907-1916 General cargo ship of Ellerman Line, London : 1916-19 Armed merchant cruiser :1919-39 Returned to owners : 1939-1946 Troopship : 1946 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- CITY OF LONDON (1947 - 1966 General cargo liner 500 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Company) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF LUCKNOW ( 1946-1963 General cargo liner 500 feet long of Ellerman Lines Ltd, London) (London)
- CITY OF LYONS (General cargo ship of Ellerman's City Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CITY OF MADRAS (1945-1961 Cargo liner of Ellerman Hall Line, London) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- CITY OF MANCHESTER ( 1950 - 1971 General cargo liner 485 feet of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF MANDALAY (1925-1939 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : Sunk in 1939) (London (UK))
- CITY OF MELBOURNE (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- CITY OF MILAN (1974 -- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF NAGPUR (1922-1941 Passenger and general cargo ship 469.9 ft (143.2 m) long of Ellerman Lines, London : 1941 sunk by U-boat near Ireland 1941) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CITY OF NAPLES (1974-- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF NEW YORK (1946-1967 General cargo ship 500 feet overall of Ellerman Lines, London : 1969 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF NEWCASTLE (1956-1968 General cargo ship 507 feet overall of Ellerman Lines : 1980 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF NEWPORT (1947-1961 General cargo ship of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF NORWICH (Ellerman)
- CITY OF OPORTO (1974 - Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF OTTAWA (1950-1971 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London : 1977 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF OTTAWA (in 1972 Ellerman Lines, London)
- CITY OF OXFORD (1948-1976 General cargo liner 463 feet long of Ellerman City Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CITY OF PARIS (1922- 1956 Passenger (200) and General cargo liner 504 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF PATRAS (1974- Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF PERTH (1949-1967 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London: wrecked 1968) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF PHILADELPHIA (1949 - 1968 General cargo liner 485 feet long of Ellerman Lines, London : 1974 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London)
- CITY OF PLYMOUTH (1978-1993 Container ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 2009 foundered off Yemen coast)) (London)
- CITY OF POONA (1946 - 1968 general cargo liner 489 feet long of Ellerman Line (Hall Line), London (London)
- CITY OF PORT ELIZABETH (1952-1971 Passenger / cargo liner of Ellerman Line, London)) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF PORTSMOUTH (1947-1959 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London)) (London (UK))
- CITY OF PRETORIA (1947-1967 General cargo liner of Ellerman & Bucknall Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF RIPON (1956- 1978 General cargo liner of Ellerman Line))
- CITY OF ROCHESTER (in 1961 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF ROME (in 1886 Passenger Liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CITY OF SHREWSBURY (1947-1959 "Liberty-type" general cargo ship of Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Company, London : 1969 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF SINGAPORE (1951-1975 General cargo liner 485 feet long 14 knots of Ellerman Hall Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CITY OF SPARTA (1974 - Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF ST ALBANS ( 1960 - 1979 General cargo liner 433 feet long of Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Company, London) (London)
- CITY OF ST ALBANS (1947-1959 General cargo ship 442 feet long of City Line, Glasgow : 1969 scrapped Japan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CITY OF STAFFORD (1947-1961 General cargo ship of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CITY OF SWANSEA (1946-1968 General cargo ship of Ellerman Hall Lines, London : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung as BENKITLAN) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF SYDNEY ( 1960 - 1971 Cargo liner 511 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (London)
- CITY OF SYDNEY (1930-1958 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (UK))
- CITY OF VALLETTA (1974 - Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF VENICE (1974 -- Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- CITY OF WELLINGTON (1956-1978 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 1979 Scrapped Taiwan) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF WINCHESTER (1952-1970 General cargo ship 568 feet overall of Ellerman Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF WINNIPEG (1956-1968 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines, London : 1980 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- CITY OF WORCESTER ( 1960 - 1983 General cargo liner 434 feet long of Ellerman Line, London) (Liverpool)
- CITY OF WORCESTER (In 1954 General cargo ship of Ellerman Lines))
- CITY OF YOKOHAMA (1922-1958 General cargo ship of Ellerman Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CITY OF YORK (1953-1971 A twin screw 17-knot Passenger and refrigerated cargo ship 541 feet long of Ellerman Lines Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- CLAN ALLAN (1946-1958 then 1959-1961 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN ALPINE (1945-1957 then 1959-1960 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow : 1960 Scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN ALPINE (1967-1981 General cargo ship 508 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN ANGUS (1945-1956 then 1959 - 1962 general cargo liner 446 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow : 1962 Scrapped) (Glasgow)
- CLAN BRODIE ( 1946 - 1962 General cargo liner 488 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN BRODIE (1946-1963 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN BUCHANAN ( 1946 - 1962 Cargo Liner 490 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN BUCHANAN (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow : Scrapped 1962) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN CAMERON (1937-1959 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow : 1959 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN CAMPBELL (1914-1916 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow : Sunk 1916) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN CAMPBELL (1943-1961 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line Steamers / King Line, London : 1961 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN CAMPBELL (1943-1961 General cargo ship464 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN CHATTAN (1944-1962 General cargo ship 464 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow (Glasgow)
- CLAN CHISHOLM (1944-1962 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow :Scrapped 1962) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN CUMMING ( 1946 - 1962 General cargo liner 486 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN DAVIDSON ( 1948 - 1963 General cargo liner 488 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN DAVIDSON (1911-1917 General cargo liner of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN FARQUHARSON (1962-1968 General cargo ship 496 feet overall of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN FERGUSON 1938-1942 General cargo liner of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN FERGUSSON (1961-1965 General cargo ship 496 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN FINLAY (1962-1968 General cargo liner 497 feet long 16 knots of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN FORBES (1903-1918 Cargo Liner 360 feet long turret-deck steamer of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN FORBES (1937-1959 General cargo liner of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN FORBES (1961 - 1968 General cargo liner 497 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow : scrapped 1985) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CLAN FRASER (1961-1965 General cargo ship 497 feet overall of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN GRAHAM (1962-1981 General cargo liner 496 feet long of Clan Line / King Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN GRAHAM (1907-1918 and 1920 General cargo turret-deck steamer 400 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN GRANT (1962-1980 General cargo liner 497 feet long of Clan Line Steamers) (Glasgow)
- CLAN GRANT (1902-1914 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN KEITH (1948- 1961 General cargo ship of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow : 1961 sank after an explosion off Tunisia) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CLAN KENNEDY (1948-1959 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN LAMONT (1900-1928 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow : Scrapped in 1928 (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN LAMONT (1939-44 Landing Ship Infantry : 1947-1961 Returned to Clan Line as general cargo ship : Scrapped 1961) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACAULAY (1937-1963 Refrigerated cargo ship 477 feet long of Clan Line / Houston Line / Huntly Cook : Scrapped in 1963) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACBEAN (1948-1960 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow: scrapped in 1960) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACBETH (1948-1959 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACBRAYNE (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- CLAN MACBRIDE (1948-1958 General cargo liner of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACDONALD ( 1939 - 1960 General cargo ship 506 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow then 1960 - 1970 of Houston Line / Clan Line) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACDOUGALL (1944-1971 cargo liner 508 feet long of Clan Line Steamers) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACFADYEN (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACFARLANE (1947-1961 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACGILLIVRAY (1962-1981 General cargo ship 508 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line / King Line, London) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACGOWAN (1963-1969 General cargo liner 471 feet long of Clan Line / King Line, Glasgow : 1985 scrapped at Calcutta)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACGREGOR (1962-1969 General cargo ship 508 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line Steamers : 1969 transferred to King Line, 1977 reverted to Clan Line : 1982 Sold to Greece) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACILWRAITH (1960 - 1979 Cargo liner 494 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACINDOE ( 1959 - 1979 General cargo liner 492 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACINNES ( 1952 - 1978 General cargo liner 471 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACINTOSH ( 1951 - 1978 General cargo liner 471 feet long of Clan Line Limited)) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACINTYRE (1952-1976 General cargo liner 471 feet long of Clan Line / King Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACIVER ( 1958 - 1979 General cargo liner 503 feet long of Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACKAY (1946-1962 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow : scrapped in 1965) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACKELLAR (1948-1961 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACKENDRICK (1948-1961 General cargo ship 446 feet overall of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACKENZIE (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, London :1960 Scrapped)) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACKINNON (1902-1927 Cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACKINNON (1946-1961 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Clan Line / Houston Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACLACHLAN (1946-1971 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACLAREN ( 1946 - 1976 General cargo liner 466 feet long of Houston Line/Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACLAY ( 1949 - 1976 general cargo liner 466 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACLEAN ( 1947 - 1975 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Clan Line Steamers / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACLENNAN (1947-1971 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Clan Line, Glasgow : 1971 scrapped at Shanghai, China)) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CLAN MACLEOD (1948 - 1976 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACNAB (1920-1941 General cargo ship of Clan Line, Glasgow : 1941 Sank after collision near Cape Verde Islands)) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACNAB (1961-1980 General cargo ship 506 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, London : 1984 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACNAIR (1921-1952 General cargo ship of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow : 1952 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MACNAIR (1962-1980 General cargo ship 506 feet overall of Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd, / Clan Line) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACNEIL (1903-1918 General cargo liner of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN MACQUARRIE (1913-1942 Cargo liner of Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACQUEEN (in 1954 Conventional general cargo ship of Clan Line Steamers) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CLAN MACRAE in 1954
- CLAN MACTAGGART (1949-1971 General cargo ship 507 feet overall of Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd / Clan Line) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MACTAVISH ( 1949 - 1971 General cargo liner 506 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow : Scrapped 1971) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MALCOLM ( 1957 - 1979 general cargo liner 503 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MATHESON (1957-1978 General cargo ship 502 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow : 1978 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN MENZIES ( 1958 - 1980 Cargo liner 503 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN MURDOCH ( 1960 - 1961 Cargo liner 449 feet long of Clan Line / King Line ) (Glasgow)
- CLAN RANALD (1964-1976 General cargo ship 482 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLAN ROBERTSON (1954-1959 General cargo liner 466 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Glasgow)
- CLAN ROSS (1956-1961 General cargo ship of Clan Line / Houston Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN ROSS (1966-1976 General cargo ship 529 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN SHAW (1950-1960 General cargo ship 512 feet long of Cayzer Irvine / Clan Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN SINCLAIR (1950-1960 General cargo liner 489 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN STEWART ( 1954 - 1961 Cargo liner 513 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN STUART (1900 - 1914 General cargo turret-deck steamer 355 feet long of Clan Line Steamers, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLAN SUTHERLAND (1951-1971 general cargo ship 513 feet long of The Clan Line Steamers Ltd / , Cayzer, Irvine & Co., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLAN URQUHART (1946-1966 General cargo liner 500 feet long of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine / Houston Line, Glasgow : 1966 scrapped at Taipei, Taiwan) (Glasgow)
- CLANITY ((1956 -1969 Coastal and Harbour oiler 171 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London (England, UK))
- CLANSMAN (1964-1984 Roro ferry 235 feet long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- CLANSMAN (Fishing boat in 2017 registered number LT74)
- CLAREBROOK (1964-1976 General cargo ship 265 feet long of Williamstown Shipping Co Ltd (Comben Longstaff & Co Ltd, Managers), London (London (UK))
- CLARECASTLE (1953-1958 A 3-island type steam General cargo coaster 180 feet long of Arthur Davidson, Belfast : 1958 scrapped at Irvine) (Belfast)
- CLARITY (in 2022 General cargo ship 89m overall) (Peel (Isle of Man, UK))
- CLAVELLA (1939-1960 Oil products tanker 147m long of Shell Netherlands / LA CORONA / Petroleum Maatschappij La Corona : 1960 scrapped Inverkeithing) ('s-Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands))
- CLAYMORE (1955-1976 Passenger/cargo/mail ship 191 feet long of David MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow: Scrapped 2001) (Glasgow (UK))
- CLEARPOOL (1945-1954 General cargo ship of Ropner Line, England : Scrapped 1959) (U.K.)
- CLEMENT (1959-1979 General cargo ship 297 feet overall of Booth Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CLEOPATRA (1947-1975 Passenger and cargo ship 455 feet long of United Arab Maritime Company, Alexandria, Egypt) (Alexandria (Egypt))
- CLERMISTON (Steam ship in 1942 of Ravelston Steamship Company, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK) ?)
- CLEVELAND (1909-1919 New York service Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1919 ceded to USA) (Hamburg (Germany))
- CLIO (1956- General cargo cargo ship 150 feet long of Partenreederei m.s. Clio / Heinecke & Co., Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- CLIPPER ( 1956 - 1968 General cargo coaster 191 feet long of A C Hoff, Rotterdam : 1973 sank near Calais) (Rotterdam)
- CLIVIA (1955-1972 General cargo ship 425 feet long of Herm. Dauelsberg, Bremen / Silvia Reederei G. m.b.H and chartered to Saguenay Terminals) (Bremen, Germany)
- CLOCH LASS (1963-1966 steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of William Burke, Greenock : 1966 scrapped at Dalmuir) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLONLEE (1965-1973 General cargo coaster 183 feet long of Shamrock Shipping/ C.S. Brown / George Bell, Dublin = formerly ICI's CALCIUM) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- CLOTHILDA M (1952-1970 General cargo coaster 44 metres long of Manager: E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Forwarding NV, Delfzijl, Netherlands Owner: Oane Middendorp, Delfzijl, The Netherlands (Delfzyl, Netherlands)
- CLOVERBANK (1957- 1970 General cargo ship 483 feet long of Bank Line Ltd. / Andrew Weir & Co Ltd, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLUDEN (1965 - Bulk carrier 625 feet long of Matheson Shipping Company, London)
- CLUTHA RIVER (1952-1966 Oil products tanker of Houlder Brothers, London) (London (England, UK))
- CLYDE (1912-1960 Tug / Tender 104 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow : 1961 scrapped at Dalmuir, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CLYDE (1961-1973 Tug 69 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CLYDE (in 2024 Catamaran type Police boat of Police Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CLYDE CLIPPER (Passenger excursion ferry of Clyde Marine Services, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland))
- CLYDE ENTERPRISE (Harbour oiler)
- CLYDE ORE (1960-1975 Ore carrier of Ore Carriers of Liberia Inc, Liberia :1978 Scrapped) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- CLYDE VENTURE (Harbour oiler)
- CLYDELINK PASSENGER FERRY (Passenger ferry of Clydelink, Glasgow)
- CLYMENE (1961-1976 Oil products tanker Shell "A"-class 560 feet long of Hadley Shipping Company, London) (London)
- CLYTONEUS (1948-1972 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1972 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- CM COAST (2022- General cargo ship 78m overall of K & E Shipping Management Ltd - Maidstone, U.K. ) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- CM NEPTUNE (2024 --- General cargo ship IMO 9030474 : 74.94m overall of Cargo Mariners Ltd., Faversham, Kent, England) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- CMA CGM GOYA (2016- Container ship of CMA CGM S.A., Marseille, France)) (Madeira (Portugal))
- CMS BOXER (2019- Towing, pushing and fire-fighting tug / workboat 21.2m overall of Clyde Marine Services Ltd., Victoria Harbour, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- CMS BRUISER (2007 - Tug 19.3m overall of Clyde Marine Services, Greenock, Scotland) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- CMS WRESTLER (2019- Tug 21.2m long of Clyde Marine Services, Victoria Harbour, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, U.K.))
- CN 118 (Inshore fishing trawler in 1959) (Campbeltown (Scotland, U.K.))
- CN 199 (Inshore fishing trawler in 1959) (Campbeltown (Scotland, U.K.))
- CN 55 (Inshore fishing boat ... in Firth of Clyde July 2023)
- CN105 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN110 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN143 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN193 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN249 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN253 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN264 Fishing boat .... in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN269 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN3 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN93 Fishing boat ... in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN94 Fishing boat in 1953 (U.K.)
- CN97 Fishing boat 1953 (U.K.)
- COASTBUSTER 11 (in 2025 Workboat IMO: 8880315 : 21.5m overall of Coastworks Operations Ltd., Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- COASTWORKER (1995- Tug 19.5m long of Coastworks Operations Ltd., Fairlie, Scotland, U.K.)
- COASTWORKER (Tug in 2017 : 19m long of Coastworks, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- COBALTINA (Yacht in 2019) (Dartmouth (England))
- COLINA (1960-1967 general cargo liner 294 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- COLLEAGUE (Steam fishing trawler in 1942)
- COLOMBIE (1931-1964 Passenger Liner 488 feet long of Companie Generale Transatlantique French Line, Le Havre: Scrapped 1974) (Le Havre (France))
- COLONIA (General cargo ship) (Bremen (Germany))
- COLONIAL (1947-1961 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- COLONSAY (Clyde puffer)
- COLORADO STAR ( 1957 - 1972 Cargo liner 466 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- COLUMBA (1878-1936 Passenger / mails paddle steamer 301ft / 91m long of David MacBeayne Ltd., Glasgow : scrapped 1936) (Glasgow)
- COLYTTO (1957-1967 General cargo ship 145 metres long of Mij Zeevaart, Rotterdam (Hudig & Veder) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- COMBRAISIEN (1921- Steamship 331 feet long of Compagnie Des Bateaux, Dunkerque) (France)
- COMEDIAN (1929-1950 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- COMFORT (in 1943 Oiling Barge in Cardwell Bay, Gourock, Scotland)
- COMLIEBANK (in 1954 at Trinidad and India)
- COMORIN (1964-1968 General cargo ship of P & O, London : 1972 scrapped Spain) (London (UK))
- CONGOSTROOM (in 1952)
- CONSTANCE (2011- Multi-purpose general cargo ship IMO number 9505338 MMSI 236622000 : 86m overall of Briese Schiffahrt, Leer, Germany) (Gibraltar)
- CONSUELO (1937-1963 General cargo ship of Ellerman Wilson Line, Hull) (Hull (England))
- CONTAINER FORWARDER (Container ship of American Export Isbrandtsen Lines (USA)
- CONTE DI SAVOIA (1932-1943 Passenger liner 248.25 m (814.5 feet) of "Italia" Flotte Riunite : Italian Line, Genova, Italy : 1950 scrapped) (Genova (Italia = Genoa, Italy))
- CONTINA (General cargo ship 306 feet long)
- COOLSINGEL (1953-1955 General cargo coaster 53.25m 175 feet of N.V. Import & Transport company 'Invotra',Rotterdam : 1966-1970 as LAIRDSFIELD : 1970 sank) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- COOLSINGEL (General cargo coaster 53m 175ft long of N.V. Invoer- & Transportonderneming 'Invotra', Rotterdam, Netherlands ) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- COPELAND (1948-1960 General cargo coaster 242 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1980 scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- COPTIC (1928 - 1965 general cargo ship 500 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London)
- CORABANK (in 1954 at Dar-es-Salaam, Africa)
- CORDELIA (1955- General cargo ship 216 feet long of Rederi A/B Svenska Lloyd / K. R. Bokman, Gothenburg) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- CORFU (1930-1939 Passenger / cargo liner 543 feet long of P & O Line, London: 1939-1947 Armed Merchant Cruiser: 1947-1961 returned to owners: 1961 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- CORINALDO (1949-1967 Refrigerated cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CORINDA (in Australia 1957)
- CORINTHIAN (1938 - 1963 general cargo ship 359 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Line (Ellerman Line Group) (Liverpool)
- CORINTHIC (1947-1969 Passenger / cargo liner of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CORMEAD (General cargo coaster of William Cory, London) (London (UK))
- CORNCRAKE (1946-1967 General cargo ship 191 feet long of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London)
- CORNEL (General cargo coaster) (Cardiff (Wales))
- CORNELIA (2003- Bulk carrier 175m overall of Mineralien Schiffahrt Spedition & Transport - Schnaittenbach, Germany) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- CORNELIA B (in 1950 General cargo coaster) (Netherlands)
- CORNELIS VAN DER SCHOOT (1962-1974 general cargo coaster of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf 'Gruno', Amsterdam / Jan en Dirk van der Schoot (Kustvaartrederij Gebr. Van der Schoot), Harlingen,) (Harlingen (Netherlands))
- CORNISH CITY (1936-1943 General cargo ship 130m long of Leeds Shipping Co. / Reardon Smith Line : torpedoed and sunk July 1943)
- CORNWALL (1952-1967 Refrigerated cargo ship of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London)) (London (UK))
- COROMANDEL (1949-1969 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 484 feet long of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- CORONA (1949-1964 General cargo vessel of A/S Corona ( H.W Wrangel Rederi A/S) (Haugesund (Norway))
- CORRAN (2001- Ro-Ro Passenger and vehicle ferry of Highland Council, Scotland) (Inverness (Scotland, UK))
- CORSICAN (1907-1917 Passenger and cargo liner of Allan Line)
- CORTIAN (1966-1971 General cargo ship of Mossgiel Steamship Co Ltd., Glasgow / Ellerman & Papayanni, Liverpool)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CORTONA (1921-1942 Refrigerated cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1942 torpedoed and sunk in Atlantic) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CORTONA (1947-1967 Refrigerated meat carrier 425 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CORUISK (2003- Ro-ro ferry 65m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- CORUNDUM (in 1948)
- CORVIGLIA (1958-1973 General cargo ship of Suisse-Atlantique, Basle, Switzerland : Scrapped 1984) (Basle (Switzerland))
- COSTA FAVOLOSA (2011- Cruise liner 290m 951 feet overall of Carnival Corporation Plc / Costa Crociere) (Genova (Italia = Genoa, Italy))
- COSTA FORTUNA (in 2022 : cruise liner)
- COTOPAXI (1954- General cargo ship 512 feet long of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- COULMORE (1936-1948 General cargo ship 353 feet long of Dornoch Shipping Co. Ltd./ Lambert Bros. Ltd., Glasgow : Scrapped 1969) (Glasgow (UK))
- COULMORE (1936-1948 General cargo ship of Lambert Brothers, London) (London (UK))
- COUNTESS OF BREADALBANE (1936-1971 Passenger ferry / excursion vessel 91 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- COURSEULLES (1948-1959 General cargo ship of Messageries Maritimes (Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, France ) (France)
- COWAL (1954-1979 Passenger and side-loading vehicle ferry of Caledonian Steam Packet, Gourock (Glasgow)
- CRAFTSMAN (1947-1967 Steam General cargo ship 464 feet long of Charente Steamship Company / T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CRAGMOOR (1947-1962 General cargo ship 445 feet long of Walter Runciman / Moor Line, Newcastle: 1966 wrecked near Calcutta) (London (UK))
- CRAIGAVAD (1953-1965 Steam general cargo coaster 192 feet long of Hugh Craig & Co. Ltd., Belfast : 1965 scrapped) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- CRAIGIEHALL (1903-1963 Bucket Ladder Dredger 192 feet long of Trustees of Clyde Navigation, Glasgow : Scrapped 1963) (Glasgow (UK))
- CRANE (1937-1964 General cargo coastal ship 223 feet long of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- CRANNOG (Hydrographic Survey Launch of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CRESSINGTON (1962-1971 Grab Hopper Dredger 213 feet long of British Transport Commission, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CRETAN (1948- General cargo Clyde puffer lighter of J & J Hay & Sons, Glasgow (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CRETIC (1955-1972 General cargo ship of Shaw Savill, London) (London (England, UK))
- CRETIC (1903-1923 Passenger Liner of White Star Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CRINAN (1968- Motor Pilot Boat of Ardrossan Harbour Co. Ltd., Ardrossan, Scotland) (Ardrossan (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- CROFTER (1951-1971 General cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CROSTAFELS (1950-1959 General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen, Germany) (Bremen (Germany))
- CRUISER (1953-1969 Shiphandling Tug 122 feet 5 inches overall of Steel & Bennie Tugowners, Glasgow : 1969 sold and renamed ARDNEIL) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- CRUISER (Tug in 1948 of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- CRUZEIRO DO SUL (1958-1965 General cargo ship of Swiss Owners))
- CRYSTAL CUBE (1955- Bulk carrier 461 feet long of Sugar Line Ltd, London) (London (U.K.))
- CUBAN (1935-1960 General cargo puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- CUMBERLAND (1948-1973 Refrigerated general cargo liner 561 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation, London : 1976 scrapped in Taiwan) (London)
- CUMBRAE ( Pilot vessel of Clyde Pilotage Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- CUNENE (General cargo ship) (Portugal)
- CURRAN (1967- 1980 Coastal container ship 69m 213 feet long of Shamrock Shipping Company : 2014 Broken up at Aliaga, Spain) (Ireland)
- CURRENT SPIRIT (2020- Crude Oil Shuttle Tanker 277m overall of Current Spirit AS, / Altera Infrastructure / Equinor ASA, Stavanger, Norway) (Stavanger (Norway))
- CUSTODIAN (1928-1950 General cargo ship of Charente / T & J Harrison Ltd, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- CUSTODIAN (1961-1979 Heavy-lift general cargo ship 488 feet 149 metres of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CUTTY SARK (1869-1895 Clipper sailing ship 212.5 feet (64.77m) overall of Jock Willis Shipping Line : 1954- Museum ship of CUTTY SARK Preservation Society, London) (UK)
- CUZCO (1951-1965 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- CW3 (Barge in 2017)
- CYCLE (1939-1961 General cargo ship of Howard Smith, Melbourne) (Melbourne (Australia))
- CYCLOPS (1948-1975 general cargo liner 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- CYDONIA (1955-1969 General cargo ship of Stag Line, Newcastle, England) (North Shields (England))
- CYMRIC (1953-1973 Refrigerated cargo ship 512 feet long of Shaw Savill Line, London : 1975 scrapped) (Southampton (England))
- CYMRIC (1963-1972 General cargo ship of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London)
- CYPRESS (1958-1968 General cargo ship 581 feet long of Hendy International, Los Angeles / Wilson Marine Transit, Cleveland, Ohio)) (U.S.A.)
- CYPRIAN PRINCE (1949-1967 General cargo ship 334 feet long of Prince Line, London) (London (UK))
- CYRIL (Steamship ...General cargo ship ... in 1953) (Esbjerg (Denmark))
- D & W HENDERSON'S MOTOR LAUNCH (Motor launch of D & W Henderson, Meadowside, Glasgow)
- DA CAPO (1948-1962 General cargo coaster 61.8m long of Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co's Stoomvaart-Maatschappij N.V., Rotterdam / Frans van der Laan, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- DAGHID (Oil products tanker)
- DAGRUN (General cargo ship)
- DAHOMEY PALM (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- DALEBY (1950-1961 General cargo ship 447 feet long of Ropner & Company, England : 1971 scrapped) (U.K.)
- DALERDYK (1949-1963 Passenger / General cargo ship of Holland America Line, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- DALESMAN (1946-1959 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool : 1959 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- DALESMAN (1961-1979 General cargo liner of Charente Steamship / T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DALGOMA (1923-1946 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1946 scrapped) (London (UK))
- DALHANNA (1958-1969 Ore carrier 504 feet long of Hunting & Sons, Newcastle, England, UK)) (Newcastle (England, UK))
- DALHEM (1957-1969 General cargo ship of Rederi A/B Volo & A/B Leffler & Sons, Slite, Sweden) (Sweden)
- DALI (2015- Neopanamax Container ship IMO 9697428 : 299.92 m (984 ft) overall : capacity 9,971 TEU : of Grace Ocean Pte. Ltd., Singapore / Operator Synergy Marine Pte. Ltd. Singapore) (Singapore)
- DALLA (1961-1964 General cargo ship 465 feet long of P. Henderson & Co. / British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co., Glasgow : 1964-1980 transferred to Elder Dempster & Co., Liverpool) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DALMAH (1961- Tug 131 feet long of Abu Dhabi) (London)
- DALMARNOCK (1925-1971 Effluent sludge tanker 237 feet long of Corporation of Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DALRIADA (1926-1942 Passenger / cargo steamer of Clyde and Campbeltown Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- DALRIADA (Inshore fishing trawler) (Tarbert, Loch Fyne, Scotland)
- DAMMTOR (General cargo ship 233 feet long)
- DAN CISNE (2011-- Crude Oil / Shuttle Tanker IMO No: 9513440 : 207m overall of Knutsen Group / Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, Haugesund, Norway) (Kobenhavn (= Copenhagen, Denmark))
- DAN-Y-BRYN (1952-1960 Tramp general cargo ship 436 feet long of United Transports Ltd. : 1967 scrapped in Hong Kong) (Jersey, Channel Islands)
- DANE (1949-1964 Steam general cargo Clyde Puffer lighter (formerly VIC 87) 67 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow : 1964 scrapped at Troon) (Glasgow)
- DANE (In 1952 General cargo puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- DANE (1906-1929 Clyde puffer 66 feet long of James Warnock, Paisley) (Glasgow)
- DANIEL (1954-1973 General cargo coaster 51.25m 170 feet long of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf Poseidon, Delfzijl / Jan Damhof Jr., Delfzijl, Netherlands ) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- DAPHNE (1954-1969 General cargo ship 458 feet long of Daphne Steamship Company, Liberia : 1977 scrapped Italy) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- DARA (in 1954 left Karachi for Bombay)
- DARESSA (1950-1964 Passenger / cargo liner 121.46m (398.5feet) overall of British India Steam Navigation Co., London : 1974 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (U.K.))
- DARINIAN (1947-1970 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DARRO 1943-1967 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1967 scrapped) (London (UK))
- DARU (1958-1965 General cargo liner 460 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DAUGAVA (General cargo ship of Latvian owners) (Riga (Latvia))
- DAVAAR (1885-1940 Passenger / cargo ship 217 feet long of Clyde & Campbelton Shipping Company Limited, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DAVID (General cargo coaster)
- DAVINA GOEKOOP (1949-1955 General cargo coaster 48.10m long of W.H. James & Co's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., Rotterdam / Owner: Davina Goekoop N.V., The Hague) (The Hague (Netherlands))
- DAWN WATCH 11 (for 2) Fishing trawler registered BA 120 (Ballantrae (Firth of Clyde))
- DAWNLIGHT 1 (1965-1981 motor coaster of Ross & Marshall, Greenock / Glenlight Shipping, Ardrossan / Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Greenock)
- DAY DAWN (Inshore fishing boat)
- DCV 401 (Admiralty, London)
- DEALMOUTH (1962-1966 Bulk carrier of Dealship, London / Denholm, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DEBORAH 11 (Panama)
- DEBRETT (1940-1955 then 1956-1964 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool : 1964 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- DEERPOOL (1950-1961 General cargo ship of Ropner Shipping Company : Scrapped in 1972) (U.K.)
- DEERWOOD (1955-1969 General cargo ship 428 feet long of Wm.France, Fenwick & Co.) (U.K.)
- DEFENDER (1955-1975 General cargo liner of Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DEFOE (1945-1954 then 1958-1966 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DEGEMA (1959-1979 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool )
- DEIDO (1961-1979 Refrigerated / General cargo liner 460 feet long of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DELANE (1937-1954 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DELFDIJK (1956-1964 General cargo coaster 45.0m overall of V.o.F. A. van Dijk (Tjark van Dijk en Albert van Dijk Jr.), : 1983 wrecked in Gulf of Suez) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- DELIUS (1937-1954 then 1958-1961 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line Ltd, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DELPHIC (1949-1971 Passenger / cargo ship 510 feet long of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- DELPHIN (In 1958 Possibly a yacht or motor launch)
- DEMODOCUS ( 1955 - 1970 then 1972-1973 General cargo liner 492 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line. Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DENBIGHSHIRE (1938-1967 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London : Scrapped 1969) (London (UK))
- DENIS (1949-1968 Passenger / cargo ship of Booth Line, Liverpool : 1972 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DENMAN (General cargo ship of James Patrick & Co. Pty. Ltd.)
- DENMAN (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- DENMARK HILL (General cargo ship of Acadia Overseas Freighters / Counties Ship Management)
- DEO GLORIA (1957-1974 General cargo coaster 56m 185 feet long of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Delfzijl, Netherlands /: Hinderikus Boll, Heiloo, Netherlands : 2002 scrapped at Aliaga) (Heiloo (Netherlands))
- DEO-GLORIA (2003- Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger IMO 7711074 : 70.36m overall of owner: Productie Zeezand BV : Manager: Zandhandel Faasse BV) (Goes (Netherlands))
- DERBY COUNTY (Trawler) (Grimsby (England))
- DERBYSHIRE (1935-1964 Passenger / cargo liner of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DERRYCUNIHY (General cargo ship) (London (England, U.K.))
- DERWENT WATER (coaster) (UK)
- DESEADO (1942-1968 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1968 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- DESPATCH (Dutch coaster in 1961) (Netherlands)
- DESPOINA (1956-1966 Ocean general cargo ship 133.9m 439 feet long 10 knots of D P Margaronis & A A Fardis, Piraeus) ( Piraeus (Greece))
- DEUCALION (1972-1973 General cargo ship - formerly AJAX- of Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DEVANHA (1947-1961 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (UK))
- DEVERON (1959-1963 General cargo coaster 201 feet long of William Sloan Company, Glasgow : 1979 sank off Cyprus) (Glasgow)
- DEVIS (1944-1955 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, 1955 transferred to Blue Star Line renamed Oakland Star, 1956-1962 reverted to Devis, 1962 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- DEVIS (1963-1969 General cargo ship of Blue Star / Lamport & Holt) (London (England, UK))
- DEVON (1934-1941 Refrigerated / General cargo ship of British India Line, London : 1941 captured and sunk in South Pacific by German raider Komet ) (London (UK))
- DEVON (1946-1971 General cargo ship 495 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation Co Ltd, London : 1971 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (England, UK))
- DEVON COAST (1947-1963 General cargo coaster of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DEVONIA (1962 - 1967 an educational cruise ship carrying passengers 517 feet long of British India Line, London : 1968 scrapped La Spezia, Italy) (London (England, U.K.))
- DEVONSHIRE (1939-1962 Troopship 517 feet long of Bibby Line, Liverpool - later DEVONIA of British India Line) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DEXTEROUS (Salvage tug)
- DHOW No. 336 (Sailing general cargo carrying dhow in 1957) (Egypt)
- DHOW No. 79 (Sailing general cargo carrying dhow in 1957) (Egypt)
- DIANA L MORAN (1956- Diesel-Electric Tug 100 feet overall of Tug Helen B. Moran Inc., New York.) (New York (U.S.A).)
- DICK LYKES (1945-1970 General cargo freighter 460 feet long of Lykes Brothers, U.S.A. ) : scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1970) (U.S.A.)
- DICK LYKES (1945-1970 General cargo ship 460 feet long of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, Tampa, USA : 1970 scrapped Taiwan) (Tampa (USA))
- DIEMERDYK (1954-1968 Passenger / general cargo ship of Holland America Line, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- DIET (General cargo coaster) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- DIETERT (1955- General cargo coaster 138 feet long of H W Schreiber, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- DIEVERTJE (1957-1961 and then 1964-1971 General cargo coaster 59.39m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands / Hendrik Damhof, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- DIGNITY (Inshore fishing boat registered nunber WA4) (Whitehaven (England))
- DILWARA (1936-1960 Troopship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- DINTELDYK (1957-1970 A 60-passenger / general cargo ship 504 feet overall of Holland America Line, Rotterdam : 1978 scrapped Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- DIOMED ( 1956 - 1970 cargo liner 490 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- DIOMED (1895-1915 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool, 1915 torpedoed and sunk off Scilly Isles) (Liverpool (England))
- DIOSKUROI (1960-1969 Oil tanker of Canopus Transoceanic Corp., Piraeus (Piraeus (Greece))
- DIPLOMAT (1953-1972 General cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DISCOVERER (1964-1977 General cargo ship 407 feet long of Charente S S Co Ltd / T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DISCOVERY (Museum ship at Dundee)
- DISNEY MAGIC (1998- Cruise liner 984ft 300m of The Walt Disney Company / Disney Cruise Line)) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- DISPENSER (1943 -
- DITA SMITS (General cargo ship)
- DIVER (The Divers' Motor Launch used by the underwater diver employed by Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DIVER No 2 (Divers' Motor Launch used by the underwater diver employed by Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DIVING BELL (A Diving Bell Barge owned by Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DIVING BELL (Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DIXCOVE (1959-1979 General cargo ship 460 feet long of Elder Dempster Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DIXY PORR (1956-1969 General cargo coaster of Frans Hagen, Hamburg : She departed Galveston for Puerto Limon with fertilizers on 14th December 1972 and was not heard from again.) (Hamburg (Germany))
- DMS POPPY (in 2024 Admiralty Pilot Boat 16.5m overall of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- DNJESTR (Steam General cargo ship of U.S.S.R.) (Archangel (U.S.S.R.))
- DOGNA (General cargo coaster
- DOLFIJNGRACHT (2009- Multi-purpose general cargo ship 157m long of Spliethoff Group, Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (The Netherlands))
- DOLIUS (1956-1970 and then in 1972 General cargo ship 491 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DOMINIC (1947-1961 General cargo ship of Booth Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DOMINIC (1967-1975 General cargo liner of Booth Line, Liverpool / Blue Star Ship Management Ltd) (Liverpool (England))
- DOMINION MONARCH (1939-1940 Passenger ship 657 feet long of Shaw Savill & Albion, London:: 1940-1947 Troopship: 1947 returned to owners : Scrapped in 1962) (London (England, UK))
- DON (Steam ship in 1942)
- DONACILLA (1939-1961 Oil products tanker of Anglo-Saxon / Shell Tankers UK : Scrapped 1961) (London (UK))
- DONAGHADEE LIFEBOAT (Stationed at Donaghadee, Northern Ireland)
- DONGA (1960-1981 General cargo ship 465 feet overall of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool : She was broken up at Alang (India) in 1983 ) (Liverpool)
- DONGEDYK (1952-1966 Passenger and cargo liner 530 feet long of Holland America Line, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- DONGOLA (1947-1961 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (UK))
- DORA DANIELSEN (1966-1970 General cargo ship 63m long of Rederiet Otto Danielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark ) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- DORI BRES (1965-1972 General cargo ship 55m long of Rederiet Nielsen & Bresling, Copenhagen) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- DORIC (1949-1969 cargo liner of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London)
- DORIC FERRY (1962-1981 Passenger and vehicle ferry 362 feet long of Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, London : scrapped 2009) (London (England, UK))
- DORINGTON COURT (1957-1963 General cargo ship 473 feet long of Court Line)
- DORSET (1949-1972 General cargo liner of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- DORSET COAST (General cargo coaster of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DORSETSHIRE (1920-1927 Passenger / cargo liner 466 feet long of Bibby Line, Liverpool: 1927 converted to permanent Troopship: 1939-1948 Hospital ship:1949-1954 Australia emigrant ship: 1954 scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- DOUNE CASTLE (1890-1904 Steamer of Donald Currie & Company / Castle Mail Packet Company / Union Castle Line, London) (London (UK))
- DOVEDALE H (Tanker)
- DRINA (1944-1965 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- DROXFORD (1958-1980 Cargo recovery / salvage vessel of Risdon Beasley, Southampton) (Southampton (England, UK))
- DRUID (General cargo coaster of Hay Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DRUID (1899-1905 Steam lighter - Clyde puffer - of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- DRUID (1905-1955 Steam general cargo puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow : 1959 scrapped)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DRUPA in 1954
- DRYDEN (1953-1955 then 1963-1968 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 464 feet overall of Blue Star Line / Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool : 1968 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London)
- DUCHESS OF ARGYLL (1906-1952 Passenger steamer (1914-1919 as Admiralty Transport Ship) 250 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Co. Ltd., Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DUCHESS OF ATHOLL (1928-1939 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line : 1939 converted to troopship, 1942 torpedoed and sunk in South Atlantic. )
- DUCHESS OF BEDFORD (1928-1939 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line : 1939 converted to troopship, 1947 returned to owners renamed EMPRESS OF FRANCE: 1960 scrapped.)
- DUCHESS OF HAMILTON ( 1932-1971 Passenger excursion steamer 272 feet long with triple screws of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- DUCHESS OF HAMILTON (1890-1915 Passenger steamer 250 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Glasgow : 1915 sunk by mine) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DUCHESS OF MONTROSE ( 1930 - 1964 Passenger excursion steamer 273 feet long of Caledonian steam Packet Company, Gourock)
- DUCHESS OF NORMANDY (1954-1967 Passenger ferry 35 feet long of Harbour and Airport Committe, Guernsey,)
- DUCHESS OF RICHMOND (1929 - 1940 then 1946-1953 Passenger liner 600 feet long of Canadian Pacific Steamships, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DUCHESS OF YORK (1928-1940 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line :1940 converted to troopship, 1943 set on fire by air attack off Morocco, torpedoed and sunk the following day.)
- DUFF PATON ( 1956 - 1972 Deep-sea fishing trawler 118 feet long owned by Ardrossan Trawling Company (Manager Thomas L Devlin / Walter K Paton, Glasgow)) (Glasgow)
- DUGAS (Tug in 1987)
- DUIVENDYK (1946-1959 General cargo ship 500 feet long of Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line, Rotterdam : 1959 Scrapped) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- DUKE OF ARGYLL (1928-1956 Passenger ferry 360 feet long of London, Midland & Scottish Railway, London / British Transport Commission, London : 1957 scrapped at Troon) (Lancaster (England))
- DUKE OF LANCASTER (1928-1944 Passenger ferry 349 feet of London, Midland & Scottish Railway : 1944-1946 Hospital ship : 1946-1956 Returned to owners : Scrapped in 1956) (Lancaster (England, U.K.))
- DUKE OF LANCASTER (1955-1963 Passenger Ferry 114.63 m (376 ft 1 in) of British Transport Commission : 1963-1979 Passenger Ferry of Sealink: 1979 - present laid up by Empirewise (Lancaster (England, U.K.))
- DUKE OF YORK (British Rail)
- DUKESGARTH (1961-1971 Ore/Bulk carrier 511 feet long of St Denis Shipping/Cory Maritime, London) (London)
- DUMBAIA (1960-1964 General cargo ship 465 feet overall of Patrick Henderson, Glasgow : 1964-1981 Elder Dempster Ltd., Liverpool : 1984 scrapped Shanghai) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- DUMRA (1946-1976 Passenger / cargo ship of British India Line / P & O, London (London (UK))
- DUMURRA (1961-1981 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- DUNADD (1955 - 1973 Ore carrier 505 feet long of St. Andrews Shipping Co, J & J Denholm, Managers) (Glasgow)
- DUNARA CASTLE (1875-1948 Passenger / cargo ship 180 feet long of Martin Orme / McCallum Orne / David MacBrayne) (Port Glasgow / Glasgow)
- DUNCRAIG (1957 - 1973 Ore carrier, 505 feet long of St. Andrews Shipping Company / Denholms, Glasgow : Scrapped 1982) (Glasgow)
- DUNDALK (1939-1966 with British & Irish Line) (Dublin)
- DUNEDIN STAR (1950-1968 Refrigerated / general cargo liner 497 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : Broken up at Gadani Beach, Pakistan in 1978) (London (England, UK))
- DUNERA (1937-1960 Troopship 1157 troops then 1961-1967 Educational cruise liner 517 feet long 1011 passengers of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- DUNGLASS (Motor launch of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- DUNKWA (1960-1981 General cargo ship 460 feet overall of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool : 1983 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- DUNKYLE (1957-1973 Ore carrier 505 feet long of St Andrews Shipping Co. Ltd. - J. & J. Denholm (Management) Ltd., Greenock : Scrapped in 1979) (London (UK))
- DUNMORE HEAD (1924-1939 General cargo ship of Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- DUNNOTTAR CASTLE (1936-1958 Passenger and refrigerated cargo liner 540 feet long of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- DUNSTAN (1948-1951 then 1958-1966 General cargo ship of Booth Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- DUNSTANBURGH CASTLE (1976-1981 a 9-hatch gearless bulk carrier of Bamburgh Shipping Company, Newcastle) (Newcastle, England)
- DURANGO (1944-1966 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (UK))
- DURBAN CASTLE (1938-1962 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- DURHAM (1934-1965 Refrigerated cargo ship 513 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- DUTCH POWER (2009-- Shallow draught anchor handling tug IMO 9547879 : 31.1m overall of Bouwmantug Bv, Zierikzee, Netherlands (Zierikzee (Netherlands))
- DWARKA (1947-1982 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London : 1982 scrapped at Karachi) (London (England, U.K.))
- DYMAS (June 1972- April 1973 Formerly ANTENOR and GLENOCHY General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- EAGLE ( A steamer in 1850) (UK)
- EAGLE 111 (1911-1917 then 1919-1939 Passenger paddle steamer of Buchanan Steamers / Williamson-Buchanan / Caledonian Steam Packet : 1946 scrapped at Port Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- EAGLESCLIFFE HALL (1928-1955 A "Great Laker" general cargo ship 253 feet long of Hall Corporation of Canada : Sank in 1961) (Canada)
- EASTBANK (1947-1965 General cargo ship 444 feet overall of Bank Line / Andrew Weir & Co. Ltd., Glasgow : 1980 scrapped at La Spezia, Italy) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- EASTERN CITY (1941-1970 General cargo ship of Leeds Shipping Company / Reardon Smith Line : Scrapped 1970) (U.K.)
- EASTERN PRINCE (1950-1960 General cargo ship of Prince Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- EASTERN QUEEN (1950-1970 Passenger / general cargo ship 455 feet overall of Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Hong Kong / Dominion Far East Line : 1974 scrapped at Whampoa (China)) (Hong Kong)
- EASTGATE (1957-1973 Oil products tanker of Turnbull Scott Shipping Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- EASTWOOD (1960-1968 General cargo ship 271 feet long of Constantine & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- EBBE (Tug) (Sweden)
- EBOE (1952-1977 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- EBRO (1952-1969 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- EDEN (1956-1969 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- EDEN FISHER (1965- General cargo ship 237 feet long of James Fisher & Sons Ltd, Barrow) (Barrow (England, U.K.))
- EDENMORE (1958- Ore carrier 505 feet long of Furness Withy & Co Ltd, London) (London)
- EDENWOOD (1943-1960 General cargo ship 272 feet long of Constantine Line) (Middlesborough, England)
- EDGAR DORMAN (1978-1989 General cargo coaster 57.51 metres long of Shamrock Shipping Company, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- EDGEWATER (1957- Oil products tanker 571 feet long of International Navigation Corp., Monrovia)) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- EDINBURGH CASTLE (1947-1976 Passenger liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- EDISON (1956-1973 General cargo coaster 185 feet 56.74 metres long of E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart, Delfzijl) (Delfzyl (pronounced Delf-zell) Netherlands)
- EDMOND J MORAN (1940- Diesel-Electric Tug 123 feet overall of Moran Towing Corp., New York.) (New York (U.S.A).)
- EDWARD STEVINSON (1961-1981 Oil products tanker of Stevinson Hardy Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- EDWIN ABBEY (1943-1947 "Liberty" type general cargo ship 441 feet long of U.S. War Shipping Administration) (U. S. A.)
- EEBORG (2012- General cargo / bulk carrier 144.56m overall of Royal Wagenborg,Delfzijl (The Netherlands) ) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EEMS DART (2002- General cargo ship IMO 9195640, MMSI 236453000 : 88.6m overall of Amasus Shipping Abel Tasmanplein 4 9934 GD Delfzijl Netherlands ) (Gibraltar)
- EEMS DOVER (2012- General cargo ship 108m long of Scheepvaartonderneming Eems Dover, Delfzijl)) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- EEMS DUISBURG (2013- General cargo ship 108m overall of Amasus Shipping B.V., Delfzijl)) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- EEMS DUNDEE (2017- General cargo ship 108m of Amasus Shipping B.V., Delfzijl, Netherlands)) (Netherlands)
- EEMS DUNDEE (2013- General cargo ship 107.95m overall of Amasus Shipping, Delfzijl, The Netherlands)) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EEMS RIVER (2012- General cargo / wind turbine carrier 90m overall of Amasus Shipping BV, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EEMS SKY (2008- General cargo ship 87m overall of Amasus Shipping B.V. Abel Tasmanplein 4 NL 9934 GD Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EEMS SPIRIT (2010- General cargo ship 99m overall of Amasus Shipping / EEMS SPIRIT C.V., Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EEMS TRANSPORTER (2007- General cargo ship 90m overall of Amasus Shipping B.V., Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- EFYRA (1965- Oil tanker of Andreadis (UK) Ltd) (Greece)
- EGIDIA ( 1945 - 1962 General cargo liner 496 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- EGORI (1957-1978 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- EGRET (General cargo ship)
- EGTON (1962-1986 general cargo ship 508 feet long of Rowland & Marwood / Headlam & Son., Whitby) (Whitby, England, U.K.))
- EGYPTIAN (1947-1964 General cargo liner of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- EHRENFELS (1953-1973 General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen : 1979 scrapped Santander, Spain) (Bremen (Germany))
- EILEEN M ( 1938- 1966 coastal oil products tanker of Metcalf Motor Coasters, Liverpool) (London (England, U.K.))
- EINSTEIN (2020- a 1,000 TEU Container ship 151m long of Brise Berereederung, Hamburg, Germany) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- EKET (1950- Passenger / General cargo ship 54.6m overall of Government of Nigeria) (Nigeria)
- EL KANEMI (1960 - 1978 General cargo ship 450 feet long of Nigerian National Line, Lagos, Nigeria : 1980 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (Lagos, Nigeria)
- EL MORO (in 1951) (UK)
- ELAND (Hopper)
- ELBSUN (2021- Container ship 141m overall of Usc Barnkrug Gmbh & Co Kg - Drochtersen, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- ELBTEAM (2021- Container ship 141m overall of Usc Barnkrug Gmbh & Co Kg - Drochtersen, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- ELDERSLIE (1924-1973 Grab Hopper Dredger 182 feet long owned by Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- ELETRIC in 1954
- ELFRIDA (1947-1959 General cargo ship 236 feet (71.98 m) long of Bjarne Tetlie Rederi, Trondheim : 1959 Sank) (Trondheim (Norway))
- ELIAS P (1965- General cargo ship 291 feet long of Palbros Maritime Corp, Piraeus) (Piraeus, Greece)
- ELIEZER (Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- ELISA (1957-1969 General cargo / container carrying coaster 61.77m 191 feet long of Hendrik Pepping / Dammers & van der Heide's Shipping & Trading Company, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Holland))
- ELISABETH ( 662 feet long)
- ELISABETH HENDRIK FISSER (1953- General cargo motorship of Fisser & v. Doornum, Emden) (Emden (Germany))
- ELISABETH SCHULTE (2010- Oil / Chemical tanker IMO 9439840 : 145.15m overall of Manager: Bernhard Schulte Ltd., Limassol, Cyprus Owner: Cooildarry Shipping, Cyprus) (Douglas (Isle of Man, UK))
- ELISHA GRAVES OTIS (1943-1964 General cargo "Liberty" ship: during WW2 was operated by U.S. Maritime Commission and after WW2 was chartered to Grace Lines : Scrapped 1964) (USA)
- ELIZABETH HOLT (1953-1963 General cargo ship 450 feet long of John Holt & Co. / Guinea Gulf Line Ltd, Liverpool. : 1963-1965 Managed by T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1973 scrapped at Taiwan) (Liverpool (England))
- ELIZABETH PATON ( 1960 - 1972 Number GW10 Deep-sea fishing trawler 106 feet long of Ardrossan Trawling Company / Walter K Paton / Thomas L Devlin (Granton) (Glasgow)
- ELKHOUND (1966- Dog-class Tug Pennant No A 162 of Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ELLA HEWETT (1953-1962 Fishing trawler LO47 length 170 feet of Heward Fishing Company, Fleetwood : 1962 sank after striking a wreck : 1978 her wreck was blown up by Royal Navy) (London)
- ELLENIS (1963-1980 Passenger liner of Chandris Lines : Scrapped in Taiwan 1987))
- ELLI AHRENS (1950-1971 General cargo coaster 59 meters long of Diedrich Ahrens, Brake, Germany ) (Brake (Germany))
- ELMBANK (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- ELMINA (1910-1928 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ELMORE (General cargo ship of Australian National Line) (Australia)
- ELOBY (1912-1917 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ELPENOR (1954-1978 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool)) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ELSBETH WIARDS (1951-1967 General cargo ship 465 feet long)
- ELSE MAERSK (in 1957)
- ELSE NIELSEN (1950-1964 General cargo ship of D/S A/S Progress / O. Amsinck, Copenhagen) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ELSE SKOU in 1954
- ELSTREE GRANGE (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers & Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ELYSIA (1945-1963 General cargo liner 497 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- ELYSIA (1908-1942 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1942 sunk in Indian Ocean by Japanese warships) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ELYSIA (1965-1967 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1967 sold to Strick Line renamed ARMANISTAN) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- EM Z SVITZER (Salvage tug)
- EMDEN (1925-1945 Light cruiser 155 meters 510 feet long of German Navy) (Germany)
- EMERALD (1952-1975 General cargo coaster 241 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : 1986 scrapped Greece) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- EMERALD ISLE (1965- General cargo coaster 165 feet long of N. V. Scheepvaartbedr "Gruno", Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- EMERALD TRADER (1966 - November 1969 General cargo coaster 47m overall of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf 'Gruno', Amsterdam, : 1992 scrapped Perama, Greece) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- EMIL BERGER (Completed 1951 General cargo ship 290 feet long of A Zedler, Lubeck) (Lubeck, West Germany)
- EMILIE MAERSK (in 1954 at Japan and India)
- EMKE (1950-1955 General cargo coaster 41.85 meters long of Kamp's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., Groningen, Netherlands Owner: N.V. Kustvaart van de Witte, Hippolytushoef, Netherlands ) (Hippolytushoef ( Netherlands) )
- EMMA BAKKE ...... in 1954
- EMMA MAERSK (in 1952)
- EMMY S (1957-1975 General cargo coaster 53.25m long of Carebeka, Groningen / Swiers & Moolbroek, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- EMPIRE ARQUEBUS (1944 - Landing Ship Infantry / Donaldson Line, Glasgow .. see below for Wikipedia details)
- EMPIRE BATTLEAXE (1943-44 Landing Ship Infantry of Ministry of War Transport, London : 1945 to Royal Navy as HMS DONOVAN) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE BROADSWORD (1943-44 Infantry Landing Ship of Ministry of War Transport, London : Sunk in 1944) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE CLYDE (1953-1957 British Government Troopship 678 feet long - formerly Anchor Line's CAMERONIA) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE CLYDE (1941-1948 Hospital ship 427 feet long of Ministry of War Transport, London / managed by City Line, Glasgow) (London (U.K.))
- EMPIRE CROSSBOW (1944 Landing Ship Infantry .... see below for Wikipedia article) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE DAMSEL (1942-1947 Coastal tanker of Ministry of War Transport, London) (London (UK))
- EMPIRE FAITH (1941-1946 General cargo ship of Ministry of War Transport, London / Johnston Warren Lines, Liverpool) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- EMPIRE FOWEY (1946-1960 Troopship managed by P & O Line, London)) (London (England))
- EMPIRE FROME (1953-1955 Cable layer 343 feet long of Submarine Cables Ltd., London : 1959 scrapped in Holland after a fire) (London (UK))
- EMPIRE GAUNTLET (1944 Landing Ship Infantry of U.S. Maritime Commission : 1944-46 Royal Navy HMS SEFTON : 1946-47 Min.of War Transport EMPIRE GAUNTLET : 1947 to USMC : Scrapped 1964
- EMPIRE GLADSTONE (1944-1950 General cargo ship 131m long of Ministry of War Transport, London / Chartered to Adelaide Steamship Company : 1950 Wrecked) (Sunderland (England))
- EMPIRE GULL (in 1957)
- EMPIRE HALLADALE (1945-1956 Troop Transport 526 feet long of British Government Ministry of Transport and managed by Anchor Line, Glasgow: scrapped in 1956 at Dalmuir, Glasgow) (London (England, U.K.))
- EMPIRE HELMSDALE (in 1946 General cargo ship) (UK)
- EMPIRE JAVELIN (1943-1944 Infantry Landing Ship 396 feet long of U.S. Maritime Commission / Blue Star Line, London : Sunk 28 Dec 1944 (U.S.A.)
- EMPIRE KEN (1945-1957 Troopship of British Government, London : Scrapped 1957) (London (UK))
- EMPIRE LAW (1944-1947 Oil tanker of Ministry of War Transport, London : 1960 scrapped at La Spezia, Italy) (London)
- EMPIRE MACALPINE (1944-1952)
- EMPIRE MAYROVER (1946-1947 General cargo coaster of Ministry of War Transport, London)) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE MOORHEN (1941-1944 Cargo ship of Ministry of War Transport, London and sunk on 9 June 1944 as a blockship in area Gooseberry 4 Juno Beach at Courseulles-sur-Mer, Calvados (Normandy, France) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE ORWELL (1950-1957 British Government Troopship) (London (England))
- EMPIRE PENGUIN (1940-1942 General cargo ship 402 feet long of British Ministry of War Transport, London and managed by Runciman / Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1959 scrapped at Lisbon) (U.K.)
- EMPIRE RAPIER (1943-48 Infantry Landing Ship of Ministry of War Transport, London : Scrapped in 1966) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE SHELTER (in 1952)
- EMPIRE STAR (Blue Star)
- EMPIRE TAMAR (1941-1944 Cargo ship of Ministry of War Transport, London : Sunk in June 1944 as part of Gooseberry 5, Sword beach Ouistreham, Calvados.(Normandy invasion) (London (England, UK))
- EMPIRE TROOPER (in 1954 from Hong Kong and at Aden)
- EMPIRE WATERHEN (1920-1940 Oil tanker 122m long of U.S. Government : 1940--1944 J & J Denholm, Greenock : Scuttled 9 June 1944 as blockship in Gooseberry No. 4 site, Normandy) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- EMPIRE WINDRUSH (1945-1954 Troopship 500 ft 3 in (152.48 m) of Ministry of Transport, London and managed by New Zealand Shipping Company, London : 1954 Sank) (London (UK))
- EMPRESS OF ASIA (1912-14 Passenger liner of Canadian Pacific Line : 1914-16 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1916-41 returned to owners : 1941-42 Troopship : 1942 Bombed and sunk off Singapore) (Liverpool (England))
- EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA (1922-1952 Ocean liner 187.45m 615 feet of Canadian Pacific Line : scrapper 1952) (1922-1929 Canada 1929-1952 Liverpool)
- EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA (1953-1956 Passenger liner of Canadian Pacific Line) (Liverpool (England))
- EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA (1964- 1985 Passenger ferry of Australian National Line)) (Australia)
- EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1905-1914 Passenger liner of Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Liverpool : 1914 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1915 Troopship : 1919 returned to owners : 1930 scrapped (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1956-1964 Passenger Liner 640 feet long of Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Liverpool : Scrapped 2008) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- EMPRESS OF CANADA (1961-1972 Passenger liner 650 feet 198 metres of Canadian Pacific Steamships, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- EMPRESS OF CANADA (1947-1953 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- EMPRESS OF ENGLAND (1957-1970 Passenger Liner 640 feet long of Canadian Pacific Steamships, Liverpool : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool)
- EMPRESS OF FRANCE (1928-1939 Passenger / cargo liner 582 feet long of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool :1939-1947 Troopship : 1947-1960 returned to owners : Scrapped 1960) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- EMPRESS OF RUSSIA (1913-1945 Passenger liner 570 feet 173 metres long - originally for the trans-Pacific service of Canadian Pacific Railway, Canada) - see the details box for more information (London (England, UK))
- EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND (1942-1958 Passenger liner of Canadian Pacific Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- EMS ORE (1959-1976 Ore carrier 546 feet long of Transatlantic Bulk Carriers Inc., Monrovia)) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- ENCOUNTER (2004- Container ship of MS " Encounter " Bewaarder BV ( Jr Shipmanagement BV Harlingen as manager ) Harlingen Netherlands) (Harlingen ( Netherlands))
- ENDURANCE (in 2023 Inshore creel fishing boat GW42 at Greenock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- ENERGY (Container ship) (Madeira)
- ENGGANO (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- ENGLAND (1947- 1967 General cargo ship of Currie Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- ENGLISH PRINCE (1943-1961 General cargo ship of Prince Line, London : 1953-1957 chartered to Shaw Savill & Albion Line : , 1961 sold to Liberia renamed SIMOS) (London)
- ENGLISH STAR (1950- Refrigerated / general cargo liner 505 feet long of Blue Star Line Ltd, London) (London)
- ENNERDALE (1941-1958 1st Dale Class Freighting Tanker of Ministry of War Transport / Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London ; scrapped 1959) (London (UK))
- ENTERPRISE (General cargo ship) (Panama)
- ENUGU PALM (1958-1978 General cargo liner of Palm Line, London) (Liverpool)
- ENVIK (2004 - - IMO 8208464 MMSI 210164000 Cement Carrier : 95.80m overall and co-owned by CSL and SMT as part of the Eureka Shipping joint venture, Limassol, Cyprus) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- EPIROS (1942-1948 General cargo ship of Greek Government, : Scrapped in 1953)
- ERCTA in 1954
- ERIK BOYE (1949-1964 General cargo coaster 42.67m 204 feet overall of Erik B. Kromann / H. Boye, Marstal, Denmark : scrapped 1964) (Marstal (Denmark))
- ERIKA SCHULTE (2011- Chemical / Oil tanker 145.15m overall of Changi Park Sg Co Pte Ltd, Singapore) (Singapore)
- ERIN NUBEL (1954-1968 General cargo ship 70m long of Emder Dampferkompagnie Nübel & Fritzen, Emden. : 1984 Scrapped) (Emden (Germany))
- ERNE (1962-1984 Oil tanker of James Nourse / P & O, London) (London)
- ERNE (2009- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO 8383072 : 117m overall of Besiktas Shipping, Istanbul, Turkey) (Valletta (Malta) )
- ERNEST HOLT (1948-1971 Fishery Research Trawler Pennant No GY 591 being 193 feet long 11 knots of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London) (Grimsby)
- ERSKINE FERRY (Passenger and vehicle Chain Ferry of Trustees of Clyde Navigation / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ESCALANTE (1955-1970 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ESCAUT (1947-1965 General cargo coaster of Wm H Muller, Rotterdam :1985 Scrapped) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ESSEQUIBO (1952-1968 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ESSEX (1954 - 1975 general cargo liner 526 feet long of Federal Steam Line, London) (London)
- ESSI (General cargo ship)
- ESSO AMSTERDAM (in 1957 Oil tanker)
- ESSO BERMUDA (Oil Tanker)
- ESSO BRIXHAM (1957-1980 Coastal oil tanker / bunkering tanker of Esso Petroleum) (London (England, UK))
- ESSO CHEYENNE (1946? - 1961 Oil products tanker of Esso Tanker Company) (London (England, UK))
- ESSO MACQUARIE (Oil tanker)
- ESSO MANCHESTER (1947-1963)
- ESSO ODIN in 1954
- ESSO PARKGATE (1955-1985 Port Bunkering tanker of Esso Petroleum Company Ltd., London) (Liverpool (England))
- ESSO PENZANCE (Coastal oil products tanker of Esso Tankers, London) (London (UK))
- ESSO PURFLEET (in 1957)
- ESTER SCHULTE (in 1986)
- ESTHER ANDREASON (General cargo ship)
- ESTHER CHARLOTTE SCHULTE (1961-1980 General cargo ship operated on charter to the Hamburg-Chicago Linie, Hamburg, Germany) (Hamburg (Germany))
- ETHEL EVERARD (1957-1967 A 3-island type general cargo ship 242 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1987 scrapped) (London (UK))
- ETLY DANIELSEN (1955-1968 General cargo coaster 86m 283 feet overall of I/S O.L.E.& K.Danielsen.(Rederiet Otto Danielsen, Kopenhaven : scrapped Ortona, Italy 1986) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ETROG (1950-1961 General cargo ship 310 feet overall of Zim Israel Lines, Haifa : 1973 Wrecked in Mediterranean) (Haifa (Israel))
- ETTRICKBANK (1937-1963 General cargo ship of Inver Transport & Trading Co. Ltd. and managed by Andrew Weir’s Bank Line, London.: Scrapped in 1963) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- EUCADIA (1946-1963 General cargo liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- EUCADIA (1968-1980 General cargo ship (formerly LINKMOOR) of Walter Runciman & Company Limited, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- EUMAEUS (1953-1962 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line : 1962-1978 NMSO : 1978 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (1953-1962 Liverpool : 1962-1978 Netherlands)
- EURO TAINER (Germany)
- EUROA (in 1962 at Melbourne (Australia)
- EURYADES (1951-1954 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool :1954 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- EURYBATES (1928-1964 General cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : Scrapped in 1964) (Liverpool (England))
- EURYMEDON (1947-1952 then 1957-1958 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- EVA (1963-1976 Tramp General cargo ship 473 feet long of Monte Lindo Cia. Nav. S. A., Monrovia, Liberia : 1976 scrapped at Hamburg after a fire at Gdansk) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- EVA JEANETTE (1958-1966 General cargo ship of Lion Steamship Co. Halmstad Sweden : 1984 scrapped at Chittagong) (Sweden)
- EVA JEANETTE (1958-1966 General cargo ship of Lion Steamship Co. Halmstad Sweden) E Kekonius, Gothenburg) (Sweden)
- EVA WINTHER (1966-1971 General cargo coaster 81.8m overall : 1984 foundered near Monrovia, Liberia) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- EVELEEN (1920-1944 a 3-island type general cargo coaster 49m long of John Milligen & Co., Belfast :1944-1946 British Government :1946-1957 returned to John Millegen : 1957 scrapped ) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- EVELPIS (1967- 1968 General cargo ship 280 feet overall of Nicolaos Leondaras & Others, Piraeus, Greece : 1968 sank) (Piraeus (Greece))
- EVELYN (MFV Motor fishing vessel TT58) (Tarbert, Loch Fyne, Scotland)
- EVITA (1958-1973 Ore carrier 157.1 metres long of A/S Uglands Rederi, Norway) (Grimstad, Norway)
- EXCELSIOR (In 1957)
- EXCHANGE (1940-1964 General cargo ship of American Export Lines, New York : Scrapped 1970) (New York (USA))
- EXCHEQUER (in 1951 General cargo ship / freighter of Isbrandtsen Line, New York, USA) (New York (USA))
- EXHIBITOR (in 1955 General cargo ship / freighter of Isbrandtsen Line, New York) (New York (USA))
- EXMOUTH (Petrol lighter in 1942)
- EXMOUTH (1948-1959 General cargo ship / freighter of American Export Line, New York, USA : 1976 Scrapped. Kearney, New Jersey, USA) (New York (USA))
- EXPLORER (1935-1967 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- EXPLORER (1961-1979 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- EXPLORER STARSHIP (1986-1989 Passenger liner 124 metres long)
- EXPRESS (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- F C STURROCK (1959-1984 Harbour and coastal tug 176 feet long of Republic of South Africa Railways and Harbours Administration Durban : 1984 scrapped) (Durban (South Africa))
- F P GALLOWAY (in 2023 Barge)
- F S FLAMANT (1996- Flamant-class type OPV54 patrol vessel Pennant no. P676 : 54m overall of the French Navy)) (French Navy (France))
- F.S. AQUITAINE (Destroyer D650 of French Navy : 142m long) (France)
- F.S.L'OPINIATRE (1954- French Naval warship Pennant P 644) (France)
- FACTO (1921-1960 A General cargo ship 245 feet long of B. Stolt-Nielsen & Sønner A/S, Haugesund ) (Haugesund (Norway))
- FACTOR (1948-1972 General cargo ship 464 feet overall of Thos & Jas Harrison Ltd. / Charente S. S. Co. Ltd.,, Liverpool : 1972 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FAIR HEAD (1947-1954 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- FAIR HEAD (1957 - 1974 general cargo ship 305 feet long of Ulster Steamship Company "Head Line" : 1983 scrapped) (Belfast )
- FAIR MAID (1927-1940 Passenger paddle steamer built 1886, then 1940-1945 an Admiralty tender) (Grangemouth (Firth of Forth, Scotland, UK))
- FAIR MORN 1V (Inshore fishing trawler register number BA 19 .... in 2023)
- FAIRFIELD (1962 - 1974 Deep-sea fishing trawler of Ardrossan Trawling Company / Thomas L Devlin, Aberdeen) (Aberdeen)
- FAIRSEA (1949-1969 Passenger Liner of Alvion SS Co / A Vlasov / Sitmar / Societa Trasporti Marittimi SpA (SITMAR) : 1969 scrapped at La Spezia (Italy) (Italy)
- FAIRSKY (1958-1974 passenger liner 153m 502 feet overall of Sitmar Line : scrapped 1980) (Panama)
- FAIRSTAR (1964- 1988 Passenger liner - formerly OXFORDSHIRE - of Fairline Shipping Corp, part of the Vlasov Group - Sitmar Line ) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- FAIRTRY 11 (1959 - 1971 Deep-sea Stern / Freezer trawler LH 270 being 275 feet long of C Salvesen Company) (Leith)
- FAITHFUL (1930-1960's Steam Clyde puffer 66 feet long of Warnock Brothers, Paisley) (Glasgow)
- FALCO (General cargo ship 258 feet long)
- FALKLAND (in 1954 Whaler)
- FALMOUTH (1965-1975 Coastal tanker 202 feet long of Shell Mex & BP, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- FAMBO (1957-1970 General cargo coaster 56.5m 185 feet overall of Rederij m.s. Harm, Foxhol) (Foxhol (Netherlands))
- FANAD HEAD (1940-1961 General cargo ship 424 feet long of Ulster Steam Ship Company / G Heyn & Sons Ltd / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- FANNY (1906- ) (Mariehamn (Aland, Finland))
- FARDAD (1967- ??? General cargo ship (formerly RACE FISHER) 193 feet overall of Mohammad Javad Motraghi, Iran) (Iran)
- FARRINGAY (General cargo coaster) (Cardiff (Wales))
- FARSISTAN (1959-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- FASTNET (1927-1950 General cargo coaster of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FAUSTUS (General cargo ship of Panama) (Panama)
- FAVORIT (General cargo coaster 179 feet long)
- FAVORITA (1959-1973 Ore carrier 515 feet overall of A/S Uglands Rederi, Grimstad, Norway : Scrapped in 1983 ) (Grimstad (Norway))
- FAYROUZ 1 (1983- Bulk carrier 179 metres long of Macedonia Maritime Company / Fereniki Lines S.A., Piraeus, Greece) (Piraeus, Greece)
- FEDERAL KIVALINA (2000- Bulk carrier IMO 9205885 : 199.99m overall :Owner: Federal Oceans Ltd c/o Fednav Ltd , Bureau 3500, 1000, rue de la Gauchetiere O, Montreal QC H3B 4W5, Canada) (Majuro (Marshall Islands : country of more than 1,200 islands and atolls in Central Pacific Ocean))
- FEDERICO C (1958-1983 Passenger Liner of Costa Line, Genoa : 2000 Sank) (Genoa (Italy))
- FEDERICO FERRER ( 1959-1979 General cargo coaster 179 feet long of Federico Ferrer Tuset, Valencia) (Valencia)
- FEGGEN (General cargo ship)
- FELICIA (General cargo coaster) (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- FELTO (Haugesund (Norway))
- FERMIA (1957-1967 Oil products tanker : 1983 scrapped) (Kristinehamn (Sweden))
- FERNBROOK (1932-1959 General cargo ship of Fearnley & Eger, Oslo : 1967 scrapped) (Oslo (Norway))
- FERNCOURT (1938-1954 Oil tanker of Skibs A/S Marine / Fearnley & Astrup, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- FERNDALE (In 1957)
- FERNFIELD (1958 - 1971 General dry-cargo coaster of Zillah Shipping Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- FERNFIORD (In 1957)
- FERTILITY (Inshore fishing trawler) (Peterhead (Scotland))
- FIAT (1956-1970 General cargo coaster 51.78 metres long 9.5 knots of Gebr. Bodewes 'Volharding', Foxhol for: P.Hekman Dordrecht) (Dordrecht (South Netherlands))
- FIDENTIA (1954-1966 Tramp general cargo ship of Thomas Metcalfe Shipping Company) (UK)
- FIDES (Italy)
- FIDRA (1939-1966 General cargo ship 87.6m long of Stockholm Rederi A/B Svea - Stockholm: scrapped 1986) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- FIJI GAS (1972- Liquefied Gas Carrier 83 metres long of Liquefied Gas Carriers (Fiji) Ltd., Suva, Fiji) (Suva (Fiji))
- FILEFJELL (1961-1967 Motor ore carrier 605 feet overall of A/S Falkefjell & A/S Dovrefjell / Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo : 1986 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Oslo (Norway))
- FINLANDIA (1960-1975 General cargo coaster 51m 165 feet overall of Kamp's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., Groningen / Jan Stoter, Amsterdam) (1960-1965 Zwolle, Netherlands 1965-1975 Groningen, Netherlands)
- FINNAMORE MEADOW (1961- 1977 Ore carrier 535 feet long of Falaise Ore Carriers / Mavroleon Brothers Ship Management / London & Overseas Freighters : Scrapped in 1982) (London (UK))
- FINNJET (1993-1997 Ro-ro ferry 212.96m 698 feet 1800 passengers 380 cars of Silja Line : scrapped 2008) (Mariehamm (Aland, Finland))
- FINNLITH (1956- General cargo coaster 166 feet long of Rederi I/S af 3.3.1955 / Knud I T Larsen) (Aeroskobing (Denmark))
- FIOMARA (Yacht in 1968)
- FIONA (1953-1969 General cargo coaster 48 metres long of Wagenborg's Scheepvaart / Cornelis van Wattum en N.V. S. de Graaf en Zonen (Weerdinge), Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- FIONIA (1914-1955 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Co. Ltd., Copenhagen, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- FIONNACHAL (Inshore fishing boat)
- FIR HILL (1950-1964 General cargo ship of Couniies Ship Management, London : 1968 scrapped after stranding damage)) (London (England, U.K.))
- FIRETHORN (1905- General cargo coaster of Thorn Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- FIRTH FISHER ( 1954 - 1971 General cargo coaster 220 feet overall of James Fisher & Sons Ltd, Barrow, England) (Barrow (England, U.K.))
- FISHERSVIC (1948-1954 General cargo coaster of James Fisher & Sons Ltd., Barrow) (Barrow (England))
- FITO (General cargo ship 265 feet long)
- FIVEL (1952- General cargo coaster 168 feet long of J Bont / Carebeka N.V., Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- FIVELBORG (2010- General cargo ship 143m overall of Wagenborg, Delfzijl, Netherlands)) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- FIXITY in 1954
- FIXITY (1966- General cargo coaster 118 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- FLAMENCO (1950-1966 Cargo Liner of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- FLAMINIAN (1956-1974 General cargo ship 363 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- FLAMMA (General cargo coaster of North Thames Gas Board, London) (London (UK))
- FLANDRE (1952-1967 Passenger liner 600 feet (183 metres) of French Line, Le Havre) (Le Havre (France))
- FLAVIA (Passenger Liner of Codegar Line)
- FLEETBANK (in 1957)
- FLEXITY (General cargo coaster)
- FLINTSHIRE (1950-1958 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (UK))
- FLINTSHIRE (1962-1978 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- FLORA McDONALD (In 1846 sailing ship Barque)
- FLORENCE HOLT (1953-1965 General cargo ship 449 feet long of John Holt & Co. / Guinea Gulf Line Ltd.: 1963-1965 managed by Thos & Jno Brocklebank,, Liverpool : 1974 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FLORENTINO AMEGHINO (1925-1964 Oil Tanker 431 feet overall of Argentine Government Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, Buenos Aires : 1964 scrapped after an explosion) (Buenos Aires (Argentina))
- FLORES (1957- General cargo coaster 61.05 metres length of Ripmeester & Co N.V./ Rederij Gebr. Sloots (Vlaarindingen (Netherlands))
- FLORIAN (1955 - 1971 General cargo liner 351 feet long of Ellerman Papayanni Line) (Liverpool)
- FLORISTAN ( 1944-1963 General cargo liner of F C Strick Line, London) (London)
- FLOWERGATE (1952-1964 General cargo ship 441 feet long of Turnbull Scott Shipping Co. Ltd., London :1977 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- FLYING BUZZARD ( 1951-1963 Coastal and harbour tug 115 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING CORMORANT (1909-1946 Tug 115 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1953 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING DEMON (1964- 1984 Harbour and coastal tug 82 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING DIPPER ( 1958-1977 Tug 114 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING DOLPHIN (Tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING DOVE (in 1957 General cargo ship)
- FLYING DRAKE (1957-1969 Tug 99 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING DUCK (1956-1976 Tug 99 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING EAGLE (1928-1958 Harbour and shiphandling tug 105 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1969 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING FALCON (1968-1985 Firefighting Tug 33.71 metres long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING FOAM (1962-1981 Tug 112 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company) (Glasgow)
- FLYING FOAM (1919-1952 Harbour shiphandling tug 115 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1952 sank off Cadiz, Spain) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING FULMAR (In 1948 tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING MERLIN ( 1951-1967 Coastal and harbour tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING METEOR ( Tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING METEOR (Tug in 1948) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING MIST (1962-1981 Tug 111 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING PETREL ( 1951-1963 Harbour and coastal tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING SERPENT (1911-1947 Tug 115 feet long of Clyse Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING SPITFIRE (1946- Tug 108 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FLYING SPRAY (1917-1952 Harbour Shiphandling tug 115 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1965 scrapped in Dublin) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING SPRAY (1962-1981 Tug 33.81 metres 111 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING TEMPEST (1946-1962 Tug 108 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : scrapped in 1982) (Glasgow)
- FLYING TYPHOON (In 1948 tug of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING WITCH ( 1960- Tug 88 feet long owned by Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FLYING WIZARD ( 1960-1971 Tug 88 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FOAMVILLE (1923- General cargo 3-island coaster 190 feet long speed 8 knots of John S Monks, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- FOGLARO (1962-1967 Ore carrier 489 feet long of Rederi AB Regulus (Rex), Stockholm, Sweden) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- FOGO (Portugal)
- FOKKO UKENA (2007- General cargo ship 89m overall of Vertom Group, Rhoom, The Netherlands) (St Johns (Antigua and Barbuda))
- FORAGER (1947 - 1962 IMO 180395 Harbour and coastal tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow : 1984 scrapped Naples, Italy)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- FORCADOS (1963-1975 General cargo ship 465 feet long of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FOREMAN (1959-1972 Harbour and coastal tug of United Towing, Hull : wrecked in 1981) (Hull (England))
- FOREST TOWN (1960- Oil products tanker 560 feet long of N.V. Nationale Tankvaart Maats / Wm H Muller & Co's Transport Maats N.V., Rotterdam (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- FORESTER (1952-1970 General cargo ship 468 feet overall of T & J Harrison Ltd. / Charente S. S. Co. Ltd.,, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- FORT BRANDON (1943-1948 "North Sands Type" General cargo ship 134m long : scrapped 1961)
- FORT LANGLEY (1945-1954 Air stores issuing ship of Ministry of War Transport, London, 1954-1970 transferred to Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London, 441 feet 134m overall : 1970 scrapped at Bilbao, Spain) (London (U.K.))
- FORT MIMS (In 1957)
- FORT NAKASLEY (General cargo ship) (London (England, U.K.))
- FORT NORMAN (1942-1948 General cargo ship of British Ministry of War Transport : 1948 returned to U.S. Maritime Administration) (London)
- FORT SAINT LOUIS ...... in 1954
- FORT STEVENS (in 1948 at Aden and Persian Gulf)
- FORT WAYNE (General cargo ship in 1948)
- FORTH (1959-1962 General cargo coaster of William Sloan & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FORTH WARRIOR (2016- Tug / Workboat 27m overall of Briggs Marine) (Leith (Scotland,U.K.))
- FORTHFIELD (1954-1975 Oil products tanker 556 feet overall of Northern Petroleum Tank Steamship Company / Hunting & Son, Newcastle : 1975 scrapped) (Newcastle (England))
- FOX (In 1894 a cargo carrying sailing smack owned by A McMurtrie) (Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland)
- FOXFIELD (1954-1966 General cargo coaster 57.61m overall of Zillah Shipping / W A Savage, Liverpool : 1989 scrapped at Cadiz, Spain) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FOYLEBANK (in 1957)
- FRAGUM (1952-1964 Coastal oil tanker 332 feet long of Shell Tankers, London :1976 scrapped at Hong Kong) (London (England, U.K.))
- FRAMNAS (Coastal oil products tanker 274 feet long)
- FRANCE (1960-1974 Passenger liner 316.1 m (1,035 ft) of Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (French Line) of Le Havre, France : Scrapped 2008) (Le Havre (France))
- FRANCIS DRAKE (1962-1971 Passenger-cargo liner 423 feet overall of Dominion Navigation Co, : 1971 scrapped at Taiwan)
- FRANCISCA SARTORI (Hamburg Chicago Linie) (Kiel, Germany)
- FRANCISKA HENDRIK FISSER (1952 - ? General cargo ship of Fisser & v Doornum, Emden, Germany) (Emden (Germany))
- FRANCONIA (1911-1915 Passenger liner 625 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1915-1916 Troopship of U.K. Government : 1916 torpedoed and sunk off Fastnet (Ireland) with loss of 12 lives) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FRANCONIA (1923-1956 Passenger / cargo liner 601 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- FRANCONIA (1963-1973 Passenger liner (formerly IVERNIA) of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- FRANK (2018- Chemical / Oil tanker 137m long of Carl F. Peters, Hamburg, Germany)) (Gibraltar)
- FRANK ( 2008 - Chemical / Oil Products Tanker IMO: 9371787 : 148m overall of Frank Shipping Inc, Dubai, UAE) (Gibraltar)
- FRANK L (General cargo coaster) (Antwerp (Belgium))
- FRANK LYKES in 1954
- FRANZ DOERENKAMP (1955-1968 General cargo coaster 71.2m 234 feet overall of Partenreederei m/s Franz Doerenkamp / DG Neptun,, Bremen : 1989 scrapped at Piraeus, Greece) (Bremen (Germany))
- FRANZ HELD (1970-1982 General cargo ship)
- FRAUKE (1956-1971 General cargo coaster 192 feet long of Capt Paul Heinrich, Hamburg) ) (Hamburg (Germany))
- FREDERICK T EVERARD (1954- General cargo ship 306 feet long of F T Everard & Sons Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- FREDERICO FERRER (General cargo ship in 1962) (Valencia (Spain))
- FREDRIK RAGNE (1961-1966 General cargo ship of Rederi A/B Ragne / Ragnar Nilsson, Vastervik)) (Sweden)
- FREETOWN (1946-1958 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool : Scrapped 1958) (Liverpool (England))
- FREMANTLE STAR (1952-1958 General cargo ship 497 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- FREMANTLE STAR (1960-1979 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- FRESHMERE (1942-1975 Fresh-class coastal water carrier of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London)) (London (England, U.K.))
- FRESNO STAR (1929-1947 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London : Scrapped 1947) (London (England, UK))
- FRESNO STAR (1951-1957 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- FREYA TORM in 1954
- FRI BREVIK ( 2001- General cargo / 200TEU-Containership 89m overall of Kopervik Ship Management A/S, Kopervik, Norway) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- FRI GDANSK (2021- General cargo ship IMO 9344502 : 89.99m overall of Kopervik Ship Management AS / Høyergruppen AS) (Kopervik (Norway))
- FRI KVAM (2014- General cargo ship 90m overall of Kopervik Ship Management AS, Kopervik, Norway) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- FRI LAKE (2006- General cargo ship 89m overall of Kopervik Ship Management, Norway / and Gdansk, Poland) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- FRI LIEPAJA (in 2022 General cargo ship)
- FRI OCEAN (2006- General cargo ship 89m long of Kopervik Ship Management, Kopervik, Norway) (Bahamas)
- FRIDTJOF NANSEN (1943- General cargo "Liberty" ship 442 feet long of A/S Oddero A I Langfeldt & Co., Kristiansand) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- FRIENDSHIP (1958-1968 General cargo coaster 61.07m long of Mountwood Shipping Co Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- FRIFJORD (1997- General cargo ship 63m long of A/S Frifjord) (Bahamas)
- FRISCIE (General cargo ship in 1965)
- FRISIAN EXPRESS (Cattle carrier)
- FRUIN ( 1958-1963 General cargo coaster of William Sloan Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- FULANI (1946-1958 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool, scrapped in 1958) (Liverpool (England))
- FURE WEST (2006- Chemical / oil products tanker 144m long of Furetank Rederi, Donso, Sweden) (Donso (Sweden))
- FURET (1944- Motor Tug 82 feet long of Entreprise de Remorquage de Sauvetage et D'Acconage, Algiers) ) (Algiers (Algieria))
- GAASTERDYK (1966-1978 Container ship of Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line)
- GABRIEL 111 (for GABRIEL 3 : a motor yacht 36 feet long)
- GAEL "Pronounced Gale - as in a storm" ( 1931-1964 Clyde steam puffer : Crinan Canal type : 66 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- GAITCHA (Cargo ship of F H Stephens Pty Ltd., Sydney (Australia) (Australia)
- GALATI (General cargo ship 320 feet long)
- GALILEO GALELEI (1963-1979 Passenger liner 213.65m 701 feet overall of Lloyd Triestino, Genoa : 1999 sank after engine room fire) (Genoa (Italy))
- GALLIC (1960-1964 General cargo liner chartered from Prince Line (ex CINGALESE PRINCE) of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London (UK))
- GALWAY (1958-1975 General cargo ship 469 ft long of Avenue Shipping Co. (Trinder, Anderson & Co.), London / P & O : 1983 stranded at Hong Kong and broken up in position) (London)
- GAMBIA PALM (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- GANTOCK (2012- Pilot vessel of Peel Ports, Clydeport, Glasgow) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- GARLAND (General cargo coaster) (Netherlands)
- GARMOYLE (Motor Launch of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- GARNOCK (1956 -1984 Ship handling tug 78 feet long of Imperial Chemical Industries) (Irvine (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- GARONNE (1958-1970 General cargo coaster 50.5 m long of Kustvaartrederij m.s GARONNE, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- GARRION OWL (in 2024 Tug of Offshore Workboats Limited, Clyde Boatyard, Dock Street, Clydebank, G81 1LX, Scotland, UK) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GARTH CASTLE (1880-1900 Steamer of Donald Currie & Company / Castle Mail Packet Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- GARTWOOD (1946-1966 General cargo ship 295 feet long of Constantine Line, Middlesbrough, England) (Middlesbrough (England))
- GASCONY (1932-1958 general cargo ship 385 feet overall of Royal Mail Line, London : 1958 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- GAUSAL (General cargo ship in 1948)
- GAUTATYR ( 1962-1974 General cargo ship of Rederi A/S Myren (Holm + Wonsild), Copenhagen) (Copenhagen (Denmark))
- GAVOSTRA M (Oil products tanker) (Catania (Sicily))
- GEELONG STAR (1954-1958 General cargo ship 456 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- GEERTJE BUISMAN (1958-1970 General cargo ship 263 feet 80,17 metres long of N.V. R. Buisman's Koninklijke Fabriek van Gebrande Suikerpoeder, Zwartsluis, Netherlands) (Zwartsluis, Netherlands )
- GEESTBAY (1981-1994 Refrigerated cargo vessel 159m long of Geest Industries Ltd., Boston, England : 2009 scrapped at Alang, India) (Boston (England, UK))
- GEESTPORT (1982-1994 Refrigerated cargo ship 159 metres long)
- GEIRULV (General cargo ship)
- GEM (1952-1976 General cargo coaster 245 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : 1986 scrapped in Greece) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- GEMINI EXPLORER (1989- Cruising Lifeboat of St Hilda Sea Adventures, Dunstaffnage, by Oban , Scotland) (Buckie (Scotland))
- GEMSBOK ( 1960 - 1961 General cargo ship (formerly CLAN MACRAE) of Springbok Line/Bullard King)
- GENERAL S. B. BUCKNER (U.S. Army Transport) (USA)
- GENNY PORR (1962-1969 General cargo coaster)
- GEORGE ANSON (1962-1971 Passenger-cargo liner of Dominion Navigation Co. : 19*71 scrapped at Taiwan)
- GEORGE BROWN (1887-1957 Steam paddle harbour tug of Irvine Harbour Co Ltd., Irvine : 1957 scrapped at Troon) (Irvine (Scotland))
- GEORGE L DUVAL in 1954
- GEORGE M COHAN (1943-1947 "Liberty" type General cargo ship 441 feet long of United States War Shipping Administration) (USA)
- GEORGIAN BAY (1954-1982 Great Laker / bulk freighter 620 feet long of Canada Steamship Lines, Montreal : 1989 scrapped in Turkey)) (Montreal (Canada))
- GEORGIC (1934-1956 Passenger Liner of Cunard White Star Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- GEORGINA V EVERARD ( 1955-1978 General cargo coaster 306 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1985 scrapped in Greece) (London (England, U.K.))
- GEORGIO FASSLO (Cargo ship) (Italy)
- GEORGIOS S (Greek-owned cargo ship)
- GEORGIOS SIDERATOS (General cargo ship 442 feet long)
- GERSOM (1958-1974 General cargo coaster 50.5 meters of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands / Owner:Geert Leinenga, Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- GIACINTO MOTTA (1955-1967 General cargo ship 543 feet overall : sank 23 July 1967 off Camp Island, Newfoundland) (Italy)
- GILLIAN EVERARD (1963-1984 General cargo coaster 244 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- GIRL ANN (Inshore fishing trawler)
- GIRL ERRIN (In 2017 Inshore fishing boat registered number CN 131) (Campbeltown (Scotland, U.K.))
- GIRL MARGARET (Inshore fishing trawler BA30)
- GIRL MAUREEN (Inshore fishing boat)
- Girvan Lifeboat (of Royal National Lifeboat Institution stationed at Girvan, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK)
- GITANA (1957-68 General cargo coaster 61.8m long of N.V. Scheepvaartkantoor Groningen / Eiso Hendrik en Hendrik Schuur, Hendrik Pieter Kuiper / N.V. Zeevaart Maats 'Hoornsche Diep'), Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- GLADSTONE STAR (Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- GLADYS BOWATER (1958-1972 General cargo ship 325 feet long of Bowater Steamship Company / Furness Withy & Company, then Cayzer, Irvine Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- GLANELY (1960 - 1969 general cargo ship 469 feet long of Atlantic Shipping & Trading / W J Tatem Ltd., London : 1987 scrapped at Alang, India) (London)
- GLAS ISLAND (1955-1968 dry cargo coaster owned by Cunninghams of Scalpay) (Stornoway (Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, U.K.))
- GLAUCUS (1963-1964 General cargo liner (formerly MONMOUTHSHIRE) 453 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- GLEANER (Inshore fishing boat) (Tarbert)
- GLEANNSHIRA (In 1948 General cargo Clyde puffer / lighter)
- GLEN ROSA (Launched 2024 Ro-ro ferry for Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GLEN SANNOX (1957-1989 Passenger / vehicle ferry 256 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, / Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- GLEN SANNOX (1925-1954 Passenger steamer 250 feet long of London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- GLEN SANNOX (in 1946) (Glasgow)
- GLEN SANNOX (2024- Ro-ro ferry 102.4m 336 feet overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GLEN SHIEL (1959-1973 General cargo motor coaster 109 feet long of Hay Hamilton Ltd, / Glenlight Shipping, Glasgow : Sank 1973) (Glasgow)
- GLENARAY (1947-1964 Steam Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of Hamilton and McPhail, Glasgow : scrapped 1964)in 1948) (Glasgow)
- GLENARTNEY (1940-1967 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- GLENBANK (in 1957 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir's Bank Line)
- GLENCLOY (1966-1979 General cargo coaster 109 feet long of G & G Hamilton Ltd / Hay Hamilton Ltd.,, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- GLENCLOY (1930-1966 Clyde Puffer lighter 66 feet long of G & G Hamilton)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- GLENEARN (1938-1970 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London : 1970 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- GLENETIVE (1978-1990 General cargo coaster of Glenlight Company, Ardrossan) (London (England, UK))
- GLENFALLOCH (1963-1977 General cargo ship 544 feet overall of Glen Line, London / Elder Dempster / Ben Line) (London (England, U.K.))
- GLENFYNE (1965-1988 General cargo motor coaster 109 feet long of G & G Hamilton / Hay Hamilton / Glenlight Shipping, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- GLENGARRY (1946-1970 then 1971 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London : scrapped 1971) (London (England, U.K.))
- GLENGYLE (1948-1970 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- GLENIFFER (1954-1958 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (UK))
- GLENLEE (1992- a 3-masted barque 245.34 feet (74.83 m) long and a static floating museum ship at Riverside Museum, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GLENLYON (1962-1978 General cargo ship 544 feet overall of Glen Line, London / Elder Dempster / China Mutual / BenOcean : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- GLENMOOR (1953-1976 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Moor Line Ltd (Walter Runciman & Co Ltd), London / 1968 Anchor Line Ltd, Glasgow ) (London (UK))
- GLENOGLE (1962-1978 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- GLENORCHY (1948-1970 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London : Scrapped 1971) (London (UK))
- GLENPARK (1971- Bulk carrier of Denholm Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- GLENROY (1938-1966 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London : Scrapped 1966) (London (UK))
- GLENSHIEL (1952-1957 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London) (London (UK))
- GLENSHIEL (1959-1973 General cargo coaster 106 feet long of Hay Hamilton Ltd. / Glenlight Shipping, Glasgow : 1973 sank off Troon, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GLENSHIRA (1953 - General cargo motor coaster 87 feet long of G Hamilton Company / Hay Hamilton, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- GLITRA (1952-1969 General cargo ship of Christian Salvesen, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- GLOBE EXPLORER (1960-1964 Oil tanker 572 feet long of Bulk Ships/ Maritime Overseas Corp., New York (New York)
- GLOMDAL (1949-1956 General cargo ship 342 feet 104m long of A/S Moltzaus Tankrederi (Moltzau & Christensen), Oslo : 1973 scrapped) (Oslo (Norway))
- GLORIA (1951- General cargo coaster 157 feet long of George Kearon Ltd., Arklow, Ireland (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- GLOUCESTER CITY (1954-1968 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Bristol City Line (Canada) Ltd., Bristol : Wrecked at Madagascar in 1968) (Bristol (England, U.K.))
- GLOUCESTERSHIRE (1964-1971 General cargo ship 471 feet long of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- GLOXINIA (1958-1977 Bulk carrier 479 feet overall of Stag Line, North Shields, England : 1982 scrapped at Perama, Greece) (North Shields (England, UK) )
- GNEISENAU (1903-1918 Passenger / cargo liner of Nord-deutscher Lloyd, Germany) (Germany)
- GOALPARA (1948-1953 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, London) (London (UK))
- GOLDENFELS (1954-1968 General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen) (Bremen (Germany))
- GOOD HOPE CASTLE (1946-1959 Cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- GOODWILL (1958-1968 General cargo coaster 60m long of A C Hoff, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- GOODWILL (Inshore fishing trawler pennant number LH 2556)
- GOODWILL (small private skiff) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- GOODWILL MERCHANT (1962-1976 Container carrying coaster 60m long of Arnold Hoff, Rederij, Transport- & Handelsonderneming, Rotterdam / Rederij Arnold Hoff N.V., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- GOODWILL TRADER (1961-1977 Container carrying coaster 60m long of Arnold Hoff Rederij, Transport & Handelsonderneming, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- GOODWOOD (General cargo ship 315 feet long )
- GORJISTAN in 1954
- GORJISTAN (1961-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick Company, London) (London)
- GOS 11 (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOS 1V (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOS 1X (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOS V (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOS X1 (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOS X11 (in 1954 Whaler)
- GOTHIC (1947-1969 Passenger/cargo liner of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London)
- GOTHLAND (1961-1977 Ore carrier 595 feet long of Currie Line, Leith) (Leith)
- GOTHLAND (1932-1958 General cargo ship of Currie Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- GOTLAND (2022- General cargo ship 88.97m overall of Karl Meyer Shipping International GmbH & Co. KG Stader Str. 55-63, 21737 Wischhafen / managed by Wilhelm E.F. Schmid, Husum) (Stade (Germany))
- GOULISTAN (in 1957 General cargo ship of Frank Strick Company, London) (London (U.K.))
- GOVERNOR (1952-1972 Cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- GRACE McALLISTER (Tugboat of McAllister Towage and Transportation, 17 Battery Place, New York) (New York (USA))
- GRACEHILL (1918-1957 General cargo coaster 156 feet long of Howdens (Coal Importers Ltd, Larne : 1952-1957 John Kelly Ltd, Belfast)) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- GRACIA (1921-1941 General cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1941 bombed and sunk in Atlantic) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GRACIA (1946-1953 General cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- GRAF WALDERSEE (1899-1919 Passenger liner of Hamburg-American Packet Company / Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line / Hamburg-Amerika Linie) (Hamburg (Germany))
- GRAIGFIONN (General cargo ship of Idwal Williams Company, Cardiff) (Cardiff (Wales))
- GRANADERO (General cargo ship 139m overall : 1975 scrapped in Campana, Argentina) (Buenos Aires (Argentina))
- GRANHILL (General cargo ship) (London (England, U.K.))
- GRANTON FALCON (Deep sea fishing trawler) (Granton (Scotland, U.K.))
- GRANTON HARRIER (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Granton)
- GRANTON KESTREL (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Granton (Scotland, UK))
- GRANTON MERLIN (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Granton)
- GRANTON OSPREY ( 1960 - 1970 Deep-sea fishing trawler GN19 of William Carnie / Carnie & Croan, Granton) (Granton, Edinburgh)
- GRANUAILE (1948-1970 Lighthouse Tender 230 feet long for Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin) (Liverpool)
- GREBE (1948- General cargo ship 235 feet long of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London)
- GRECIAN (1949-1966 General cargo ship 362 feet long of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- GRECIAN EMBLEM (1957-1974 General cargo vessel 504 feet long of Goulandris Brothers , London) (London)
- GREEK (1902 - Steam general cargo lighter - Clyde puffer - of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- GREENFIELD (in 1966 General cargo coaster carrying road trailers)
- GREENFORD (1961- General cargo ship 351 feet long of Peninsular Shipping Co. Ltd / Ocean Tramping Co Ltd., Liverpool ) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- GREENLAND (General cargo coaster)
- GREGOR PATON (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Glasgow)
- GREIFFENFELS (1950-1966 General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen, Germany (Bremen (Germany))
- GRELROSA (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Cardigan Shipping Co. Ltd., Cardiff , managed by W. T. Gould, Cardiff : 1969 collided then sank) (Cardiff (Wales, UK))
- GRETA (1957-1964 General cargo coaster 48.18 metres long of Manager: NV Scheepvaartbedrijf 'Gruno', Groningen, Owner: Jurjen Schokkenbroek, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Holland))
- GRETE SKOU (Cargo ship of D/S Ove Skou, Kobenhavn, Denmark) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) Denmark)
- GREY FIGHTER (1974-1986 Bulk carrier of Ben Line Steamers, Edinburgh)
- GREY HUNTER (1974-1986 Bulk carrier managed by Ben Line, Edinburgh)
- GREY MASTER (General cargo liner of Skips - A/S Golden West (Johan H.Andrsen Oslo as manager) Oslo Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- GRIETJE ( 1960-1963 General cargo coaster 130 feet long of Boersma Shipping, Netherlands) (Groningen (Holland))
- GRINDEFJELL (1953 - 1966 General cargo ship 297 feet overall of Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo)
- GRIPSHOLM (1924-1954 Passenger liner 573ft 175m long of Swedish American Line, Gothenburg) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- GRIT (1958- Coastal oil tanker 310 feet long of F T Everard & Sons Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- GROOTE BEER (1944- General cargo ship 455 feet long of John S Latsis, Piraeus) (Piraeus (Greece))
- GROUVILLE (1964-1968 General cargo coaster of Channel Shipping, Jersey : 1985 scrapped at Limassol, Cyprus) (Jersey (Channel Islands, U.K.))
- GRYFEVALE (1929-1944 General cargo ship 385 feet long of Gryfevale S.S. Co. / A Crawford Co., Glasgow : Scrapped 1962) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- GUDRID (1922-1960 General cargo steamship of A/S Turid / Bachke Rederi & Co A/S Trondheim, Trondheim Norway : 1965 Scrapped) (Trondheim (Norway))
- GUERNSEY (1957- General cargo ship of Leighton Shipping Co. Ltd., London) (London (U.K.))
- GUGLIELMO MARCONI (1961-1976 Passenger 1,150 liner 701 feet 213.7m long of Lloyd Triestino, Italy : 2001 scrapped) (Trieste (Italy))
- GUIDE US (in 2025 Inshore fishing boat GK77 at Greenock)
- GUILDFORD (Coastal collier of South Eastern Gas Board, London) (London (UK))
- GULFRAY (In 1957)
- GULLFOSS (1950-1973 Passenger / Cargo ship of Eimskip, Reykjavik) (Reykjavik (Iceland))
- GUNDULA (1954-1966 General cargo ship 68m long of Gloria Reederei Grapel & Co., Hamburg : 1972 sank after leaking off Cyprus) (Hamburg (Germany))
- GUNILLA BILLNER (1962-1976 Oil products tanker 558 feet long of Billners Rederi A/B / Kjell Billner, Gothenburg) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- GUNN (General cargo ship 448 feet long) (U.K.)
- GUNNER (Requisitioned by Admiralty 1939-1946 as H.M. Minesweeping Trawler FY 568 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- GUNUNG DJATI (1958 - 1962 passenger ship fitted for carrying pilgrims 576 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1987 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- GUUN (General cargo ship 448 feet long)
- GYLFE (General cargo ship .... in 1962) (Norway)
- H K WAAGE (Built 1919 - formerly IBUKI MARU - now steel screw steamer 270 feet long of D/S A/S Fold, M Clausen manager , Haugesund, Norway) (Haugesund (Norway))
- H.M.A.S. ONSLOW (Royal Australian Navy)
- H.M.A.S. OVENS (Submarine of Royal Australian Navy)
- H.M.A.S. QUICKMATCH (1942-1972 Q-class Destroyer 358 ft 3 in (109.19 m) length overall of Royal Australian Navy : 1972 scrapped in Japan) (Royal Australian Navy)
- H.M.C.S. MICMAC (1945-1964 Tribal-class destroyer 366 feet long of Royal Canadian Navy : 1965 Scrapped) (Royal Canadian Navy)
- H.M.S .AURORA (1942-1948 Arethusa class light cruiser 506 ft (154 m) of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- H.M.Surveying Ship BEAUFORT (1919-1939 Survey ship 231 feet long of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HAAKON HAUAN (1935-1960 Oil tanker of A/S Østlandske Petroleums Compagni, Oslo (in 1953 Company renamed A/S Norske Esso) (Oslo (Norway))
- HAARLEM (In 1927 cargo ship of Currie Line)
- HAGUE MARU (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- HAINAN (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- HALCIENCE ( 1948-1968 A three-island general cargo coaster 220 feet long of London and Rochester Shipping Company) (Rochester (England))
- HALCYON (1951-1966 Diesel / sailing General cargo puffer lighter 84 feet long of William McMillan, Campbeltown / Irvine Shipping & Trading Company, Irvine : 1966 scrapped at Troon) (Hull (England) then from 1959 Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland)
- HALCYON DAYS ( 1963 - 1974 Product tanker of Court Line, London) (London)
- HALIA (1958-1985 Oil tanker 556 feet long 14.5 knots of Shell Petroleum Company, London) (London)
- HALIFAX STAR (General cargo ship)
- HALLAIG (2012- Ro-ro passenger ferry 43.5m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- HALLINDENE in 1954
- HALMSTAD (1909-1957 General cargo ship of Bissmark Linie, Hamburg : Scrapped 1957)) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HALRONELL (1950-1961 General cargo coaster of J. Tyrrell, Arklow, Ireland) (Bristol (England))
- HAM 316 (2005- Hopper Dredger 128m of Sleephopperzuigers BV, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- HAMBLE (1964-1975 Coastal oil products tanker of Shell Mex & B.P., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- HAMBURG (1900-1914 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1914 interned in New York, : 1917 seized by US Government) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HAMBURG (1926-1940 Passenger liner 206.50 m (677 ft 6 in) of Hamburg-American Line, Hamburg : 1940-1945 Accommodation ship for Kreigsmarine : 1945 Sunk by mine) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HAMBURG EXPRESS (in 1974 / 75 Container ship)
- HAMILTON SLEIGH ( 1961 - 1979 Oil tanker 658 feet long of Dominion Shipping/ H C Sleigh, Hong Kong) (Hong Kong)
- HAMINA ( 1954 - General cargo ship 304 feet long of Skibs A/S William Hansens Rederi 11, Norway) (Bergen (Norway))
- HAMINEA (1955-1972 Oil products tanker of Shell U.K., London : 1972 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- HAMME ( 1958- General cargo coaster 234 feet long of Friedrich Tiemann, Bremen) (Bremen (Germany))
- HANDFAST (Tug workboat of Jenkins Marine)
- HANETIA (1957-1975 H-class Oil Tanker IMO 5141548 : 169m overall of Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers UK, London : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, UK))
- HANG ZHOU (General cargo ship) (China)
- HANNINGTON COURT (1954-1963 General cargo ship 476 feet overall : Official Number 186168 : of Court Line, managed by Haldin & Co. Ltd., London : 1976 scrapped at Bombay, India) (London (England, UK))
- HANS (1955-1962 General cargo coaster 41.71m overall of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf 'Gruno', Groningen) (Groningen (Holland))
- HANS (General cargo coaster, 2 holds, one mast of Dutch owners) (Groningen)
- HANS BOYE (General cargo coaster)
- HANSA (1935-1941 Passenger Liner of Hamburg-American Line / Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-Amerika Linie : 1945 sunk by mine) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HANSEAT (1951- General cargo coaster 45m overall of Walter Richter, Hamburg.: 1980 wrecked at Northumberland, England) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HANSEATIC (1958-1966 Passenger Liner of Hamburg-Atlantic Line, Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HANTONIA (1939-1945 Accommodation ship 290 feet long for Royal Navy, London)
- HAPARANGI (1947-1967 Refrigerated cargo ship 541 feet long of New Zealand Shipping Company: 1967 transferred to Federal Line: 1971 transferred to P & O: scrapped 1974 (U.K.)
- HARAMBEE (1966-1979 General cargo ship 482 feet 147m overall of Eastern Africa National Shipping Line Ltd. Mombasa (Southern Line Ltd, managers), : 1980 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
- HARDWICKE GRANGE (1960-1975 Refrigerated / general cargo ship of Houlder Brothers, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- HARE (1886-1899 Passenger and cargo steamer 216 feet long of John Burns, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HARLE (Fishing Trawler in 1959) (France)
- HARLEQUIN (Sailing Barque in 1860)
- HARMATTAN ( 1961 - 1972 General cargo ship 488 feet long of J & C Harrison, London) (London)
- HAROLD H HELM (Liberia)
- HARPA in 1954
- HARPULA (1955-1975 Oil products tanker 556 feet long of Shell Tankers U.K., London : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- HARRIER (In 1974 Fishing trawler of British United Trawlers) (U.K.)
- HARRY R JONES (1916-1960 Great Lakes cargo carrier 468 feet long of Interlake Steamship Company) (USA or Canada)
- HASSELO ( 1955-1967 Ore carrier 484 feet overall of Rederi AB Rex Stockholm Sweden) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- HATANO (1939-1946 H.M.Minesweeping Trawler FY662 requisitioned by Admiralty, London)
- HATBURN (in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler)
- HAUKEFJELL (Oil tanker)
- HAUSTELLUM (1954-1975 "H"- class Oil products tanker 556 feet long of Shell Tankers UK, London) (London)
- HAUSTRUM (in 1954 arrived Auckland from Curacao)
- HAV ALDA (2000- General cargo ship 82m long of Navigare Shipping, Runavík, Faroe Islands) (Runavík (Faroe Islands))
- HAV DOLPHIN (2018- General cargo ship 88m long of Hav Shipping A/S, Oslo, Norway) (Antigua & Barbuda)
- HAVDHEM (1962-1967 General cargo ship)
- HAVEN STAR (Deep-sea fishing trawler of Westward Trawlers Ltd) (Milford (Wales))
- HAWAII MARU (General cargo ship of Osaka Shosen Kaisha O.S.K., Tokyo, Japan) (Tokyo (Japan))
- HAWARDEN BRIDGE (1940-1967 General cargo coaster 138 feet long of John Summers Steelworks, Shotton, Chester) (Chester (England, UK))
- HAZELMOOR ( 1953 - 1978 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Walter Runciman's Moor Line) (London)
- HAZELWOOD (1903-1916 General cargo steamer 325 feet long of Joseph Constantine Shipping) (UK)
- HEBRIDEAN ISLES (1985- 2024 Ro-ro ferry 85m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS (1989- Passenger cruise ship 72m 236ft long of Hebridean Island Cruises, Skipton, England) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HEBRIDES (2001- Passenger Ro-ro ferry 99m / 325ft of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) (Glasgow)
- HEBRIDES (In 1948)
- HECTOR (1924-1942 Passenger/cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1942 bombed and sunk in Colombo Harbour, 1946 scrapped.) (Liverpool (England))
- HECTOR (1950 - 1972 passenger/cargo liner 523 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- HEEMSKERK in 1954
- HEENVLIET (1961-1973 General cargo coaster 66.80m long of Soetermeer, Fekkes' Cargadoorskantoor N.V., Rotterdam / N.V. Rederij Meervliet, Rotterdam / W.A. Soetermeer Jr., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- HEERING CHRISTEL (1964-1967 General cargo ship 497 feet 150.97m overall of Cherry Heering Line A/S / Peter F.Heering, Kobenhaven) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- HEGRA (General cargo ship 295 feet long)
- HEKLA (2008- Multipurpose dry cargo carrier 88.97m overall of Royal Wagenborg, Delfzijl, The Netherlands) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- HELDER (In 1927 cargo ship of Currie Line)
- HELDIA (1955-1973 Product tanker of Shell Tankers, London) (London (England, UK))
- HELEN (Motot vessel of John S Thomson)
- HELEN (Ocean vessel)
- HELEN McALLISTER (Tug in 1987)
- HELENA (203 feet)
- HELENUS ( 1949 - 1972 Passenger/cargo liner 523 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- HELENUS (1913-1942 General cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool, 1942 torpedoed and sunk off Freetown; loss of 5 lives) (Liverpool (England))
- HELICON (1954-1968 Oil products tanker of Shell Tankers UK, London : 1968 scrapped Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- HELIOS (1957-1971 General cargo coaster 56.93m 189 feet long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Hendrik Bakker, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- HELLENES (in 1955 Conventional general cargo ship ... at Madras, India and Chittagong)
- HELLSPONT (in 1958 General cargo ship)
- HELMA ENTZ (1958-1971 Products tanker 170 metres 558 feet of Thomas Entz Tanker GmbH, Rendsburg, Germany : 1977 Scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HELMSDALE (1956- General cargo coaster 153 feet long of Northern Shipping & Trading Company (Helmsdale) Ltd., Aberdeen) (Aberdeen (Scotland, U.K.))
- HELMUT (2006- Container ship 134m overall of Jens & Waller, Stade, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- HELVECIA 11 (- 1906 steam tug) (Argentina)
- HENDRIK HOLWERDA (1957-1973 General cargo ship 49.82 meters of Hendrik Holwerda , Heerenveen, Friesland, Netherlands) (Heerenveen (Friesland, Netherlands))
- HENNIE (1962-1964 General cargo coaster 50.78 metres long of Wagenborg's Scheepvaart / Marten and Klaas de Jong, Harlingen, (Harlingen (Netherlands))
- HENRIKA THEKLA (1958-1969 General cargo coaster 60.21m overall of Firma J. Seven, Hoogezand, Groningen / Rederij ms 'Henrica Thekla', Hoogezand) (Hoogezand (Netherlands))
- HENRY BOLTE (in 1966)
- HERADA (in 1961 General cargo ship)
- HERCEGOVINA (1965-1972 General cargo ship 477 feet long of Atlanska Plovidba Dubrovnik) (Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia))
- HERDSMAN (1946 -1965 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool : 1973 scrapped at Whampoa, China) (Liverpool)
- HEREFORDSHIRE (1944-1954 then 1961-1969 cargo ship 492 feet long of Bibby Line, Liverpool : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- HERMAN BODEWES (1965- General cargo coaster 226 feet long of Rederij m.s. "Herman Bodewes," / Fa J Seven, Hoogezand) (Hoogezand (Netherlands))
- HERMES (in 1954 Coastal general cargo ship)
- HERMIA (1955- General cargo ship 216 feet long of Rederi Svenska Lloyd A/B, Gothenburg) (Gothenburg, Sweden)
- HERMION (1937- General cargo ship 449 feet long of Bruusgaard Kiosterud Skibs A/S, Drammen) (Drammen (Norway))
- HERNAN CORTES (1944-1971 Pizarro-class Sloop of Spanish Navy) (Spain)
- HERONDALE (Yacht in 1960)
- HEROS (1964-1979 Tug / Salvage ship 136 feet 41.41 m overall of Bugsier Reederei und Bergungs AG, Hamburg (Hamburg (Germany))
- HERRIESDALE (1957-1962 General cargo coaster 168 feet long of J H Henderson / P. D. Hendry & Sons, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HERTFORD (1948-1976 Refrigerated cargo ship 561 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation Company / P & O, London) (London (U.K.))
- HESIONE (1946-1960 General cargo ship of R P Houston & Co / Houston Line, Liverpool : 1960 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- HESPERIDES (1946-1960 General cargo ship of Houston Line : 1960 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- HIBERNIAN COAST (General cargo coaster of Coast Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- HIDLEFJORD in 1954
- HIGHLAND (1963-1968 General cargo ship 505 feet long of Currie Line, Leith : 1984 foundered in Japan) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- HIGHLAND BRIGADE (1932-1959 Passenger / cargo liner of Nelson Line / Royal Mail Lines) (London (England, UK))
- HIGHLAND CHIEFTAIN (1932-1959 Passenger / cargo liner of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- HIGHLAND MONARCH (1932-1960 Passenger / cargo liner of Nelson Line / Royal Mail Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- HIGHLAND PRINCESS (1932-1959 Passenger / cargo liner of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- HILARY (1931-1959 Passenger/cargo liner of Booth Steamship Co., Ltd., Liverpool)
- HILDA (Coaster in 1924)
- HILDEBRAND (1951-1957 Passenger / cargo liner 439 feet long of Booth Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- HILDEGARD (1953-1956 General cargo ship : Foundered 1962 off Poland) (Hamburg (Germany))
- HILDEGARD DOERENKAMP (1954- General cargo ship 371 feet long of Robert Bornhofen, Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- HILLMAR (Yacht of Duncan McKenzie) (U.K.)
- HIMA (1957-1973 Oil tanker of Shell "H" class 560 feet long of Shell Tankers , London) (London)
- HIMALAYA (1949-1974 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O, London: scrapped 1974) (London (England, UK))
- HIMING (General cargo ship) (Skien (Norway))
- HINAKURA (1949- General cargo ship 561 feet overall of New Zealand Shipping Co., London) (London (UK))
- HINDANGER (1946-1961 General cargo ship of A/S Westfal Larsen, Bergen, Norway : 1975 Scrapped) (Bergen, Norway)
- HINDSHOLM (1953- General cargo ship 263 feet overall of Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab, Denmark) (Aalborg (Denmark))
- HINDSIA (1955-1976 Oil tanker 556 feet overall of Shell Bermuda (Overseas) Ltd., London : 1976 scrapped at Inverkeithing, Scotland) (London)
- HINEA (1956-1976 H-class crude and white oil products tanker 560 feet long of Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers U.K., London : 1976 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- HINRICH AHRENS (1965-1970 General cargo coaster 137 feet overall of Hinrich & Nanne Ahrens, Brake) (Brake (Germany))
- HIRTA (2008- Fishing Support Vessel 84.02m overall of Marine Protection, Scottish Government) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- HISPANIA in 1954
- HISPANIOLA (1956-1972 Refrigerated / general cargo ship of Red AB Westindia (Saléns), Stockholm : 1983 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- HISTORIAN (1948 - 1962 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- HMAS OVENS (Royal Australian Navy)
- HMS EXMOUTH (1957-1979 Blackwood-class Anti-submarine Frigate Pennant No. F84 of Royal Navy, London : 1979 scrapped) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS RELENTLESS (1942- Frigate of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS ABERFORD (1952-1964 "Ford" class seaward defence patrol boat pennant number P 3102 and 117 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1975 scrapped at Kenya) (Admiralty, London (U.K.))
- HMS AGINCOURT (1947- Radar Picket destroyer of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ALBION (1947-1973 Commando Carrier of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS ANTRIM (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS ARK ROYAL (1955-1980 Aircraft carrier 810 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1980 Scrapped at Cairnryan, Scotland) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ASHANTI ( 1961 - 1988 Tribal class frigate 360 feet long Pennant No. F117 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BARKIS (1945-1964 "Bar-class" Boom Defence Vessel of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BARNARD (Royal Navy) (Admiralty, London.)
- HMS BARRAGE ( 1937-1970 Bar-class Boom Defence Vessel of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BARRANCA (1938-1964 Bar-Class Boom Defence Vessel of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BARRHEAD (1941-1964 Boom defence vessel, pennant number Z41 of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BARRINGTON (1940-1969 "Bar-Class" Boom Defence Vessel of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BELTON (M 1199 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BERMUDA (1942-1965 Crown Colony-class light cruiser 555 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1965 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS BRIGHTON ( 1961 - 1985 Anti-submarine warfare frigate 370 feet long pennant number F 106 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BRIGHTON (1940-1944 Destroyer I 08 (formerly USS COWELL of United States Navy) of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BRILLIANT (1931-1947 "B-class Destroyer (H84) of Royal Navy : Scrapped in 1947) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS BRINKLEY (1954-1966 Ley class inshore minehunter Pennant M2005 length 100 feet overall of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (U.K.))
- HMS BROADSWORD (1948-1968 Weapon-class Destroyer 365 ft (111 m) long of Royal Navy, London : 1968 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS BROCKLESBY (1983- Hunt class mine countermeasures vessel : Pennant M 33 : 60m 197 feet long of British Royal Navy) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS CADIZ (1946-1956 Battle-class Destroyer 379 feet long pennant number D79 of the Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS CAIRO (1918-1942 Light Cruiser / Anti-aircraft ship 451 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1942 Sunk by Italian submarine AXUM off Bizerta) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS CARDIFF (in 2024 Type 26 Frigate Pennant number F 89 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (London, UK))
- HMS CARRON (1944-1967 "C"-class Destroyer 363 feet long (111m) of Royal Navy, London : 1967 Scrapped at Inverkeithing, Scotland) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS CENTAUR (1953-1971 Hermes-class Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier 738 feet long of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1972) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS CHARGER (1988- Archer-class fast inshore patrol vessel : Pennant P292 : 20.8m 68 feet overall of Royal Navy, London, England) (Admiralty (London, England, UK))
- HMS CHEVRON (1945-1969 "C-class" Destroyer of Royal Navy, London : scrapped 1969) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS CLOVER (1941-1947 Corvette 205 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS CLYDE (1960-1971 "Ton" class inshore minesweeper - formerly HMS AMERTON - pennant number M1105 of Royal Navy, London : 1971 scrapped) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS CLYDE (1960-1971 Coastal Minesweeper "Ton Class" of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS COMET (1945-1958 "C-class" Destroyer 363 feet long of Royal Navy, London : scrapped 1962) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS CONWAY (Merchant Navy Training School)
- HMS COURAGEOUS (1916-1939 Battle cruiser then in 1928 converted to aircraft carrier : 1939 sunk by U-boat in Atlantic) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS DALRYMPLE (1948-1966 Survey ship of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS DECOY (1953-1969 Daring-Class Destroyer 399 feet long Pennant D106 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS DELIGHT (1953- "Daring" class destroyer of Royal Navy. London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS DIDO (1961-1983 Leander Class Frigate 372 feet long Pennant Y100 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS DUKE OF YORK (1941-1957 Battleship 745ft 227m long of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1957) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS EAGLE (1951 - 1972 Aircraft carrier Pennant R05 being 804 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1978 scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ENDURANCE (1968- Ice patrol vessel) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS ESCORT (1934-1940 E-class Destroyer 329ft 100m long of Royal Navy, London : 1940 Sank after being torpedoed) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS EVERINGHAM (1954-1983 Ham-class Inshore Minesweeper 107 feet long Pennant M2626 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS EXMOUTH (1957-1979 A Blackwood-class Anti-submarine Frigate Pennant No. F84 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS FIFE (1964-1987 Guided missile County-class destroyer 520 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS FORTH (2017- River-class Offshore Patrol Vessel P222 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS GAMBIA (1947-1960 Fiji-class cruiser (also known as Colony-class) 554 feet 169m overall of Royal Navy, London : December 1960 scrapping at T. W. Ward Shipbreakers at Inverkeithing, Scotland (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS GANNET (Royal Naval Air Station, Prestwick, Scotland, UK) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS GLASGOW (1937-1956 Town Class Light Cruiser pennant number C21 being 591 ft (180 m) overall of Royal Navy, London : 1958 scrapped) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS HEBE (1894-1920 Submarine Depot Ship of Royal Navy) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS HERMES (Aircraft carrier of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS HERMIONE (1967-1997 Leander Class Frigate Pennant Y160 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS HOWE (1942-1958 Battleship of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ILLUSTRIOUS (1940-1954 Aircraft Carrier of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS INTREPID (1967-1999 Fearless class Assault ship 520 feet long of Royal Navy, London : scrapped in 2008) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ISLE OF GUERNSEY (1930-1940 Passenger Ferry, 1940-1948 Requisitioned by Admiralty, 1948-1961 Passenger Ferry of Southern Railway, Southampton) (Southampton (England, UK))
- HMS J 1603 of Royal Navy, London (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London, UK))
- HMS JUPITER (Admiralty, London)
- HMS KEPPEL ( 1956 - 1979 Blackwood-class frigate F 85 310 feet long of Royal Navy) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS KEREN (1941-1951 Landing ship Infantry 471 feet long (formerly 1930-1941 British India's KENYA) of Admiralty, London (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS KINGARTH (1944-1985 Dispenser-class Salvage vessel 150 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS LEVIATHAN (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS MAIDSTONE (1938-1978 Submarine Depot Ship 497 ft (151 m) of Royal Navy, London : 1978 scrapped at Inverkeithing, Fife) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS MANDARIN (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS MARAUDER (1938-1958 Salvage tug 174 feet long of Admiralty, London : 1966 scrapped at Cape Town) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS MEDWAY (2019- Batch 2 River-class offshore patrol vessel pennant P 223 Length: 90.5 m (296 ft 11 in) of the Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS MFV 1164 ( 1945 - 1972 Motor fishing vessel of MFV 1001 class of Royal Navy, London) (Royal Navy, Admiralty, London)
- HMS MOORLAND (1938-1970 Mooring Vessel 145 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1970 sunk as target) (Admiralty (London, UK))
- HMS MOORSMAN (Admiralty-type Mooring Vessel) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS MURRAY (1956-1970 Blackwood Class Frigate (F 91) 310 ft (94.5 m of Royal Navy, London: scrapped 1970) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS NAIAD (1965-1987 Leander-class Frigate F39 then 1987-1990 Static Trials ship of Royal Navy, London: Sunk 1990) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS NELSON (1927-1948 Nelson-class Battleship of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1949) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS NEPTUNE (1933-1941 Cruiser 554 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1941 Sunk by mine off Tripoli) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ORION (1932-1949 Cruiser 554 feet long of Royal Navy, London : 1949 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS P615 (1940-1943 P 611 Class Submarine of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS PEMBROKE (1997- Sandown-class Minehunter M107 172 feet long of Royal Navy, London)) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS RECLAIM (1948-1982 Diving Support Vessel 217 feet long of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1982) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS RESOLUTION (1967-1994 Pennant S22 Ballistic missile submarine 425 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS RODNEY (1925-1948 Battleship 710 feet long of Royal Navy, London :1948 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS RORQUAL (1957-1977 Porpoise-class submarine 290feet 88m long Pennant Number S 02 of Royal Navy, London : 1977 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS RUSSELL (in 1965 Frigate of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS SCORPION (1946-1971 Weapon-class Destroyer of Royal Navy, London : 1971 Scrapped) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS SPA (1942- 1970 "SPA"-Class Water Carrier Pennant X92 / A192 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS SPEY (2020- Batch 2 River-class Offshore Patrol Vessel 90.5m long Pennant P234 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS ST KITTS (Destroyer of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS SUCCOUR (1943-1973 Dispenser Class Salvage Vessel A505 of the Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS SUVLA (Tank Landing Ship of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS TAMAR (2020- Batch 2 River-class offshore patrol vessel of the Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS THAMES (1969-1975 RNVR Ton-class Minesweeper of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS TONGHAM (1957-1980 Ham-class Inshore Minesweeper Pennant Number M2735 of Royal Naval Auxiliary Service, London ... ship based at Greenock) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London) .... as part of Royal Navy Auxiliary Service))
- HMS TRIUMPH (1991 - 2025 Trafalgar Class attack submarine of Royal Navy, London, UK) (Admiralty (London, UK))
- HMS TRIUMPH (Aircraft carrier of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS VALOUR (Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS VANGUARD (1946-1960 Battleship 814ft long of Royal Navy, London : scrapped 1960) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- HMS VICTORIOUS (1941-1968 Illustrious-class Aircraft Carrier 673ft 205m long of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1969) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS VIDAL (1954-1976 Research vessel 315 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS VIRULENT (1944-1946 V-class submarine P95 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS WALRUS (1961-1987 Porpoise class submarine 290 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS WARRIOR (Preserved warship at Portsmouth, England)
- HMS YARMOUTH (1912-1928 Weymouth-class 4-funnel Light Cruiser 453 feet long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- HMS ZEST (1944- Frigate of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS ZETLAND (1942-1954 Type 11 Hunt Class Destroyer Pennant Number L 59 280 feet 85 meters long of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- HMS ZULU (1964-1984 Tribal Class Frigate 360 feet 109.73m long Pennant F 124 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HMS. LINCOLN (1960-1983 Salisbury class type 61 aircraft direction frigate 340 feet 100m long Pennant no. F99 of Royal Navy, London : Scrapped 1983) (Admiralty (Royal Navy, London))
- HNLMS GRONINGEN (1956-1981 Destroyer of Royal Netherlands Navy / Koninklijke Marine) (Netherlands)
- HNLMS HOLLAND (1954-1978 Holland-class Destroyer 113.1 m (371 ft 1 in) Pennant D808 of Royal Netherlands Navy) (Royal Netherlands Navy)
- HOBART STAR (1956-1972 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 520 feet overall of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- HOEGH RIDER (in 1954 left Aden for Le Havre, France)
- HOLDERNAZE (1949-1957 a 3-island general cargo coaster built in 1925 and 61m long of Holderness Steamship Company, Hull : 1957 scrapped at Antwerp) (Hull (England))
- HOLDERNITH (1954-1963 A 3-Island general cargo coaster 198 feet long of Holderness Steamship Company, Hull) (Hull (England))
- HOLENDRECHT (1958-1978 Bulk carrier 541 feet overall of Phs van Ommeren, Rotterdam : 1982 scrapped) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- HOLLAND (1952-2000 IMO 5153462 Ocean salvage tug 57m long of NV Scheepvaart Mij G.Doeksen & Zonen) (Netherlands)
- HOLMBURY (1946-1960 General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers / Alexander Steam Ship Company, London) (London (UK))
- HOLMFIELD (1957 - 1967 coaster of Zillah Shipping, Liverpool)) (Liverpool)
- HOLMSIDE (1959-1969 General cargo ship 371 feet long of Burnett Steamship Co. Ltd, Newcastle : Wrecked Casablanca 1980) (Newcastle (England))
- HOLSTEIN (1950-1960 General cargo ship 113 metres long of C Mackprang, Germany) (Germany)
- HOMEGATE (General cargo ship) (Sunderland (England, U.K).)
- HOMER CITY (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Reardon Smith Line, Cardiff, Wales, UK : 1970 wrecked at Hong Kong) (Cardiff (Wales, UK))
- HONG QI (1964- General cargo ship 560 feet long of The People's Republic of China, Shanghai) (Shanghai (The People's Republic of China))
- HOOGEZAND (1951-1963 General cargo coaster 57 meters 187 feet long of Jan Wiltens (Delfzijl) / Wijnne & Barends, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- HOOP (Dutch coaster of N.V."Carebeka", Rotterdam) (Delfzyl, Netherlands)
- HOPECRAG (1963-1971 General cargo ship 502 feet long of Common Brothers / Hopemount Shipping Co. Ltd./ Stott, Mann & Co. Ltd., Newcastle ) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- HOPECREST ( 1961 - 1969 General cargo ship 501 feet long of Hopemount Shipping Co. Ltd. / Stott, Man & Fleming, Newcastle : 1984 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- HOPERANGE in 1954
- HOPPER No 1 (1926-1973 Hopper Barge 202 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 10 (1912-1970 Hopper Barge 200 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 24 (1904-1959 Self propelled steam powered hopper barge 199 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow : 1959 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 25 (1954-1982 Hopper barge 210 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 26 (1954-1984 Hopper Barge 210 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 27 (1962- Self propelled Hopper Barge 208 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 28 (1963-1997 Self propelled Hopper Barge 208 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 3 (1926-1973 Self propelled Hopper Barge 202 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust/ Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 4 (1911-1963 Hopper barge 200 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER NO 5 (1906-1962 Self propelled steam hopper barge 200 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow : 1962 scrapped at Faslane) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- HOPPER No 6 (Hopper barge of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 7 (1911-1968 Hopper barge 200 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 8 (1912-1969 Hopper Barge 200 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust /Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 9 ( 1931 - ? Self propelled hopper barge of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- HOPPER No 9 (1931-1964 Hopper barge 170 feet long of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow : Scrapped 1967) (Glasgow (UK))
- HORNBY GRANGE (1946-1969 Refrigerated / general cargo ship of Houlder Line / Houlder Brothers & Co. Ltd., London)) (London (England, U.K.))
- HOROMYA (1956-1975 Oil products tanker 555 feet long of Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers UK, London) (London (England, UK))
- HORORATA (1942-1967 Cargo liner of New Zealand Shipping/Federal Line) (London)
- HOUSTON CITY (1963-1972 General cargo ship 500 feet 143.6m long of Reardon Smith Line / Leeds Shipping Co., Bideford, England : 1984 scrapped at Shanghai, China), (UK)
- HOVERBUS (1963- Hovercraft 83 feet long of Denny Hovercraft Ltd, Dumbarton, Scotland) (Dumbarton / Glasgow ???)
- HOWELL LYKES in 1954
- HSIANG YUNG (in 1957)
- HSS (High-speed Sea Service) craft 1520 passengers + 375 cars, or 120 cars + 50 freight units (900 lane metres) 126.6 m (411.45 ft) long of Stena Line)
- HUBERT (1954-1964 General cargo ship of Booth Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool )
- HUDSON DEEP (in 1954)
- HUDSON FIRTH (in 1964 at Ardrossan, Scotland) (London (England, UK))
- HUDSON RIVER (1949- 1973 General cargo ship / collier / bulk carrier 337 feet 103m overall of Hudson Steam Ship Co. Ltd., London : 1976 scrapped at Aviles, Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- HUGHINA (Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- HUGHLI (General cargo ship)
- HUGO NIELSEN (1949-1967 General cargo ship of D/S A/S Progress / O. Amsinck of Copenhagen, Denmark : 1974 Wrecked) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- HULLGATE (1946-1962 General cargo coaster 142 feet long of Hull Gates Shipping Company, Goole) (Goole (England))
- HUNTINGDON (1948-1975 General / Refrigerated cargo ship 560 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation / P & O, London : Scrapped 1975) (London (UK))
- HUNTSBROOK (in 1954 at Aden and UK)
- HUNTSFIELD ( 1958 - 1968 General cargo ship 499 feet long of Power Steamship Company)
- HURRICANE (in 1967 Oil tanker) (Sandifjord (Norway))
- HURUNUI (1948-1973 Refrigerated cargo ship 541 feet long of New Zealand Shipping / Federal Steam Navigation / Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co, London : 1973 scrapped Pusan, South Korea) (London (UK))
- HYALA (1955-1976 Oil tanker 556 feet long of Shell Bermuda (Overseas) Ltd, London) (London (England, UK))
- HYALINA (in1957 Oil Tanker of Shell Tankers UK) (London (U.K.))
- HYDRA (2007- General cargo ship 89m overall managed by Wagenborg) (Ten Boer (Groningen, Netherlands))
- HYGROMIA (1956-1972 Oil Tanker 169m overall of Shell tankers UK, London : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London)
- I G NICHELSON (1959-1973 General cargo ship)
- I.N.S. KIRPAN (1959-1977 Blackwood Class Anti-Submarine Frigate 330 feet overall Pennant F144 of Indian Navy) (India)
- IBADAN PALM (1959-1978 General cargo liner of Palm Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- IBEN THEILGAARD (General cargo coaster 201 feet overall)
- IBERIA (1934-1945 Passenger ship of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line / Hamburg-Amerika Linie) (Hamburg (Germany))
- IBERIA (1954-1973 Passenger liner of P & O, London : Scrapped in 1973) (London (England, UK))
- IBERIA STAR (1963-1965 Passenger/cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- IBERIC (1961-1976 Passenger / cargo ship 510 feet long of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ICENIC (Shaw Savill) (London (England, UK))
- IDOMENEUS (1972-1976 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- IERNE (1955- Lighthouse Tender of Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- IHSAN KALMAZ (1961-2009 Passenger Ferry 229 feet long of Denizcilik Bankasi. T.A.O. (Sehir Hatlari Isletmesi.) Istanbul : 2009 Scrapped) (Istanbul, Turkey)
- IKAUNA (1941-1958 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, London) (London (UK))
- IKEJA PALM (1961-1981 General cargo liner of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- IKI MARU (Japanese fishing boat in 1963) (Japan)
- ILA (1953- General cargo ship 258 feet long of Lykkes Rederi A/S / Tore Lykke, Trondheim, Norway) (Trondheim (Norway))
- ILE DE FRANCE (1927-1959 Passenger liner of French Line) (Le Havre (France))
- ILLYRIC (Shaw Savill) (London (England, UK))
- ILSE SUHR (1965-1975 General cargo coaster 57.75m 180 feet overall of Reederei Heinz Suhr, Hamburg / Eigenaar: Reederei Heinz Suhr, Hamburg) (Hamburg (West Germany))
- IMPERATOR (1913-1919 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1919 transferred to USA) (Hamburg (Germany))
- IMPERIAL STAR (1948-1971 General cargo ship 573 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1971 scrapped) (London (UK))
- INCA (1938-1965 Steam Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & J Hay & Sons Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- INCHDOUGLAS (1956-1970 General cargo ship of Douglas Steamship Company, Hong Kong : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Hong Kong)
- INDIAN ENDEAVOUR (1946-1966 General cargo ship 431ft 131m long of India Steamship Co. Ltd, Calcutta, India ;; Scrapped 1966) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN IMPORTER (1950-1956 General cargo ship 395 feet long of India Steamship Co. Ltd., Calcutta : 1959 scrapped at Hong Kong) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN MERCHANT ( 1947 - 1972 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN NAVIGATOR (General cargo ship of India Steamship Company,
- INDIAN PIONEER (1947-1972 General cargo ship 456 feet long of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1978 broken up in Bombay) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN REEFER (In 1948 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN RELIANCE (1955-1979 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1979 scrapped at Bombay)) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN RESOLVE (1956- General cargo ship 534 feet long of India Steamship Co., Calcutta) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN RESOURCE (1956-1978 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1978 broken up at Bombay) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN SECURITY (1958-1987 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta, India) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN SHIPPER (1947-1971 General cargo ship of India Steamship Co. Ltd, Calcutta, India : Scrapped 1971) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN SPLENDOUR (1957-1980 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1980 scrapped) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN TRADER (1947-1971 General cargo ship of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1977 scrapped in Bombay) (Calcutta (India))
- INDIAN TRUST (1960-1985 IMO 5160465 General cargo ship 508 feet long of India Steamship Company, Calcutta : 1985 scrapped) (Calcutta (India))
- INDORE (General cargo ship) (London (England, U.K.))
- INDORITA (1920-1970 General cargo coaster 115 feet long of Coppack Brothers, Chester)) (Chester, UK)
- INDUNAVAL PRIMERO (1958-1968 General cargo coaster 188 feet (52m) long of Transportes Fruteros del Mediterraneo SA "Trafume", Valencia) (Valencia (Espana / Spain))
- INGA (1958-1976 General cargo coaster 105 metres long of AB Transmarine, Helsingborg, Sweden) (Helsingborg, Sweden)
- INGA GORTHON in 1954
- INGE TOFT (1959-1964 General cargo ship of D/S Jutlandia A/S of Kobenhaven, Denmark : 1987 Scrapped) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- INGER SKOU (1964- Passenger / General cargo ship of D/S Ove Skou, Kobenhavn, Denmark) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) Denmark)
- INGLEBY (1947-1960 Tramp general cargo ship of Sir R Ropner & Company) (West Hartlepool (England))
- INGRID WEIDE 1953-1968 (General cargo ship 259 feet long) (Flensburg (Germany))
- INGSE (1957- 1965 General cargo coaster 59.6m 196 feet long of Solgt til Skips-A/S Ingse (Reidar Bjerk, Wollert Hvide & Tore R. Stensaker), Bergen : 28 October 1965 sank Langholmen, Norway) (Bergen (Norway))
- INISHOWEN HEAD (1945-1962 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line / Lord Line (After 1917) / Head-Donaldson Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- INISHOWEN HEAD (1965-1973 General cargo liner of Ulster Steamship Company/ Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- INNISEANE (1913-1914 Motor cargo lighter of John M. Paton of Paton & Hendry’s Glasgow Steam Coasters Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- INNISFALLEN (1948-1969 Passenger Ferry 327 feet long of British & Irish Steam Packet Co. Ltd., Cork : 1985 scrapped in Italy) (Cork (Ireland))
- INTERPRETER (1948-1967 General cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- INVENTOR (1935-1960 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool : 1960 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- INVENTOR (1964-1981 General cargo ship 150m 493 feet long with 150 ton Stulcken derrick of Charente Steamship Co / T & J Harrison, Liverpool : 1985 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- INVERBANK (in 1952)
- INVERCLOY ( 1935- 1967 General cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of G & G Hamilton / Hamilton & McPhail / Hay Hamilton Ltd, Glasgow : 1967 Scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- INVERNESS (1968-1976 Coastal oil products tanker 235 feet long of Shell Mex & BP Ltd., London : 2005 scrapped in Santander, Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- INVERTEST ( 1920 - Harbour oiler - steam tanker, 127 feet long of Esso Petroleum, London) (London)
- INVICTA (General cargo ship)
- IONIAN (1947-1964 General cargo ship 373 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- IONIC (1959-1978 General cargo ship 514 feet overall of Shaw Savill, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- IRENE (1956-1962 General cargo ship 100.3m 329 feet overall of A/B Transmarin, Helsingborg : 1983 scrapped at Limassol, Cyprus) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- IRENE (1962-1969 General cargo ship 100.3m 329 feet overall of Rederi A/B Brubor / Ragnar Brunkman, Helsingborg : 1983 scrapped at Limassol, Cyprus) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- IRENE S (1958- 1976 General cargo motor coaster length 53 meters of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf "Gruno", Groningen,/ Aldert Schenkel, Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands)
- IRINA (1965- General cargo coaster 191 feet long of Nordsje-Transport / Strandheim & Stensaker, Bergen) (Bergen (Norway))
- IRIS ( 1940-1976 Cable repair ship 251 feet long of General Post Office, London) (London)
- IRISBANK (in 1957)
- IRISH ALDER (1957-1971 General cargo ship of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH ASH (in 1961 Conventional general cargo ship of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IRISH COAST ( 1952-1968 Passenger and cargo vessel 340 feet long of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- IRISH ELM (1953-1963 General cargo ship of Irish Shipping Ltd., Dublin : Scrapped 1972 ) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH FERN (1954-1964 General cargo coaster 218 feet long of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH FIR (in 1965 General cargo ship 258 feet overall of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IRISH HAWTHORN (Oil products tanker of Irish Shipping, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH HOLLY (1954 - 1967 coastal tanker of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin)
- IRISH LARCH ( 1956 - 1968 General cargo ship 496 feet long of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin)
- IRISH MAPLE ( 1957 - 1968 Tramp Cargo ship 476 feet long of Irish Shipping Line, Dublin) (Limerick, Ireland)
- IRISH OAK (Irish Shipping Company) (Dublin)
- IRISH PINE (1948-1965 General cargo ship 436 feet long of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IRISH PLANE (in 1954 Conventional general cargo ship of Irish Shipping, Dublin, Ireland) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH POPLAR (1956-1972 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH ROSE (1956-1969 General cargo ship 259 feet long of Irish Shipping, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- IRISH SPRUCE ( 1957 - 1972 General cargo ship 449 feet long of Irish Shipping Company, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IRISH WILLOW (1956 - 1969 General cargo ship of Irish Shipping Company) (Dublin)
- IRMGARD HORN (1959- Refrigerated and General cargo ship 207 feet long of Tiefkuhlschiffsrederi Heinr. Christian Horn, Hamburg) (Hamburg (West Germany))
- IRON BARQUE (1960- Ore carrier 517 feet long of Common Bros / Vallum Shipping)
- IRON CROWN ( 1961 - 1971 Ore carrier 518 feet long of Vallum Shipping / Common Brothers, Newcastle, England, UK) (Newcastle (England, UK))
- IRON HORSE ( 1960 - 1970 ore carrier 518 feet long of Common Bros / Vallum Shipping, Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- IRON ORE ( 1959 - 1969 Ore carrier 526 feet long of Common Bros / Vallum Shipping Company/Common Brothers, Newcastle) (Newcastle (England))
- IRVINE (1911-1969 Bucket Dredger 161 feet long of Irvine Harbour Trustees, Irvine, Scotland : Scrapped 1969) (Irvine (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- ISAAC CARTER ( 1952-1964 General cargo ship of Walter Runciman / Transatlantic Carriers, London) (London)
- ISEHARU MARU (General cargo ship 455 feet overall) (Japan)
- ISELIN ( 1955-1968 Ore carrier 523 feet long of Skibs A/S Abu, / Magnus Konow & Co., Oslo : scrapped in Shanghai 1969 ) (Oslo (Norway))
- ISIPINGO (1934-1964 Passenger / General cargo ship 435 feet long of Andrew Weir Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- ISLAND ESCAPE (2002-2015 Cruise ship of Island Cruises) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- ISLAND MAID (Inshore fishing boat)
- ISLAND SKY (2004- Passenger cruise liner 91m overall of Noble Caledonia, London) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- ISLAY LIFEBOAT (Lifeboat of Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Poole, England)
- ISLE OF ALDERNEY (1938-1946 Passenger / cargo steamer of Guernsey & Alderney Trading Company / Plincke / Crete Shipping Company, UK) (UK)
- ISLE OF ARRAN (1984- Passenger and vehicle ferry 84.9m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ISLE OF GIGHA ( 1966 - 1967 Ro-ro ferry landing craft 80 feet 24m overall of Eilean Sea Services / Western Ferries : after sinking was raised then renamed SOUND OF GHIA)) (UK)
- ISLE OF HARRIS (1965- General cargo coaster 142 feet long of Roderick Cunningham (Scalpay) Co Ltd / Robert Cameron & Co., , Stornoway) (Stornoway (Isle of Lewis, Scotland, U.K.))
- ISLE OF HARRIS (in 1962 General cargo coaster)
- ISLE OF ISLAY (2024- Ro-ro ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- ISLE OF LEWIS (1961-1971 General cargo coaster 144 feet 43.9m long of Roderick Cunningham ( Scalpay ) Co Ltd / Robert Cameron & Co., Stornoway : 1971 scrapped at Faslane)) (Stornoway (Isle of Lewis, Scotland, U.K.))
- ISLE OF LEWIS (in 2022 Ro-ro ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- ISLE OF MULL (1988- Roro ferry 90m long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- ISMAILIA (1940-1958 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London (UK))
- ISOLA (General cargo coaster) (Netherlands)
- ISOLDA ( 1953 - 1976 Lighthouse Tender of Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin) (Liverpool)
- ITALIAN (in 1965 General cargo ship 337 feet overall of Ellerman Papayanni, Liverpool)) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ITAPURA (1912-1961 A140-passenger / refrigerated cargo steamer 300 feet long of Companhia Nacional de Navegacao Costeira, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Scrapped 1961) (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
- ITAURA (1946-1965 Conventional general cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London. : scrapped 1968) (London (England, UK))
- ITINDA (1938-1958 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- ITOLA (1940-1958 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London (UK))
- ITRIA (1940-1958 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London (UK))
- IVERAGH (1963- General cargo coaster 158 feet overall of J Tyrrell, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IVERAGH (1963- General cargo coaster 158 feet long of P J Tyrrell, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland / Eire))
- IVERNIA (1900-1917 Passenger liner 600 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- IVERNIA (1955-1963 Passenger liner 21,717 gross tons of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- IVERNIA (1964-1970 General & refrigerated cargo ship 437 feet long of Cunard S S Co / Cunard Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- IVOORKUST (in 1957)
- IXIA (1947-1952 General cargo ship 432 feet long of Stag Line, Newcastle : 1960 scrapped at Spezia, Italy)) (North Shields (England, U.K.))
- IXION (1951-1972 Passenger/cargo liner 523 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1972 scrapped in Barcelona) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- IZHAR ABBASI (1965- Dredger)
- J B KEE (General cargo coaster of J B Kee, Ramsey, Isle of Man) (Ramsey, Isle of Man, U.K.)
- J. L. LUCKENBACH (1949-1960 General cargo ship of Luckenbach Steamship Company, New York : Scrapped 1971) (New York, USA)
- JACINTH (1939-1970 General cargo coaster 178 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- JACOB TEEKMAN (1957-1974 General cargo coaster 170 feet long of E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Expeditiebedrijf,, Amsterdam / Jan Teekman Teekman Scheepvaartbedrijf, Delfzijl.) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- JADE (1938-1967 General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : 1987 scrapped at Perama, Greece) (Glasgow)
- JAG GANGA (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- JAG JAMNA (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- JAGA (Oil tanker) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- JAKINDA (in 1967 Oil tanker in Australia)
- JALADHAN (1956- 1971 Cargo liner of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALADHANYA (1957-1979 General cargo ship 509 feet long of Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALADHARMA (1957-1981 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay : 1982 Scrapped) (Bombay, India)
- JALADHIR (1957-1981 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALADHRUV (1956-1982 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay : 1983 Scrapped) (Bombay, India)
- JALADURGA (1933-1955 Passenger / cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, India : 1955 scrapped) (India)
- JALADURGA (1960-1985 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co Ltd., Bombay : 1985 Scrapped) (Bombay (India))
- JALAGOLIND (Scindia) (Bombay (India))
- JALAGOPAL (1933-1956 Passenger / cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALAGOPAL (1960-1978 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALAGOVIND (1956-1970 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay, India)) (Bombay, India)
- JALAKALA (1948-1960 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALAKANTA (1947-1963 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALAKANYA (1947-1957 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay : 1963 Scrapped) (Bombay (India))
- JALAKANYA (General cargo ship 442 feet overall)
- JALAKENDRA (1965- 1985 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALAKENDRA (General cargo ship .... in 1953)
- JALAKIRTI (in 1955 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay, India) (Bombay (= in 1995 the city was renamed as Mumbai, India))
- JALAKRISHNA (in 1957 General cargo ship)
- JALAMANI (General cargo ship) in 1953
- JALAMANJARI (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- JALAMOHAN (1933-1951 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation, Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALAMOTI (1948-1960 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation, Bombay :sold 1960) (Bombay, India)
- JALAPRATAP (1952-1966 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay : 1966 scrapped) (Bombay (India))
- JALAUSHA (in 1952)
- JALAVALLABH (in 1951 General cargo ship}
- JALAVIHAR (1955-1971 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALAVIJAYA (1955-1972 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALAVISHNU (1956-1977 General cargo ship 476 feet long of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALAYAMUNA (1936-1959 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- JALAZAD (1948-1954 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALAZAD (1955- 1981 General cargo ship 499 feet long of Scindia steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALJAWAHAR (1955 - 1977 general cargo ship 499 feet long of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALJAWAHAR (1948-1954 General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALRAJENDRA (1951- General cargo ship of Scindia Steam Navigation Company Limited, Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JALRAJENDRA (1951-1968 General cargo liner of Shipping Corporation of India, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- JALVALLABH (1950-1967 General cargo ship 462 feet long of Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Bombay, India) (Bombay (India))
- JAMES EDGAR (2000- Dive charter vessel of Maritime Trades, Dundee) (Glasgow (UK))
- JAMUNDA ( 1959-1967 Norwegian ocean oil tanker ) (Sandefjord, Norway)
- JANE MAR (General cargo coaster) (Assens (Denmark))
- JASON (1950 - 1972 General cargo/passenger liner 523 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- JASON (1955-1973 General cargo ship 347 feet long of Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot-Maatschappij N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- JATO ( 1959 - 1964 General cargo coaster 150 feet long of T Smid, Groningen, Holland) (Groningen (Holland))
- JAVA (1960-1964 Oil products tanker of A/S Det Ostasiattiske Kompagni, Kobenhavn) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- JAVANESE PRINCE (1954-1961 General cargo ship of Prince Line, London) (London (UK))
- JEAN L D (1957- General cargo ship 454 feet long of Louis Dreyfus Company, Dunkirk) (Dunkirk (France))
- JEAN LYKES (Freighter of Lykes Lines, U.S.A.) (U.S.A.)
- JEAN WOOD (Inshore fishing trawler) (St. Monans (Fife, Scotland))
- JEAN WOOD (in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler) (St Monans (Fife, Scotland, U.K.))
- JEANIE DEANS (1931-1964 Excursion paddle steamer 250 feet long of London & North Eastern Railway / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock : 1968 scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- JEANNE GOUGY ( - 1962 Fishing trawler : 1962 wrecked at Land's End, Cornwall, England)) (Dieppe (France))
- JEDDAH CROWN (1976-1979 Container ship chartered from Sea Containers Ltd., by Ben Line, Edinburgh : 1979 off charter)
- JEDMOOR (1958 -1964 cargo ship of Walter Runciman Line) (London)
- JEFFERSON DAVIS (1942-1961 "Liberty" type general cargo ship of U.S. Government (U.S.A.)
- JELUNGA (1965-1972 General cargo ship 499 feet overall of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1972-1978 absorbed into P & O Group : 1978 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan)ed) (London (England, U.K.))
- JENNY PORR (General cargo ship) (Hamburg (Germany))
- JEPPESEN MAERSK (in 1952 General cargo ship)
- JESSE LYKES (in 1952 General cargo ship = freighter) (USA)
- JESSIE MAERSK (1948-1958 then 1961-1967 General cargo ship of Maersk Line, Kobenhaven : Scrapped 1979) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- JESSMORE (1946-1958 General cargo ship of Johnston Warren Lines Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- JEVINGTON COURT (1959-1967 General cargo ship 476 feet overall of Court Line, London : managed by Haldin & Co. : 1975 scrapped at Bombay)) (London)
- JEWEL OF THE SEAS (2004- Cruise liner 962 feet overall of Royal Caribbean Cruise Line) (Nassau (New Providence Island, Bahamas))
- JOANNA V (In 1966 an oil tanker owned in Greece) (Greece)
- JOCEFA (1966-1969 General cargo ship of IS Lars Rej Johansen & Knut A Knutsen, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- JOE CROAN (1956-1977 Register Number LH 73 Deep-sea fishing trawler 118 feet long of Carnie & Croan / British United Trawlers / Strathcoe Fishing Co.,Ltd, Granton : 1983 Scrapped Belgium) (Leith (Scotland,U.K.))
- JOE NENSEN (General cargo ship in 1948)
- JOERG (General cargo ship)
- JOHAN DE WITT (1920-1940 Passenger Liner of N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Nederland', Amsterdam, Netherlands, then 1940-1948 Troopship, Sold in 1948 (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- JOHAN VAN OLDENBARNEVELT (1930-1940 then 1950-1963 Passenger / cargo liner 587 feet long of N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Nederland', Amsterdam, Netherlands : 1940-1950 Troopship) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- JOHANCA ( 1957 - 1975 Dutch general cargo coaster of K & D Veenma / Wijnne & Barends N V, Groningen, Holland) (Groningen, Holland)
- JOHANNES (1952-1976 General cargo coaster 51.25m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends, Delfzijl, Groningen, Netherlands / Firma Gebr. Veenma (Klaas, David, Johannes & Anne), Groningen, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- JOHN A QUITMAN (1943-1973 "Liberty" type general cargo ship of U.S. Government) (U.S.A.)
- JOHN BISCOE (Survey ship in 1952)
- JOHN HELLESKOV (1965-1970 General cargo ship 244 feet long of Rederi Helleskov, Copenhagen : 1997 sunk at Kingston, Jamaica) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- JOHN PURVES (Tug in 1987)
- JOHN V ( in 1963 General cargo coaster) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- JOMA ( 1954 - 1965 General cargo coaster of H van Noord, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam)
- JONATHAN HOLT (1943-1962 General cargo ship of John Holt & Co. Guinea Gulf Line, Liverpool : 1968 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- JONGKIND (1953- 1963 General cargo coaster 66m 217 feet long of Arthur Antonie Marie en Eric George Marie Driebeek / C.V. Havreboot, Rotterdam, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- JONGKIND (1963- 1971 General cargo coaster 66m 217 feet long of J. Vermaas' Scheepvaart Bedrijf, / C.V. Havreboot, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- JONNA DAN in 1954
- JOSE TARTIERE (Spanish coaster) (Aviles (a city in Asturias, North Spain))
- JOSELIN (1958 - 1981 General cargo coaster)
- JOSEPH LYKES (1940-1958 General cargo ship 418 feet long of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, USA : 1972 Scrapped) (Tampa (USA))
- JOSEPH LYKES (19960-1996 Cargo / Container ship of Lykes Lines in 1987) (Galveston (Texas, USA))
- JOSEPH N. NICOLLET (1943-1959 General cargo "Liberty" ship of U.S. Maritime Commission : Scrapped in 1959) (U. S. A.)
- JOSEPH ROBERT (Fishing trawler) (France)
- JOURNALIST (1954 - 1973 General cargo ship 464 feet long of Charente S.S. Co. Ltd. / T & J Harrison Ltd, Liverpool : 1982 scrapped Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- JOYA McCANCE (1960-1967 Ore carrier 514 feet long of South American Saint Line / Houlder Bros, London (London (England, U.K.))
- JSP ANNA (2020- Container ship 134m overall of Jebsen Shipping Partners Management Gmbh & Co Kg - Jork, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- JUGUM (1959- Coastal oil products tanker 193 feet overall of Partenreederei m.s."JUGUM",managed by Atlantic-Rhederei F&W Joch)
- JULIA LUCKENBACH (in 1954- )
- JULIEN POYDRAS (1943-1971 General cargo "Liberty" ship of U. S. Maritime Commission : Scrapped 1971) (U. S. A.)
- JUMNA (1962-1975 General cargo ship 155m overall of James Nourse Ltd, / Hain-Nourse / P& O : 1985 scrapped at Alang, India) (London (UK))
- JUNGFRAU (1954- a 700 passenger excursion ferry of BLS Navigationon on Lake Thun, Switzerland) (Switzerland)
- JUPITER (1937-1939 then 1947-1960 Excursion paddle steamer 223 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- JUPITER (1956-1971 General cargo coaster 54.61 metres long of Manager NV Wijnne & Barends' forwarding and Agentuurkantoren, Delfzijl, Netherlands: Owner: Jan Wiltens, Hoogezand, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- JUTTA DAN in 1954
- K C ROGENAES ( 1948-1961 General cargo ship 397 feet long of Haugesund Skips A/S - Rederiet N. Rogenaes, Haugesund, Norway) (Haugesund (Norway))
- K D HANG JEBAT (Royal Malaysian Navy)
- K HADJIPATERAS ( 1947 - 1967 a wartime-built Liberty-type general cargo ship 442 feet long of J & A Hadjipateras, Piraeus, Greece) (Piraeus, Greece)
- KAAP HOORN (1958-1973 Ocean oil tanker, single screw, 14.5 knots, 539 feet long on charter to Shell Tankers) (Amsterdam)
- KABALA (1958-1973 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- KADEIK (1952-1966 General cargo ship 455 feet long of Patrick Henderson, Glasgow / Elder Dempster, Liverpool : foundered 1979) (Glasgow (UK))
- KADRI (1995 - Multi-purpose dry cargo carrier / general cargo ship 99.87m overall of Hansa Shipping, Tallinn, Estonia) (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- KADUNA (1956-1973 Cargo Liner of Patrick Henderson / Elder Dempster Line / China Mutual) (Glasgow)
- KAFFIR (1944 - 1974 General cargo Clyde puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow : 1974 wrecked at Ayr) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KAIMANAWA (1944-1966 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd.) (New Zealand)
- KAIPARA (in 1912)
- KAISERIN AUGUSTE VICTORIA (1905-1919 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1919 ceded to Britain (Hamburg (Germany))
- KAITAWA (1949-1966 Collier 85m 279 feet overall of Union Steam Ship Company, New Zealand : 1966 wrecked)) (New Zealand)
- KAITOKE (1948-1973 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd) (New Zealand)
- KAITUNA (1956-1975 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd (New Zealand)
- KALADAN (1952-1963 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Glasgow (UK))
- KALEWA (in 1961 Conventional general cargo ship : left Lagos, Nigeria for Genoa, Italy)
- KALYDON (1955-1976 Oil tanker H and K- class 19.000 ton 169m long of Shell Tankers Rotterdam / La Corona / C.S.M. / N.I.T.: 1976 scrapped at Castellon, Spain) ('s-Gravenhage (Netherlands))
- KAMAKURA MARU (Container ship)
- KAMBERDYK (General cargo ship of Holland America Line, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- KAMENSK ( 1955-1983 General cargo ship 335 feet long of Baltic Shipping Company, Leningrad) (Leningrad, Russia)
- KAMPALA (1947-1971 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Co., London : 1971 scrapped in Taiwan) (London (UK))
- KANBE (1948-1962 General cargo ship 446 feet long of British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. - P. Henderson & Co., Glasgow / Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KANIMBLA (1936-1940 and 1950-1961 Passenger / General cargo ship of McIlwraith MacEacharn, Sydney : 1940-1945 war duties : 1974 scrapped) (Sydney (Australia))
- KANTARA ( 1947 - 1972 General cargo ship 366 feet overall of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- KANTARA (1925-1941 General cargo ship : 1934 taken over with fleet of James Moss & Co. (Moss Line) not renamed : 1941 sunk (U.K.)
- KARAGHISTAN (1957-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C. Strick & Co. / Strick Line, London : 1978 wrecked off Pylos, Greece after steering failed) (London (England, U.K.))
- KARANJA (1948-1976 Passenger / cargo liner 154.53m (507.0ft) overall of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London : 1988 scrapped in Bombay, India)) (London (England, U.K.))
- KAREN ( 1953 - 1968 General cargo coaster 236 feet long of Johan Amundsen, Haugesund, Norway)) (Haugesund (Norway))
- KAREN BRAVO (1980-1991 Seismic research vessel 27.9 metres long of Western Sea Services, Panama)) (Panama )
- KAREN MAERSK (in 1957 General cargo ship of Maersk Line, Kobenhavn) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- KAREN REED (1955-1968 General cargo ship of Johs Larsen, Bergen and on charter to Saguenay Terminals) (Norway)
- KARI-RAGNAR (1960-1968 General cargo ship 113 metres of Lovisa Rederi Ab. (Ab R. Nordström & Co Oy) Loviisa. Trading Nordlake Line) (Loviisa (Finland))
- KARIN THORDEN (1956-1958 Refrigerated / general cargo ship owned by Rederi Arabas of Uddevalla, Sweden and managed by Rederi Thorden Line also of Uddevalla :Scrapped in 1984) (Uddelalla (Sweden))
- KARL GUNTHER LOHSE (1957 - 1970 German general coastal cargo ship 235 feet long of Partenreederei M.S. "KARL GUNTHER LOHSE" / H. P. Vith) (Rendsburg (Germany))
- KARMALA (1947-1967 General cargo liner 455 feet long of P & O Line, London) (London (UK))
- KARMALA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- KARNAK (1948-1971 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 366 feet long of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- KAROON (in 1964 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd)
- KAROON (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- KARUAH (General cargo ship of Southern Shipping Company, Sydney)
- KATE A (General cargo ship in 1967)
- KATEA (1958-1975 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd) (New Zealand)
- KATELINA (2015--- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker IMO 9485368 : 118.14m overall Manager South End Tanker Management Bv, Dordrecht, Netherlands : Owner: Kate Shipping Ltd. Dordrecht, Netherlands) (Madeira (Portugal))
- KATELYSIA (1954-1977 Oil tanker 169m of Shell Tankers Rotterdam / La Corona / C.S.M. : 1977 scrapped) (s'Gravenhage (The Netherlands))
- KATHA (1947-1962 General cargo liner of P Henderson / Elder Dempster Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KATI (2011 - General cargo ship 107m overall of Hansa Shipmanagement - Tallinn, Estonia ) (Valletta (Malta) )
- KATOWICE (General cargo ship) (Poland)
- KATSINA PALM (1957-1978 General cargo liner 500 feet long of Palm Line, London) (Liverpool)
- KAVAK (1929-1940 General cargo ship taken over with fleet of James Moss & Co. (Moss Line) not renamed : Sunk 1940) (U.K.)
- KAWAROA (in 1964 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand)
- KAYLEIGH M (Inshore fishing trawler in 2023)
- KEA (in 2024 Yacht)
- KEIZERSWAARD (1955-1970 Oil products tanker 169.5 metres long of NV Verenigde Nederlandse Tankvaartrederij, mgrs. NV Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co’s Scheepvaart Mij, Rotterdam) (s'Gravenhage (Hague, Netherlands) (Dutch flag))
- KELLETIA (1957-1978 "K-class" Oil products tanker of Shell Tankers NV Rotterdam Holland ) (s'Gravenhage (Hague,Netherlands))
- KELSO PATON ( 1956 - 1973 Deep-sea trawler GW2 of Ardrossan Trawling Company, Aberdeen) (Glasgow)
- KELVIN (1963-1968 General cargo ship 252 feet long of 1963-65 William Sloan then 1965-68 Burns & Laird, Glasgow: 1983 Scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- KELVINGROVE ( Formerly MERCURIA and acquired 1915 : 1915-1919 General cargo ship 333 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- KEMMENDINE (1924-1940 Passenger / cargo ship of P Henderson & Co., Glasgow : 1940 sunk by German surface raider Atlantis, south of Ceylon.) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KENDALL FISH ( 1945 - 1970 cargo ship 459 feet long of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, USA : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Tampa, Florida, USA)
- KENILWORTH CASTLE ( 1946 - 1967 Cargo Liner 498 feet long of Union Castle Line, London) (London)
- KENTUNG (1954-1966 Cargo liner 456 feet long of Paddy Henderson / Elder Dempster) (Glasgow)
- KENUTA (1950-1971 Cargo liner of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- KENYA (1951-1969 : a 273- Passenger / refrigerated cargo liner 540 feet 164.53m overall of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- KENYA CASTLE (1951-1967 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- KERRYMORE (1921-1958 General cargo coaster 165 feet long of R McCowen & Sons, Tralee : 1958 scrapped at Troon) (Tralee (Ireland))
- KETTY DANIELSEN (1963-1970 General cargo ship 81m long of Rederiet Otto Danielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark : 1995 Scrapped at Genoa, Italy) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- KEYTANKER (In 1957)
- KHASIELLA (1956-1979 K-class Oil products tanker 556 feet long of N.V. Petroleum Maats "La Corona" / Shell Tankers N.V., The Hague : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung) (s'Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands))
- KHUZISTAN (1955-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick / Strick Line, London :1977 scrapped after engine damage.) ) (London )
- KHYBER (1947-1964 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- KIEL LIGHTVESSEL (Lightvessel) (Kiel (Germany))
- KIFFA (1951-1965 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 109.5m 288 feet overall of Cie. Maritime des Chargeurs Réunis, Le Havre : 1969 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Le Havre (France))
- KILDARE (1946-1948 General cargo and livestock carrier 271 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1960 scrapped at Troon) (Glasgow (UK))
- KILDONAN (1953-1958 General cargo coaster 120 feet long of British Transport Commission Railway Executive / Scottish Region, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- KILKENNY (British & Irish Line)
- KILWA (General cargo ship of Bugsier Reederei) (Germany)
- KIM (In 1955 General cargo ship)
- KINDRENCE (1954-1971 General cargo coaster 53.27m overall of London & Rochester Trading Co., Rochester : 1980 in Egypt aground then scrapped) (Rochester (England))
- KING AEGEUS ( 1956 - general cargo ship 486 feet long of Markos P Nomikos, Greece) (Piraeus, Greece)
- KING ALEXANDER (1952-1972 General cargo ship 466 feet long of King Line / Clan Line / Hector Whaling Ltd : 1982 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (London (England, U.K.))
- KING ALFRED (1945-1963 General cargo ship of King Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- KING ARTHUR (1953-1972 General cargo ship 466 feet overall of King Line / Clan Line Steamers : 1983 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- KING CHARLES (General cargo ship 466 feet long of King Line / Clan Line / Houston Line, London : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- KING CITY (1950-1966 General cargo ship 437 feet long of Sir William Reardon Smith & Sons, Cardiff : 1978 scrapped) (Cardiff (Wales, UK))
- KING DAVID (1946-1962 General cargo ship of King Line) (London)
- KING EDGAR (1946-1959 General cargo ship 425 feet overall of King Line / Cayzer Irvine / British & Commonwealth Shipping, London : 1959 scrapped at Osaka, Japan) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- KING EDWARD (1901-1952 Clyde passenger steamer 250 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- KING GEORGE (1957-1959 General cargo ship :1959-1970 Clan Line : 1970-1972 Houston Line : 1982 Scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KING GEORGE V (1926-1975 Excursion Passenger steamer 260 feet long of David MacBrayne / Caledonian MacBrayne) (Glasgow (UK))
- KING ISLANDER (in 1966)
- KING JAMES (in 1954)
- KING MALCOLM (1952-1972 General cargo ship 466 feet overall of King Line / Clan Line / Hector Whaling :1981 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- KING ORRY (1946-1978 Passenger ferry 345 feet long of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, Douglas) (Douglas (Isle of Man, UK))
- KING ROBERT (1946-1961 General cargo ship 447 feet overall of King Line, London : 1969 scrapprd at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (UK)
- KINGDOM OF FIFE (2008- Offshore tug / supply vessel of Briggs Marine & Environmental Services, Burntisland, Fife, U.K..) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- KINGFORD (Hong Kong)
- KINNAIRD CASTLE (1962-1975 General cargo liner 503 feet long (formerly CLAN ROSS 1956-1961) of Clan Line / Cayzer Irvine / King Line) (Glasgow (UK))
- KINPURNIE CASTLE (1961-1967 General cargo ship 512 feet long of Union Castle Mail Steam Ship Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- KINROSS (1963-1974 General cargo ship 443 feet long of Chiao Mao Enterprises Ltd. / Yick Fung Shipping & Enterprises Co. Ltd., Hong Kong) (Hong Kong)
- KIOS (1920-1941 Torpedo Boat 60.5m 198ft long of Royal Hellenic Navy : Scuttled 22 April 1941 near Saronic Gulf, near Athens, during German invasion of Greece (Royal Hellenic Navy, Athens, Greece)
- KIRKELLA (Fishing trawler in 1959)
- KIRRIEMOOR (1965-1968 Bulk carrier of Runciman's Moor Line, London : 1968-1978 Anchor Line)) (London)
- KIRTONDYKE (1957-1975 General cargo coaster 65.4m 215 feet long of Klondyke Shipping Co. Ltd., Hull : 1988 scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (Hull (England))
- KITAKAMI MARU (in 1947)
- KITANO MARU (Container ship)
- KITIKMEOT W (2018-- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker : IMO 9421219 : 150m overall of Coastal Shipping Ltd - Goose Bay, Canada) (Majuro (Marshall Islands : country of more than 1,200 islands and atolls in Central Pacific Ocean))
- KITTIWAKE ( 1957 - 2007 a light-ship of Commissioners of Irish Lights, Dublin) (Dun Laoghaire, (Ireland))
- KLOOSTERKERK (in 1966)
- KNAUSEN (1951-1954 General cargo ship of T.J.Kyvik, Haugesund, Norway) (Haugesund (Norway))
- KNIGHTSGARTH (1961- 1975 Ore carrier 511 feet long of Cory Maritime Ltd. / St. Denis Shipping Company :Scrapped in 1986) (U.K.)
- KNUD MAERSK in 1972
- KOH.I.NOOR (1954-1963 General cargo coaster 53.2 metres long of Carebeka/ Harm Salomons/ Rederij Koh I Noor, Netherlands) (Groningen, Holland)
- KOHIMA (1952-1964 General cargo liner 455 feet long of British & Burmese Steam Navigation Company / Patrick Henderson Line, Glasgow then 1964-1966 of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KOHISTAN (1960-1973 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick & Co., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- KOHISTAN (in 1954 Conventional general cargo ship)
- KOLLBRYN (1951-1958 General cargo ship 258 feet long) (Oslo (Norway))
- KOMATA (in 1964 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand Ltd.)
- KOORAWATHA (1948-1964 General cargo ship of McIlwraith MacEacharn, Sydney : scrapped 1974) (Sydney (Australia))
- KORBACH (1955-1970 General cargo ship 262 feet long : 1986 scrapped at Gadani Beach))
- KOREAN STAR (1984-1988 Bulk carrier 165.6 metres long of Green Spanker Shippings S.A.) (Panama)
- KORIMOKO (in 1966)
- KORONUI (General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd)
- KOROVINA (1954-1975 Crude and white oil products tanker of Shell Tankers Rotterdam / La Corona / C.S.M. / N.I.T. : 1975 scrapped Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (s'Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands))
- KOSSMATELLA (1962-1972 Oil tanker of 556 feet long of "H-class" Shell Tankers Netherlands) (Hague (Netherlands))
- KOTICK (Yacht of R A McEwing Jnr) (U.K.)
- KOTLASLES (General cargo ship 335 feet long)
- KOWHAI (1952-1973 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd.) (New Zealand)
- KOYAN (1952-1966 General cargo ship 455 feet long of British & Burmese Steam Navigation / Patrick Henderson / 1964 - 1966 Elder Dempster, Liverpool : 1978 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KUALA LUMPUR (1960-1971 Passenger / cruise liner 496 feet long of China Navigation Company Limited / John Swire & Sons Limited, London : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung) (London (England, U.K.))
- KUFRA (1956-1959 General cargo ship 302 feet 92 metres (formerly General Steam's HERON) of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- KUMALLA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- KUMASI PALM (in 1954) (London (U.K.))
- KUMBA (1958-1964 General cargo ship 455 feet long of British & Burmese Steam Navigation / Patrick Henderson, Glasgow , 1964-1973 transferred to Elder Dempster, Liverpool : Scrapped in 1980) (Glasgow (UK))
- KURAMA MARU (in 1974 Container ship from Far East to Europe)
- KURDISTAN (1950-1961 Ocean oil products tanker 487 feet long of Common Bros Ltd (Hindustan SS Co Ltd) : 1977 scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (Newcastle (England))
- KURT ARLT (General cargo ship)
- KWANG LUNG (Oiler 335 feet overall)
- KWEILIN (in 1966)
- KYLE (Pilot vessel in 1987 at Port of Ayr, Scotland)
- KYLEBANK (1961-1975 General cargo ship 228 feet overall of Kyle Shipping Co. (Monroe Brothers , managers), Liverpool / Stephenson Clarke, London / William Robertson, Glasgow : 1984 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- KYLES (Static exhibit coaster of Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine, Scotland)
- KYLIX (1955-1984 Oil tanker 556 feet long of Shell Tankers B V, Netherlands) (s'Gravenhage (Hague, Netherlands) (Dutch flag))
- KYNDILL (1955-1974 Coastal tanker of Shell H/F Iceland (Reykjavik (Iceland))
- KYOTO FOREST (1970-1975 Bulk carrier 575 feet long of Scotstoun Shipping Company / J & J Denholm, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- KYOTOKU MARU (In 1957)
- KYPROS (1950-1967 then 1967-1971 of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool then 1971-1976 P & O General cargo Division) (Liverpool)
- KYUSHU MARU (General cargo ship of O.S.K. (Osaka Shosen Kaisha), Japan) (Japan)
- KYZIKOS (1920-1941 Torpedo Boat 60.5m 198ft long of Royal Hellenic Navy : Scuttled 24 April 1941 near Salamis Island during German invasion of Greece) (Royal Hellenic Navy, Athens, Greece)
- L'ANTIQUE (1930-1933 Passenger Liner 733 ft (223 m) overall of Compagnie de Navigation Sud Atlantique, France : 1936 after fire scrapped at Port Glasgow) (Le Havre (France))
- L.C.M.2 Landing Craft of U.S. Navy (U.S. Navy)
- LA CHACRA (in 1954 at India and Sweden)
- LA COLINA (1958-1974 Ore carrier 427 feet long of Buries Markes, London (London)
- LA HACIENDA (1953 - 1960 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Buries Markes Line, London : 1980 scrapped) (London)
- LA PARED (General cargo coaster 233 feet long)
- LA PLATA MARU (in 1966)
- LAAGKERK in 1954
- LAAGKERK (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaatschapppij / United Netherlands Navigation Company, ’s-Gravenhage : 1959 scrapped at Hong Kong) ( ’s-Gravenhage (Netherlands))
- LACONIA (1912-1914 Passenger Liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool: 1914-1916 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1916 Returned to owners : 1917 torpedoed and sunk (Liverpool (England))
- LADY A (Motor Cruiser in 2024)
- LADY ANSTRUTHER (1948- General cargo coaster and explosives carrier of I.C.I. Nobel Explosives Company) (Glasgow)
- LADY CONNAUGHT (1930-1939 Passenger Ferry 325 feet long of British & Irish Steam Packet Company : Scrapped 1953)
- LADY HELEN (In 2017 Fishing Boat) (U.K.)
- LADY ISLE (1941-1956 Steam Clyde puffer lighter of Irvine Shipping & Trading Company / McCorquodale / Ross & Marshall : 1956 sank at Tiree) (Troon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- LADY ISLE (1956-1974 Steam then oil engined puffer lighter 66 feet long of Irvine Shipping & Trading Co., Irvine)) (Troon (Scotland))
- LADY McGOWAN (1952-1977 Explosives carrier 182 feet long of I.C.I. Nobel Explosives, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LADY MORVEN (1967-1971 Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of McCorquodale / Irvine Shipping & Trading Co, Troon : 1971 Glenlight Shipping, Glasgow : 1988 to Maryport Maritime Museum, England) (Troon (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, UK))
- LADY OF AVENEL (1969- Brigantine square rigger sailing ship 102-feet long owned by Jim Dines and Stefan Fritz and operated by Heritage Sailing) (U.K.)
- LADY OF MANN (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- LADY ROSLIN (1958-1982 Explosives carrier 174 feet long of I.C.I. Nobel Division, Irvine) (Glasgow)
- LADY SANCHIA (1966-1968 General cargo ship 250 feet overall of Thomas Watson Ltd : 1988 scrapped Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (UK)
- LADY SHAHRAZAD (Steam Yacht Requisitioned by Admiralty 1939-1943 ) (Admiralty, London)
- LADY SOPHIA (1961-1968 General cargo ship 265 feet 80.7m overall of Downlands Shipping Inc, Monrovia : 1981 scrapped at Perama Greece) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- LAERTES (1950-1972 General cargo liner 487 feet long of NSMO Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line) (Netherlands)
- LAGOA (2008- Container ship of Transinsular -Transportes Maritimos Insulares Sarl, Lisbon, Portugal) (Madeira)
- LAGOS PALM (1949-1960 General cargo liner of Palm Line, London) (London)
- LAIRDS BEN (1949-1959 General cargo coaster 254 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDS ISLE (1932-1939 then Admiralty service then 1945-1957) Passenger ferry 323 ft (98.5 m) of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDS LOCH ( 1944-1969 Passenger / cargo vessel 263 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDS OAK (1946-1960 General cargo coaster 163 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSBANK (1936-1963 Twin-screw General cargo coaster 229 feet long of Burns & Laird Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSBEN (1932-1936 General cargo coaster 219 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow ;1936 Scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSBROOK (1930-1960 General cargo ship 200 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSBURN (1959-1966 General cargo coaster 165 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1978 sank at Sicily) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSBURN (In 1948)
- LAIRDSCASTLE (1930-1940 Passenger / general cargo ship 276 feet overall of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1940 sank near Sanda Island after collision near Ailsa Craig) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSCASTLE (1952-1957 General cargo and livestock carrying coaster 271 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1958 scrapped in Netherlands) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSCRAIG ( 1953- General cargo coaster (formerly RATHLIN 1936-1953 of Clyde Shipping Company) of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSCREST (1936-1968 coastal general cargo ship with Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1978 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSDALE (In 1948)
- LAIRDSFERN (1951-1959 General cargo ship 49.9m long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : July 1960 as DENBIGH COAST sank after collision in Crosby Channel, Liverpool) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSFERRY (1929-1952 General cargo coaster 195 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1952 scrapped at Port Glasgow (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSFIELD (1966-1970 General cargo coaster 175 feet 53.2m overall of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 6 February 1970 capsized at River Tees, England, scrapped 1970 Middlesbrough) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSFORD (1952-1960 General cargo and livestock carrying coaster 271 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1960 scrapped at Troon) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSFOX (1966-1973 General cargo coaster 189 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1989 scrapped at Cadiz, Spain) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSGLEN (1929-1951 Passenger / cargo ship 261 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSGLEN (1954-1974 Livestock / general cargo ship 298 feet long of Burns and Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSHEATHER (1922-1937 General cargo coaster 190 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1937 scrapped in Barrow in Furness, England) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSHILL (In 1948)
- LAIRDSMOOR (1929-1937 Passenger / cargo ferry 265 feet overall of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1937 sank after collosion off south Scotland)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSMOOR (1948-1960 a 3-island type General cargo and cattle carrying coaster of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1984 Scuttled) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAIRDSOAK (1946- General cargo coaster 170 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSROCK (1947-1966 General cargo 2-hatch coaster 166 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : Sank 1980 in Greek waters) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSROCK (1947-1966 General cargo 2-hatch coaster 166 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAIRDSROSE (1929-1949 Passenger / cargo ferry 250 feet overall of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : scrapped 1949) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LAIRDSWOOD (1936-1959 General cargo ship / Livestock carrier 236 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1970 scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAKE PENNASK ( 1956 - 1963 General cargo ship 448 feet long of Lake Pennask Shipping Company/Lyle Shipping Company) (London)
- LAKONIA ( 1947 - 1962 WW2 Wartime built "Liberty" cargo ship 441 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LAKONIA (1899-1924 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 402 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- LAKONIA (1947-1962 General cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- LALANDE (1953-1961 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- LANARKSHIRE (1940-1959 General cargo ship 482 feet long of Scottish Shire Line / Cayzer, Irvine : scrapped 1963) (Glasgow)
- LANCASHIRE (in 1952)
- LANCASHIRE COAST (1954-1980 General cargo ship 256 feet 78,02m overall of Coast Lines Ltd., Liverpool / Belfast S S Co., / P & O Group : 1984 scrapped at Salamis, Greece (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- LANCASTRIA (1924-40 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1940 bombed and sunk while evacuating troops from St Nazaire; loss of 5,000+ lives.) (Liverpool (England))
- LANCASTRIAN (1956-1962 and 1964-1966 and 1966-1969 General cargo liner of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- LANCASTRIAN PRINCE (1960- Prince Line)
- LANDAURA (1946- 1965 General cargo ship 447 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- LANDWADE (1961-1972 General cargo ship of W J Tatem Steam Navigation Company, Cardiff : 1984 Scrapped) (Cardiff (Wales, U.K.))
- LANGFONN (1949-1964 General cargo ship 445 feet 130m long of Skips A/S Dalfonn ( Sigvald Bergesen Rederi A/S Stavanger as manager ) Stavanger Norway: 1980 Scrapped) (Stavanger (Norway))
- LANGTON GRANGE (1946-1960 General Cargo ship of Houlder Brothers & Co. Ltd., London : Scrapped in 1960) (London (UK))
- LAOMEDON (1953-1977 General cargo ship 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- LAPAD (Yugoslavia flag - formerly LOCHWOOD of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line (Yugoslavia)
- LAPAD (Yugoslavia flag - formerly LOCHWOOD of Joseph Constantine Steamship Line (Yugoslavia)
- LARIXBORG (2021- General cargo ship 82m overall of Royal Wagenborg HQ P.O. Box 14, 9930 AA Delfzijl Marktstraat 10, 9934 CK Delfzijl The Netherlands) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- LARS MAERSK in 1972
- LARS MELING (1955-1969 General cargo ship 140.5m overall of Skibs-A/S Corona, Haugesund, Norway : 1984 scrapped at Shanghai, China) (Haugesund (Norway))
- LASCAR (1939-1972 Steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow : 1972 scrapped at Troon) (Glasgow)
- LASHERCIA (1954- General cargo coaster 126 feet overall of Naviera Hispania S. L.) (Pasajes (Spain))
- LASSELL (1947-1962 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- LAURA M (in 2024 Workboat)
- LAURENSKERK (in 1954)
- LAURENTIA (1947 - 1967 Passenger/cargo liner 455 feet long with Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1967 Scrapped in Valencia, Spain) (Glasgow)
- LAVEROCK (1947-1965 General cargo ship of General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- LCM 6 (Landing craft of U.S. Navy) (U.S. Navy)
- LCM.4 (Landing Craft of U.S. Navy) (United States Navy)
- LCT 4086 (1944- Tank Landing Craft Mark 8 Class 231 feet long of Royal Army Service Corps, London) (London (UK))
- LE DUMONT D'URVILLE (2019- Cruise Liner capacity 184 guests : 430 feet overall) (France)
- LEDA MAERSK in 1972
- LEDA MAERSK (in 1957)
- LEDBURY (1948-1961 General cargo ship of Alexander Steam Ship Co Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- LEEDS CITY (1955-1967 General cargo ship 464 ft 142m long of Reardon Smith Line :Scrapped 1985) (U.K.)
- LEICESTERSHIRE (1948-1965 Passenger / cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- LEISE MAERSK (1942-1966 General cargo ship of Maersk Line, Denmark : 1972 scrapped in Bruges) (Kobenhaven (Denmark))
- LEMANA (in 1962 at Melbourne (Australia)
- LENA (in 1966 Oil products coastal tanker) (Skarkavi)
- LENNOX 11 (Name should be read as "LENNOX 2" 1954-1983 Grab Hopper dredger of Clyde Navigation Trust) (Glasgow)
- LENY (General cargo coaster)
- LEON (1965 General cargo coaster formerly SAINT ANGUS which was sold to Greek owners and renamed) (Thessaloniki (Greece))
- LEONARDO DA VINCI (1960-77 Passenger liner 232m 763ft long of Italian Line : 1976-77 Laid up : 1977-78 Cruise ship for Italia Crociere : 1978-82 Laid up : Scrapped 1982 (Genoa (Italy))
- LEOPOLDVILLE (1929-1939 Passenger Liner 479 feet long of Compagnie Belge Maritime du Congo, Antwerp then 1939-1944 Troopship of War Transport, London) (Antwerp (Belgium))
- LESLIE LYKES (1951-1960 General cargo ship 455 feet overall of Lykes Lines : 1972 scrapped at New York) (New Orleans (USA))
- LETITIA (1961-1967 cargo liner 416 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LETITIA (1925-1946 Passenger / cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1960 scrapped.) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LETITIA LYKES (General cargo freighter)
- LEUVERKERK (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- LEVEN (1938-1965 a twin-screw 72-Passenger ferry 63 feet long of British Railways Board / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LEVEN FISHER (1961-1982 Short-sea general cargo ship of James Fisher Company) (Barrow-in-Furness (England, UK))
- LEXA MAERSK in 1972
- LIBERTAD (1955-1974 Passenger / cargo ship of Compañia Argentina de Navegación Dodero / Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas : 1975 Scrapped) (Buenos Aires (Argentina))
- LIBERTE (1946-1962 Passenger Liner 936.7 ft (283.5 m) long of Compagnie Generale Transatlantique "French Line": Scrapped 1963) (Le Havre (France))
- LIBERTE (1953-1962 General cargo coaster 185 feet 55.8m long of J. Vermaas' Scheepvaart Bedrijf, Rotterdam/ V.o.f. Exporthandel Jac. van Namen & Zn. (Floris & Cornelis van Namen), Zwijndrecht) (Zwijndrecht, Netherlands )
- LICA MAERSK (In 1957 General cargo ship of Maersk Line of Kobenhaven (Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Denmark))
- LIFJORD (1961-1972 Oil products tanker of Skips A/S Hidlefjord (Kornelius Olsen) of Stavanger : 1982 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan ) (Stavanger (Norway))
- LILLE DINA (1985-1990 General cargo coaster of P/R Lille-Dina / P F Cleeman) (Aabenraa. (Denmark))
- LILLE-TOVE (1980-1992 General cargo coaster of P F Cleemann of Aabenraa, Denmark). (Denmark)
- LILLE-TRINE (1980-1994 General cargo coaster of P F Cleeman, Aabenraa, Denmark) (Aabenraa (Denmark))
- LIMELIGHT (1948-1963 steam general cargo puffer lighter Crinan Canal type 66 feet long of Light Shipping Company / Ross & Marshall, Greenock : scrapped at Dalmuir 1966) (Greenock (UK))
- LIMELIGHT (1964 - 1966 General cargo coaster 89 feet long of Ross & Marshall, Greenock : wrecked Islay 10 October 1966) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- LINCOLN (1958-1975 Oil tanker 558 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London : Scrapped in 1978) (London (UK))
- LINDA (2007- Container ship 141m long) (Pikis (Finland))
- LINDEKERK (1950-1966 General cargo ship of Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland : 1970 lost after stranding) (Netherlands)
- LINDESINGEL (1962-1966 General cargo coaster of P.A. van Es & Co. N.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands ) (Rotterdam, Holland)
- LINDISFARNE (1960 - 1975 ore carrier of Bamburgh Shipping Co. (W A Souters) Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- LINDO (Bergen (Norway))
- LINDY LOU (in 1962 : Inshore prawn trawler at Brisbane, Australia) (Australia)
- LINGEBORG (1960-1971 General cargo coaster 48,55 metres long of E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Forwarding NV, Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- LINGEDIJK (1961-1965 General cargo coaster 174 feet 53.02m overall of Solleveld & Van der Meer, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- LINGUIST (1947-1966 General cargo ship 464 feet overall of Charente Steamship Co. / T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- LINGUIST (1966-1980 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool )
- LINKMOOR (1961-1968 General cargo ship 464 feet long of Walter Runciman & Company Limited, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LION (1968-1976 Roll on - roll off ferry 364 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow )
- LION (General cargo coaster) (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- LIONEL (In 1963 General cargo ship 321 feet long)
- LISELOTTE ESSBERGER (1951-1963 Oil tanker of Atlantic-Tank-Rederei (John T. Essberger), Hamburg : 1977 scrapped) (Hamburg (Germany))
- LISMORE (in 2024 Police Boat)
- LISMORIA (1948 - 1967 Passenger / cargo liner 455 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1967 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Tatwan) (Glasgow)
- LISSY SCHULTE (1953-1963 General cargo ship of Reederei Bernhard Schulte AG Hamburg Germany : Foundered 1973) (Hamburg (Germany))
- LISTRIS (General cargo ship)
- LIVANITA (1962-1978 Ore carrier 604 feet overall of Ugland Shipping A/S, Grimstad : Scrapped in 1984) (Grimstad (Norway) )
- LIVERPOOL BAY (Container ship)
- LLANGIBBY CASTLE (1929-1954 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Mail Steamship Company, London : 1954 Scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- LLANSTEPHAN CASTLE (1914-1952 Passenger / cargo liner 500 feet long of Union Castle Mail Steamship, London : 1952 Scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- LMZ TITAN (2014- Bulk carrier 190m long 32m beam of LMZ Shipping S.A.) (Marshall Islands (An island state in Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean))
- LOATA FOOTSCRAY MIRROBOOKA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- LOBITO PALM ( 1961 - 1979 general cargo liner 474 feet long of Palm Line, London) (London)
- LOCH ARD (1955-1971 General cargo coaster 184 feet long of David MacBrayne, Glasgow : 1985 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOCH AVON (1947- 1967 Refridgerated / General cargo liner 498 feet long of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1973 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- LOCH BHRUSDA (1996- Ro-ro ferry 35m overall carrying 150 passengers and 18 cars for Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCH CARRON (1951-1977 General cargo coaster 203 feet long of David MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LOCH ETIVE (1962-1968 General cargo 3-island type coaster long of John Rainey Shipping, Larne / Shamrock Shipping, Larne) (Londonderry (Northern Ireland))
- LOCH EYNORT ( 1961 - 1971 Passenger vessel of David MacBrayne Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LOCH FRISA (General cargo coaster of David MacBrayne, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOCH FYNE (in 2025 Ro-ro ferry of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCH GARTH (1947-1968 A 12-Passenger / refrigerated cargo liner 498 feet long of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (England))
- LOCH GOWAN (1954-1970 Passenger / cargo liner 503 feet long of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (England))
- LOCH LINNHE (1928-1966 General cargo coaster of Anglo Irish Transport / Jack Rainey) (Glasgow)
- LOCH LOYAL ( 1957 - 1971 Refrigerated cargo vessel 503 feet long of Royal Mail Line (London)
- LOCH PORTAIN (2003- Ro-ro passenger ferry 50m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- LOCH RIDDON (1986- Ro-Ro vehicle and passenger ferry 35.51m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOCH RYAN (1946-1960 Cargo liner of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (England))
- LOCH SEAFORTH (1947-1973 Passenger / cargo vessel 240 feet 70m long of David MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow : Scrapped in Troon in 1973) (Glasgow (UK))
- LOCH SHIRA (2007- roro ferry 176.84 feet long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOCH TARBERT (1992- Ro-ro ferry 30m overall carrying 142 passengers and 17 cars for Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCH TARBERT (1945-1959 Loch class 307 feet long Frigate K431 of Royal Navy, London) (Admiralty, London)
- LOCHALSH (1951-1958 Passenger / ro-ro ferry 43ft long of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, U.K.) (Glasgow)
- LOCHBROOM (1948-1972 General cargo coaster 151 feet long of David MacBrayne Ltd, Glasgow : 1974 stranded in Mediterranean)) (Glasgow)
- LOCHDUNVEGAN (1950-1973 General cargo coaster 190 feet long of David MacBrayne, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LOCHEE ( 1948 - General cargo coaster of Dundee Perth and London Shipping Company, Dundee) (Dundee)
- LOCHEIL (1939- Passenger / cargo steamer of David MacBrayne Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCHFRISA (A general cargo coaster of David MacBrayne Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- LOCHFYNE (1931-1969 Passenger / cargo steamer of David MacBrayne Ltd., Glasgow : 1974 scrapped at Dalmuir) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOCHGORM (in 1948)
- LOCHIEL (1939-1970 Passenger ferry / mailboat 184 feet / 56m overall of David MacBrayne Ltd., Glasgow : 1995 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCHMOR (1930-1964 Outer Isles mail steamer 162 feet long of David MacBrayne Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- LOCHNEVIS (2000- Ro-ro ferry 49m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland, UK) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LOCHWOOD ( 1949-1963 general cargo ship 287 feet long of Joseph Constantine Company) (Glasgow)
- LODESTONE (1938-1963 General cargo ship of Alva Steamship Co., London : Scrapped 1963) (London (England, UK))
- LOENERKERK (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- LOGAN (1923-1961 Clyde puffer 66 feet long of James Warnock, Paisley)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOGNA (General cargo ship 228 feet long)
- LOIDE-PANAMA (In 1957)
- LOKOJA PALM (1949-1966 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- LOMBARDY (1932-1956 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- LONDON GLORY (in 1954)
- LONDON INTEGRITY (1955-1959 then again 1973-1977 Oil tanker 556 feet overall of London & Overseas Freighters, London : 1977 scrapped at Burriana, Spain) (London (UK))
- LONDON MAJESTY (in 1952 at Venezuela and Brazil)
- LONGSTONE (1960-1975 Ore carrier of Bamburgh Shipping / W A Souter)
- LOOSDRECHT (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- LORD GARDNER (Sailing ship in 1809)
- LORD MONTGOMERY (Deep-sea fishing trawler of Wyre Trawlers Ltd) (Fleetwood)
- LORD O'NEILL (1945-1950 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line / Lord Line (After 1917) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- LORD OF THE ISLES (1989- ro-ro ferry 84.6m overall of Caledonian MacBrayne, Gourock, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- LORD STANHOPE (Fishing trawler in 1959) (U.K.)
- LORRAINE (Frigate of French Navy) (France)
- LORRAINE (Inshore fishing boat)
- LOS HERMANOS (1949-1968 Oil products tanker 503 feet long of "Victor" Panamanian SS. Co. S.A., Panama [Carlo Cameli, Genoa], PA (Panama )
- LOTHAREINS (1956- General cargo coaster 180 feet long of Ilse Richters, Hamburg)) (Hamburg, Germany)
- LOTHIAN LEADER (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Granton)
- LOTHIAN LEADER (Deep-sea fishing trawler) (Granton)
- LOUIS L D (1957-1970 General cargo ship 456 feet long of Société Anonyme Louis-Dreyfus & Cie, Paris, France) (France)
- LOUISE (1870-1893 iron screw lighter "Clyde Puffer" 65 feet long of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- LOUISE (1965- ? Oil tanker 545 feet long of Cia. Atlantica Pacifica S.A., Panama) (Panama)
- LOUISE LYKES in 1954
- LOUISE LYKES in 1972
- LUALABA (1952-1971 General cargo ship of Cie Africaine de Nav., Belgium) (Belgium)
- LUBECK (1956- General cargo ship of Lubeck Linie A. G., Lubeck, Germany) (Lubeck (Germany))
- LUCITA (1926-1954 Steam oil tanker 93 meters long of Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij, N.V., Willemstad (NA), Netherlands Antilles ) (Willemstad (Willemstad, Curaçao, an island in Netherlands Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea))
- LUKESFJELL (General cargo ship of A/S Falkefjell & A/S Luksefjell - Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo ) (Oslo (Norway))
- LULUA (1956-1972 General cargo ship 482 feet overall of Maritime Belge SA, Antwerp : 1982 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Antwerp (Belgium))
- LUMINENCE (1954- 1967 General cargo coaster 190 feet 58m overall of London & Rochester Trading Co., Rochester (Rochester (England))
- LUNA MAERSK (General cargo ship) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- LUOSSA in 1954
- LURCHER (1959-1961 General cargo 3-island type coaster 203 feet long of Link Line / Coast Lines, Liverpool : 1961 sank, refloated and resold, 1964 scrapped)) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- LURLINE (Container ship of Matson Line, USA)
- LUSITANIA (1907-1915 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool : sunk by a German U-20 submarine's torpedo on 7th May 1915 off the Old Head of Kinsale, Southern Ireland, with great loss of life) (Liverpool)
- LYCAON ( 1954 - 1976 General cargo liner 487 feet of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- LYCAON (1913-1951 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- LYCIA (1954-1965 General cargo liner 348 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- LYDIA (1950-1970 general cargo coaster 50.21m overall of E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Expeditiebedrijf N.V., Delfzijl, Groningen,) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- LYKAION (1957- Oil tanker IMO 5215155 in Australia)
- LYTHE (Clyde puffer lighter in 1948)
- M. URITZKY (In 1966 a cruise liner of the Russian Mikhail Kalinin class:passenger fleet) (Russia)
- MAAKEFJELL (1959-1972 General cargo ship of Olsen & Ugelstad, Norway) (Norway)
- MAARSBERGEN ( 1958 - 1968 general cargo coaster 226 feet long of N V Zuid Hollandsche Scheepv, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam)
- MAAS (2021- Hybrid Water Injection Dredger 35.79m overall of Van Oord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) (Rotterdam (The Netherlands))
- MAASDAM (1952-1968 Passenger liner 502 feet long 881 passengers of Holland America Line)
- MABEL WARWICK (1960-1976 Ore carrier 154m 506 feet long of Ore Carriers Ltd. / Houlder Line : 1983 scrapped at Eleusis (Greece)) (UK)
- MACHAON (1959-1975 cargo liner 495 feet long with Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line - Ocean Steamship Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MACHARDA (1938-1962 General cargo ship 493 feet long of T & J Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : 1962 Scrapped at Hong Kong) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MADO (General cargo coaster) (Beilen (Netherlands))
- MADRAS CITY (1940-1958 General cargo ship 126m long of William Reardon Smith & Sons : Scrapped 1971) (Bideford (England, UK))
- MADULSIMA (1958-1961 General cargo liner 467 feet long chartered to T & J Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MADURA (1921-1953 Passenger/cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : Scrapped 1953) (London (UK))
- MAGDALA (General cargo ship in 1926)
- MAGDALENA OLDERDORFF (1958- Bulk carrier of Egon Oldendorff Company, Germany) (Germany)
- MAGDAPUR (1920-1939 General cargo ship of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : Sunk 1939) (Liverpool (England))
- MAGDAPUR (1945-1970 General cargo liner of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAGICIAN (1968-1981 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MAGOLI (General cargo ship... in 1965)
- MAHANADA (1943 - 1967 cargo liner of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MAHOUT (1925-1961 General cargo liner of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAHOUT (1963-1978 General cargo ship 481 feet long of Thos & Jno Brocklebank, Liverpool :1982 bombed by Iraqi aircraft while 25 miles from Bandar Khomeini and beached as Constructive total loss) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAHRATTA (1892-1909 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1900 Boer War Transport No.94,: 1909 wrecked on Goodwin Sands, Kent) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MAHRONDA (1947-1968 General cargo liner of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MAHSEER (1925-1941 General cargo ship of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : Sunk 1941) (Liverpool (England))
- MAHSEER (1948-1975 General cargo ship 508 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : scrapped 1975)) (Liverpool)
- MAHSUD (1956-1961 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MAID OF ARGYLL (1953-1974 Passenger ferry 161 feet (49 metres) long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- MAID OF ASHTON (1953-1973 Passenger ferry 161 ft 49m long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (UK))
- MAID OF CUMBRAE (1953-1971 Passenger ferry 161 feet (49m) long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock, Scotland : Scrapped 2006) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MAID OF KENT (1959-1982 Passenger / vehicle ferry 373 feet long of British Transport Commission / British Railways Board / Sealink (U.K.) Ltd. : Scrapped 1982) (Dover (England, U.K.))
- MAID OF THE LOCH (1953-1981 Excursion side paddle steamer 193 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- MAID OF THE MIST (Inshore fishing boat CN 120) (Tarbert)
- MAIDAN (1946-1969 Cargo liner 486 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MAIHAR (1917-1961 General cargo liner of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAIKE D (2002- Container ship 600 TEU, 133m overall of Reederei-Drevin, Cuxhaven, Germany)) (Liberia)
- MAIPURA (1952-1972 Cargo liner 509 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MAJESTIC (1922-1934 Passenger Liner of Cunard White Star Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MAJORCA (In 1927 Cargo ship of Currie Line)
- MAJOY (1963-1966 Cargo ship 406 feet long of Namdal Shipping & Trading Co (C Aune), Monrovia) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- MAKALLA (1943-1967 General cargo ship of Thos & Jno Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MAKRANA (1957-1971 General cargo ship 497 feet long of T & J Brocklebank / Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1974 scrapped at Shanghai, China)) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MALAHNE (H.M.Yacht in 1942)
- MALAITA (1933-1965 Passenger / general cargo vessel 328 feet overall of Burns, Philp & Co. Ltd, Sydney : Scrapped 1971) (Sydney (New South Wales, Australia))
- MALAKAND (1942-1966 General cargo ship 495 feet long of T & J Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : 1966 scrapped in Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MALANCHA (1937-1962 General cargo liner of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MALATIAN (1958-1971 General cargo ship 270 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MALAYAN PRINCE (1926-1950 General cargo ship of Rio Cape Line / Prince Line, London : 1950 scrapped at Inverkeithing, Fife) (London (England, U.K.))
- MALAYAN PRINCE (1954-1959 General cargo ship of Prince Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MALAYSIA (1964-1976 formerly HUBERT of Booth Line : Cargo / passenger ship 439 feet overall of Austasia Line : 1984 scrapped) (Singapore)
- MALAYSIA RAYA (1971-1976 Pilgrim carrying ship of Fir Line ; 1976 destroyed by fire off Port Kelang : 1976 scrapped)
- MALCOLM CROAN ( In 1962 Deep-sea fishing trawler A444 of Joe Croan Fishing, Granton, Edinburgh) (Aberdeen (Scotland, UK))
- MALEKULA (1952-1969 Passenger / cargo ship 322 feet overall of Burns, Philp & Co., Sydney, Australia : 1974 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Sydney (Australia))
- MALIM (in 1957)
- MALLORY LYKES (1947-1967 General cargo ship of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, USA : 1970 Scrapped) (USA)
- MALOJA (1923-1939 Passenger liner 600ft 183m long of P & O Line, London : 1939-1941 Armed Merchant Cruiser : 1941-1947 Troopship : 1947-1954 Returned to owners as Passenger Liner : Scrapped 1954) (London (UK))
- MALOJA (1959-1976 Chemical / Oil products tanker 169m overall of P & O / Trident Tankers, London on long term charter to Shell UK : 1976 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (U.K.))
- MALTASIAN (1950-1962 then 1964-1967 General cargo ship 375 feet long of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MALTESE PRINCE (1946-1963 General cargo ship 334 feet 102m long of Prince Line / Furness Withy, London : 1973 scrapped Turkey) (London (England, U.K.))
- MANAAR (1950-1972 General cargo ship of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (UK))
- MANAFOSS (1963-1969 General cargo ship of Hf. Eimskipafélag Íslands / Icelandic Steamship Company Eimskip hf, Iceland) (Iceland)
- MANCHESTER CITY (1937 - 1964 general cargo liner 447 feet long of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester)
- MANCHESTER COMMERCE (1925-1952 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK))
- MANCHESTER EXPLORER (1952-1963 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER FAITH (1959-1965 then 1966-1969 General cargo ship 379 feet overall of Manchester Liners Ltd., Manchester) (Manchester (England, U.K.))
- MANCHESTER FREIGHTER (1965-1969 General cargo liner of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER MARINER (1955-1968 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER MERCHANT (1951-1967 General cargo liner of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK))
- MANCHESTER PIONEER (1952-1963 General cargo ship 258 feet long of Manchester Liners Ltd., Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER PORT (1935-1965 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners Ltd., Manchester : Scrapped 1965) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER PORT (1966-1971 General cargo liner of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK))
- MANCHESTER PROGRESS (1938-1966 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners, Manchester, England :1966 Scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER PROSPECTOR (1953-1960 General cargo ship 258 feet long of Manchester Liners Ltd., Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER REGIMENT (1946-1969 General cargo liner of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK))
- MANCHESTER SHIPPER ( 1943 - 1969 General cargo liner of Manchester Liners) (Manchester)
- MANCHESTER SPINNER (1952-1968 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners, Manchester) (Manchester (England, UK)
- MANCHESTER TRADER (1941-1963 General cargo ship 447 feet long of Manchester Liners, Manchester : 1963 Scrapped)) (Manchester (England, UK))
- MANCHESTER VANGUARD (1956-1963 General cargo ship of Manchester Liners Ltd., Manchester) (Manchester (England, U.K.))
- MANCHURIA (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- MANDAMA (1953-1965 General cargo ship 401 feet long of Austasia Line, Singapore : 1970 scrapped at Shanghai) (Singapore)
- MANDASOR (1920-1941 General cargo ship of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : Sunk 1941) (Liverpool (England))
- MANDASOR (1946-1962 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MANGLA (1959-1972 Cargo liner 497 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MANIPUR (1920-1940 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1940 torpedoed and sunk off Cape Wrath.) (Liverpool (England))
- MANIPUR (1945-1967 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1967 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MANISTEE (1946-1960 General cargo ship / banana carrier of Elders & Fyffes Shipping Ltd. : 1960 scrapped)
- MANISTIQUE ( - 1906 Steamer of Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company)
- MANOORA (1935-1961 Passenger / cargo liner 463 ft long of The Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd, Adelaide : 1972 scrapped in Taiwan) (Melbourne (Australia))
- MANTA (1951-1965 General cargo coaster 45m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Dorreman’s Scheepvaartbedrijf C.V. (Pieter Leendert Dorreman), Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- MANTA (General cargo coaster) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MANTOLA (1921-1953 Passenger/cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : Scrapped 1953) (London (UK))
- MANXMAN (1955-1982 Passenger Ferry 325 feet overall of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Ltd., Douglas) (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- MANXMAN (1902-1919 General cargo ship of Dominion Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MAPLE (1914-1929 Passenger / cargo ship 261 feet long of Laird Line / Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MAPLECOVE (1952-1856 General cargo ship 476 feet long of Canadian Pacific Line)
- MAR d’ESPANA (yacht)
- MAR TIRRENO (1957-1979 General cargo ship 131.5m 559 feet of Compania Maritima del Nervion, Bilbao : 1979 scrapped in Spain) (Bilbao (Spain))
- MARAL R (U.K.)
- MARCHIONESS OF GRAHAM (1936-1959 Passenger steamer 220 feet long of London, Midland & Scottish Railway / Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MARCHIONESS OF LORNE (1935-1955 Passenger excursion paddle steamer 199 feet long of London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company / Caledonian Steam Packet Co. : 1955 scrapped at Port Glasgow)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MARCIA (Auxiliary schooner) (Norkopping (Sweden))
- MARCONI (1961-1973 General cargo coaster 187 feet long of Wagenborg's Scheepvaart N V , Rotterdam) ) (Delfyzl (Holland))
- MAREN SKOU (1961-1979 General cargo ship of Ove Skou, Copenhagen, Denmark (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- MARENGO (1947-1967 General cargo ship 420 feet long of Ellerman Wilson Line, Hull: scrapped 1972) (Hull (England))
- MARGARET BOWATER (1955-1968 General cargo ship / Newsprint carrier 430 feet long of Bowater Steamship Co., / Furness Withy / Cayzer Irvine, London : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- MARGIE (Pleasure craft at Glasgow in July 1962)
- MARGO (1962-1980 General cargo ship 483 feet overall of Panaviero S.A / M. N. Eustathiou : scrapped 1984) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- MARGRETHE HOYER (1964-1977 Tanker 55.35m 182 feet long of S. P. Christensen Partrederi, Vejle, Denmark) (Vejle (Denmark))
- MARGRITA (Steamship in 1948)
- MARGUERITE (1949- ? General cargo ship 310 feet long of S.A. Armament L Hermans, Bruges) (Bruges (Belgium))
- MARIA (in 1961 General cargo ship)
- MARIA DE LARRINAGA (1947-1964 General cargo ship of Larrinaga Steamship Co. Ltd, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MARIA SCHULTE (General cargo ship of Bernhard Schulte, Emden, Germany) (Emden (Germany))
- MARIA T (General cargo ship in 1965)
- MARIA ULYANOVA (1960-1988 Passenger Liner of USSR Baltic Steamship Company) (USSR (Russia))
- MARIANGELES (1960-1971 General cargo ship 81.8 metres long of Clemente Campos y Cía) (Spain)
- MARIANNE (RO33 Inshore fishing boat)
- MARIE (Steamship in 1948)
- MARIE LOUISE (H.M.Trawler in 1942)
- MARIE SKOU (1963-1979 General cargo ship of Ove Skou, Kobenhaven, Denmark : Scrapped 1983) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- MARIEKERK (in 1954 from Germany to Malaya)
- MARIGO MATSAS (Salvage tug of Loucas Matsas & Sons, Piraeus, Greece) (Piraeus (Greece))
- MARIGOLD (inshore fishing boat)
- MARILOLI ( 1962 - 1971 Spanish general cargo coaster of Clemente Campos Y Cia.,Santander, Spain) (Bilbao)
- MARINA (2011- in service, Passenger cruise liner 782 ft (238.35 m) of Oceania Cruises, Southampton, England) (Majuro (Marshall Islands : country of more than 1,200 islands and atolls in Central Pacific Ocean))
- MARINIA (tug) (London)
- MARIPOSA (1956-1971 Passenger liner 563 feet long of Matson Lines, USA)
- MARIT MAERSK (in 1957 Maersk Line, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Denmark))
- MARJAN (General cargo coaster) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- MARK D (2024- General cargo ship 88.00m overall of MS "Mark D" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG, Cuxhaven, Germany) (St Johns (Antigua and Barbuda))
- MARKELO (1948-1962 General cargo ship 197 feet overall of NV Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Noordzee' , Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands : 1985 scrapped)) (s'Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands))
- MARKHOR (1929-1960 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MARKHOR (1963-1981 General cargo ship 480 feet long of T & J Brocklebank Ltd., Liverpool / Cunard Line / Eggar Forrester Holdings : scrapped 1984) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MARKOMANNIA (1912-1914 General cargo ship of Hamburg American Line / Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft / Hamburg-Amerika Linie : 1914 Sunk by HMS YARMOUTH off Sumatra) (Hamburg (Germany))
- MARMORIAN (1967- General cargo ship 233 feet long of I/S Marmorhav / Hvide & Schjott, Bergen) (Bergen (Norway))
- MARNA DAN in 1954
- MARNE (1949-1963 General cargo coaster 161 feet overall of Wm.H. Müller & Co, Rotterdam.) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- MARON (1960-1975 General cargo liner 495 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MARQUIS OF HARRINGTON (Royal Army Service Corps, London) (London (UK))
- MARSK (General cargo ship) (Oslo (Norway))
- MARTABAN (1949-1952 Passenger / cargo ship 462 feet long of Patrick "Paddy" Henderson's Line, Glasgow : 1952-1965 taken over by Elder Dempster Line) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MARTAND (1939-1964 General cargo ship of Thos & Jno Brocklebank Ltd., Liverpool :1964 wrecked in River Hooghly, near Calcutta.1964) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MARTHA KLEPPE (1946-1959 General cargo ship of A/S P Kleppe, Norway : 1968 Scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Norway)
- MARTIN S (1952-1965 General cargo coaster length 64.7 metres of A. E. Sorensen) (Svendborg (Denmark))
- MARTINI (1953-1963 General cargo coaster 47.25 metres 150 feet long managed by Carebeka N V Groningen, Netherlands) ( Nieuw Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- MARTJE (1951-1956 General cargo coaster 53m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands / N.V. Zeevaart-Maatschappij 'Hoornsche Diep', Groningen, Netherlands ) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- MARWARRI (1911-1920 Cargo Liner of Anchor- Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MARWARRI (1935-1963 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1963 scrapped at Troon)) (Liverpool (England))
- MARWESTAD (General cargo coaster 160 feet long)
- MARY KINGSLEY (1930-1954 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MARYLAND (Tug of Great Lakes Towing Company)
- MASANDA (Steamship in 1948)
- MASIRAH (1957-1972 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MASIRAH (1919-1954 General cargo ship of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool : Scrapped 1954) (Liverpool (England))
- MASKELIYA (1954-1969 General cargo ship 472 feet overall of Thos & Jno Brocklebank / Cunard Brocklebank, Liverpool : 1972 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MASSEY SHAW (1970- Heritage vessel : Decommissioned Fire boat of Massey Shaw Preservation Society) (London)
- MATADI PALM (1949-1963 Tanker of Palm Line, London : Scrapped in 1963) (London (UK))
- MATARAM (1949- ? General cargo ship of Royal Rotterdam Lloyd, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Holland))
- MATHERAN (1942-1963 General cargo liner of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MATHILDE (1962-1973 General cargo coaster 50.83m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Delfzijl, Groningen) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- MATHILDE MAERSK (in 1954 and 1957 at Pakistan, India and Japan)
- MATHURA (1920-1956 General cargo ship of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MATHURA (1956-1972 Cargo Liner of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MATIANA (1922-1952 Passenger / cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1952 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- MATRA (1949-1971 General cargo ship 509 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MATURATA (1955-1969 General cargo liner 472 feet long of T & J Brocklebank, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAUNGANUI (1911-14 Passenger Liner of Union S. S. Company of New Zealand : 1914-19 Troopship : 1919-41 Returned to owners : 1941-46 Hospital ship : 1946 Returned to owners : 1947 Sold : 1957 Scrapped (Wellington (New Zealand))
- MAUREEN CROAN (Deep-sea fishing trawler of Joe Croan Ltd.) (Aberdeen)
- MAURETANIA (1907-1914 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool, 1914-1919 Troopship, 1919-1935 Returned to owners,and 1935 scrapped ) (Liverpool)
- MAURETANIA (1939-1940 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool : 1940-1946 Troopship : 1946-1965 Returned to owners : 1965 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MAWANA (1958 - 1971 General Cargo ship 497 feet overall of Brocklebank Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MAY (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- MAYTHORN (1940- Fishing trawler 154 feet overall of Vosper Ltd. / J.C. Ward (Manager), Portsmouth) ) (Portsmouth (England))
- MAYTHORN (1963-1981 General cargo coaster 58 metres long of S W Coe, Liverpool)) (Liverpool (England))
- MEATH (1946-1948 General cargo and livestock carrying coaster 271 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 1958 Scrapped in Netherlands) (Glasgow (UK))
- MEDIA (1947-1961 Passenger/cargo liner 531 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MEDIA (1963-1971 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, London : 1971 sold to Western Australian Coastal Shipping Commission renamed BEROONA) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MEDIC (1963-1980 General cargo ship 535 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MEDINA PRINCESS (1956-1964 Tramp general cargo ship 450 feet overall of Helmville Ltd., Leith / Michael Alachouzos, London : 1/9/1964 stranded off Djibouti and abandoned) (U.K.)
- MEDITERRANIAN ( --- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- MEDON (1946-1963 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MEDWIN OWL (in 2024 Tug / workboat of Offshore Workboats Ltd., Clydebank, Scotland, UK) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- MEERKERK (1947-1965 General cargo ship of N.V. Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaart Mij., The Hague) (Netherlands)
- MEGAN M (2007- Multi-role workboat / range safety & shepherding vessel 24m overall of GSS Marine Services, Rosneath, Scotland) (Greenock (UK))
- MEGANTIC (1962-1979 General cargo ship of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MEGNA (1965-1971 Oil tanker 690 feet long of Charter Shipping Co. Ltd / Trident Tankers Ltd, London : Scrapped 1978) (London (England, UK))
- MEIDOORN (1959-1969 General cargo coaster of N.V. Hudig & Pieters' Algemeene Scheepvaart-Mij.) (Netherlands)
- MEIDOORNSINGEL (1956-1967 General cargo coaster 54m long of N.V. Invoer- & Transportonderneming 'Invotra' / P A Van Es, Rotterdam, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- MELAMPUS ( 1960 - 1975 Cargo Liner 495 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MELAMPUS (1924-1957 General cargo ship of NSMO / Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1957 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MELAMPUS (1950-1957 General cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MELBOURNE STAR (1948-1972 Cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- MELBROOK (1964-1972 General cargo ship 525 feet long of Duff, Herbert and Mitchell, Newcastle) (Newcastle, England)
- MELLUM (1957-1967 General cargo ship 382 feet long of Partenreederei m.s. "Mellum" / Glassel & Company, Bremen : 1979 Scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Bremen (Germany))
- MEMLING (1946-1953 and 1957-1959 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MEMNON (1959-1975 Cargo liner 495 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1988 scrapped) (Liverpool)
- MEMNON in 1954
- MEMPHIS (1947-1971 General cargo ship 364 feet overall of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool, 1971-1972 P & O General cargo Division)) (Liverpool)
- MENDI PALM (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MENDOZA STAR (Blue Star) (London (England, UK))
- MENELAUS ( 1957 - 1972 cargo liner 495 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MENESTHEUS (1958-1977 General cargo ship 495 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MENTOR (Netherlands)
- MENTOR (1947-1967 General cargo ship formerly CARTHAGE VICTORY 1945-1947, of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MERAK-N (General cargo ship)
- MERCHANT (1947-1961 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MERCHANT DUKE (1951-1964 General cargo liner of Drake Shipping, London) (London (England, UK))
- MERCHANTMAN (2008- Tug 24m overall of SMS Towage Ltd, Hessle, England) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- MERCURY (1934-1939 Side paddle passenger steamer 224 feet long of LMS Railway / Caledonian Steam Packet Co. : 1939 -40 Minesweeper : 1940 Struck a mine and sank under tow) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- MERES N (General cargo ship)
- MERKLAND ( 1934- 1957 General cargo ship of Currie Line, Edinburgh, Scotland) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- MERSEY COAST (In 1948)
- MERTOLA (1960-1972 General cargo coaster 172 feet long of E W Turner, Liverpool : Scrapped 1980) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MESERET (in 1950 General cargo ship) (Izmir (Turkey))
- MESNA (1958 - 1968 ore carrier 505 feet long of Jennsens Rederi, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- META (1931-1962 Steam-powered general cargo North-Sea coaster 262 feet long of Glen & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- METAL INDUSTRIES FLOATING DOCK of Metal Industries, Faslane, Gare Loch, Firth of Clyde
- METAPAN (1909-1943 General cargo / fruit carrier of United Fruit Company, New York :1943 torpedoed and sunk in Mediterranean) (1909-1914 UK flag : 1914-1943 New York (U.S.A.))
- METEOOR (1955-1970 General cargo coaster 56.28m 185 feet overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Groningen / Berend Johannes Balk, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- METEOR (1955-1970 Passenger cruise liner 90.4 metres long of Bergemske Dampskipsselskap A/S Bergen Norway- Bergen Line) (Bergen (Norway))
- METINDA (Ocean going tug
- METINDA 11 (for METINDA 2 ...Ocean going salvage tug of of Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., of Faslane,, Firth of Clyde, Scotland)
- METINDA 111 (for METINDA 3 ...of Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., of Faslane,, Firth of Clyde, Scotland)
- METINDA 1V (1946-1948 Ocean going salvage tug 107 feet overall of Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., of Faslane,,Scotland : 1969 scrapped at Cork (Ireland) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- METRE (1963-1973 General cargo coaster 54.25m long of C.V. Terwogt & Lagers, Amsterdam / Scheepsexploitatie Maatschappij 'Het Gein', Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (The Netherlands))
- MEUSE (1953 - 1970 general cargo coaster 160 feet overall 1953-1962 Wm. H. Muller & Co, Rotterdam then 1962-1970 Wm H Muller & Co., London) (1953-1962 Rotterdam and then 1962-1970 London)
- MEXICO MARU General cargo ship of O.S.K. Line (Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Japan) (Japan)
- MFV 175 (Port Auxiliary vessel of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) (Admiralty, London)
- MICHEL SWENDEN (1951-1962 General cargo coaster 55.30meters overall of N.V. Agence Maritime John B. Vets & Co., Antwerp, Belgium /: N.V. Motorschip Brabant, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- MICHURINSK (1956- General cargo ship of Baltic Shipping, Leningrad) (Leningrad (U.S.S.R (Russia))
- MIDDLESEX (1920-1941 Refrigerated cargo ship of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London : 1941 Mined and sunk off South Wales (London (England, U.K.))
- MIDDLESEX (1953-1965 General cargo ship of Federal Steam Navigation Co., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MIDHURST (General cargo ship)
- MIGDALE (2023- Live fish carrier register number AAS 650 and 40m overall of Rostein - Haroy, Norway) (Aalesund (Norway))
- MIGUEL DE LARRINAGA (1924-1950 General cargo ship of Larrinaga Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- MIGUELIN POMBO (1958-1977 General cargo coaster) (Santander (Spain))
- MILDRED in 1954
- MILFORD (General cargo ship in 1966) (Hong Kong)
- MILFORD STAR ( 1958-1964 Steel side trawler M120 being 126 feet long of Westward Trawlers, Milford) (Milford)
- MILITENCE (1956-1967 General cargo coaster 58m overall of London & Rochester Shipping, Rochester : 1967 capsized then scrapped) (Rochester (England))
- MILLBROOK (in 2020 Nelson 42 motor cruiser, former Southampton pilot boat of You and Sea Ltd • Rhu Marina, Rhu, Argyll G84 8LH • Telephone 01436 640303)
- MILLERNTOR (2003- General cargo ship 89.98m overall) (Hamburg (Germany))
- MINA (General cargo ship)
- MINDEMOYA (around 1925 Canadian Great Laker) (Canada)
- MINERVA (in 1960)
- MINHO ( --- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- MINNA (2003- Marine Protection Vessel 47m overall of Marine Protection of Scottish Government : she concentrates on inshore fisheries) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- MINNESOTA (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- MINNI BASSE (1964 - 1969 Swedish general cargo coaster) (Sweden)
- MINNIE SELVIK (Tug in 1987)
- MINOUTSI (1966- General cargo ship of Greek owners) (Greece)
- MINSTER (1950-1971 Collier / general cargo coaster 321 feet long of Stephenson Clarke Ltd., London: Scrapped 1980) (London (England, UK))
- MIRA (in 1880 Passenger Steamer of Star Line of Steamers, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- MIRA (in 1960 General cargo ship)
- MIRENCHU (1957- General cargo coaster 200 feet long) (Spain)
- MIRTO (General cargo ship of Oretea S.p.a di Navigazione) (Italy)
- MITRA (Oil products tanker)
- MIYAZAKI SHINOUMARU ( - 1978 Fishing vessel) (Japan)
- MIYOTAMA MARU (General cargo ship of Osaka Shosen Kaisha, Tokyo) (Tokyo (Japan))
- MIZPAH (Research vessel of University of Glasgow, Glasgow) (Millport (Isle of Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde))
- MOBIL ACME (1960-1976 Oil products tanker 549 feet long of Mobil Tankships Ltd., London : 1976 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- MOBIL RADIANT (in 1957 Oil tanker)
- MODASA (1921-1953 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company Limited, London) (London (UK))
- MOHAMMADI in 1954
- MOLDA (1937- 1959 General cargo ship 435 feet long of A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, Bergen) (Bergen (Norway))
- MOLDOVA (in 1957)
- MOLENKERK (1947-1963 General cargo ship 139m overall of N.V. Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaatschappij, The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands) (The Hague (Netherlands))
- MOLTKE (1901-1915 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1914 interned at Genoa, 1915 seized by Italy, renamed Pesaro) (Hamburg (Germany))
- MONA'S ISLE ( 1950 - 1980 Passenger vessel of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company) (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- MONDEGO ( --- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- MONESTRA (1947-1957 General cargo ship of Rederi AB Monark, Stockholm, Sweden :1957 sunk in collision (Stockholm (Sweden))
- MONICA (1932-1965 Coastal oil tanker 144 feet (44.10 metres) long of NV United Tank Coastal Rotterdam, Netherlands) (Rotterdam, Holland)
- MONICA SMITH (1952-1967 General cargo ship IMO 5289389 : 78.6m overall of Anders Smith Rederi AB / Swedish Chicago Line, Stockholm, Sweden : 1979 lost off Alger, Algeria) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- MONKSGARTH (1960 - 1977 ore carrier with Cory Maritime Ltd., London) (London)
- MONKSVILLE (1957-1963 General cargo 3-island steam coaster of John S Monks, Liverpool)) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- MONMOUTHSHIRE (in 1961 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MONOWAI (Passenger / cargo ship of Union Steamship Company of New Zealand))
- MONSOON (1959-1970 Oil tanker 15 knots of Tonsberg Rederi, Tonsberg, Norway) (Tonsberg (Norway))
- MONSUNEN (1965- General cargo coaster 48.11 metres long of J.M.B. Bjereeum & Jensen Aps. Svendborg) (Svendborg (Denmark))
- MONTCALM (1920-1939 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line :1939 converted to Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS WOLFE, 1941 used as troopship, 1942 sold to Admiralty as submarine depot ship)
- MONTCLARE (1921-1939 Passenger Liner of Canadian Pacific Line : 1939 converted to Armed Merchant Cruiser, 1942 sold to Admiralty as submarine depot ship.)
- MONTE ARUCAS (in 1957)
- MONTE URQUIOLA (1949-1975 Passenger / cargo ship of Aznar Line, Bilbao, Spain) (Bilbao (Spain))
- MONTEREY (1952-1971 Passenger liner of Matson Lines, USA) (San Francisco (USA))
- MONTREAL CITY (1946- ? General cargo ship of Bristol City Line, England) (Bristol (England, UK))
- MOOLTAN (1923-1939 Passenger liner 608ft 183m long of Peninsular & Orient Line, London : 1939-1941 Armed Merchant Cruiser then Troopship of Royal Navy : 1941-1954 reverted to P & O : scrapped 1954) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- MOONLIGHT (1952- 1966 steam engined general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 88 feet long of Ross & Marshall, Glasgow : 1970 scrapped at Troon) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- MOONLIGHT (1966 - General cargo motor coaster 118 feet long of Light Shipping Co. Ltd. / Ross & Marshall, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- MOOR (1901-1915 General cargo lighter - Clyde puffer - of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- MOOR (In 1952 General cargo puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- MOORFIELD (General cargo coaster) (Glasgow (UK))
- MORAG (Dutch coaster) (Groningen, Holland)
- MORAR ( 1959-1967 Ore carrier 427 feet long of Denholms/ St Andrews Shipping, Glasgow) (Greenock)
- MORAY FIRTH 1V (1960-1981 General cargo coaster 182 feet overall of Gillie & Blair, Newcastle : 1985 scrapped in England) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- MORAYBANK (1973-1984 and 1986-1987 then 1987-1998 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir's Bank Line, London)
- MOREFIELD (1946-1955 General cargo steam coastal ship 127 feet long of MacShipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow : 1955 scrapped at Glasgow)) (Glasgow)
- MORESBY (1965-1970 General cargo ship of Burns, Philp & Co. Ltd., Australia) (Australia)
- MORETON BAY (1933-1957 Passenger / cargo ship of Aberdeen & Commonwealth Lines) (U.K.)
- MORETON BAY (in 1957)
- MORGENSTER (1947-1961 General cargo ship 455 feet overall of South African Marine Corporation, Ltd., Cape Town : 1972 scrapped at Taiwan)) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- MORMACDALE (1942 - ? General cargo freighter 412 feet overall of Moore - McCormack Lines, USA) (New York (USA))
- MORMACDAWN (1946- ? Refrigerated / general cargo freighter 492 feet overall of Moore-McCormack Lines, USA) (San Francisco (USA))
- MORMACELM in 1954
- MORMACFUEL in 1954
- MORMACYORK in 1954
- MORTAR ( 1943 - Admiralty ammunition and stores carrier) (Admiralty, London)
- MORVADA (1970-1973 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- MORVIKEN ( 1956 - 1965 General cargo ship 485 feet long of Wallem, Steckmest A/S, Bergen) (Oslo (Norway))
- MOSBORG (1954-1962 Oil products tanker 556 feet long of A/S Mosvold Shipping Co., Farsund / (manager) Martin Mosvold, Farsund. 1971 sank near Azores) (Farsund (Norway))
- MOSSVILLE (1960-1963 General cargo coaster of John S Monks, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MOTOR LAUNCH (on 28 November 1956)
- Motor yacht, black hull, single mast off Greenock January 2023
- MOUNT SORRELL (1963- Deep-sea fishing trawler A634 length 104 feet) ) (Aberdeen)
- MOUNT STUART (Pilot boat of Peel Ports Clydeport) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- MOUNT VERNON (in 1957)
- MOUNTPARK (1946- 1959 General cargo ship 416 feet overall of J & J Denholm, Greenock : Wrecked 1967) (Greenock (Scotland))
- MOUNTSTEWART ( 1957 - 1969 General cargo coaster of Belfast, Mersey & Manchester SS Co Ltd(Associated with Coast Lines). (Belfast)
- MSC ATLANTIC (2002- Container ship 237m long of Mediterranean Shipping Company) (Panama)
- MSC CAGLIARI 1V (2022- Container ship 261m 860 feet overall of Mediterranean Shipping Co, Geneva, Switzerland) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- MSC JOY (2010- Container ship IMO 9039250 : 202.4m overall of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co - Geneva, Switzerland) (Panama)
- MSC MANYA (2017- Container ship capacity 2.762 TEU.and length 235m overall of Manya Maritime Ltd (MSC Shipmanagement Ltd Limassol Cyprus as manager) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- MSC UMA (in 2022 Container ship)
- MSC VIRTUOSA (2021- Meraviglia-Plus-class Cruise Liner carrying 6,334 passengers : 331m 1,087feet overall of MSC Cruises) (Valletta (Malta))
- MUANSA (1954-1959 General cargo ship 416 feet long of Meridian GmbH, (Erste Deutsche Walfang GmbH managers / Globus Reederei GmbH. : 1980 scrapped) (Hamburg (Germany))
- MUDD (in 1943 Oiling Barge in Cardwell Bay, Gourock, Scotland)
- MUIDERKERK (in 1952)
- MULBERA (1922-1954 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company Limited, London) (London (UK))
- MULBERA (1971-1973 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1973-1975 of P & O with same name) (London (England, U.K.))
- MULBERRY HILL (1950-1964 General cargo ship 441 feet overall of Halifax Overseas Freighters Ltd / Counties Ship Management, London : 1966 scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (London (UK))
- MULUBINBA (General cargo ship of Southern Shipping Co. Ltd., Sydney) (Sydney (Australia))
- MUNGO (Yacht belonging to Robertson & Finlayson)
- MUNTE (1957-1973 General cargo ship 56.69m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Jan Bont, Loppersum, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- MURELL (1954-1972 General cargo coaster 139 feet long of James Tyrell, Dublin) (Dublin)
- MURISTAN (1950-1966 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick, London : 1972 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- MURRAY PORTER (in 1966)
- MURRAY STAR (2011- Oil / Chemical Tanker of Rigel Schiffahrt, Bremen, Germany) (Valetta (Malta))
- MUSWELL HILL (1950- General cargo ship 443 feet long of Acadia Overseas Freighters (Halifax) / Counties Ship Management, London) (London (England, UK))
- MYONIA (1950-1957 Oil tanker 141m long of Shell Tankers Rotterdam / La Corona / C.S.M. / N.I.T. : 1957 scrapped Hong Kong) ( 's-Gravenhage (Netherlands))
- MYRMIDON ( 1947 - 1971 General cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- MYRTLE ( in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (On Firth of Forth, East Lothian, near Edinburgh, Scotland, UK))
- MYSTIC (1959-1975 General cargo ship 480 feet long of Johnson Warren Line and chartered to Shaw Savill, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- N O PETERSEN (1966- General cargo coaster 158 feet long of I/S N. O. Petersen, Marstal) (Marstal (Denmark))
- NACC INDIAN (2024 - Bulk cement carrier 138.79m overall of Kgj Cement Singapore, Singapore) (Panama)
- NACC ITACA (2017- Cement carrier 120m overall of Haminford Shipping, Panama, Managed by Navigest Trust Services & Shipmanagement, Geneva, Switzerland) (Panama)
- NACELLA (in 1954 Oil tanker of Shell UK ... ???)
- NAFSIPOROS (1965-1969 General cargo ship 295 feet overall of Vlachakos Brothers Loukedes & Company, Piraeus : 1969 wrecked) (Piraeus (Greece))
- NANCY GLEN (Inshore fishing trawler registered number TT 10) (Tarbert, Loch Fyne, Scotland)
- NAPIER STAR (1929-1940 Refrigerated cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London : 1940 torpedoed and sunk west of Ireland; loss of 84 lives). (London (England, U.K.))
- NAPIER STAR (1947-1965 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line / Lamport & Holt / Booth Line : 1968 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- NARDANA (1956-1963 and 1968 - 1973 General cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation, London) (London (England, UK))
- NASSARIUS (1944-1959 Oil tanker 460 feet long of Anglo Saxon Petroleum Company / Shell Tankers, London :1959 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- NATHALIE (Fishing trawler registered TN 16) (Troon (Scotland))
- NATHALIE (In 2017 Fishing boat Registration number TN16) (Troon (Scotland, U.K.))
- NATTEE 11 (Yacht)
- NATURALIST (1965-1977 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- NEA HELLAS (1939-1955 Passenger liner of General Steam Navigaton Company (Greek Line), Greece) (Greece)
- NEATH CASTLE (Fishing trawler) (Grimsby (England))
- NEBRASKA (1966-1972 General cargo ship of United Steamship Company / Det Forenede Dampskibs - Selskab A/S, Kobenhaven, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- NEEDLES (1958-1960 Ore Carrier of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1973 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- NEELTJE B (1951-1961 General cargo motor coaster 55.75m long of Gebr. Broere N.V., Dordrecht, Netherlands) (Dordrecht (Netherlands))
- NEIDENFELS (1955- General cargo ship of Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa", Bremen) (Bremen (Germany))
- NELEUS ( 1953 - 1971 General cargo ship 489 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : scrapped China 1974) (Liverpool)
- NELLA DAN (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- NELLORE (1946-1966 Passenger / cargo ship 475 feet long of Eastern and Australian Steamship Co. Ltd. London : 1967 after fire scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Australia)
- NELSON STAR (Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- NEMESIS (United States Coastguard Cutter)
- NEPTUN (General cargo ship 494 feet overall)
- NEPTUNE (In 1903 Tug of Glasgow & Greenock Towing Company)
- NEPTUNIA (1948-1957 Passenger / cargo liner 506 feet overall of Cia Maritima del Este S.A. / D. J. Goulandris, Athens, Greece) (Panama)
- NEPTUNO (in 2024 Inshore fishing trawler no. TN 12 ... formerly MIZPAH)
- NERISSA (in 1962)
- NERLANDIA (Panama)
- NESSBANK (1953- General cargo ship 449 feet overall of Bank Line Ltd. / Andrew Weir Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd., London) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- NESTOR ( 1952 - 1968 General cargo liner 490 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- NETTA (1951-1968 General cargo coaster 57.40m long of W.H. James & Co's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., Rotterdam : Hermanus van den Broek & Scheepswerven Gebr. van Diepen, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- NETTA CROAN (1957-1974 Deep sea fishing trawler 118 feet overall LH100 of Joe Croan / Carnie & Croan / Croan Trawlers / British United Trawlers : 1974 scrapped after fire) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- NEUENFELS (in 1957)
- NEURALIA (1912-1945 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1945 Mined and sunk off Italy) (London (UK))
- NEVASA (1956-1962 Troopship then laid up then 1964-1975 Educational cruise ship of British India Steam Navigation, London : Scrapped Taiwan in 1975) (London (England, UK))
- NEW TEXAS (1919-1955 General cargo ship 413 feet overall of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool, scrapped in 1955) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- NEW WESTMINSTER CITY (1956-1970 General cargo ship 464 feet long of Sir William Reardon Smith, Cardiff) (Cardiff)
- NEW YORK (1955-1959 Passenger liner of Greek Line - formerly NEA HELLAS) (Greece)
- NEW ZEALAND STAR (1935-1967 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London : Scrapped 1967) (London)
- NEWARK (Motor Launch of the Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority) (Glasgow)
- NEWCASTLE STAR (1956-1973 General cargo ship 520 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- NEWFOUNDLAND (1948-1962 passenger / cargo liner 440 feet long of Johnson Warren Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- NEWSHOT (1947-1973 Self-propelled 60-ton capacity floating heavy lift crane of Clyde Navigation Trust / Clyde Port Authority, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- NGAN CHAU (1981- Motor container ship 170.85 metres long of Hong Kong Australia Shipping Company S.A., Panama) (Panama)
- NGATORO (1962-1976 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd (New Zealand)
- NIAGARA (1963-1974 General cargo coaster 58 metres long of Manager: E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Expeditiebedrijf N.V., Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Groningen (Holland))
- NIANA (in 1964 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand)
- NICETO DE LARRINAGA (1959-1973 General cargo ship 491 feet long of Larrinaga Steamship Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- NICHIGOH MARU (1980- Motor container ship 217.18 metres long of Yamashita-Shinnihon Kissen K.K., Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd & Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan (Japan)
- NICOLINE MAERSK (1951- General cargo ship 478 feet overall of A/S D/S Svendborg & D/S af 1912 A/S and A. P. Moller, Copenhagen) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- NIEUW AMSTERDAM (1906-1932 Passenger / cargo liner of Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line : 1932 scrapped in Japan) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- NIEUW AMSTERDAM (1938-1973 Passenger Liner 758 feet 231 metres twin screws 20.5 knots of Holland America Line) (Rotterdan (Netherlands))
- NIGARISTAN (1947-1967 General cargo ship of Frank C. Strick & Co. / Strick Line, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- NIGARISTAN (1970-1973 Refrigerated cargo ship 145m overall of Strick Line / P & O, London : 1986 scrapped in China) (London (U.K.))
- NIGER PALM (1949-1966 General cargo ship 438 feet overall of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- NIJESTEIN (Coastal dry-cargo ship)
- NIKOBAR (1947-1954 formerly 1945-1947 RUSHVILLE VICTORY, General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhavn) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- NILS GORTHON (in 1952)
- NIMFA (1961-1968 General cargo ship 216 feet overall : 2005 scrapped at Aliaga, Spain (Kolobrzeg (Poland))
- NIMROD (LH50 Inshore fishing trawler) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- NINON (Motor launch at Glasgow in July 1962)
- NIRVANA (Yacht)
- NIUVAKAI (in 1966)
- NJORD VIKING (2011- Supply vessel / Anchor Handling / Tug : IMO 9423827 : 85.2m overall of Manager: Viking Supply Ships, Frederiksberg, Denmark : Owner: Viking Supply Ships, Stenungsund, Sweden) (Mandal (Norway))
- No 8 (Former passenger ferry which crossed River Clyde at Glasgow : now an exhibit at Riverside Museum, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- NO, 7 (Steam Hopper of Dublin Port & Docks Board, Dublin) (Dublin (Ireland))
- NOACH ( 1952 - 1970 General dry-cargo coaster 57m 186 feet long of Firma Vinke & Co, Amsterdam / N.V. 'Rederij-Holland', Rotterdam ) (Rotterdam (Holland))
- NOBEL (Deep sea fishing trawler) (Milford)
- NOBLESSE (Bulk carrier in 1987) (Panama)
- NOONGAH (in 1966)
- NOORDAM in 1954
- NOORDAM (1902-1923 Passenger / cargo liner of Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line ) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- NORBETH (General cargo ship / bulk carrier 510 feet long) ... in 1966
- NORDANGER (1976- Motor tanker 170.52 metres long of Westfal-Larsen A/S, Bergen, Norway (Bergen (Norway))
- NORDEFLINGE (1950-1955 General cargo ship 315 feet long of Constants (South Wales) Ltd, Cardiff : 1968 Sank after springing leak) (Grangemouth (Firth of Forth, Scotland, UK))
- NORDFARER (in 1949 General cargo ship of D/S Norden, Kobenhavn, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- NORDHAV ( 1958-1966 Ocean oil tanker of Skips, Oslo, Norway ) (Oslo (Norway))
- NORDIC ( 1950 - 1964 ex- CHINESE PRINCE, General cargo ship 490 feet long, on long-term charter to Shaw Savill Line, London from 1950 to 1964) (London)
- NORDIC DIANA (2008 - General cargo ship 90m long) (Netherlands)
- NORDIC HAMBURG (2010- Container ship 152m long of Nordic Hamburg Schiffahrts, Hamburg) (Valletta (Malta))
- NORDIC STAR, (1943-1956/7 General cargo "Liberty" ship of Fairview Overseas Freighters Ltd., Halifax, Nova Scotia) (London (England, UK))
- NORDLAND ( 1958 - Ore carrier 505 feet long of Vesteraalens D/S, Norway) (Stockmarknes (Norway))
- NORDLAND (1930- General cargo ship 471 feet long of Lubeck Linie A G) (Lubeck (Germany))
- NORDSTAD (1955- General cargo ship 66 metres 160 feet long of Nordship / Hans Chr. Nyrerød, Holmestrand, Norway) (Holmestrand, Norway)
- NORDSTERN ( 1955 - 1985 General cargo ship of Nordstern Reederei, Germany) (Germany)
- NORFOLK (1955- Refrigerated / General cargo ship 551 feet long of P & O Steam Navigation Co. / New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- NORHAM CASTLE (1883-1903 Steamer of Donald Currie & Company / Castle Mail Packet Company / Union Castle Line, London) (London (UK))
- NORMAN PRINCE (in 1957 General cargo ship)
- NORMANBY HALL (1948- 1965 General cargo coaster of Coppack Bros & Co Ltd,, Connah's Quay, Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales) (Chester (England))
- NORMANDIE (1935-1939 Passenger Liner 1,029 ft (313.6 m) overall of Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, France : 1946 scrapped Newark, New Jersey after an extensive fire) (Le Havre (France))
- NORNA (Fishery protection cruiser)
- NORSE MARSHAL (1971-1985 Cardiff class bulk carrier of Cardigan Shipping Company / Harrisons (Clyde) )
- NORTH ANGLIA (General cargo ship)
- NORTH DEVON (1958- 1967 Tramp general cargo ship 460 feet long of Common Bros / North Shipping Company) (Newcastle (England, UK))
- NORTH EARL (1962-1977 Oil tanker 556 feet long of Palmyra Cia. Naviera, Piraeus : scrapped 1977) (Piraeus (Greece))
- NORTH ESK (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- NORTH HEAD (in 1966)
- NORTH STAR (in April 2024 Sailing Yacht of Go West Sailing. Com at Greenock, Scotland)
- NORTHERN STAR (1961-1975 Passenger liner 650 feet long of Shaw, Savill & Albion Line, London) (Southampton (England, UK))
- NORTHFIELD (In 1957)
- NORTON ( 1959 - 1970 general cargo ship 496 feet long of Common Bros/Somerstone Shipping, Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- NORWICH CITY (1917-1929 General cargo ship of Reardon Smith Line : 1929 Wrecked) (Bideford (England))
- NOTTING HILL (1943- General cargo ship of Acadia Overseas Freighters / Counties Ship Management)
- NOTTINGHAM (1950-1971 Cargo liner of Federal Steam Nav. Co. London) (London)
- NOVA SCOTIA (1947-1961 Passenger / cargo ship of Furness Warren Line, London) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- NOVELIST (1940-1961 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- NOVELIST (1965-1977 Cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- NOWSHERA (1955-1973 Refrigerated cargo ship 514 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company / P & O, London: 1976 Scrapped in China) (London (UK))
- NS LION (2007- IMO 9339313 Crude oil tanker 248.96m long of NS LION Shipping Corp. / SCF Novoship - Novorossiysk, Russia) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- NUDDEA (1954-1972 General cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : Scrapped in 1972) (London (UK))
- NUMORA (Inshore fishing boat) (Dunure (A small town South of Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland))
- NURMAHAL (1959-1975 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Asiatic SN / Hain-Nourse Line/ P & O, London) (London)
- NURNBERG EXPRESS (1978- Motor container ship 210 metres long of Hapag LLloyd A.G., Hamburg, Germany) (Hamburg, Germany)
- NURNBURG (in 1966)
- NUSAKAN (1958-1968 General cargo ship 71.5m long of Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co's Stoomvaart-Maatschappij N.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- NYANZA (1956-1964 then 1968-1974 General cargo ship 514 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company / P & O, London : 1964-1968 was renamed BALRANALD) (London)
- NYANZA (Pleasure craft)
- NYMPHE (1954- General cargo ship 467 feet long of Nymphe Steamship Co. S.A., Piraeus) (Piraeus (Greece))
- NYNES (1958-1965 Coastal general cargo ship 44.3 metres) (Oslo (Norway))
- NYON (1952- General cargo ship of Suisse Atlantique)
- OAKMORE (in 1951)
- OANFA (1903-1931 General cargo ship of China Mutual Line)
- OASIS OF THE SEAS (2009- Cruise liner 1,187 feet 362m overall of Royal Caribbean International) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- OB
- OBRA (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- OBUASI (1952-1972 General cargo ship 450 feet overall of Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- OCEAN COAST (1935- 1964 General cargo 3-island type coaster 262 feet long of Coast Lines, Liverpool : Wrecked in 1969) (London (England, U.K.))
- OCEAN DINNY (in 1955 General cargo freighter 140m overall) (USA)
- OCEAN EAGLE (in 1957)
- OCEAN HUNTER (Fishing boat registered number SY.503 ... in 2018) (Stornoway (Isle of Lewis, Scotland))
- OCEAN ISLANDER (1984-1991 Passenger liner 112 metres long of Ocean Cruise Lines, Panama) (Panama)
- OCEAN PEARL (in 2024 small motor cruiser, white colour, at Greenock, Scotland)
- OCEAN PRINCESS (Cruise ship in 1986) (Panama)
- OCEAN TIDE (Managed by Ben Line, Edinburgh)
- OCEANA (in 2024 Inshore fishing trawler register number BF 840)
- OCEANIC (1899-1914 Passenger liner 704 ft (215 m) of White Star Line, August - September 1914 Armed Merchant Cruiser, September 1914 wrecked off Isle of Foula, Scotland) (U.K.)
- OCEANUS (Deep sea tug) (Netherlands)
- OCTAVIA (General cargo ship)
- ODET (1975- Motor tanker 90.10 metres long of Navale Transportes Vinicoles Leduc S.A., France) (France)
- OFFSHORE MERCURY (1970-1999 Self propelled offshore drilling rig of International Drilling Co (Contracts) Ltd, London (London (England, UK))
- OGUTA PALM (1949-1960 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- OKHLA (1946-1961 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- OLDEKERK (in 1957)
- OLE SIF (1965-1973 General cargo ship of Rederi I/S Sif, Copenhagen)) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- OLGA (Coaster in 1973) (Norway)
- OLGA MAERSK (in 1952)
- OLINDA (1950-1966 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- OLIVE BRANCH (Inshore fishing boat) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- OLIVINE (1952-1976 General cargo coaster 245 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow : 1976 foundered in Mediterranean) (Glasgow)
- OLYMPIA (1957-1969 General cargo coaster 58m 189 feet long of NV Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors and Agency Offices, Groningen / Jan Boerma, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- OMER SOFUOGLU (2024- General cargo ship 94m overall of Sofuoglu Shipping / Zuga Shipping, Istanbul,Turkey) (Panama )
- ONDA (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- ONDO (1956-1961 General cargo ship 425 feet of Elder Dempster Lines Ltd., Liverpool : 1961 sank) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ONITSHA (1952-1972 general cargo liner 416 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ONWARD ENTERPRISE (1966 Coastal oil products tanker 159 feet long of Fleetwood Tankers Ltd.,/ B. A. Parkes, Fleetwood) (Fleetwood (England, U.K.))
- ONWARD PROGRESS (1959 - 1974 Products tanker 144 feet long of Fleetwood Tankers Ltd / B.A. Parkes, Fleetwood) (Fleetwood England, U.K.))
- OOR BROOKE (In 2017 Fishing boat registered number TN4) (Troon (Scotland, U.K.))
- OPOBO PALM (1949-1961 Palm oil / vegetable oil tanker of Palm Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ORAMA (1964-1974 Oil tanker 775 feet long of Trident Tankers / P & O, London :1979 sank after explosion at Angola) (London (England, U.K.))
- Orange coloured motor boat (in 2024 ... off Greenock)
- ORANJE (1938- General & refrigerated passenger liner 656 feet long of Stoomv. Maats Nederland, Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- ORANYAN (1960 - 1976 General cargo ship 466 feet long of Nigerian National Line, Lagos, nigeria) (Lagos (Nigeria))
- ORARI (1931-1958 Refrigerated cargo liner 471 feet long of New Zealand Shipping Company, Plymouth) (Plymouth (England))
- ORCADES (1937-1942 Passenger liner of Orient Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ORCADES (1948-1962 Passenger liner of Orient Line, then 1962-1973 of P & O Line, London) (London)
- ORDIA (1950-1963 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- ORECREST (1958-1965 Bulk carrier / Ore carrier 427 feet overall of Crest Shipping Co. Ltd, Nassau, Bahamas : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (Nassau (New Providence Island, Bahamas))
- ORESTES (1894-1925 General cargo liner of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ORIANA (1961-1986 Passenger liner 804 feet long of P & O-Orient Lines / P & O Steam Navigation Company, London)) (London (England, UK))
- ORIANDO (in 1964 Oil Tanker)
- ORIENTAL STAR (General cargo ship 454 feet overall)
- ORINOCO (1951-1968 General cargo ship 463 feet overall of D/S A/S Ora ( O.B.Sorensen Rederi A/S Arendal : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Arendal (Norway))
- ORION (1935-1963 Passenger liner of Orient Line / P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ORION (in 1880 Passenger Steamer of Star Line of Steamers, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ORISSA (1965-1974 Oil tanker 780 feet long of Trident Tankers, London : 1984 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (UK))
- ORLANDO ( 1960 - 1966 Product tanker 530 feet long of Bowring Shipping Company, London) (London)
- ORMARA (1947-1961 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- ORMISTON (in 1986 at Melbourne, Australia)
- ORMONDE (1918 Troopship 580 feet long : 1919-1939 passenger liner of Orient Line, London : 1939-1947 Troopship : 1947-1954 Orient Line for Emigrant service : 1952 scrapped) (London)
- ORMSARY (1953- Ore carrier of Scottish Ore Carriers / J & J Denholm, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ORNA (1938-1969 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London : 1969 scrapped)) (London (UK))
- ORONSAY (1951-1975 Passenger liner 708 feet long of P & O-Orient Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ORONTES (1929-1962 Passenger liner of P & O) (London (England, UK))
- OROPESA (1894-1915 General cargo ship of Pacific Line / Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- OROTAVA (1889-1906 Passenger liner of Pacific Steam Navigation : 1906-1914 to Royal Mail Co. : 1914-1919 Armed Merchant Cruiser : In 1919 to Shipping Controller, London / RMSPCo.) : scrapped 1921) (Liverpool or London (England, U.K.))
- ORSOVA (1954-1974 Passenger Liner of Orient Line / P & O Line, London) (London)
- ORWELL (1965-1968 General cargo feeder coaster 174 feet overall of Blue Star Line, London and managed by G. T. Gillie and Blair Ltd, Newcastle ) (London (England, U.K.))
- OSAKANA (2009- Bulk carrier / container ship 212m overall of Masterbulk Shipmanagement - Singapore) (Douglas (Isle of Man))
- OSCAR (Workboat) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- OSCAR MATHIES (1957-1972 General cargo ship 231 feet 67m long of L.F.Mathies & Company, Hamburg ) (Hamburg (West Germany))
- OSCAR OWL (in 2024 Workboat of Offshore Workboats Limited, Clydebank, Scotland)
- OSPREY (Pleasure launch in 2017)
- OSTERDEICH (West Germany)
- OSWESTRY GRANGE (General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- OTAIO (1958-1967 Refrigerated cargo liner of New Zealand Shipping Company / 1967 transferred to Federal Line, 1973 transferred to P&O. (London (UK))
- OTAKI (1953-1967 Refrigerated cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Co. : then 1967-1973 Federal Line : then 1973- 1976 P & O) (London (England, UK))
- OTHELLO (1966-1977 Deep-sea Fishing Trawler Registered H389 and 224 feet long of Associated Fisheries Ltd.of Hull : Scrapped 1984) (Hull (England))
- OTI (1956-1972 General cargo liner 137 metres long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- OTRANTO (1926-1957 Passenger / cargo liner of Orient Line / P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- OTTO NUBEL (1953-1968 General cargo ship 232 feet long of Emder Dampfer Compagnie A. G, Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- OTTO PORR (1961-1985 General cargo coaster 235 feet long)
- OVERSEAS ADVENTURER (1963-1973 Oil Products tanker 560 feet long of London and Overseas Bulk Carriers : Scrapped 1987 ) (London (England, U.K.))
- OWERRI (1955-1972 General cargo ship 450 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool : 1983 scrapped at Karachi, Pakistan) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- OXFORDSHIRE (1957-1964 Troopship of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- OXFORDSHIRE (1912-14 Passenger/cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool : 1914-1919 Hospital Ship, 1939-1948 Hospital Ship, 1949-1950 Australia emigrant ship, 1950-1951 troopship, 1951 sold) (Liverpool (England))
- OZARDA (1940-1970 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- P.D.1 (Motor Launch)
- PABBAY (Yacht in 2023) (Stornoway (Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK))
- PACHECO (1927-1958 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PACHITEA (General cargo ship)
- PACHUMBA (1945-1961 General cargo ship 448 feet 136.45m long of British India Steam Navigation Company Ltd, London :1970 scrapped) (London (UK))
- PACIFIC COAST (1947 - 1968 General cargo coaster 267 feet long of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PACIFIC DISPATCH (2014- Offshore Supply Vessel / Anchor Handling Vessel IMO: 9456214 : 92m overall of Swire Pacific Offshore - Nicosia, Cyprus) (UK)
- PACIFIC ENTERPRISE ( - 1949 General cargo ship of Furness Withy & Co., London :The cargo liner ran aground 4 nautical miles (7.4 km) north of Point Arena, California, United States. ) (London (England, U.K.))
- PACIFIC ENVOY (1958-1967 then 1970-1971 a 500 feet long cargo liner of Furness Withy Line, London : 1974 scrapped at Whampoa (China) (London)
- PACIFIC FORTUNE (1948 - 1965 general cargo liner 500 feet long of Furness Withy Line, London) (London)
- PACIFIC GROVE (1928-1943 General cargo ship of Furness Withy & Co., London : 1943 torpedoed and sunk in Atlantic; loss of 11 lives) (London (England, U.K.))
- PACIFIC NOMAD (1947-1954 General cargo ship of Furness Withy Line, London : 1966 wrecked in a typhoon near Madras) (London (England, U.K.))
- PACIFIC NORTHWEST (1954-1971 General and refrigerated cargo liner 501 feet long of Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., London : Scrapped 1974) (London (U.K.))
- PACIFIC PIONEER (1928-1942 General cargo ship of Furness Withy & Company, London: 1942 Torpedoed and sunk south of Sable Island)) (London (England, U.K.))
- PACIFIC RELIANCE (1951-1971 cargo liner 500 feet long of Furness Withy Company) (London)
- PACIFIC SATELLITE (Oil tanker) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- PACIFIC STRONGHOLD (1958-1971 Cargo liner 501 feet long of Furness Withy Line, London) (London)
- PACIFIC UNITY (1948-1964 General cargo ship 500 feet long of Furness Withy Line, London : Scrapped in 1970) (London (UK))
- PADANA (1945-1961 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- PAGENSAND (In 1960 General cargo ship)
- PAJALA (1951-1967 Ore / oil carrier 533 feet overall of Trafik AB Grangesberg -Oxelosund Stockholm : Sweden : 1979 as REGAL scrapped at Dalmuir, Glasgow) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- PALACIO (1927-1958 General cargo ship of MacAndrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PALAMCOTTA (1945-1961 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PALIKONDA (1945-1959 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PALLANZA (Canada Line, Canada) (Canada)
- PALM (1927-1963 Coastal tar carrier of Fishers of Newry) (Newry)
- PALMELIAN (1948- General cargo ship 273 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (UK))
- PALOMARES (1928-1941 General cargo ship of MacAndrews & Co. Ltd., London : 1941-1946 converted to anti-aircraft vessel, 1946 returned to owners : sold 1959) (London (England, U.K.))
- PALUDINA (1949-1964 Oil products tanker 430 feet overall of Shell Tankers UK., London : 1964 scrapped at Bruges, Belgium) (London (U.K.))
- PAMPAS (1944-1946 Infantry Landing Ship : 1946-1964 Returned as general cargo ship to owners Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, UK))
- PAMPAS (1946-1964 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation, London)
- PANDO CAPE (1968-1972 General cargo liner (formerly BALLARAT 1954-1968) 527 feet long of Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company, London ) (London (England))
- PANDO GULF (1968-1974 General cargo ship formerly British India's WOODARRA of P & O Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PANDO POINT (1968-1974 General cargo ship 520 ft long of British India Line / P & O, London) (lLondon)
- PANDORIAN (1940-1963 General cargo ship of Ellerman & Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- PANNONIA (1903-1922 Passenger liner 501 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PANOCEANIC FAITH (Merchant ship) (U.S.A.)
- PAPANUI (1943-1965 Refrigerated cargo ship 494 feet overall of New Zealand Shipping Company)
- PAPAROA (1944-1967 General cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Company, London)) (London (UK))
- PARAGUAY (1944-1964 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (UK))
- PARAGUAY STAR (1947-1969 Passenger / cargo liner 503 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : Scrapped in 1969) (London (England, UK))
- PARANI (Greece)
- PARDO (1940-1964 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (UK))
- PARESKEVI LEMOS (Oil products tanker) (Piraeus (Greece))
- PARIMA (1944-1962 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PARINGA (1947-1955 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (UK))
- PARIS CITY (1946-1954 General cargo ship of Reardon Smith Line, London : scrapped 1963) (London (UK))
- PARKESTON (1925- Passenger / cargo ferry 108m long of Det Forenade Dampskibs Selskal, Denmark) (Denmark)
- PARKGATE (1925-1955 Port Bunkering tanker of Esso Petroleum Company Ltd., London) (Liverpool (England))
- PARRAMATTA (1944-1963 General cargo ship of Rederi AB Transatlantic Gothenburg Sweden : Scuttled 1979) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- PARTHENIA 1901-1917 General cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1917 torpedoed and sunk off Scilly Isles, English Channel) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PARTHIA (1948-1961 Passenger / cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PARTHIA (1963-1971 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, London) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PASS OF BALLATER (Coastal Tanker) (London (UK))
- PASS OF GLENOGLE (1951-1961 Coastal tanker 193ft long of Bulk Oil Steam Ship Company, London : Scrapped 1979) (London (UK))
- PASS OF LENY (1928- Coastal oil tanker of Bulk Oil Steamship Co. Ltd.,UK) (UK)
- PASSAT (General cargo ship) (Hamburg (Germany))
- PATAGONIA (2006- Chemical / Oil tanker 144m long of Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co KG ms "Patagonia" , Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- PATANI (1954- 1979 General cargo liner 450 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PATAPSCO RIVER (General cargo ship 439 feet long)
- PATARA (2021- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9344423 : 144.05m overall of Harren & Partner, Bremen, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- PATHFINDER (In 2017 Inshore fishing boat registered number OB 181) (Oban (West Highlands of Scotland, U.K.))
- PATONGA (1953-1975 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London)
- PATRICIA (1958-1972 General cargo coaster 165 feet (50.10 meters) of N.V. Scheepvaartbedrijf "Gruno", Groningen, Netherlands / Owner: Atte Wester, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- PATRICIA (1958-1972 General cargo coaster 50.11 metres long of A Wester, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- PATRICIA SWEENEY (1946-1957 General cargo ship of W. Laurence Sweeney Fisheries, Yarmouth : 1957 Sank off Cape Sable) (Yarmouth (Nova Scotia, Canada))
- PATRICIAN (1947-1963 General cargo ship 373 feet long of Ellerman Papayanni Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- PATRIS (Emigrant ship of Greek Australia Line, Greece) (Piraeus (Greece))
- PATROCLUS (1950-1972 Passenger and cargo liner 516 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PAVIA (1953- 1965 General cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PEARL (1953 - 1972 General cargo coaster 212 feet long of Gem Line / William Robertson, Glasgow : 1983 scrapped in Pakistan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PEARLEAF ( 1960 - 1986 Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker 568 feet long pennant no. A77 of HM Government, London) (London)
- PEGU (1921-1939 General cargo ship of British & Burmese Company / Patrick Henderson Company, Glasgow :1939 grounded in River Mersey and broke in two.) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PEGU (General cargo ship 1961-1964 British & Burmese / P Henderson, 1964-1966 Elder Dempster,1966-1972 Guinea Gulf Line,1972 China Mutual,1972-1975 Elder Dempster,1975-1980 Guinea Gulf Line) (Glasgow)
- PEISANDER (1967-1978 Cargo ship 564 feet overall of Ocean Transport Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PELAYO (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PELEUS ( 1949 - 1972 General cargo / passenger liner 516 feet long of Ocean Steamship Company / Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung (Taiwan) (Liverpool)
- PELIKAN (in 1954 Whaler)
- PEMBA (1945-1960 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PEMBROKESHIRE (1950-1957 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- PEMBROKESHIRE (1967-1972 General cargo ship of Glen & Shire Lines, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PENDENNIS CASTLE (1958-1976 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London)
- PENDIK ( 1961 - 1993 Passenger ferry of Istanbul Ferries, Istanbul, Turkey) (Istanbul, Turkey)
- PENELOPE (1956-1964 General cargo ship) (Greece)
- PENELOPE EVERARD ( 1963-1984 General cargo coaster 264 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- PENNSYLVANIA (1959-1970 General cargo ship 451 feet overall of DFDS, Copenhagen : scrapped 1987) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- PENNSYLVANIA (Passenger liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line / Hamburg-Amerika Linie : 1917 seized by U.S. Government) (Hamburg (Germany))
- PENNYWORTH (1958-1973 An ore carrier 505 feet overall of R S Dalgliesh, Newcastle : 1983 scrapped at Spezia, Italy) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- PENTAKOTA (1946-1961 General cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London (UK))
- PERAMA (Oil tanker) (Liberia)
- PERGAMOS (1919-1941 Torpedo Boat 57.76 m (189.5 ft) of Royal Hellenic Navy, Greece : Scuttled 25 April 1941 at Salamis Island Navy Base during German invasion of Greece) (Athens, Greece)
- PERIM (1948-1967 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PERSEUS (1950 - 1973 Cargo / passenger liner 516 feet long with Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PERSIC (1949-1969 Passenger / cargo liner of Shaw Savill & Albion, London)) (London (England, UK))
- PERSIC (1899-1927 Passenger liner of White Star Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- PERTH (1948-1963 General cargo ship 237 feet long of Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Co. Ltd., Dundee) (Dundee (Scotland, U.K.))
- PERTHSHIRE (1936-1964 General cargo ship 499 feet long of Scottish Shire / Houston / Cayzer Irvine) (Glasgow)
- PETER (a general cargo coaster 206 feet long)
- PETER (General cargo ship)
- PETER M (1947-1964 a 3-island type Coastal oil tanker 63m lomg of Metcalf Motor Coasters : Scrapped in 1972) (London)
- PETROJARL FOINAVEN (1996- offshore floating storage / production vessel 250m long of Teekay) (Bahamas)
- PEVERIL (in 1912 General cargo ship of MacLay and MacIntyre. Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- PHAROS (1955-1988 Lighthouse Tender 257 feet long of Northern Lighthouse Board, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- PHEMIUS (1913-1917 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool, 1917 torpedoed and sunk off Ireland) (Liverpool (England))
- PHEMIUS (1950-1957 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt / Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1957 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PHIDIAS (1913-1941 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool :1941 north of Azores sunk by U-Boat)) (Liverpool (England))
- PHILIPPINE MARU (General cargo ship of Osaka Shosen K.K. / Osaka Shosen Kaisha Line, Tokyo, Japan) (Tokyo (Japan))
- PHILOMEL (1936-1957 General cargo ship of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PHILOSOPHER (1945-1958 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (UK))
- PHILOSOPHER (1964-1977 General cargo liner of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (UK))
- PHILOTIS (1918-1934 General cargo ship 200 feet long of J & P Hutchison Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- PHOENIX (1957-1970 General cargo coaster 185 feet 56.33m of W.F. Kampman's Bevrachtingsbedrijf N.V., Amsterdam / N.V. Zeevaartmaatschappij 'Navigare', Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- PHOLAS (1980- 1995 Drill ship 325 feet long (formerly ELIZABETH BOWATER) of Coe, Metcalf Shipping Company Ltd., Liverpool,: 2003 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- PHRYGIA (1955-1965 General cargo liner 348 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PHYLLIS BOWATER (1960-1973 General cargo ship 325 feet long of Bowater Steamship Co. / Furness Withy / Cayzer, Irvine, London : 2001 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- PIAKO (1962-1967 General cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Company, London : 1967 transferred to Federal Line : 1973-1979 transferred to P & O) (London (U.K.))
- PIBROCH (1923-1957 General cargo puffer lighter 66 feet long of Mackie Brothers / White Horse Distillery / Scottish Malt Distillers, Edinburgh) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- PIBROCH (1957-1976 General cargo motor coaster 87 feet long of Scottish Malt Distillers, Edinburgh) (Glasgow)
- PIBROCH (1976-1990 General cargo motor coaster 87 feet long of Glenlight Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PICARD (Frigate of French Navy) (France)
- PICARDY (Steam ship in 1942)
- PICOBLANCO (1958-1981 General cargo ship) (Spain)
- PICOGRIS (1957-1988 General cargo 2-hatch coaster of Spanish owners) (Bilbao (Spain))
- PICTON SEA LION (in 1961 Fishing Trawler)
- PILCOMAYO (1945-1965 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London) (London (UK))
- PING CHAU (1984- Container ship 172.22 metres long of Precious Shipping Company S. A., Panama) (Panama)
- PINJARRA (1946-1962 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PINTO (1947-1965 General cargo ship 352 feet long of Macandrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PINZON (1922-1951 General cargo ship of MacAndrews & Co., London) (London (UK))
- PIONEER COVE (1946-1970 a 1946-built C2-S-B1 type general cargo ship 460 feet overall of United States Lines, New York : 1970 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (U.S.A.)
- PIPIRIKI ( 1944 - 1971 General and refrigerated cargo liner 494 feet long of New Zealand Shipping Line ) (Plymouth)
- PIZARRO (1955-1972 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PLADDA ( 1950-1963 General cargo coaster 218 feet long of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- PLADDA (A sailing vessel in 1850)
- PLAINSMAN (1959 - 1979 General cargo ship 489 feet overall of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PLANTER (1946-1968 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool : 1968 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- PLANTER (1961 - 1962 General cargo liner 442 feet long of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PLATESSA (General cargo coaster) (Frederikshavn (Denmark))
- PLATIDIA (1955-1974 Bitumen tanker of Shell Tankers UK, London : 1974 scrapped at Castellon, Spain) (London (England, U.K.))
- PLEIADES (1958- 1970 General cargo ship 488 feet of Shiptrade Corp SA (Costas G Papanastasiou), Piraeus, Greece / Marlindo Ci Nav Sa, Piraeus : 1985 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Piraeus (Greece))
- PLEIADES (in 1880 Passenger steamer of Star Line of Steamers, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PODOLSK (1957-1980 General cargo ship 326 feet long of USSR) (Archangel (USSR))
- POINTER (1959 - 1975 Container, trailer and flat transport carrier 224 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- POINTSMAN ( 1956 - Steam Coastal tanker, speed 7 knots, 233 feet long of Helmsman Shipping Company / C Rowbotham & Sons (Management) Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- POLARIS (1954-1973 General cargo coaster 43.4 metres long of Manager: Carebeka NV, Groningen, Netherlands / Owner: Company 'Polaris', Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Holland))
- POLARLIGHT (1948-1974 Clyde steam puffer lighter 66 feet long of Light Shipping Co. / Ross & Marshall ) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- POLARLIGHT (1965-1969 a motor coaster 118 feet long of Light Shipping Company Ltd. / Ross & Marshall, Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- POLDISKY (General cargo ship 244 feet long)
- POLEGATE (1961-1967 General cargo ship 442 feet overall of United Merchants Shipping (Michalinos & Co.) London : November 1967 arrived at Elsen u Metall, Hamburg for scrapping) (London (England, U.K.))
- POLICE SCOTLAND LAW ENFORCEMENT BOAT at Greenock (in 2022 Police Scotland, Glasgow)
- POLYCREST (1958-1970 Oil tanker of Einar Rasmussen, Kristiansand, Norway) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- POLYDORUS (1946-1960 General cargo ship "Victory-type" 455 feet overall of Blue Funnel "NMSO" managed : 1972 broken up at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Netherlands)
- POLYDORUS (formerly ALCINOUS 1960-1973 General cargo ship of NSMO : 1973-1977 reverted to Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- POLYKARP (1949-1963 Oil products tanker of Einar Rasmussen, (Kristiansand ( Norway, ))
- POLYNESIE (1955-1976 Passenger / General cargo ship of Messageries Maritimes, France) (France)
- POLYPHEMUS (1966-1972 Cargo liner 487 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- POLYPHEMUS (in 1957 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- POLYSTAR in 1954
- POLYSTAR (1962-1978 Oil tanker 516 feet long 15 knots speed of Einar Rasmussen, Norway) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- POLYTHENE (1953- General cargo coaster 140 feet long of ICI Chemical Company) (Liverpool)
- POLYTRAVELLER (1978- Motor tanker 263.71 metres long of K/S Rasmussen Teamship A/S., / Einar Rasmussen, Kristiansand S, Norway (Kristiansand. (Norway))
- POMONA (Sailing ship in 1809)
- PONCE DE LEON (1943-1962 General cargo "Liberty" ship of U.S. Maritime Commission : Scrapped 1962) (U.S.A.)
- PONTOPORSO (General cargo ship of Greek owners) (Greece)
- PONYANA (General cargo ship)
- PONZANO (1954-1960 General cargo ship of MacAndrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- POOL FISHER (1959-1979 General cargo coaster 208 feet (63m) long of James Fisher & Sons, Barrow-in-Furness, England) (Barrow (England))
- POOLSTER (General cargo ship)
- PORT ADELAIDE (1951-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Port Line, London : Scrapped 1972) (London (England, UK))
- PORT ALFRED (1961-1978 General cargo ship of Port Line, London) (London (U.K.))
- PORT ALMA (1928-1964 Refrigerated / general cargo ship of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT AUCKLAND ( 1949 - 1976 Refrigerated cargo liner 510 feet long of Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT BRISBANE ( 1949 - 1975 Cargo liner 561 feet long of Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT BURNIE (1966-1972 General and refrigerated cargo liner of Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT CAROLINE (Port Line) (London (England, UK))
- PORT CHALMERS (In service 1968-1982 with Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT CHALMERS (1933-1965 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1965 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- PORT CURTIS (Port Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PORT DENISON (1960-1966 General cargo ship on long term charter to Port Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PORT DUNEDIN (1925-1962 Refrigerated cargo ship of Port Line, London : Scrapped in 1962) (London (UK))
- PORT FAIRY (1928-1965 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1965 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- PORT FREMANTLE (1927-1960 Refrigerated / general cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1960 scrapped) (London (U.K.))
- PORT HALIFAX (1937-1962 General cargo ship 457 feet long of Port Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- PORT HARDY (1954-1961 General cargo ship of Port Line, London) (London (UK))
- PORT HOBART (1946-1970 Cargo liner of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT HUON (1927-1961 General cargo liner of Port Line, London :Scrapped 1961) (London (UK))
- PORT INVERCARGILL (1958-1971 Refrigerated cargo ship 490 feet long of Port line, London) (London)
- PORT JACKSON (1937-1967 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1967 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- PORT LAUNCESTON (1957-1977 General cargo ship of Port Line Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PORT LINCOLN (1946-1971 Refrigerated / general cargo liner of Port Line, London : 1971 scrapped) (London (U.K.))
- PORT LYTTELTON (1947-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Port Line, London : Scrapped in 1972) (London (UK))
- PORT MACQUARIE (1944-1968 Cargo liner of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT MELBOURNE (1955-1972 Cargo Liner of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT MONTREAL (1954-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Port Line, London) (London (UK))
- PORT NAPIER (1947-1970 Refrigerated cargo liner 560 feet overall of Port Line, London : Scrapped in 1970) (London (UK))
- PORT NELSON (1951-1972 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1972 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- PORT NEW PLYMOUTH (1960-1979 General cargo ship of Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT NICHOLSON (1962-1979 Refridgerated / general cargo ship of Port Line, London) (London (U.K.))
- PORT PHILLIP (1941-1971 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- PORT PIRIE (1947-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner 529 feet long of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT SAID (Red Rose Line / Alexandria Navigation Company) (Egypt)
- PORT SYDNEY (1955-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Port Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PORT TOWNSVILLE (1951-1972 General cargo liner of Port Line, London : Scrapped in 1972) (London (UK))
- PORT VICTOR (1948-1970 General / refridgerated cargo liner 529 feet overall of Port Line, London : 1970 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- PORT VINDEX (1947-1971 General cargo ship of Port Line, London : 1971 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- PORT WELLINGTON (1946-1971 Refrigerated cargo liner 529 feet long of Port Line, London) (London)
- PORT WYNDHAM (1935-1967 Refrigerated cargo liner 495 feet overall of Commonwealth & Dominion Line, London / Port Line, London : 1967 scrapped at Osaka, Japan) (London (England, UK))
- PORTALOS 1 (Tanker)
- PORTALOS 13 (Tug)
- PORTLAND STAR (1954 - 1958 Refrigerated cargo liner 456 feet long of Blue Star Line, London)) (London (England, UK))
- POSEIDON (General cargo ship)
- POTARO (1940-1965 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (UK))
- POTOSI (1955-1972 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- POZARICA (1953-1964 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- PRAHSU (1959-1964 General cargo ship 455 feet long of Elder Dempster Co, Liverpool : 1973 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PRASE ( 1938 - ? General cargo coaster of Wm Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PRE EMINENT (Inshore fishing trawler) (Rothesay (Isle of Bute, Scotland))
- PRESIDENT ARTHUR (in 1957 of American President Lines) (USA)
- PRESIDENT CLEVELAND (1947-1973 Passenger / cargo liner of American President Lines, USA) (U.S.A.)
- PRESIDENT GARCIA (1961-1979 Cargo ship of Philippine President Line, Manila) (Manila (Philippines))
- PRESIDENT GARFIELD (1951-1958 General cargo freighter of American President Line) (U.S.A.)
- PRESIDENT GRANT (Container ship of American President Lines)
- PRESIDENT HARDING (in 1954 at Malaya and Sumatra)
- PRESIDENT HAYES (in 1957 of American President Lines)
- PRESIDENT LINCOLN (1907-1917 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line : 1917 seized by USA) (Hamburg (Germany))
- PRESIDENT MADISON (1946-1972 General cargo freighter of American President Lines, USA) (U.S.A.)
- PRESIDENT McKINLEY (1946-1968 General cargo freighter of American President Lines : 1970 scrapped) (USA)
- PRESIDENT MONROE (1946-1965 General cargo ship of American President Line, USA) (U.S.A.)
- PRESIDENT PIERCE (Container ship 1,186 T.E.L.containers of American President Lines)
- PRESIDENT STEYN (1963-1991 Naval Frigate 370 feet long Type 12 Rothesay Class F 147 of South African Navy : 1991 sunk as target) (South Africa)
- PRESIDENT TAFT (in 1954)
- PRESIDENT TAYLOR (1957-1974 General cargo freighter of American President Lines) (U.S.A.)
- PRESIDENT TYLER (American President Lines)
- PRESIDENT WILSON (in 1954 of American President Lines)
- PRETORIA (1936-1939 Passenger Liner 548 feet (168m) long of Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie, Hamburg : 1939-1945 U-boat Depot Ship:
- PRETORIA CASTLE (1948-1966 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- PRIAM (1966-1978 cargo liner 563 feet long of Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- PRINCE MADOG (2001- Research vessel 34.9 metres long of University of Bangor, Wales / Managed by P & O Maritime Services, London, UK) (Beaumaris (Wales, UK))
- PRINCE SALVOR (1943-1966 King Salvor-class Ocean Salvage ship of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : scrapped 1967 at Pomphlett, Plymouth) (London (England, U.K.))
- PRINCESA ISABEL (1962- Passenger / cargo liner)
- PRINCESS MARGARET (1931-1962 Passenger / vehicle ferry 384 feet long of London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company /British Transport Commission, Stranraer :1974 Scrapped) (Stranraer (Scotland, U.K.))
- PRINCESS VICTORIA (1948-1953 Ro-ro ferry 322 feet overall of British Railways : 1953 sank in North Channel, near Stranraer, Scotland)) (Stranraer (Scotland, UK))
- PRINS CASIMIR (1955 - 1967 general cargo ship 258 feet long of Oranje Line, Rotterdam : 1992 scrapped) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS FREDERICK HENDRIK (1947- General cargo ship 258 feet overall of Oranje Lijn (Maats Zeetransport) N.V., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS FREDERIK WILLEM -- pronounced Villem (1951-1967 General / refrigerated cargo ship 258 feet overall of Oranje Lijn (Maats Zeetransport) N.V., Rotterdam : 1977 wrecked and broken up)) (Rotterdan (Netherlands))
- PRINS MAURITS (1937-1956 General cargo ship 262 feet overall of Maatschappij Zeetransport NV (Anthony Veder NV Rotterdam as manager) Rotterdam Netherland,:1964 Wrecked, India) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM 11 (1947-1953 General / refrigerated "Liberty-type" cargo ship 135m 305 feet overall of Oranje Lijn (Maats Zeetransport) N.V., Rotterdam : 1970 scrapped at Shanghai) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM 11 (i1955-1967 General cargo ship of Oranje Line, Netherlands : 1975 destroyed by fire) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM 111 (1948-1966 General / refrigerated cargo ship 258 feet overall of Maatschappij Zeetransport / Oranje Lijn, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM 1V (1940-1966 General cargo ship 258 feet overall of Maatschappij Zeetransport / Oranje Lijn, Rotterdam Maatschappij Zeetransport N.V. (Oranje Lijn) , Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM GEORGE FREDERIK (1954-1967 General cargo ship 78m long of Oranje Line, Netherlands : scrapped at Perama, Greece 1979) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINS WILLEM V (1956- General / refrigerated cargo ship 305 feet overall of Maatschappij Zeetransport / Oranje Lijn, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRINSES IRENE (Oranje Line)
- PRINSES IRENE (General cargo coaster) (Netherlands)
- PRINSES MARIA (1966- General cargo ship 360 feet long of Oranje Lijn (Maats. Zeetransport) N.V., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- PRIOR (1951-1963 general cargo coaster 51.25 meters of Manager: Fiege & Hoff, Rotterdam, Netherlands Owner: Arnoldus Cornelis Hoff, The Hague, Netherlands) (Netherlands)
- PRIWALL (1966-1973 General cargo ship 245 feet 75 metres long of Partenrederei Ehepaar Bogel, HB, Bremen and chartered to Moss Hutchison Line) (Bremen (Germany))
- PROCRIS (1924-1950 General cargo ship of Hutchison Line / Moss Hutchison Line (U.K.)
- PRODROMOS (1963-1974 General cargo ship)
- PROFESSEUR EMILE LAGARDE (1948-1955 General cargo ship 431 feet long of Cie. de Nav. Fraissinet, Marseilles :1967 Scrapped) (Marseilles (France))
- PROFESSOR (1910-1930 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- PROGRESSIST (1978- Bulk carrier 180.96 metres long of Peninsular Shipping Co. Ltd. / Ocean Tramping Co. Ltd, Hong Kong) (Hong Kong)
- PROME (1937-1962 Passenger / cargo liner 462 feet overall of Patrick Henderson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- PROMETHEUS (1967-1978 General cargo ship 564 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PROMINENT in 1954
- PROSPECTOR (1943-1961 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- PROSPER (General cargo ship)
- PROSPERITE (1956-1970 General cargo coaster 56.18m overall of J. Vermaas' Scheepvaart Bedrijf, Rotterdam) (Zwijndrecht (Netherlands))
- PROTESILAUS (1967-1978 General cargo ship 564 feet overall of China Mutual / Alfred Holt / Blue Funnel Line / Ocean Transport and Trading Co., Liverpool : 1985 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- PROVIDER (In 1968 Inshore fishing trawler)
- PROVIDER (In 2017 Fishing boat Registration Number AH71) (Arbroath, Scotland, U.K.)
- PUNDUA (1945-1967 General cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- PUNTA (in 1952)
- PURFINA NEDERLAND (1955-1960 Oil products tanker 495 feet long of NV Mij tot Financiering van de Verloop van Aardolie Prod, The Hague : 1972 scrapped at Vinaroz, Spain ) (Netherlands)
- PURMEREND (1957-1972 Oil tanker 169m of Amsterdam Maritiem Transport on 15 year charter for Shell Tankers : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- Pvt. FRANCIS X. McGRAW (In 1957)
- PYROPE (1936-1953 A 3-island type steam general cargo coaster 164 feet long of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- PYRRHUS (1949 - 1972 General cargo and passenger liner 516 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- QUEDA (1959-1969 Oil tanker 560 feet long of British India Steam Navigation / Trident Tankers, London, : scrapped 1981) (London (U.K.))
- QUEEN CITY in 1954
- QUEEN ELIZABETH (1940-1946 Troopship then 1946-1968 passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- QUEEN ELIZABETH (2010- Vista-class Passenger cruise liner 294 metres 965 feet overall of Cunard Line / Carnival PLC, Southampton) (2010-2011 Southampton (England) : 2011 - Hamilton (Bermuda))
- QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (1969-2008 Passenger Liner of Cunard Line, London)
- QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (Passenger liner of Cunard Line) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- QUEEN FREDERICA (1966-1971 Passenger liner of Chandris Lines, Greece : scrapped at Perama, Greece in 1977) (Greece)
- QUEEN MARY (1936-1940 Passenger liner 1,019.4 ft (310.7 m) of Cunard Line: 1940-1946 Troopship: 1946-1967 returned to service with Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- QUEEN MARY (1976-1978 Passenger excursion steamer 252 feet long of Caledonian MacBrayne Holdings, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- QUEEN MARY (2016- Static Heritage and Education ship berthed at Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- QUEEN MARY (1933-1935 Passenger Excursion steamer 252 feet overall of Williamson Buchanan Steamers Ltd., Glasgow : 1935 renamed QUEEN MARY 11) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- QUEEN MARY 11 (Passenger excursion vessel 263 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- QUEEN MARY 2 (2004- Passenger cruise liner 1,132 ft (345.03 m) of Carnival / Cunard Line) (Southampton (England, U.K.))
- QUEEN OF BERMUDA (1933-1939 Passenger liner of Furness Withy, London : 1939-1943 Armed merchant cruiser : 1943-1947 Troopship : 1947-1966 Returned to owners as passenger Liner : Scrapped 1967) (London (UK))
- QUEEN OF THE LAKE (1907-1940 passenger vessel of Loch Tay Steamboat Company) (l)
- QUEEN VICTORIA (1896-1924 Passenger / cargo steamer 120 feet long of African Lakes Corporation : 1924 wrecked on Cape Ngombo, Lake Malawi) (Fort Johnston (Mangochi), Malawi)
- QUEENSBURY (1953-1971 General cargo ship of Alexander Steam Ship Co Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- QUEENSGARTH ( 1959-1974 Ore carrier 511 feet 155.66m long of Rea Ltd (William Cory & Son) / St. Denis Shipping Company Ltd. , London) scrapped in 1992 (London)
- QUEENSLAND STAR (1957-1972 Refrigerated cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- QUILOA (1960-1972 Oil products tanker 560 feet long of Trident Tankers/ British India Steam Navigation, London) (London)
- RACE FISHER (General cargo coaster of James Fisher Ltd., Barrow) (Barrow (England, U.K.))
- RADNORSHIRE (1949-1962 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (UK))
- RADNORSHIRE (1967-1973 General cargo ship of Glen Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- RAEBURN (1952-1958 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool :1978 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- RAEISEE (General cargo ship)
- RAGNA GORTHON (in 1954)
- RAGNA GORTHON (Oil tanker in 1964) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- RAILA (1945- Oil products tanker 467 feet overall of Rederi A/S Ruth Hagb. Waage, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- RAINBOW (1867- Steam coastal cargo lighter 62 feet long of Colthorpe & Dewar, Dumbarton, Scotland) (Probably Glasgow (Scotland))
- RAJULA (1926-1973 Passenger / cargo liner 462 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd., London : Scrapped 1974) (London (UK))
- RAKAIA (1945-1967 General cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (UK))
- RAMA-RAJA (Cargo ship of Chandbali Steamer Service Co. Ltd. (India)
- RAMDAS (1980- General cargo ship 161.55 metres long of The Shipping Corporation of Bombay, Bombay, India) (Bombay, India)
- RAMON DE LARRINAGA (1954- General cargo ship of Larrinaga Steamship Co. Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- RAMON DE LARRINAGA (1954-1969 General cargo ship 457 feet long of Larrinaga Line / Compañia de Navegaceon a Vapor Olana, Larrinaga y Cia.) (Liverpool (England))
- RAMORE HEAD (1948- General cargo ship 455 feet long of Ulster Steamship Company/ G Heyn / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, U.K.))
- RANCHI (1925-1953 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O Line, London: scrapped 1953) (London (UK))
- RANEE (1950-1971 General cargo ship 443ft (135m) long of Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Ltd, London : Scrapped 1973) (London (UK))
- RANENFJORD in 1954
- RANGER (in 2022 : Container ship)
- RANGITANE (New Zealand Shipping Company) (Plymouth (England))
- RANGITATA (1936-1962 Passenger / cargo liner of New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (UK))
- RANGITIKI (1929-1962 Passenger / cargo liner of New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- RANGITOTO (1949-1967 Passenger / General cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Company, London : 1967-1969 transferred to associated company Federal Line : 1969 sold to Hong Kong interests) (London (U.K.))
- RAPALLO (1960-1972 General cargo ship of Ellerman Wilson Line : 1975 transferred to Ellerman Lines and renamed CITY OF LIMASSOL) (London (UK))
- RAPHAEL (1953-1976 General cargo ship 473 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- RAS MAERSK in 1972
- RATHLIN HEAD (1953-1970 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- RAUNALA (1946- Ore / oil carrier 489 feet long of Trafik A/B Grangesberg-Oxelosund / Erland Waldenstrom, Stockholm) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- RAVENS POINT (1923-1956 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- RAVI (National Shipping Corporation, Pakistan : formerly Runciman's JEDMOOR) (Pakistan)
- RAVNANGER (in 1957)
- RAVNEFJELL (1955-1967 General cargo liner 304 feet long of A/S Falkefjell / Olsen & Ugelstad, Norway : Scrapped 1985) (Oslo (Norway))
- RAYLIGHT (1963-1975 motor coaster 88 feet long of Light Shipping Company / Ross & Marshall, Greenock : 1975 sank off Northern Ireland)) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- RAYLIGHT (1938- General cargo steam Clyde Puffer lighter 66 feet long of Ross & Marshall, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- RAYLIGHT (1938-1958 Steam engined Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of Light Shipping Company / Ross & Marshall, Greenock : 1958 scrapped at Smith & Houston Shipbreakers, Port Glasgow) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- READY (1947-1977 Pilot Tender of Trinity House, London) (London (UK))
- REBECCA (in 1961 Converted lifeboat)
- RECORDER (1930-1950 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- RED BARONESS (In 2017 Steel twin screw RO-RO cargo landing craft of Troon Tug Company, Troon) (Troon (Scotland, U.K.))
- RED EMPRESS (2003- Ship handling tug of Troon Tug Company, Troon) (Troon (Scotland, U.K.))
- RED PRINCESS (1970- IMO 8748828 Ro-Ro twin screw landing craft 64m long of Troon Tug Co. Ltd, Troon) (Basseterre (St Kitts & Nevis))
- REDCAR (1956-1971 Ore / Bulk Carrier : Official Number 187304 : 505 feet overall of North Yorkshire Shipping Co. Ltd. (Bolton S.S. Co. Ltd.), Middlesbrough : 1978 scrapped at La Spezia, Italy)) (Middlesbrough (England, UK))
- REDEFIELD (1950-1958 Coastal oil products tanker of Hunting & Son, Newcastle, England) (Newcastle (England))
- REDSTART (1946-1967 A three-island general cargo coaster of General Steam Navigation Company. London) (London)
- REEDWARBLER (General cargo coaster) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- REGAL PRINCESS (2014- Cruise liner 330m long of Princess Cruises and can accommodate 3,560 passengers ) (Hamilton (Bermuda))
- REGENT LION in 1954
- REGENT TIGER (In 1954 Oil tanker)
- REGIS 2 (Shallow drafted tug / dredge tender / survey boat 10.6m overall of Coastworks Operations Ltd, Fairlie, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- REIAS (General cargo ship) (Oslo (Norway))
- REINA DEL MAR (1956-1973 Passenger / cargo liner of Pacific Steam Navigation, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- REINA DEL PACIFICO (1931-1958 Passenger / cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool : 1958 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- RELAY (Yacht in 2020)
- RELENTLESS (in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler) (Buckie (Scotland, U.K.))
- RELIANCE (in 1914)
- REMA (1958-1963 General cargo coaster 46m overall of NV Shipping Company 'Gruno' , Groningen, Netherlands Owner: Shipping company Brinkman , Groningen, Netherlands : 1985 scrapped) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- RENE PAUL (General cargo coaster 54.11m 176 feet long) (Belgium)
- RENFREW FERRY (Chain ferry across River Clyde from Renfrew to Yoker) (Glasgow)
- RENOIR (1967-1971 General cargo ship 411 feet long chartered from Booth Line "BENEDICT" of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- RENSBURK (Barge) (Germany)
- REPETO (1953-1973 General cargo coaster 52.5m 173 feet overall of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Egbert Mooij, Groningen : 1983 scrapped) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- RESPOND (1918-1956 Port / harbour tug 175 feet long of Captain of Royal Navy Dockyard, Malta and Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service, London : 1956 Scrapped in Italy) (London (UK))
- RESTLESS (A tugboat in 1850)
- RESULT (General cargo coaster 165 feet long)
- RHEXENOR ( 1945 - 1975 Refrigerated cargo liner 496 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- RHINE MARU (1972- Container ship 261.02 metres long of Mitsui O. S. K. Lines, Osaka, Japan) (Osaka, Japan)
- RHINE ORE (1959 - 1977 Ore carrier 546 feet long of Transatlantique Bulk Carriers) (Monrovia)
- RHODESIA CASTLE (1951-1967 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- RHODESIA STAR (1948-1967 General cargo ship 492 feet overall of Blue Star Line, London)) (London (England, UK))
- RIAN (1948-1955 General cargo coaster 43m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen, Netherlands / Owner: Derk Buining, Groningen, Netherlands) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- RIB (in 2024 Rigid Inflatable Boat of Police service)
- RIBBLEHEAD (1957-1972 Ore carrier of North Yorkshire Shipping Company / Bolton Steam Shipping)) (Middlesbrough, England)
- RIBBOK (1967-1990 Suction dredger 364 feet long of South African Marine and Harbours Board)) (Durban (South Africa))
- RICHARD D LYONS (1945-1947 General cargo "Liberty" ship of U.S. Maritime Commission : 1947 sold to Manlemos Shipping Agencies (Manos John Lemos). Greece : Scrapped in 1968 (Piraeus, Greece)
- RICHARD DE LARRINAGA (1955-1970 General cargo ship of Larrinaga Steamship Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- RICHMOND CASTLE (Union Castle) (London (England, UK))
- RIDDERKERK (in 1957)
- RIEBEECK CASTLE (1946-1971 General / refridgerated cargo ship of Union Caslle Mail Steamship Company, London : 1971 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- RIEN TEEKMAN ( 1954-1974 General cargo coaster of Teekman Scheepvaartbedrijf, Delfzijl, Holland) (Delfzijl.((Holland))
- RIEN TEEKMAN (1954-1973 General cargo coaster 57.5m overall of E. Wagenborg's Scheepvaart- & Expeditiebedrijf N.V., Amsterdam / Jan Teekman & Wed. Aaltje Teekman-Galenkamp, Hattem, Gelderland) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- RIEVAULX (pronounced Ree- voh as in "Oh Dear" 1958-1973 Ore carrier 505 feet 154m long of Bolton Steam Shipping Company, England : 1984 scrapped China) (Middlesbrough, England)
- RIFO-AN (1956 - 1973 General cargo motor coaster 57.42 mrtres long of Derk Buining / Carebeka N.V. Groningen) (Groningen, Netherlands)
- RIKKE SKOU in 1954
- RINA (General cargo ship)
- RING FISHER (Inshore fishing boat)
- RINGDOVE (a cargo vessel of General Steam Navigation, London) (London)
- RIO ALTO (1957-1964 General cargo ship)
- RIO BARIMA ( 1959 - 1976 Ore Carrier 657 feet long of Transworld Carriers, Liberia) (Monrovia, Liberia)
- RIO CARONI (1957-1975 Ore carrier 658 feet long of Transworld Carriers Inc., Nassau) (Liberia)
- RIO HIJUELA (General cargo ship) (Spain)
- RIO ORINOCO (1957- Ore carrier 200m long of Transworld Carriers, Monrovia, Liberia / Managers Th. Klaveness, Oslo) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- RIONGES (1957-1976 General cargo ship 430 feet overall of Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk : 1976 scrapped at Castellon, Spain) (Murmansk (USSR = Russia))
- RIPON (1956 - 1972 Ore carrier 505 feet long for Bolton Steam Shipping Company) (Middlesbrough (England))
- RIVER AVOCA (1962- 1976 General cargo coaster 144 feet long of R V T Hall, Dublin) (Dublin, Ireland)
- RIVER CLYDE VEHICULAR FERRY (around 1928 of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- RIVER MURRUMBIDGEE (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- RIVER TAY (1920-1943 Steam fishing trawler 115 feet long GN36 of Paton Trawlers / Ardrossan Trawling Company) (1919-1925 Montrose (Scotland), 1925-1943 Granton (Scotland) )
- RIVER TWEED (1919- 1952 Steam fishing trawler 115 feet long GN43 of Paton Trawlers, Glasgow / Ardrossan Trawling Co., Glasgow) (Granton (Scotland, U.K.))
- RIVERCREST (in 1954 in Nigeria)
- RIVERTON (1961-1968 General cargo ship 476 feet overall of Somerston Shipping / Chapman & Willan : scrapped 1974) (U.K.)
- RIVERTON (in 1952)
- RIVKA (1964-1977 General cargo ship 276 feet overall of Zim Israel Lines, Haifa : scrapped 1985) (Haifa (Israel))
- RIX GULF (2019- General cargo ship IMO 9396701 : 92m overall of Rix Shipmanagement Sia - Riga, Latvia) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- RIX MUNTE (2018- General cargo ship IMO 9191254, MMSI 255806119 : 99.90m overall of Rix Shipmanagement Sia - Riga, Latvia) (Madeira (Portugal))
- ROBERT DUNDAS (1938-1974 Royal Fleet Auxiliary coastal store carrier 220 feet long: pennant no. A204) (Admiralty, London)
- ROBERT L HOLT (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Guinea Gulf Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped in Belgium) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ROBERT M (1977-1997 Coastal oil products tanker 85m overall of Metcalf Motor Coasters, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ROBERT MIDDLETON (1938 - 1974 Coastal store carrier 220 feet overall of Royal Fleet Auxiliary : pennant no A241 : Scrapped 1983) (Admiralty, London)
- ROCHESTER CASTLE (1937-1970 Cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ROCKABILL (1931-1962 General cargo coaster of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ROCKHAMPTON STAR (1958-1981 Refrigerated cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- ROCKVILLE (1957-1963 A 3-island general cargo coaster 148 feet long of John S.Monks and Co. Ltd; Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- RODOPI (General cargo ship of Hellenic Lines, Piraeus, Greece) (Piraeus (Greece))
- ROELOF HOLWERDA (1961-1968 General cargo coaster 49.41m 162 feet long of Scheepvaartkantoor Holwerda, Heerenveen, / Hendrik & Piet Holwerda, Heerenveen) (Heerenveen, Netherlands)
- ROHINI (1907- Steel stern wheel steamer 216 feet long of The India General Navigation and Railway Company Limited, Calcutta) (Calcutta, India)
- ROKIN (1952-1960 General cargo coaster 51m 165 feet long of N.V. Gebr. Scheuer, Amsterdam, Netherlands Owner: C.V. Scheepvaartonderneming 'Rokin', Amsterdam, Netherlands) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- ROMAN (1930-1958 Steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 66 feet long of Arran Shipping Company Ltd, Irvine / Kelso Family, Corrie, Isle of Arran : 1958 scrapped at Troon) (Irvine (Scotland))
- ROMANDIC (1965- )
- ROMANDIE (1965 - Bulk carrier 630 feet long of Helica S.A.,Geneva, Switzerland)
- ROMANIC (1954-1961 General cargo ship 451 feet long chartered by Shaw Savill & Albion, London from Bolton Steam Shipping Co. Ltd, London) (London (UK))
- ROMNEY (1952-1978 General cargo ship 472 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool :1978 Scrapped) (Liverpool (England))
- ROMO MAERSK in 1972
- RONAN (1938-1963 General cargo coaster 260 feet long of George Gibson & Co., Leith : Foundered in 1967) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- RONJA KVALOEY (2022- Fish carrier 76.86m overall of Arctic Group A/S : Operator: Stan Shipping Agency Ltd.) (Grimstad (Norway))
- RONSARD (1957 - 1980 cargo liner 473 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- ROONAGH HEAD ( 1952-1971 General cargo ship 455 feet long of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line, Belfast : 1971 Scrapped at Castellon, Spain) (Belfast)
- ROS CASTLE (1976-1981 Bulk Carrier of Sheaf Steam Shipping / Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- ROS CASTLE (1978-1981 Bulk carrier of Bamburgh Shipping Company / Ben Line, Edinburgh) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- ROSA MAERSK (Oil products tanker) (Fredericia (Denmark))
- ROSCOE (1955-1962 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ROSE OF LANCASTER (1957-1965 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Red Rose Nav. Co. Ltd Bermuda / John Holt & Co. / Guinea Gulf Line / Elder Dempster :1963 managed by Brocklebank : 1978 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ROSEBANK (1959-1976 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir & Co Ltd, London) (Glasgow (UK))
- ROSEBUD (1943-1948 Tanker 153 metres long of United States War Shipping Administration, Mobile, USA) (Mobile (Alabama, USA))
- ROSEBURN (Coaster 1947 of W N Lindsay Ltd., Leith: formerly ICI's THORIUM) (Leith)
- ROSEMARY EVERARD (coaster of F T Everard, London) (London)
- ROSI (2016- General cargo ship 89m overall of Grimpe Marine Consulting, Bruchhausen, Vilsen, Germany)) (Madeira (Portugal))
- ROSLIN CASTLE (1883-1904 Steamer of Donald Currie & Company / Castle Mail Packet Company / Union Castle Line, London (London (UK))
- ROSLIN CASTLE (1935-1967 Refrigerated cargo ship of Union Castle Line, London : Scrapped 1967) (London (England, UK))
- ROSS AQUILA (Deep sea trawler H114 of Ross Group, Grimsby) (Grimsby (England))
- ROSSETTI (1900-1929 Cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ROSSETTI (1956-1963 then 1967-1970 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ROSSETTI (1963-1964 General cargo ship 475 feet overall, 1963 chartered by Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool from Watts, Watts & Co, London renamed ROSSETTI, 1964 reverted owners as WOODFORD) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ROSSETTI (1964-1964 General cargo ship WEYBRIDGE 476 feet long chartered by Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (London (England, U.K.))
- ROTERSAND (General cargo ship)
- ROTHERWICK CASTLE (1959-1975 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 520 feet long of Union Castle Mail Steamship Co. Ltd., London : 1983 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (England, U.K.))
- ROTHESAY CASTLE (1960-1975 Refrigerated cargo ship 520 feet long of Union Castle Line, London) (London (UK))
- ROTSDAM (Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ROTTE (General cargo ship)
- ROTTERDAM (1908-1940 Passenger / cargo liner of Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappij / Holland America Line : 1940 scrapped in Holland) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ROTTERDAM (1959-1973 Passenger liner 228m 748ft long of Holland America Line) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ROTTUM (1959-1963 General cargo coaster 50.50m 160 feet long of Kamp's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., Groningen / Rederij Motorkustvaartuig 'Rottum', Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ROVER (1964- IMO 305194 : Motor 80-passenger tender 19.8m overall of Clyde Marine Services Ltd., Greenock) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- ROWALLAN CASTLE (1943-1971 Refrigerated and general cargo liner 475 feet long of Union Castle Line, London) (London)
- ROWANBANK (1947-1959 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir & Co / Bank Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- ROWANMORE (1960-1973 General cargo ship 467 feet overall of Johnston Warren Lines, Liverpool : 1979 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- ROWANOL (1947-1970 Coastal tanker and harbour oiler 231 feet long, pennant A284 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary) (Admiralty, London)
- ROXANE (1929-1954 Oil tanker of Cie. Auxiliaire de Navigation, France : Scrapped 1954) (France)
- ROXBURGH CASTLE (1944-1971 Cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ROY (General cargo ship) (Bergen (Norway))
- ROYAL SCOTSMAN (1936-1967 Passenger and cargo ship 339 feet long of Burns & Laird Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- ROYAL STAR (1946-1961 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- ROYAL ULSTERMAN (1936-1968 Passenger and cargo ship 339 feet long of Burns and Laird, Glasgow : 1973 Scrapped in Greece) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- ROYAL VIKING STAR (1972- Passenger ship 205.47 metres long of Norwegian Caribbean Lines A/S, Bergen, Norway)
- ROYSTON GRANGE (1959-1972 Refrigerated cargo ship of Houlder Line, London) (London (UK))
- RUAHINE (1951 - 1968 Passenger / cargo liner of New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- RUBATO (1955-1970 General cargo coaster 61 m long of Carebeka N.V., Groningen / Derk Schothorst Ezn. & Wietze Schuitema, Groningen : 1993 scrapped in Perama, Greece) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- RUBENS (1966-1973 General cargo ship chartered from Booth Line 436 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- RUBIKON 78 (2024- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO 9312078 : 144.05m overall of Manager: Harren Tankers Chartering Gmbh & Co Kg - Bremen, Germany : Owner: Rubikon Shipping Co Doo - Belgrade, Serbia) (Madeira (Portugal))
- RUBY (1953- General cargo coaster 34m long of N.V. Invoer- & Transportonderneming 'Invotra', Rotterdam, Netherlands Owner: Maarten de Vries, Zaandam, Netherlands) (Zaandam (Netherlands))
- RUDOLF KARSTENS ( 1956-1966 General cargo coaster 48.65 metres 160 feet long of Karstens & Pape, Stade) (Hamburg, Germany)
- RUHR (1949- General cargo ship 302 feet overall of Hugo Stinnes Reederei A.G. / Kohlen Import u Poseidon Schiff A.G., Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- RUHR ORE (1960-1976 Ore carrier 546 feet long of Ore Carriers of Liberia Inc. / Transatlantic Bulk Carriers Inc., Liberia) (Liberia)
- RUNA (General cargo ship of Glen & Co Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- RUNIC (1950-1961 Passenger / cargo ship of Shaw Savill & Albion, London : Wrecked in 1961) (Southampton (England, UK))
- RUNNER (2020- General cargo ship 82m long of Runner Sg. SA) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- RUNSWICK (1956 - 1972 cargo ship 476 feet overall of Headlam & Sons, Whitby (Whitby (North Yorkshire, England))
- RUSH (Oiler 181 feet ... in 1962)
- RUSKEN (Norway)
- RUSTENBURG CASTLE (1946-1971 Refrigerated / general cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- RUTENFJELL (1953-1965 General cargo ship of A/S Rudolf Olsen Ugelstad, Norway :1981 Scrapped) (Norway)
- RUTH LYKES (in 1957 General cargo freighter of Lykes Lines, USA)
- RUTHENIC (1966-1967 General cargo ship 469 feet long formerly Royal Mail Line's DURANGO :transferred in 1966 to Shaw Savill Line, London : 1967 scrapped Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- RUTLAND (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Currie Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- RUYSDAEL (1957 - 1968 general cargo ship 461 feet long of Bolton Shipping Company, London : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- RYNDAM (or RIJNDAM) (1951-1966 Passenger / cargo Liner 153m 503ft of Holland America Line "Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart-Maatschappij", Rotterdam : Sank 2003 on way to Breakers) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- S .A. ORANJE (1966-1975 Passenger / cargo liner : formerly PRETORIA CASTLE 1945-1966 : 747 feet overall of Safmarine = South African Marine Corporation : 1975 scrapped at Taiwan) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") (South Africa))
- S A EVERARD (Company tug of F T Everard Company, London) (London (UK))
- S A MERCHANT (1955-1977 Refrigerated cargo liner 470 feet long of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town) (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") )
- S A PIONEER (1966-1972 was formerly SOUTH AFRICAN PIONEER (1957-1966) General cargo ship 491 feet long of South African Marine Corporation, Kaapstad : 1972 scrapped)) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- S A TRANSPORTER (1966-1972 General cargo liner of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung (Taiwan)) (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") )
- S A VAN DER STEL (1966-1984 Cargo liner 542 feet long of South Africa Marine Corporation "Safmarine", Cape Town, South Africa (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- S A VANGUARD (1964-1969 General cargo ship formerly SOUTH AFRICAN VANGUARD and 139m 456 feet overall of South African Marine Corporation Ltd Cape Town : 1972 sank off Karachi) (Kaapstedt (South Africa) ..... Cape Town)
- S D KYLE OF LOCHALSH (2008- Tug of Serco Marine) (London (UK))
- S D RELIABLE (2009- Ship-handling and coastal tug of Serco Denholm Marine Services, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- S. A. DRAKENSTEIN (Cargo liner of South African Marine Corporation "Safmarine", Cape Town, South Africa (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") )
- S. A. ORANJE (1966-1975 Passenger 755 = 214 in first class and 541 in tourist class / cargo liner formerly PRETORIA CASTLE : overall length 747 ft (228 m) of Safmarine, Cape Town : 1975 scrapped) (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") )
- S. A. SEAFARER (1966-1966 - formerly CLAN SHAW - General cargo ship of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town, South Africa) (Kaap Stad (Afrikaans for Cape Town), South Africa)
- S. A. SHIPPER (1966 -1975 General cargo ship 466 feet overall of South African Marine, Corporation, Cape Town, South Africa : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (Kaapstedt (South Africa))
- S. A. STATESMAN (in 1968 General cargo ship 513 feet long of South Africa Marine Corporation, Cape Town) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- S. A. TRADER (1966-1972 General cargo ship 70 feet long of South African Marine Corporation : 1972 after explosion scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan)) (Kaap Stad (Afrikaans for Cape Town), South Africa)
- S. A. VICTORY (in 1968 General cargo ship of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town, South Africa) (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town" : Cape Town, South Africa))
- S.A.WATERBERG (1979- Container ship 258.50 metres long of South African Marine Corp. Ltd, (SAFMARINE) Cape Town, Kaapstad, South Africa) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- S19-1 (Stores launch of U.S. Navy) (United States Navy)
- SABAHAT SONAY (2007- General cargo ship 143m overall of Sonay Shipping, Istanbul, Turkey) (Panama)
- SAC BADALONA (1922- General cargo ship 331 feet overall of Transportes, Aduanas y Consignacionas Soc. Anon., Barcelona) (Barcelona (Spain))
- SAFINA E TARIQ (1951-1957 General cargo ship 331 feet long of Pan-Islamic Steamship Company, Karachi : 1957 scrapped at Karachi) (Karachi (Pakistan))
- SAGA SILVER (1967- Oil products tanker 557 feet long of Ola Schroder & Company, Oslo)) (Oslo (Norway))
- SAGACITY (1946 - 1972 General cargo bridge-amidships coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- SAGAMORE (1957- Ore carrier of Furness Withy, London) (London (England, UK))
- SAINT AIDAN (1962-1982 General cargo coaster 218 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT AIDAN (1920-1959 General cargo coaster 141 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAINT ANGUS (1936 -1965 General cargo coaster 151 feet long of J & A Gardner Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT BARCHAN (1919-1954 General cargo coaster 141 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAINT BEDAN (1937-1964 General cargo coaster 157 feet long owned by J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT BLANE (1955- 1971 general cargo coaster 199 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow : 1979 scrapped at Suez) (Glasgow)
- SAINT BRANDON (1960- General cargo coaster 196 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT BRIDGET (1953- a general cargo coaster 190 feet long of J & A Gardner Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT COLMAN (1963- General cargo coaster 205 feet long owned by J.& A. Gardner & Co., Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT COLUMBA (1936-1958 Mail and passenger steamer of David MacBrayne, Glasgow : Scrapped 1958) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAINT ENOCH (1918-1955 General cargo coaster 142 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAINT FERGUS (1964-1981 General cargo coaster 143 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SAINT KEARAN (1947-1957 General cargo coaster of J & A Gardner, Glasgow : Scrapped 1957) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAINT KENTIGERN (1938 - General cargo coaster 236 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT KILDA (1955-1961 General cargo coaster of J & A Gardner, Glasgow : 25.11.1961 Whilst on passage from Port Talbot with steel coils for Glasgow, capsized and sank 3.5 NM SW from Caldy Island) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SAINT MARY (1967- Oil products tanker 560 feet long of Saint Nicholas S A., Monrovia) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- SAINT MODAN (1960- 1979 General cargo coaster 166 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SAINT ORAN (1923-1954 General cargo coaster 122 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAINT RONAN (1966-1980 General cargo coaster 147 feet long of J & A Gardner, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SAINT RULE (1941- 1973 General cargo coaster 172 feet long of J & A Gardner Ltd., Glasgow : 1981 Wrecked at Cyprus) (Glasgow)
- SAINTES (Destroyer)
- SAIOE (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- SAKAIDE MARU (1982- Bulk carrier 257.82 metres long of Yamashita-Shinnihon Kisen, Tokyo, Japan)
- SALACIA (1937-1960 General cargo liner of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SALAGA (1947-1965 General cargo ship 408 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SALAMANCA (1948-1967 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- SALAVERRY (1946-1967 General cargo ship 466 feet overall of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SALDANHA (in service 1959-1966 Christian Salvesen & Company)
- SALERNO ( --- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- SALINA (in 1959 General cargo ship ex-tanker 523 feet long)
- SALINAS (1947 - 1968 General cargo liner 466 feet overall of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool : 1972 scrapped at Shanghai) (Liverpool)
- SALLING ( 1957 - General dry cargo coaster 220 feet long of Rederiet Seaway, Copenhagen) (Copenhagen (Denmark))
- SALMARA (1956-1977 Cargo Liner of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- SALMO (--- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- SALOME ( 1962 - 1966 Swedish general cargo coaster) (Styrso (Gothenburg, Sweden))
- SALSETTE (1956-1966 Cargo ship of P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- SALTERNS NYMPH (in 2024 Yacht in Firth of Clyde, Greenock)
- SALUTA (1936-1951 Whaling factory ship of South Georgia Company / C Salvesen & Co,, Leith : Scrapped in 1951) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- SALVAGE MONARCH (Tug in 1987)
- SALVEDA (Ocean going salvage tug of Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., of Faslane,, Firth of Clyde, Scotland)
- SALVINA (1963-1975 General cargo ship 485 feet long of Christian Salvesen, Leith ) (Leith)
- SALWEEN ( 1937-1962 Passenger and cargo liner 462 feet long of British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co, / Patrick "Paddy" Henderson's Line, Glasgow : 1962 scrapped at Hong Kong) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SALWEEN (1937-1952 General cargo ship of British & Burmese Steam Navigation / Patrick Henderson Company, Glasgow : 1952-1962 taken over by Elder Dempster & Co. : 1962 scrapped Hong Kong) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SAMARIA (1922-1956 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SAMARIA (1964-1969 General cargo liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SAMHORN (1944-1948 General cargo freighter managed by Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1948 returned to USA Administration) (Glasgow)
- SAMJOHN GOVERNOR (1972-1988 General cargo ship 147.2 mrtres long of Esperos Shipping Company / John Samonas, Piraeus, Greece) (Piraues, Greece)
- SAMJOHN PIONEER (1972- 1988 General cargo ship 146.95 metres long of Esperos Shipping Company / John Samonas Piraeus, Greece) (Piraues, Greece)
- SAMLAND (Canada Line, Canada) (Canada)
- SAMOSET (In 1957)
- SAN CASTO (1928-1960 Coastal oil products tanker 307 feet long of Eagle Oil Company, London : Scrapped 1960) (London (UK))
- SAN FLORO ( 1956-1971 General cargo coaster) (Santander (Spain))
- SAN PAULO (1964- General cargo coaster 243 feet long of Jose Manuel Pombo, El Ferrol, Spain) (El Ferrol (Spain))
- SAN SALVADOR (1969-1982 Oil products tanker of Dorset Shipping Co Ltd, Monrovia / Sebastian Tuillier, Lugano, Switzerland: 1982 Scrapped) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- SAN VELINO (1944-1962 Oil tanker of Eagle Tanker Company, London : 1962 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SANDA (1950-1963 General cargo coaster 219 feet overall of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow : 1972 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SANGARA (1939-1960 General cargo liner of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SANGEATANO (General cargo ship) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- SANGOLA (1947-1963 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1963 scrapped in Japan) (London (U.K.))
- SANGRO (-- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- SANGUITY ( 1956 - 1978 General cargo coaster 242 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- SANKO SAPPHIRE (1984- Bulk carrier 179.41 metres long of Sea Fan Transport Inc. / The Sanko Steamship Company (Sanko Kisen K.K.), Monrovia, Liberia
- SANSU (1939-1961 General cargo liner of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SANTA CRUZ (Cargo ship)
- SANTANDER (1946-1967 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SANTHIA (1950-1967 Passenger / cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- SANTONA (1959-1967 General cargo ship 297 feet long of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SANUKI MARU (1955-1974 General cargo ship of N.Y.K. (Nippon Yusen Kaisha), Tokyo, Japan) (Tokyo (Japan))
- SAPAROEA (1921-1955 Steam general cargo ship 420 feet long of N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'Nederland', Amsterdam, Netherlands : 1958 scrapped at Osaka, Japan) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- SAPELE PALM (1953-1966 built for subsidiary Olhandel und Transport GmbH, Hamburg (German flag), 1960 transferred to Palm Line (British flag), (Hamburg (Germany))
- SAPPEMEER (1951-1968 Dutch general cargo coaster 54.16 metres 180 feet long and speed 10.5 knots of Carebeka N.V. Groningen) (Groningen (Holland))
- SAPPHIRE (General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SAPPHIRE GLORY (1981- Bulk carrier 208.01 metres long of Lepta Shipping Company / Teh-Hu Cargocean Management Company, Panama) (Panama)
- SARAH - B (General cargo ship) (Elsfleth (Germany))
- SARAH BOWATER (1955-1968 General cargo ship / newsprint carrier 419 feet overall of Bowater Steamship Company / Furness Withy / Cayzer Irvine : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London)
- SARAH-B (General cargo ship (formerly KOBEPA) 81.44m overall x 11.58m breadth) (Elsfleth (Germany))
- SARDINIAN (1875-1917 Passenger and cargo vessel of Allan Line)
- SAREPTA (Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service torpedo testing and research vessel) (Admiralty, London)
- SARMIENTO (1943-1969 General cargo ship of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SARPEDON (1958-1962 General cargo ship 473 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SATURNIA (1910-1928 General cargo liner of Donaldson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAVANNAH (1962-1972 Nuclear powered cargo / 60-passenger ship 596 feet 181.66m overall of US Maritime Administration / States Marine Lines / American Export -Isbrandtsen Lines : 1981 - Museum ship) (Savannah (Georgia, USA))
- SAXON (1925-1965 General cargo lighter - "Clyde Puffer" - of Walter Kerr, Millport, Isle of Great Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde, Scotland) (Glasgow (UK))
- SAXON (in 1912 General cargo ship of MacLay and MacIntyre, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- SAXON STAR (1946 - 1961 General cargo ship 450 feet long of Blue Star Line / Lamport & Holt / Booth Line / Blue Star : 1968 grounded at Romania and became total loss) (London (UK))
- SAXONIA (1900-1925 Passenger liner 600 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- SAXONIA (1954- 1963 Passenger liner of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SAXONIA (1963-1970 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SCALDIS (in 1961 Tug at Antwerp, Belgium) (Antwerpen (= Antwerp, Belgium))
- SCHARNHORST (1904-1919 Passenger / cargo liner of Nord-deutscher Lloyd, Germany) (Germany)
- SCHELDE (1958-1976 Rescue tug 45m overall of L.Smit & Co's Internationale Sleepdienst Maatschappij, Rotterdam / Smit Int, Willemstad, Curacao) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- SCHIEHALLION (1961-1970 Deep-sea fishing trawler No. GN73 being 108 feet long of Grampian motor Trawlers/Carnie & Croan)) (Granton)
- SCHOKLAND (1952-1965 General cargo coaster 43.50m overall of Peter & Gerrit Dekker, Groningen) (Zwolle (Netherlands))
- SCHOLAR (1947-1964 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison Line of Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SCHOLAR (1969-1979 formerly Cunard Line's SAMARIA 1954-1969 General cargo ship of Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SCHUTTING (cargo ship of "Fissership", Germany) (Germany)
- SCINDIA (1900-1927 Passenger and cargo liner 401 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SCOT LEADER (2024- General cargo ship IMO 9963267 : 89.98m overall of Scotline, Romford, England) (Douglas (Isle of Man, UK))
- SCOT TRADER (2023-- General cargo ship IMO 9728784 : 89.98m overall of ScotLine, Romford, England) (Douglas (Isle of Man, UK))
- SCOTIA (In 2022 Pilot boat at Ayr, Scotland, Associated British Ports, Ayr, Scotland, UK) (Ayr (Scotland, UK))
- SCOTIA (1880- Clyde passenger steamer 211 feet long of Captain W. Buchanan)
- SCOTIA (1966-1970 General cargo ship 457 feet overall of Cunard Line, London) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SCOTIA (1971)
- SCOTTISH COAST (1957-1969 Passenger cargo ship 342 feet long of Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : 2002 scrapped at Mumbai, India)) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SCOTTISH EAGLE (1952-1957 Oil tanker 547 feet overall of Scottish Tanker Co (Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd), Glasgow / 1957-1962 Thompson Steam Shipping Co Ltd, Glasgow : 1969 scrapped Karachi) (London (England, U.K.))
- SCOTTISH HAWK (1954-1965 Oil products tanker 547 feet long of Scottish Tanker Company (Glasgow)
- SCOTTISH HEATHER (London (England, U.K.))
- SCOTTISH LION (1952-1962 Oil products tanker 547 feet long of Scottish Tanker Co Ltd (Cayzer, Irvine & Co Ltd), Glasgow ) (Glasgow (UK))
- SCOTTISH STAR (1950-1967 Refrigerated / general cargo ship 505 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London (UK))
- SCULPTOR (1949-1962 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SCYTHIA (1921-1958 Passenger liner of Cunard Steamship Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SCYTHIA (1964-1969 Refrigerated / General cargo ship IMO 6420927 : 457 feet long of North Western Line (Mersey) Ltd / Cunard Brocklebank Ltd., Liverpool : 1986 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SD 1710 U (1980- at least 2024 Sullage / oil separator barge 31m overall of Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service / Serco Denholm / Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD ANGELINE (2016- IMO: 9648544 Utility support vessel 25m overall of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD DEPENDABLE (2010- Shiphandling tug 29.14m overall of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD IMPETUS (1993- Tug IMO 9050802 : 32.53m overall length of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD IMPULSE (1993- Shiphandling Tug 32.53m overall of Serco Marine Services) (London (England, U.K.))
- SD KYLE OF LOCHALSH (in 2022 : tug of Serco Denholm, London) (London)
- SD MOORFOWL (2008- Moorhen class diving support vessel 106 feet overall of Serco Denholm Marine Services, London) (Devonport (England, UK))
- SD NORTHERN RIVER (1998- Offshore Supply Ship of Serco-Denholm, London) (London (UK))
- SD OILMAN (2009- IMO 9533452 : Dumb = non-propelled : unmanned tank barge 30.42metres of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD OMAGH (In 2024 Personnel Transfer Vessel of Serco Denholm / Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD ORONSAY (2000- IMO 9201607 Naval Auxiliary passenger ferry 27m long) (London (England, U.K.))
- SD ORONSAY (2008- Personnel transfer vessel 27m overall of Serco Denholm, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD RAASAY (2009- Supply Tender IMO 9533426 : 25.54m overall of Serco Marine Services, London) (London (England, UK))
- SD RELIABLE (2009- Tractor shiphandling tug 29.14m overall of Serco Marine Services, London, UK) (London (England, UK))
- SEA MELODY (2021- General cargo ship 89m overall of Gillie & Blair Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, England)) (Barbados)
- SEA RUBY (2020-2021 General cargo ship 78m long) (George Town)
- SEA SWALLOW (Yacht of the Royal Navy)
- SEADRAKE (in 1958 General cargo ship)
- SEAFARER (Fishing vessel)
- SEAFOX (1946-1958 Royal Fleet Auxiliary naval aviation stores carrier / Victualling Stores Issuing Ship pennant number A214) (Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Admiralty, London)
- SEALIGHT (1930-1963 Steam engined general cargo Clyde puffer lighter 86 feet long of Light Shipping Co. / Ross & Marshall Ltd : 1964 scrapped at Troon)) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- SEALNES (1985-1989 Bulk carrier)
- SEAMEW (1947-1966 General cargo ship 259 feet long of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- SEAMORE (1928-1945 Paddle Tug / tender 132 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SEAROCK1 (Barge) (Lysekil (Sweden))
- SEATTLE STAR (1954-1961 General cargo ship 456 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1961 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SEAWAY (1946 - 1969 Coastal and Harbour tug 114 feet long of Ardrossan Harbour Company, Ardrossan : 1969 Scrapped at Dalmuir, River Clyde) (Ardrossan)
- SEAWAY MELBOURNE (1983- RoRo cargo ship 135.79 metres long of Lulworth Company Ltd / Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand)
- SECOND (General cargo coaster) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- SECOND SNARK (Passenger motor ferry of William Denny Ltd., Dumbarton)
- SECURITY (1950-1964 General cargo coaster 242 feet long of F T Everard Company, London : Sunk 1964) (London (England, U.K.))
- SEKONDI (1947-1965 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SELBOURNE (General cargo coaster) (Poole (England))
- SELECTIVITY (a coaster of F T Everard, London) (London)
- SELECTOR (1945-1960 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SEMPER VIGILO (1937-1970 Police motor launch operated by City of Glasgow Police to patrol the River Clyde) (Glasgow)
- SENATOR (1947-1964 General cargo ship 442 feet long of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SENIORITY (1951-1971 A 3-island general cargo coaster 231 feet long of F T Everard, London : 1972 scrapped at Aviles, Spain) (London (England, UK))
- SEPIA (1936-1958 Oil products tanker of Anglo Saxon / Shell Tankers U.K.) (London (UK))
- SERB (In 1952 General cargo puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- SERBISTAN (1966-1973 General cargo liner 503 feet long of Frank C. Strick, London) (London (UK))
- SERENITY (F. T. Everard, London) (London (England, UK))
- SERIALITY ( 1952 - 1971 General cargo coaster 241 feet long of F T Everard Company, London) (London)
- SERRA ATASOY (2011- General cargo ship 90m long of Atasoy Group of Shipping, Istanbul) (Istanbul (Turkey))
- SETIABUDHI (Cargo ship) (Indonesia)
- SETTLER (1939-1959 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SEVEN SEAS SPLENDOR (2020- Passenger cruise liner 224m long 760 passengers of Regent Seven Seas Cruises) (Majuro (Marshall Islands))
- SEVERITY (1954-1975 General cargo 3-island type coaster 183 feet long of F.T. Everard, London) (London (UK))
- SEVERN SEA (2011- Multi-purpose vessel 30.14m overall of Keynvor Morlift Ltd., Appledore, Devon, England) (Bideford (Devon, U.K.))
- SEYMA (2013- Chemical / Oil products tanker 122m overall of Seyma Denizcilik Demir Celik) (Valletta (Malta) )
- SHAFTESBURY (1958-1972 General cargo ship of Alexander Steam Ship Co Ltd / Houlder Brothers, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- SHAHRISTAN (1945 - 1962 general cargo ship 448 feet long of Frank C Strick Line, London) (London)
- SHEAF FIELD ( 1959-1969 Ore carrier 462 feet long of Sheaf Shipping/ W A Souter, Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- SHEAF FIELD (1976-1979 managed by Ben Line, Edinburgh)
- SHEAF MOUNT in 1954
- SHEAF ROYAL (1972- 1978 Bulk carrier 199.919m 656 feet overall of The Sheaf Navigation Company Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne : 1999 scrapped at Alang, India) (Newcastle, England)
- SHEAF TYNE (1967-1978 Bulk carrier 709 feet overall of Sheaf Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. / W. A. Souter & Co. Ltd., Newcastle : 1996 scrapped) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- SHELBANK (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- SHELL DIRECTOR (1952-1966 Coastal oil tanker 201 feet overall of Shell Mex & B P, London : Scrapped 1966) (London (UK))
- SHELL DRILLER (1952-1966 Coastal oil products tanker 201 feet overall of Shell Mex & B.P. Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- SHELL ENGINEER (1977-1990 Coastal Oil Tanker 66m overall of Shell UK Coastal Shipping : 2010 total loss at Nigeria) (London)
- SHELL EXPLORER (1979-1993 Coastal Oil Tanker 79m overall of Shell Tankers U.K. Coastal Shipping, London) (London)
- SHELL FITTER (London (England, U.K.))
- SHELL MEX 5 (1921- Steam Harbour oiler 152 feet long of Eagle Oil & Shipping Co., London) (London (England, UK))
- SHELL SUPPLIER ( 1952-1967 Coastal oil products tanker 194 feet long of Shell Mex & BP, London) (London)
- SHENA GLEN (small shallow-water inshore fishing boat)
- SHENKURSK (General cargo ship 342 feet long of USSR Fleet) (USSR (Russia))
- SHEPPERTON FERRY (1935-1972 Train Ferry 360 feet long of British Railways Southern Railways : scrapped 1972) (U.K.)
- SHERBRO (1947-1965 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SHERIDAN (1947-1960 General cargo ship 339 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SHERWOOD (1968-1974 General cargo ship 414 feet long of William France, Fenwick & Co. Ltd.) (U.K.)
- SHETLAND (General cargo ship of Currie Line, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, U.K.))
- SHETLAND TRADER (2007- General cargo ship 75m overall of Manager: Faversham Ships Ltd - East Cowes, U.k. Owner: Faversham Ships Ltd - East Cowes, U.K.) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- SHIELDHALL ( 1955-1977 Sludge vessel 268 feet long of City of Glasgow/ Strathclyde Region) (Glasgow)
- SHILLONG (1948-1957 Cargo liner of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- SHIYOTOKO MARU (Japanese tug in 1975)
- SHOALWAY (2010- Hopper Dredger 90m overall of Owner: Boskalis Westminster Ltd Manager: Koninklijke Boskalis Westminster NV) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- SHONGA ( 1947 - 1965 General cargo liner 408 feet long of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- SHROPSHIRE (1926-1939 Passenger / cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool : Sunk 1941) (Liverpool (England))
- SHROPSHIRE (1959-1972 General cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SHUNA (1937 - 1963 Steam general cargo North-Sea coaster 274 feet long of Glen & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SIAM (1898-1912 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhavn / Copenhagen) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- SIARO (In 1957)
- SIBONGA (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- SICILIA (1965-1968 General cargo liner 472 feet overall of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SICILIAN (1948-1964 cargo liner 362 feet long in service with Ellerrman Papayanni Line : scrapped Shanghai 1971) (Liverpool)
- SIDDONS (1952-1955 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SIDERIS (In 1957)
- SIDONIA (1961-1967 General cargo liner 472 feet / 144 metres of Anchor Line / 1967-1968 Moor Line, Glasgow : 1985 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SIERRA DE ARANZAZU (General cargo ship) (Spain)
- SIFTER (Suction Hopper Dredger of William Cooper & Sons, Limited) (U.K.)
- SIGLI (1949-1968 General cargo ship of Koninlijke Paketvaart Mij N.V., Netherlands) (Netherlands)
- SILVER CHORD (Inshore fishing trawler)
- SILVER CREST (in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler LH 316) (Port Seton (Scotland, UK))
- SILVER QUEST (in 2018 Fishing trawler Registered AR 190 of S B Fish, Troon) (Ayr (Scotland, U.K.))
- SILVER QUEST 11 (Fishing boat registered number AR 190 ...... in 2018) (Ayr (Scotland))
- SILVER ROCK (in 1962 Inshore fishing boat)
- SILVERASH (in 1954 left Karachi for Bombay)
- SILVERCRAG (1958-1970 Ore carrier 504 feet long of Silver Line, London) (London (UK))
- SILVERFORCE (1957-1964 General cargo ship of Silver Line) (U.K.)
- SILVERLEAF (1963- General cargo ship of Silver Line, London) (London (UK))
- SILVERSAND (1958-1973 Bulk carrier / Ore carrier 503 feet overall of St Helens Shipping Co., London / Bishopsgate Shipping Co. Ltd., London : 1975 wrecked) (London (England, UK))
- SILVERTEAK (in 1954 left Durban for Australia)
- SILVIA (1954-1972 General cargo ship 13.5 knots of Herm. Dauelsberg GmbH & Co KG, Bremen W Germany (West Germany)
- SILVIO (-- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- SIMON VAN DER STEL (1953-1976 Destroyer 362 ft 9 in (110.6 m) of South African Navy : 1976 Scrapped) (South Africa)
- SIMONBURN (1965- 1972 Bulk carrier 630 feet long of Common Bros / Burnside Shipping, Newcastle) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- SIMSON 111 (Floating Crane in 1987 of Arcap Construction Ltd.)
- SINALOA (1959-1965 Banana carrier of Elders & Fyffes, London : Scrapped in 1965) (London (UK))
- SINE BOYE (General cargo coaster of Hermann C Boye & Co) (Marstal (Denmark))
- SINGAPORE (1951-1964 General cargo liner 525 feet overall of P.& O. Line, London : Scrapped in 1972) (London (England, U.K.))
- SINGULARITY (1952-1971 A 3-island General cargo coaster of F.T.Everard, London) (London)
- SINKIANG (New Guinea Australia Line)
- SIR ANDREW DUNCAN (1958-1967 Ore carrier 505 feet long of St Andrews Shipping / Denholm, Glasgow : 1967-1973 of British Steam Shipping, Greenock)) (Greenock (UK))
- SIR ARCHIBALD PAGE (General cargo ship / collier) (U.K.)
- SIR JAMES (1955- General cargo coaster 80 feet long of J Hay, Glasgow) (Cardiff (Wales))
- SIR JOHN MURRAY (2004- Coastal waters survey vessel 24m overall of Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Stirling, Scotland, UK) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- SIR MICHAEL (In 1874 Brigantine) (Irvine (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- SIR WILLIAM CAMPBELL (Royal Army Service Corp, London) (London (UK))
- SIR WILLIAM H RAEBURN (1928-1972 Clyde Navigation Trust's 120 feet long small grab dredger) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SIRDHANA (1925-1939 Passenger / cargo ship of British India Line, London : 1939 Sank at Singapore) (London (UK))
- SIRDHANA (1947-1972 Passenger / cargo ship of British India Steam Navigation Company, London : 1972 scrapped in Taiwan) (London (England, U.K.))
- SIREFJELL (General cargo ship in 1957)
- SIRIUS (Motor vessel) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- SIRIUS (in 2024 Motor cruiser, white colour, at Greenock, Scotland)
- SISTINA (1959-1966 General cargo ship 144.90m 474 feet long of Tschudi & Eitzen, Oslo : 1982 scrapped Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Oslo (Norway))
- SIXAOLA (In 1957)
- SKAGENBANK (2005- General cargo ship 90m long of Royal Wagenborg, Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- SKARPO (In 1953 General cargo ship) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- SKAUBO (General cargo ship)
- SKAUTRON (in 1961 Conventional general cargo ship left Hampton Roads for Glasgow)
- SKAUVANN (in 1955 Conventional general cargo ship 442 feet overall)
- SKITTER NESS (1964-1980 Trailing suction hopper dredger 230 feet long of British Transport Docks Board, Hull) (Hull (England))
- SKJELBRED (1952-1962 Oil products tanker of O A T Skjelbred, Norway : Scrapped 1979) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- SKODVIK (1962-1965 Coastal Oil tanker 256 feet long of A/S Lemkuhl, Oslo :1983 Broken up at Landskrona, Sweden) (Oslo (Norway))
- SKOTOSS (1965- General cargo ship 236 feet overall of Skips A/S Skotfoss / A/S Thor Thoresen Linje, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- SKUA (2010-- Pilot Boat Interceptor Class 48 : 14.5m overall and operational speed of 24 knots of Peel Ports and based in Clyde at Greenock, Scotland) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SKYCREST (1962-1968 General cargo ship 463 feet overall of Crest Shipping Co./ Ivanovic & Co Ltd, London : 1985 scrapped at Dalian, China)). (London (England, U.K.))
- SKYLIGHT (1936-1967 steam engined Clyde puffer lighter Crinan Canal type 66 feet long of Light Shipping Company / Ross & Marshall Ltd., Greenock) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- SLAV (1932-1964 Clyde puffer 65 feet long of J Hay & Sons, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- SLEVIK (General cargo ship of Karlander New Guinea Line)
- SLIEDRECHT (Hopper Barge) (Netherlands)
- SLIEVE BEARNAGH ( 1936 - 1972 cargo and cattle carrier 309 feet long of British Transport Commission/British Railways) (Lancaster (England))
- SLOMAN HEBE (2019-- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker : 145.20m overall : Manager Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts Ag - Bremen, Germany : Owner Mt Sloman Hebe Schifffahrts Gmbh & Co Kg - Bremen, Germany (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- SLOMAN HELIOS (2016- IMO 9466740 Chemical / Oil products tanker 145.15m long of SLOMAN HELIOS / Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft, Langenstrasse 44, 28195 Bremen, Germany) (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- SLOMAN HERA (2012- Chemical / Oil products tanker 145m overall of Maersk Tankers A/S) (Antigua and Barbuda)
- SLOMAN HERMES (2012- Chemical / Oil Products Tanker 145m overall of Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts Ag - Bremen, Germany) (St. John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- SLOMAN HESTIA (2017- Chemical / Oil products tanker 145m overall of Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts Ag - Bremen, Germany) (St John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- SLOTERGRACHT (2000- General cargo ship IMO 9197947 : 168.14m overall of Spliiethoff Bevrachtingskantoor, Amsterdam)ERDAM, NETHERLANDS) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- SMB SHACKLETON (SMB = Survey Motor Boat.... Survey motor boat 11m overall of Royal Navy, London, UK) (Admiralty, London (England, UK))
- SNAEFELL (1948-1978 Passenger vessel 345 feet (105 m) 21.5 knots of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company) (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- SNEATON (1947-1967 Tramp General cargo "Liberty type" ship 442 feet long of Headlam & Sons, Whitby : 1967 scrapped at Shanghai) (Whitby, England, U.K.))
- SOBO (1937-1963 General cargo ship 379 feet overall of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool : 1963 scrapped at Bruges, Belgium) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SOBRIETAS (in 1968 at Dunglass River Clyde, probably tanker)
- SOCOTRA (1946-1965 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London : Scrapped in 1965) (London (England, UK))
- SOL ( at Glasgow in 1961 526 feet long)
- SOLVIK (2022- Cement carrier IMO 9944089 : 89.97m overall and co-owned by CSL and SMT as part of the Eureka Shipping joint venture) (Limassol (Cyprus))
- SOMALI (1948-1969 General cargo ship 524 feet long of Peninsular. & Oriental Steam Nav Co,, London: sold 1969) (London (England, UK))
- SOMERS ISLE (1959-1971 General cargo ship 396 feet long of Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SOMERSBY (1954-1958 General cargo ship of Ropner Line, London : Scrapped 1977) (U.K.)
- SOMERSBYDYKE (1967-1979 General cargo ship of Klondyke Shipping Co., Hull : 1998 scrapped at Calcutta ) (Hull (England))
- SOMERSET (1962-1979 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 488 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation / P & O, London: 1984 scrapped at Chittagong) (London (UK))
- SOMERSETSHIRE (Built 1921, 1927 converted to permanent troopship, 1939-1946 Hospital ship, 1948 Australia emigrant ship, 1954 scrapped, of Bibby Line, Liverpool). (Liverpool (England))
- SOMME ( 1950 - 1967 General cargo coaster 161 feet long of Wm H Muller of Rotterdam) (London)
- SONJA (General cargo ship) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- SOPHIE (in 1954)
- SORRENTO (-- 1974 Conventional general cargo ship of Ellerman Lines)
- SOUDAN (1948-1970 Refrigerated and General cargo ship 502 feet long of P & O Line, London) (London)
- SOUND OF SCARBA (2001- Ro-ro ferry 49.95m overall of Western Ferries, Hunter's Quay) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SOUND OF SEIL (2013- roro ferry of Western Ferries, Hunters Quay, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SOUND OF SHUNA (2003- Roro ferry 49.95m of Western Ferries, Hunters Quay, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- SOUND OF SOAY (2013- Passenger and 54-vehicle ferry of Western Ferries, Hunter's Quay, Dunoon, Argyll) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SOUTH AFRICA STAR (1948 to 1967 General cargo ship 492 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1967 scrapped in Japan)) (London (England, U.K.))
- SOUTH AFRICAN MERCHANT (1955-1977 Refrigerated cargo ship 470 feet long of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN PIONEER (1957-1966 General cargo ship 490 feet overall of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN SCIENTIST (1961-1962 General cargo ship 503 feet overall of South African Marine Shipping Corporation, Cape Town : 1978 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN SCULPTOR (1961-1962 General cargo ship formerly CLAN STEWART of Clan Line) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN SEAFARER (ex CLAN SHAW : 1961-1966 General cargo ship 512 feet long of South African Marine Corporation "Safmarine", Kaapstad, : 1966 aground and wrecked off Cape Town)) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN SHIPPER (1961-1966 General cargo ship of Springbok Shipping Company / then South African Marine Corporation : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN STATESMAN (General cargo ship 513 feet long) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN TRADER (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN TRANSPORTER (1958-1972 General cargo ship 470 feet long of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town : 1972 Scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN VANGUARD (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN VENTURE (1961-1966 General cargo liner of South African Marine Company, Cape Town : 1972 scrapped Taiwan) (Kaapstad (Pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- SOUTH AFRICAN VICTORY (1961-1966 General cargo ship of South African Marine Corporation, Kaapstad) (Kaapstad (Pronounced kapstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town") )
- SOUTH STEYNE (1938-1974 Passenger ferry 57m 220 feet overall of Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Co,)) (Sydney (Australia))
- SOUTHBANK (1948-1964 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir's Bank Line, London) (Glasgow (UK))
- SOUTHERN CLIPPER (1958-1963 Oil products tanker of Rederi A/B Clipper Einar Hansen, Malmö (Malmo (Sweden))
- SOUTHERN CROSS (1955-1973 Passenger liner of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- SOUTHLAND (1948-1961 General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York) (Savannah (USA))
- SOUTHPORT (1944-1958 General cargo ship 460 feet long of United States Lines, New York) (U.S.A.)
- SOUTHPORT (In 1955 General cargo coaster)
- SOUTHSTAR (1958-1961 General cargo ship of United States Lines, New York : 1971 scrapped) (New York (U.S.A.))
- SOVEREIGN (Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton, Scotland)
- SPALAKE (1946-1977 Coastal water carrier Pennant A260 and 172 ft (52 m) of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : 1977 scrapped at Dalmuir) (Admiralty, London, U.K.)
- SPANACO SIMPLICITY (2016- General cargo ship 90m overall of Manager: Hermann Lohmann Bereederungen Gmbh - Haren Ems, Germany / Owner: Spanaco Three Ltd - Valletta, Malta) (St. John's (Antigua and Barbuda))
- SPANIEL (1955-1973 Coaster handling containers, trailers and flats, 224 feet long of Link Line/ Coast Line : 1981 Scrapped at Aviles, Spain) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SPARTA (1940- General cargo coaster 41 meters long owned by Klaas Rense Pronk, Groningen and managed by Carebeka N.V., Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- SPARTA (General cargo ship of Glen Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- SPARTAN (1946-1961 steam Clyde "puffer" / Re-engined 1961-1980 as motor coaster of J & J Hay Ltd / Glenlight Shipping Company : 1980- Static exhibit at Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine) (Glasgow)
- SPEAKER (1948-1962 General cargo ship 442 feet long of Charente / T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SPECIALIST (1947-1964 Cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SPEEDWELL (in 1962 Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland, UK))
- SPEEDWELL 11 (Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- SPENSER (1950-1955 General cargo ship 430 feet long of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool : 1962 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SPES BONA (inshore fishing trawler) (Ballantrae (Scotland, U.K.))
- SPES BONA V (In 2017 Fishing boat registered number BA107) (Ballantrae (Scotland, U.K.))
- SPES MAJOR (1961-1972 General cargo coaster 51.47 metres long of Bergsma & Leinenga, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl.((Holland))
- SPEYK (2007- General cargo ship 90m overall of Royal Wagenborg, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- SPICA (1953-1973 General cargo coaster 53 metres 175 feet long 9.5 knots of Jacob Hoving / Wijnne & Barends) (Groningen, Holland)
- SPIDOLA ( 1958 - 1970 General cargo ship 382 feet long of Cia. P. Dannebergs Ltda., Puerto Limon : Scrapped 1970) (Nicaragua)
- SPIGERBORG (1949-1965 General cargo ship 334 feet long of A/S D/S Dannebrog (C. K. Hansen), Copenhagen) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- SPINANGER (1958-1970 Oil products tanker 560 feet long of Westfal-Larsen & Company, Bergen : 1983 Scrapped in Castellon, Spain) (Bergen, Norway)
- SPINEL (1937 - 1940 then 1946 - 1970 a 185 feet long general cargo coaster owned by William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow ) (Glasgow)
- SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE (2021- Cruise ship 236m 776 feet of Saga Cruises, Folkestone, England) (London (U.K.))
- SPIRIT OF FORTITUDE (1997- a tri-deck luxury superyacht 33m overall of Royal Scottish Shipping Line Cruises) (Valletta (Malta) )
- SPIRIT OF TASMANIA 1V (in 2024 Passenger Ferry 212m 695 feet of TT-Line, Australia) (Australia)
- SPITZBERGEN (2015- Passenger Cruise liner 101m overall of Hurtigruten Expeditions ASA) (Norway)
- SPOLANDA (1962-1965 General cargo coaster 61.54m 202 feet overall of Da Don & Van der Heide, Rotterdam / Paula Louise Smith-Wolf, Wassenaar, Netherlands : 1965 Sank after collision (s'Gravenhage (The Hague, Netherlands()
- SPOLESTO (1958-1971 General cargo coaster 202 feet long (61.54 metres) of Spoorhout, Wassenaar / Dammers & Van Der Helde, Holland). (Rotterdam, Holland)
- SPOORSINGEL (Dutch general cargo coaster of P. A. Van Es & Co., Rotterdam) (Rotterdam)
- SPORA in 1954
- SPRAYNES (1984- Bulk carrier 170.39 metres long of M.T.B.C. Leasing Company, Tokyo, Japan) (Japan)
- SPRAYVILLE (1931-1958 General cargo steam 3-island type coaster of John Monks, Liverpool : 1958 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- SPREE (General cargo coaster of Scheper's Rhein-See Linie, Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- SPRIGHTLY ( 1959 - 1969 general cargo ship of Granta Steam Shipping Company, Newcastle_ (Newcastle)
- SPRINGBACK (In 1874 Brigantine) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- SPRINGBANK (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir's Bank Line, London) (London)
- SPRINGBANK (General cargo ship of Bank Line, London)
- SPRINGWATER (1953- Oil tanker 167.4 m long) (Panama)
- SPRUCEBRANCH (Oil tanker) (Canada)
- ST ARVANS (1947-1963 General cargo ship of South American Saint Line, Cardiff) (Cardiff (Wales))
- ST CLAIR (1960-1977 Passenger / cargo ferry 296 feet long of North of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland Steam Nanigation Company, Aberdeen) (Aberdeen, Scotland)
- ST CLAIR (1960- 1975 Passenger / vehicles = loaded by crane / cargo ferry 296 feet long of North of Scotland Orkney & Shetland Shipping Co. / P & O : 1987 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Aberdeen (Scotland, UK))
- St CROIX (1947-1951 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhaven / Copenhagen, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ST ESSYLT (1948-1965 General cargo ship of South American Saint Line, London) (London (UK))
- ST JAN (1947-1951 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhavn, Denmark : formerly 1943-1947 RALPH BARNES of U.S. Government) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ST LOUIS (Fishing trawler)
- ST MARGARET (1967- Ore carrier (formerly JOYA McCANCE) of South American Saint Line)) (UK)
- ST MUNGO (1959-1975 Fireboat 68 feet long of City of Glasgow Fire Brigade)) (Glasgow)
- ST MUNGO (2019- Pollution Prevention vessel of City of Glasgow Council, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ST NINIAN (inshore fishing boat) (Port Seton)
- ST SEIRIOL (1931-1962 Passenger vessel 270 feet long of Liverpool & North Wales Steamship Company, Liverpool: 1940-1946 Troopship / ferry) (Liverpool)
- St THOMAS (1947-1951 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhaven / Copenhagen, Denmark) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ST THOMAS (1947-1951 General cargo ship of East Asiatic Company, Kobenhavn, Denmark : 1944-1947 was CHARLES J. FINGER of U.S. Government) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ST THOMAS (1948-1965 General cargo ship of South American Saint Line, Cardiff) (Cardiff (Wales, U.K.))
- STABILITY (General cargo coaster of F. T. Everard Company, London) (London)
- STAD ZWOLLE (1962- ? General cargo / bulk carrier 535 feet long of Halcyon Line, Netherlands : scrapped 1995) (Netherlands)
- STADION (1975- Bulk carrier 182.15 metres long of Ventura Maritima S.A. / Fomentos Armadora S. A., Piraeus, Greece (Piraeus, Greece)
- STADT RENDSBURG (1961-1969 General cargo coaster 51.73m overall of Johann Pieper, Rendsburg.)) (Rendsburg (Germany))
- STAFFORDSHIRE ( in 1965 General cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- STAFFORDSHIRE (1929-1940 Passenger / cargo ship of Bibby Bros. & Co., Liverpool : 1940-1949 Troopship : 1949-1959 returned to owners for commercial service : 1959 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- STAFFORDSHIRE (1949-1959 Passenger / cargo liner of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- STALEY BRIDGE (1940- 1967 General cargo coaster 138 feet overall of John Summers Steelworks, England) (Chester (England, UK))
- STANVAC CAPE TOWN (in 1954 Oil Tanker at Persian Gulf and Bombay)
- STANVAC JAPAN (1953-1959 Oil tanker 631 feet 191.4m overall of Standard Vacuum Transportation Co. Ltd., London : 1960 converted to bulk carrier : 1975 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (London (UK))
- STANVAC PALEMBANG (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- STAR (1965- General cargo coaster 158 feet overall of I/S Jensen & Villadsen / A E Sorensen, Svendborg) (Svendborg (Denmark))
- STAR ACTURUS (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- STAR BETELGUESE (General cargo ship ... in 1953)
- STAR HARMONY (2011- IMO 9284520 : Bulk Carrier 189m 620 feet overall of Dekoil - Athens, Greece)) (Panama (= Panama City, Panama))
- STAR OF FAITH ( in 1962 LH77 Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- STARFINCH (1950-1952 Steam cargo lighter (Clyde puffer) of J. Hay & Sons Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- STARLIGHT (1937 - 1967 Clyde puffer lighter Crinan Canal type 66 feet long of Light Shipping Co. / Ross & Marshall Ltd., Greenock : 1967 scrapped at Bowling)) (Greenock)
- STATE OF MADRAS (in 1955 at Madras, India and Malacca Straits) (India)
- STATE OF MAHARASHTRA (general cargo ship of Shipping Corporation of India) (India)
- STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (General cargo ship of Shipping Corporation of India)
- STATESMAN (1948-1962 General cargo ship 442 feet long of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- STATESMAN (1964-1977 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- STECKLEHORN (1953-1967 General cargo ship 349 feet long of H M Gehrckens, Hamburg : foundered 1973) (Hamburg (West Germany))
- STEEL AGE (in 1955 Conventional general cargo ship / freighter)
- STEEL ARCHITECT (1947-1971 Freighter492 feet long of Isthmian Steamship Lines, New York : 1971 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL ARTISAN (1946-1973 Freighter 492 feet long of Isthmian Steamship Lines, New York, USA : 1973 Scrapped Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL DESIGNER (1947-1973 Freighter492 feet long of Isthmian Steamship Lines, New York : 1973 scrapped at Suao, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL FLYER in 1954
- STEEL RECORDER (General cargo ship ... in 1953) (New York (USA))
- STEEL SEAFARER (1947-1973 Freighter492 feet long of Isthmian Steamship Lines, New York : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL TRAVELER (1947-1973 Freighter492 feet long of Isthmian Steamship Lines, New York : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL VOYAGER (1947-1973 Freighter 492 feet long of Ismithian Steamship Lines, New York : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- STEEL WORKER (in 1957)
- STEIN (General cargo coaster 187 feet long)
- STEINRAVN (1959-1970 General cargo coaster of Norwegian owners) (Bergen (Norway))
- STELLA MARY (1954-1961 General cargo ship of J.G. Peckston, Stockton, England : (Stockton (England))
- STELLA LYKES in 1972
- STELLA MARY (General cargo ship)
- STELLAN (1964- 1989 General cargo coaster 185 feet overall) (Skarhamn (Sweden))
- STEN TRITON ( 2022--- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9322695 : 144.18m overall of Manager: Rederiet Stenersen As, Bergen, Norway : Owner: Eternal Nyborg Limited, Copenhagen, Denmark) (Madeira (Portugal))
- STENA NORDICA (1965 - Passenger and vehicle ferry of Stena Line)
- STENTOR (1946-1958 and 1963-1975 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1975 scrapped) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- STENTOR (1946-1958 General cargo ship 498 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- STENTOR (1958-1981 Seagoing salvage tug 98 feet long of Bureau Wijsmuller, Ijmuiden, Netherlands) (Ijmuiden Netherlands)
- STEPHANIE (General cargo coaster 164 feet long),
- STEPHANO (in 1967 600 feet overall)
- STERN (1958-1976 General cargo coaster 57m long of Jan Damhof Jr., Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl, Netherlands)
- STETTIN (In 1927 cargo ship of Currie Line)
- STI JERMYN (2016- Crude Oil Tanker IMO 9722596, MMSI 538006357 : 255.90m overall of Sti Jermyn Shipping Co Ltd - Monaco Ville, Monaco)) (Majuro (Marshall Islands, an island country in the northwestern Pacific Ocean))
- STIRLING CASTLE (1936-1966 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Mail Steamship Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- STIRLINGSHIRE (1946 - 1966 general dry-cargo vessel 448 feet long of Scottish Shire Line / Houston Line : 1966 scrapped at Bruges, Belgium) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- STOKE CITY (Trawler) (Grimsby (England))
- STORDALE (In 1948 Tanker)
- STORM DRIFT (in 1962 Inshore fishing boat) (Dunure (South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK))
- STORMLIGHT (1957-1973 General cargo steam / then diesel coaster 88 feet long of Light Shipping Company Ltd. / Ross & Marshall Ltd, Greenock : 15 December 1973 wrecked at Craighouse, Jura)) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- STORMLIGHT (Clyde puffer of Ross & Marshall, Greenock) (Greenock)
- STORNOWAY LIFEBOAT, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis (Western Isles of Scotland) (Poole (England))
- STRAAT BALI (1953- General cargo ship 518 feet overall of Koninklijke Java-China Paketv Linen N.V., Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherland))
- STRAAT BANKA (1952- General cargo ship 472 feet long of Koninklijke Java-China Paketv Linen N.V., Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherland))
- STRAAT COLOMBO (in 1966)
- STRAAT MAKASSAR (in 1954 at Malaya and Japan)
- STRAAT MALAKKA (1948-1967 General cargo ship 476 feet overall of Koninklijke Java China Paketvaart Lijnen : Scrapped 1973) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- STRATEGIST (1937-1957 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- STRATHAIRD (1932-1967 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- STRATHALLAN ( 1960 - 1972 Deep-sea fishing trawler A767 of Ailsa Craig Fishing, Aberdeen) (Granton)
- STRATHCONAN (1967-1979 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- STRATHEDEN (1937-1964 Passenger / cargo liner of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- STRATHERRICK (GN74 Deep-sea Trawler) (Granton)
- STRATHMORE (1935-1963 Passenger Liner of P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- STRATHNAVER (1931-1962 Passenger liner of P & O Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- STREAM FISHER (1946-1969 General cargo coaster 185 feet overall of James Fisher, Barrow-in-Furness : 1977 scrapped at Lisbon, Portugal)) (Barrow (England, U.K.))
- STRONGBOW (1927-1960 Steam tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie Ltd., Glasgow : Scrapped in 1964) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- STRONGBOW (1961-1976 Coastal and Harbour tug 110 feet long of Steel & Bennie / R & J H Rea / Cory Ship Towage, Greenock : 2005 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- STUDENT (1947-1963 General cargo liner of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- STYLEHURST (1952- General cargo ship 465 feet long of Grenehurst Shipping Company Limited, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- SUAPURE (Pusher vessel in 1987)
- SUAVITY (1946 - 1970 General cargo bridge-amidships coaster 211 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- SUBMARINE (in Clyde 29 August 2023)
- SUCCESSOR (1948-1963 General cargo ship of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SUDAN (1953-1974 then 1975 General cargo ship of AB Svenska Ostasiatiska Kompaniet Gøteborg Sweden : 1979 scrapped Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- SUDBURY HILL (1950-1967 General cargo ship of Couniies Ship Management, London : 1967 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- SUE LYKES (1945 - 1972 general cargo ship 460 feet long of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, USA : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Tampa, Florida, USA)
- SUEVIC (1950-1974 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 561 feet long of Shaw Savill Line, London : 1974 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- SUEZ MARU (General cargo ship of O.S.K. Line (Osaka Shosen Kaisha) Japan) (Japan)
- SUFFOLK (1939-1968 Refrigerated cargo liner 551 feet long of Federal Steam Navigation, London : 1968 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SUGAR IMPORTER (1955-1962 General cargo ship / Bulk carrier 354 feet long of Silvertown Services Shipping Ltd., London : 1980 Scrapped at Inverkeithing, Scotland) (London (UK))
- SUHAIL (1906- Steel stern wheel steamer 216 feet long of The India General Navigation and Railway Company Limited, Calcutta) (Calcutta, India)
- SULAIRIA (1929-1940 General cargo ship of Donaldson Line, Glasgow : 1940 torpedoed and sunk off Ireland) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- SULIMA (1948-1965 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SUMMERSIDE (1961- Deep-sea fishing trawler 106 feet long of William Liston Ltd, Leith) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- SUMMERVALE (1960-1972 Deep-sea fishing trawler pennant LH 373 Length 106 feet of William Liston Ltd, Newhaven Edinburgh) (Leith)
- SUMNER ISLE (Fishing Trawler LH 69) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- SUN VIKING (1972- Passenger liner of Royal Caribbean Cruise Line)
- SUNADELE (1953-1966 General cargo ship 16 knots of Reederei "Zürich" A.G., Basel, Switzerland) (Probably Switzerland)
- SUNAMELIA (1953-1968 General cargo ship 386 feet long of Zurich Shipping Company, Basel, but chartered to Saguenay Terminals, Canada) (Basel (Switzerland))
- SUNBEAM ( 1954 - 1971 General cargo ship 412 feet long time-chartered to Saguenay Terminals Company, Canada)
- SUNBEAR (General cargo ship chartered to Saguenay Terminals Company)
- SUNCLIFF (1958-1964 General cargo ship of A/S Helgöy , A/S Ritefart , A/S Odderö, Norway, on charter to Saguenay Terminals (Kristiansand. (Norway))
- SUNDA (1952-1968 Refrigerated / general cargo liner 523 feet long of P & O Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- SUNDALE in 1954
- SUNDALE (1964- General cargo ship 419 feet overall of A/S I.M.A., Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- SUNDBJERG ( 1956 - General cargo coaster length 149 feet of C Marquardt, Denmark ) (Egernsund, Denmark)
- SUNDOVE (1964 - 1969 Chartered to Saguenay Terminals, Canada) (Norway)
- SUNFALCON (1963-1968 General cargo ship of A/S Oderø , A/S HELGØ , A/S Norsk Rutefart & A/S Kinn ( A.I.Langfeldt & Co Kristiansand as manager ) Kristiansand Norway) (Kristiansand Norway.)
- SUNGLEAM (General cargo ship)
- SUNHILL (1955- General cargo ship of Lundegaard and Sonner, Farsund, Norway) (Farsund (Norway))
- SUNIMA (1958-1965 General cargo ship 108.2 metres long 14.5 knots Chartered to Saguenay Shipping Company) (Norway)
- SUNINGER (1956- General cargo ship 457 feet long of O.S. Oddero, A/S Helgoy, A/S Norsk Rutefart & A/S Kinn / A.I. Langfeldt & Co) (Kristiansand (Norway))
- SUNK LIGHTVESSEL (Lightvessel of Trinity House, London) (London (England, UK))
- SUNLAND (1954-1966 Cargo ship owned by A. I. Langfeldt of Kristiansand, Norway, and on long-term charter from 1954-1966 to the Saguenay Terminals Company.) (Kristiansand. (Norway))
- SUNMAR (1959-1969 General cargo ship 341 feet overall on long term charter to Saguenay Terminals, Canada: 1983 scrapped at Kilindini (Italy)
- SUNMONT (General cargo ship of Saguenay Line, Montreal, Canada)
- SUNNY GIRL (In 1958 General cargo ship of A/S Sunship, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- SUNOAK (1956-1961 General cargo ship 467 feet overall for Skips-A/S Hassel , Bergen. Norway : 1984 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Bergen (Norway))
- SUNPOLYNA (1956-1970 General cargo ship chartered to Saguenay Line, Canada)) (Kristiansand, Norway)
- SUNRANA (in 1965 General cargo ship)
- SUNRELL (1964 - 1968 cargo liner on long term charter to Saguenay Terminals, Canada) (Haugesund (Norway))
- SUNROSE ( 1954 - 1962 General cargo ship 412 feet long of Wilhelmsen, Norway) (Norway)
- SUNSEAHORSE (1963-1972 General cargo ship on charter to Canada's "Saguenay Line") (Oslo (Norway))
- SUNSHINE ( in 1964 an Inshore fishing boat CN76 at Ardrossan Harbour, Scotland))
- SUNVALLEY (1964-1969 General cargo ship of Ships A/S Corona ( H.M Wrangel Rederi A/S Haugesund, Norway and chartered to Saguenay Shipping, Montreal : 1978 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Haugesund (Norway))
- SUNVARD (1957-1966 General cargo ship 148,25m 487 feet long of Klosters Rederi A/S, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- SUPERIOR (Tug of Great Lakes Towing Company)
- SUPERIORITY ( 1947 - 1969 General cargo coaster 283 feet long of F T Everard, London) (London)
- SUPREMITY (1944-1964 General cargo coaster 284 feet 86m overall of F. T. Everard, London) (London (U.K.))
- SURAT (1948-1968 General cargo ship of P & O Line, London) (London)
- SURF PATROL (1951-1969 Surf class freighting tanker 469 feet long Pennant A357 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) (London (UK))
- SURREY (1952-1969 Refrigerated cargo liner of Federal Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- SUSAN CONSTANT (1958-1973 General cargo ship 352 feet 107m of Constants Ltd, Roger B. Constant, Cardiff : 1989 scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SUSANNE SKOU (Ove Skou, Copenhagen, Denmark) (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- SUSSEX (1949-1976 General cargo ship 561 feet overall of Federal Steam Navigation / P & O, London :1976 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SUSTAIN (in 1962 at Ardrossan Harbour, Scotland) (Leith (Scotland, UK))
- SUTHERLAND (In 1927 cargo ship of Currie Line)
- SVANEFJELL (1962-1969 General cargo ship 360 feet long of Olsen & Ugelstad, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- SVANESUND (1948-1963 General cargo ship 56.56m 284 feet long of Rederi Ab Svea, Stockholm : 1980 Scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- SVITZER HAWK (2008- Tug 31m overall of Svitzer Towage) (Bristol (England, UK))
- SVITZER MILFORD (2004- Shiphandling tug IMO 9292876 of Svitzer Marine, Middlesbrough, UK) (Milford Haven (Wales, UK))
- SVITZER WARDEN (2007- Tug 24m long of Svitzer Towage) (U.K.)
- SWALLOW (1953-1960 General cargo coaster 173 feet 50.37m overall of Bodewes' Scheepswerven N.V., Hoogezand, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- SWALLOW (1961-1967 General cargo ship 280 feet overall of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London (UK))
- SWAN RIVER (1959-1971 General cargo ship 487 feet overall of British Empire Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. & Empire Transport Co. Ltd. - Houlder Brothers, Newport : 1983 scrapped at Bombay, India) (Newport (Wales, UK))
- SWBC 2 (Shallow Water Boom Craft of Admiralty, London) (Admiralty, London)
- SWEDRU (1948-1965 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- SWIFTPOOL (1954-1964 General cargo ship 485 feet overall of Sir Robert Ropner, England ; 1975 scrapped) (Hartlepool (England, UK))
- SYCAMORE HILL (1950-1966 General cargo ship of Couniies Ship Management, London : 1966 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- SYDNEY STAR (1936-1967 General cargo ship 542 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1967 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- SYLVAFIELD (1953-1965 Oil products tanker 547 feet overall of Northern Petroleum Tank S.S. Co. Ltd. - Hunting & Son, Newcastle : 1971 scrapped at Bilbao, Spain) (Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England, UK))
- SYLVANIA (1957-1968 Passenger liner 608 feet long of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- SYLVIA (1958-1968 General cargo coaster 56.93m overall of Harm Roossien, Appingedam, Groningen, Netherlands) (Appingedam, Groningen (Netherlands))
- SYLVIA 11 (1965- Motor general cargo coaster 199 feet long of Sunflower Transport & Trading Company / M Havinga's Scheepv. & Handelmaats N.V., Curacao) (Curacao (Netherlansa Antilles))
- SZCZECIN (1954- General cargo ship 338 feet long of Polish Steamship Company, Szczecin)) (Szczecin (Poland))
- T.P.TILLING (General cargo coaster) (Liverpool (England))
- TAAGBORG (2013- General cargo ship 172m overall of Royal Wagenborg, Delfzijl, The Netherlands) (Delfzijl (The Netherlands))
- TAARNBORG (1945- Steam general cargo ship 312 feet long of A/S D/S Dannebrog / C K Hansen, Copenhagen) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- TABARISTAN (1947-1968 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 476 feet long of Strick Line / F C Strick, London) (London (England, UK))
- TABARISTAN (1969- 1974 General cargo ship of F. C. Strick, London : 1974 transferred to P & O Line and renamed STRATHARLICK) (London (U.K.))
- TABOR (1952-1971 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 385 feet long of Moss Hutchison Line, Liverpool then 1971-1975 of P & O General Cargo Division) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TACOMA STAR (1949-1957 Steam refrigerated / general cargo ship 446 feet long of Blue Star Line, London : 1961 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- TACTICIAN ( 1961-1979 General cargo / heavy lift liner 488 feet overall of T. & J. Harrison Line, Liverpool : 1987 scrapped in Peru) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- TADOUSSAC (Canada Steamship Lines, Montreal) (Canada)
- TAGUS (-- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TAGUS (1970-1974 Container ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TAHSINIA (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TAIGETE (Tanker) (Italy)
- TAIPING YANG (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- TAIPOOSHAN (1968-1975 Passenger / cargo liner (formerly Elder Dempster's APAPA) of Shun Cheong Steam Navigation Company (S) Pte. Ltd., Hong Kong ): scrapped Kaohsiung 1975) (Hong Kong)
- TAKESHIMA MARU (General cargo freighter of Iino Kaiun Kaisha Ltd.) (Japan)
- TAKORADI PALM (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Palm Line, London) (London (UK))
- TALISKER (1963-1970 General cargo coaster of William Sloan, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TALISMAN (1935-1967 Passenger paddle steamer of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow)
- TALTHYBIUS (1960-1971 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1972 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Liverpool)
- TALTHYBIUS (in 1952 from Glasgow to Penang)
- TALUNE (General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd (New Zealand)
- TAMARA (in 1957 3834 tons ??? )
- TAMEGA ( --- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TAMELE (1944-1967 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- TAMERLANE (1936- General cargo ship / 12 passengers, 479 feet long, of Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Tønsberg, Norway) (Tønsberg, Norway)
- TAMMY (Yacht .... in 1962)
- TAMSALU (1961- General cargo ship 245 feet 74.5m long of USSR (Russia)) (U.S.S.R (Russia))
- TANGISTAN (1950-1972 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick & Co. Ltd., London : 1972 Scrapped) (London (UK))
- TANTALLON CASTLE (1954-1971 General cargo ship 495 feet overall of Union Castle Line, London) (London)
- TANTALUS (1947-1958 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt / Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TANTALUS (1960 - 1969 General cargo ship 455 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TAR HEEL MARINER (in 1957)
- TARANAKI (1928-1964 Refrigerated cargo ship 500 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London : Scrapped in 1964) (London (UK))
- TARANSAY (1949-1950s General cargo coaster 102 feet long of Wimasia Shipping Co. / Metcalf Motor Coasters) (Glasgow)
- TARANSAY (In 1948)
- TARANTIA (1916-1937 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- TARANTIA (1942-1948 General cargo ship 444 feet long of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1948-1959 Chartered to Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TARANTIA (1948-1959 General cargo ship 444 feet long of Anchor Line. Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TARKWA (1944-1967 General cargo ship of Elder Dempster Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- TARZAN (1956-1967 General cargo coaster 131 feet (40.10 metres) long)
- TASCO (1949-1967 General cargo ship 130.49m 428 feet overall of Wilhelm Wilhelmsen, Tonsberg : 1977 scrapped Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Tonsberg (Norway))
- TASMANIA STAR (1950-1975 Refrigerated cargo liner 547 feet long of Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- TATSUHARU MARU (in 1957)
- TAUTRA (1960 - 1967 General cargo ship 370 feet overall of Skips A/S Tautra (T.Torkildsens Rederi A/S Trondheim : 1987 scrapped at Split, Yugoslavia) (Trondheim, Norway)
- TAY ( 1958-1965 General cargo coaster 234 feet long of William Sloan Line) (Glasgow)
- TAYLEE (In 2017 Inshore fishing boat registered number BA821)
- TEAKHINA (in 1956 Tug at Auckland, New Zealand)
- TEAKWOOD (1962-1970 General cargo ship 474 feet long of John I. Jacobs & Co., London : scrapped 1984 (London (England, U.K.))
- TEES ORE (1960-1975 Ore carrier 546 feet overall : Scrapped 1989)
- TEESFIELD (1959-1978 Oil products tanker 556 feet overall of Hunting & Sons Eden Tankers, Newcastle : 1978 scrapped at Inverkeithing)) (Newcastle (England, U.K.))
- TEESPORT (1966- 1979 Coastal oil products tanker 65.5m overall of Shell Mex & BP Ltd., / Shell UK Ltd., London : 2006 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- TEGELBERG (1938-1942 Passenger/cargo liner 171 metres long, then 1942-1947 Troopship, then 1947-1968 passenger/cargo liner of Koninklijke Java China Paketvaart Lijnen, Amsterdam) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- TEIRESIAS (in 1954 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- TELFA (General cargo ship)
- TEMPLE BAR (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Temple Steamship Company / Lambert Brothers, London) (London (UK))
- TEMPLE HALL (1954-1969 General cargo ship 458 feet long of Lambert Brothers Shipping / Temple Steamship Company) (UK)
- TEMPLE LANE (1954-1968 General cargo ship 455 feet long of Lambert Brothers Shipping / Temple Steamship) (London (England, U.K.))
- TENERIFFA (1952-1970 General cargo ship 455 feet overall of Wilhelm Wilhelmsen Line, Oslo : 1979 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Tonsberg (Norway))
- TENYO MARU (Japan)
- TERNEFJELL (1955- 1968 Refrigerated / General cargo ship 297 feet long of A/S Falkefjell / Olsen & Ugelstad, Olsen & Uglested's Fjell Line, Norway : 1971 wrecked at Oran) (Oslo (Norway))
- TERPISCHORE (1947- General cargo ship 305 feet overall of Cia. de Nav "Blue Lines" S.A., Panama) (Panama)
- TERRIER (1963- General cargo coaster 220 feet long of Coast Lines, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TERUKUNI MARU (1930-1939 Passenger / cargo liner 505 feet long of Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Tokio) (Tokio (Japan))
- TESSA DAN (in 1954)
- TEUCER (1950-1960 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- TEUN (1952-1966 General cargo coaster 57.35 metres long speed 10 knots of N.V. Scheepvaart-Maatschappij 'Oud-Beijerland') (Rotterdam (Holland))
- TEUNIKA (1936-1969 General cargo coaster 35.6 metres long of A Nicolai, Netherlands) (Netherlands)
- TEVIOT (1946-1960 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines, London : 1960 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- TEXA ( 1960-1964 Clyde puffer 66 feet long of McNeil of Greenock) (Glasgow)
- TEXA (1958-1960 General cargo Clyde Puffer lighter 66 feet long of McCorquodale of Troon) (Troon (Scotland, U.K.))
- TEXACO LONDON ( Products tanker of Texaco Oil Company) (London)
- TEXAN (1937-1964 Steam general cargo Clyde puffer lighter : Crinan Canal type : 66 feet overall of J Hay & Sons Ltd., Glasgow : scrapped 1964) (Glasgow)
- TEXELSTROOM (in 1957)
- THACKERAY (1958-1968 General cargo ship 369 feet long of Chine Lines Shipping Company, London) (London (UK))
- THAMES (in 1951 Ocean going tug) (Netherlands)
- THE CONTEST (Built in 1853 at Ardrossan)
- THE EARL (1936- Steam general cargo coaster 209 feet long of J Hay & Sons, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- THE EMPEROR ( 1946-1963 Steam coastal cargo ship 212 feet long of J Hay & Sons, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- THE KRAKEN (In 2023 Inshore fishing boat AD 10) (Ardrossan (Scotland, UK))
- THE LADY PATRICIA (1963- 1993 Beer carrier 213 feet long of Arthur Guinness Ltd., Dublin) (Dublin, Ireland)
- THE SECOND SNARK (1938-1969 Tug / tender / ferry 120 passengers 22.86 metres (75.0 ft) of William Denny Shipbuilders, Dumbarton) (Greenock (Scotland, U.K,))
- THE STATE OF MADRAS (in 1956 Passenger / cargo liner of Eastern Shipping Corporation, India) (India)
- THE SULTAN (1961-1969 General cargo coaster of J Hay & Sons, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- THE VICTORIA (1975- 1993 Passenger liner 540 feet long - formerly DUNOTTAR CASTLE- of Chandris Line) (Panama )
- THE WORLD (Cruise liner) (Nassau (Bahamas))
- THEA DANIELSEN (1955- 1959 General cargo ship 53m overall of Otto & Knud Danielsen, Copenhagen : 1972 sank) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- THELMA (1935 - 1964 steam general cargo coaster 274 feet long of Clydesdale Shipowners Company / Glen & Company, Glasgow : 1972 scrapped) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- THELMA 1V (Oil products tanker) (Grimstad (Norway))
- THEODORA (coastal oil/products tanker) (Uithoorn (Uithoorn is in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland.))
- THEODORA (1958-1972 Coastal oil tanker 57.64m long of N.V. Teerbedrijf Uithoorn (TEBU), Uithoorn) (Uithoorn (Netherlands))
- THERMOPYLAE (in 1966)
- THESEUS ( 1955 - 1971 Cargo liner 490 feet long of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- THESSALY (1957-1971 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Line, London) (London (UK))
- THIRLBY (1958-1981 Oil tanker 559 feet 171m long of Ropner Shipping Co. Ltd., West Hartlepool : 1954 scrapped Aliaga, Spain) (West Hartlepool (England))
- THISBE (1947-1955 General cargo ship 322 feet overall of Soc. Navale Caennaise, Caen : 1969 scrapped at Blyth, England) (Caen (France))
- THISTLEDHU (1955-1957 then 1960-1967 General cargo SHIP 450 feet long of Albyn Line / Allan Black & Co., Sunderland, / Chapman & Willan) (Sunderland / Newcastle (U.K.))
- THISTLEDOWNE (1953-1955 then 1961-1966 General cargo ship 450 feet 137m long of Albyn Line / Allan Black & Co., Sunderland / Chapman & Willan : 1972 scrapped at Bombay) (Sunderland, U.K.)
- THOMAS NELSON (1956-1960 General cargo ship of United States Line, New York) (Baltimore (U.S.A.))
- THOR ODLAND (1955-1966 General cargo ship 400 feet overall of DS / AS Produce / v. Jacob Odland S.S., Haugesund : 1981 scrapped Chittagong ) (Haugesund (Norway))
- THORDIS (1950-1968 Oil products tanker)
- THORIUM ( 1947 - 1964 General cargo coaster of the I.C.I. Chemicals Company) (Liverpool)
- THORPE GRANGE (1954-1966 General cargo ship of Houlder Line, London) (London (UK))
- THORSCAPE (1954- General cargo ship of Norse Oriental Line, Norway) (Norway)
- THORSORIENT (1964-1975 General cargo ship 462 feet overall of Norse Oriental Line / Thor Dahl Hvalfangerselskap og A/S Ornen, Sandefjord, Norway : 1978 scrapped at Santander, Spain) (Sandefjord (Norway))
- THUBAN (motor coaster in service 1957-1964 with NV Van Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co. Stoomvaart, Rotterdam) (Rotterdam)
- THUNDERER (1958-1973 Tug 114 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Greenock) (Glasgow)
- THUNDERER (Tug in 1948)
- THUNTANK 2 (Coastal oil products tanker of Thunrederiema, Sweden) (Sweden)
- THUNTANK 9 (1962-1980 Coastal Oil Products Tanker 200 feet overall of Thunrederierna, Lidköping, Sweden.) (Sweden)
- THYRA TORM (1951-1962 General cargo ship 322 feet long of Torm D/S A/S, Kobenhaven, Denmark) (Kobenhavn (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- TIAN YOU (2018- General Cargo ship IMO: 9823625 : 189.99m overall of Tianyou Shipping Ltd., Hong Kong, China / COSCO Shipping) (Guang Zhou (China))
- TIBER (-- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TIBUS (Tanker)
- TIDE (1959 - 1973 general cargo coaster 192 feet 48.9m overall of Amons & Co, Zaandam / N.V. Rederij "Tide", Bunde, Limburg /Timmerman's Handel & Industrie Maats N.V., Goes, Netherlands) (Goes (Netherlands))
- TIDEFORCE (2019- Tide-Class Replenishment Tanker 200.9 m (659 ft 1 in) overall and pennant number A139 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) ) (London (England, U.K.))
- TIDEO (1955-1976 General cargo ship of Societa Ligure di Armamento, Genoa : 1983 scrapped) (Genoa (Italy))
- TIELBANK (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir / Bank Line, London) (London (UK))
- TIER TSIN (in 1966)
- TIGER (1966- General cargo coaster) (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- TIGERBLUE (Motor cruiser of John & Sharon Derrick)
- TIGRE (1905-1931 Passenger ship of Russian S. N. & Trading Co, Odessa) (Odessa (Ukraine))
- TILAPA (1928-1959 Banana carrier / general cargo ship of Elders & Fyffes Shipping Limited : Scrapped in 1959) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- TILLY (1964-1969 General cargo coaster 60.13m overall, of J Tavenier / NV Zeevaartmaatschappij. Zaandam) ) (Zaandam (Netherlands))
- TIMARU STAR (1948-1958 General cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London : Scrapped 1969) (London (UK))
- TIMISOARA (1961- General cargo ship of Navrom, Romania : 1990 scrapped)
- TINA (Motor launch owned by J Craig) (Paisley (Scotland))
- TINNES (1958- Oil tanker 557 feet long of A/S Kristian Jebsens Rederi, Bergen) (Bergen (Norway))
- TINTAGEL CASTLE ( 1954 - 1971 cargo liner 495 feet long of Union Castle Line, London) (London)
- TINTORETTO (1902-1930 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- TINY in 1954
- TITAN (1947-1950 General cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TITAN (in 2022 Tug of Mirren Marine, Greenock(
- TITANBANK (1947-1959 General cargo ship of Bank Line Ltd, London : 1967 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TITOV VELES (1962-1981 General cargo ship 280 feet overall of Atlantska Plovidba, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia) (Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia)
- TJERK HIDDES (1957-1972 General cargo coaster 50m 164 feet long of Scheepvaartkantoor Holwerda, Heerenveen, Netherlands / Gebr. van der Schoot, Harlingen, Netherlands) (Harlingen (Netherlands))
- TJIBADAK (in 1957)
- TJILUWAH (1951- Passenger / cargo ship of Royal Interocean Lines : 1980 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- TJINEGARA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- TJIWANGI (1950-1973 Passenger / cargo ship of Royal Interocean Lines : 1984 scrapped at Shanghai) (Amsterdam (Netherlands))
- TOKYO BAY (Container ship)
- TOLMI (1964-1974 General cargo ship 141.5m 464 feet overall - formerly T & J Harrison's BIOGRAPHER - of Tolmi Cia. Naviera S.A., Monrovia : 1974 Scrapped at Kaohsiung) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- TOLSTA ( 1960 - 1971 General cargo ship 230 feet long of Christian Salvesen, Leith) (Leith)
- TOMCAT (Sailing catamaran) (Glasgow (UK))
- TONKA (Landing craft / workboat of Mirren Marine, Greenock))
- TOPAZ (In 1954 General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- TOPAZ (In 2017 Inshore fishing boat registered AD10) (Ardrossan (Firth of Clyde, Scotland))
- TORMES (1970- Container ship chartered by Ellerman Line)
- TORMES (-- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TORNA (184 feet long)
- TORR HEAD (1961-1972 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- TORR HEAD (1937-1961 General cargo ship of Ulster Steamship Company / Head Line, Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- TORRENS (in 1966)
- TOSNOLES (General cargo ship 403 feet long)
- TOSTERO (1957- 1966 Ore carrier 502 feet long of Rederi A/B Regin / Knut Kallstrom, Stockholm) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- TOURMALINE (1948-1955 General cargo coaster 165 feet long of William Robertson Shipowners Gem Line, Glasgow : Scrapped 1956) (Glasgow (UK))
- TOURMALINE (1962-1982 General cargo coaster 268 feet long 12 knots of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow / Stephenson Clarke Shipping, London) (Glasgow)
- TOVELIL (1929-1954 General cargo ship 292 feet long of A/S D/S Dania ( Chr. Andresen) Esbjerg, Danmark : Wrecked 1956) (Esbjerg (Denmark))
- TOWARD (1947- General cargo coaster of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TOWARD LASS (a Clyde puffer of William Burke Company / A. McNeil & Son,, Greenock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TOWNSVILLE STAR (1957-1980 Refrigerated / general cargo liner 516 feet long of Salient Shipping (Bermuda) Ltd. Hamilton, Bermuda / Blue Star Line, London) (London)
- TRADER (1940-1961 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- TRADER (1966-1980 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TRAFALGAR (in 1966)
- TRANSGERMANIA (1963-1971 General cargo ship 151.8m 498 feet overall of Poseidon – Schiffahrt GmbH, Hamburg : 1977 scrapped at Gadani Beach, Pakistan) (Hamburg (Germany))
- TRANSOCEANICA SILVIA (Bulk carrier) (Italy)
- TRANSVAAL CASTLE (Union Castle) (London (England, UK))
- TRANSYLVANIA (1925-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow : 1939 converted to Armed Merchant Cruiser, 1940 torpedoed and sunk off Inishtrahull; loss of 48 lives. (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TRAVIATA (Yacht)
- TRBOVLJE (1960-1983 IMO 5193838 General cargo ship of Splosna Plovba Line, Yugoslavia : 1983 scrapped at Alang, India) (Yugoslavia)
- TRECARNE (1959-1974 Tramp general cargo ship 477 feet long of Hain Steamship Company/ Hain-Nourse /P & O : scrapped in 1978) (London (England, U.K.))
- TRECARRELL (1959-1971 Tramp general cargo ship 476 feet long of Hain-Nourse Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- TREFUSIS (1961-1972 General cargo ship 508 feet long of Hain-Nourse Ltd., London) (London (England, U.K.))
- TREGLISSON (1949-1960 Tramp general cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company : Scrapped in 1966) (London)
- TREGOTHNAN (1949-1959 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company, London : 1971 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- TREIN MAERSK in 1972
- TRELAWNY (1949- 1963 Tramp general cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company) (London)
- TRELEVAN (1949-1964 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Co., London : 1974 scrapped after fire) (London)
- TRELISSICK (1949-1963 General cargo tramp ship of Hain Steamship Company, London) (London (England))
- TRELOSKE (1949-1963 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company, London : 1968 wrecked on China coast) (London (U.K.))
- TREMA (General cargo ship) (Panama)
- TREMEADOW (1957 - 1973 General cargo ship 472 feet long of Hain Steamship Company / P & O : 1980 scrapped) (London)
- TREMORVAH (1954-1968 Tramp general cargo ship 456 feet overall of Hain Steamship Company / Hain Nourse Line)) (London (England, UK))
- TRENEGLOS (1964-1974 tramp-cargo ship 509 feet long of New Zealand Shipping Co. / Hain-Nourse Ltd, London : Scrapped 1985) (London)
- TRENTBANK (Bank Line) (Glasgow)
- TREVALGAN ( 1961 - 1973 General cargo ship 490 feet long of Hain Steamship Company, London) (London)
- TREVANION (1943-1965 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company, London : 1967 Scrapped) (U.K.)
- TREVAYLOR (1959-1976 General cargo ship of Hain-Nourse, London) (London (England, UK))
- TREVEAN (1946-1963 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company / P & O, London) (London (UK))
- TREVETHOE (1944-1959 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company / P & O, London : Scrapped 1969) (London (UK))
- TREVOSE (1944 - 1962 General cargo ship 444 feet long of Hain Shipping Company / P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- TREWELLARD (1946-1962 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company / P & O, London (London (UK))
- TREWIDDEN ( 1945-1959 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship Company, London) (London)
- TREWIDDEN (1960-1975 General cargo ship of Hain Steamship / Hain-Nourse / P & O., London :1979 scrapped after engine room damage) (London (England, U.K.))
- TRIADIC (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- TRIBESMAN (1946-1961 General cargo ship of Thos & Jas Harrison Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- TRIENZA (in 1957)
- TRILAND (General cargo ship)
- TRINCULO (1957-1972 Ore carrier 504 feet overall of C. T. Bowring Steamship Company, London) (London (UK))
- TRINIDAD (in 1955 General cargo ship of Wilh. Wilhelmsen, Lysaker, Norway) (Norway)
- TRIO FIRAT (2024- General cargo ship 88.30m overall of Trio Firat Shipping Corp., Hydor, Norway) (Basseterre (Saint Kitts and Nevis))
- TRITON (2015- General cargo ship 90m long of Tasman Rederij, Netherlands) (Gibraltar)
- TRITONICA ( 1956 - 1973 Ore carrier of Canada Steamship Line, Canada) (UK)
- TROJAN (General cargo Puffer lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- TROLLTIND (In 1957)
- TRONTO (--- 1974 Hustler Class Container Ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TROON LIFEBOAT (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) (Stationed at Troon Harbour, Ayrshire (Scotland, UK))
- TROUBADOUR (1953-1971 General cargo ship 143.7m overall of Wilh.Wilhelmsen Rederi A/S Oslo/Tønsberg Norway : 1980 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Tønsberg (Norway))
- TUA (-- 1974 Hustler Class Container ship of Ellerman Lines)
- TUKO (1955-1964 General cargo coaster 49 metres long of Germ Inverness / G Tuil / Wijnne & Barends, Delfzijl, Netherlands (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- TULAGI (1955-1970 Passenger / cargo ship of Burns, Philp & Co., Sydney, Australia) (Sydney (Australia))
- TULIPBANK (1952-1979 Steam Petroleum Oil sludge Tank cleaning vessel 164 feet long of Foster Wheeler Process) (Liverpool)
- TULIPGLEN (1942- Steam Petroleum sludge ship 164 feet long of British Wheeler Process Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- TULSE HILL (1950-1966 General cargo ship 441 feet long of Ocean Shipping Service / Counties Ship Management, London) (London)
- TUNGSHA (1952-1972 General cargo ship 464 feet overall of Wilh. Wilhelmsen Line, Tonsberg) (Tonsberg (Norway))
- TURCOMAN (1899-1921 General cargo ship of Dominion Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- TURK (1932-1964 Steam coaling lighter of J & J Hay, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TURKIA (In 1957)
- TURKISTAN (1939-1962 General cargo ship of Frank C Strick & Co Ltd., London : sold to Greece in 1962 and wrecked that year) (London (England, U.K.))
- TURKISTAN (in 1957) (London (England, U.K.))
- TURQUOISE (1955-1966 General cargo coaster 171 feet long speed 10 knots of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TURQUOISE (In 1948 General cargo coaster of William Robertson's Gem Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TUSCAN (In 1952 General cargo lighter of J & J Hay Ltd, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- TUSCANIA (1922-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- TUSCANY (1956-1970 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Line, London : scrapped 1978) (London (England, U.K.))
- TUSKAR ( 1962 - 1968 General cargo coaster of Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TUSKAR (1962-1971 General cargo coaster 56 metres of N.V. Handel & Scheepvaart Maatschappij Pioneer, Owner:Jan Pinkster, Barneveld, Netherlands (Voorthuizen (Netherlands))
- TUVAQ W (2018-- Oil / Chemical Tanker IMO: 9610341 : 112.7m overall of Coastal Shipping Ltd / Woodward Group, Goose Bay, NL, Canada) (Majuro (Marshall Islands, an island country in the northwestern Pacific Ocean))
- TWEBRO (1964-1976 General cargo coaster 48.49m long of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Delfzijl, / Gebr. Albert en Hendrik Huisman, Zwartsluis, Netherlands) (Delfzijl / Swirstand / Zwartsluis ??? Netherlands)
- TWEE GEBROEDERS (1951-1972 a general cargo coaster 214 feet long of J & H Damfof, Delfzyl, Holland) (Delfzyl (pronounced Delf-zell) Netherlands)
- TWEE GEZUSTERS (General cargo coaster 74.3 metres long of J & H Damhof, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- TWEED (1959- Motor water tanker 112 feet long of Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., Port of Spain, Trinidad) (Port of Spain, Trinidad)
- TWEED (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Royal Mail Lines Ltd., London : 1959 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- TWEEDSMUIR PARK (1943-1950 General cargo ship : 1961 scrapped)
- TWICKENHAM (1940-1958 General cargo ship 432 feet long of Britain Steamship Co Ltd / Watts, Watts & Co Ltd., London : 1963 scrapped Bombay) (London (England, U.K.))
- TWO BOYS (In 2017 Inshore fishing boat registered number SR 83) (Stranraer (Scotland, U.K.))
- TYNE ORE (in 1967 Ore Carrier at Glasgow)
- TYNWALD (1947-1974 Passenger Ferry of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Ltd., Douglas, Isle of Man) (Douglas ( Isle of Man ))
- TYPHOO ATLANTIC CHALLENGER (in 1990 a strange scarlet coloured steel bottle shaped boat 37 feet 11.28m overall engine and sail powered of Tom McClean)
- TYRIA (1955-1959 General cargo ship of Anchor Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- TYSON LYKES (in 1954 General cargo ship / freighter of Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, USA) (USA)
- U-105 ( In 1918 Submarine U-boat of German Kreigsmarine) (German Kreigsmarine)
- U-123 (1940-1944 U-boat submarine of German Navy) (Germany)
- U-39 (in 1916 Submarine of the German Navy) (German Navy)
- U-50 (1916-1917 Submarine of the German Navy) (Germany)
- U.S. NAVY LANDING CRAFT LCM4 (of U.S. Navy) (United States Navy)
- U.S. NAVY LAUNCH S19-2 (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.L.C.M. AS 31-3 (Landing craft of U.S. Navy) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.N.S. GENERAL MAURICE ROSE (1947-1990 Civilian-manned Transport of the Military Sea Transportation Service of the U.S. Navy, U.S.A.) (U. S. A.)
- U.S.S. ALCOR (1952-1968 Cargo ship 455 ft (139 m) long K 259 of United States Navy : 1970 scrapped at La Spezia, Italy) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. BETELGUESE (1952-1974 U.S. Navy Cargo Ship AK-260 : Struck from records 1974) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. CALCATERRA (1943-1974 Edsall Class Destroyer Escort / later Radar Picket DER 390 being 306 feet (93.27 m) overall of U.S. Navy : scrapped 1974) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. ESSEX (1942-1969 Essex-class Aircraft Carrier 872 feet (266 m) overall of United States Navy: 1975 Scrapped) (United States Navy)
- U.S.S. HISSEM (1944-1975 Edsall-class Destroyer Escort DER400 306 feet (93.27 m) of U.S. Navy : 1982 Sunk as a target off California) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. HUNLEY (1961-1999 Submarine Tender 599 ft (183 m) of United States Navy: 2007 Scrapped) (United States Navy)
- U.S.S. LAUNCH S 19-5 (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. MIDWAY (1945-1992 Aircraft carrier CV-41 of United States Navy (U.S.A.)
- U.S.S. MILLS (1943-1974 Edsall-class Destroyer Escort DER383 306 feet (93.27 m) of U.S. Navy : 1975 Scrapped) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. NAVY LAUNCH S 19-1 (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. NEWPORT NEWS (1949-1978 Heavy Cruiser "Des Moines" class 716 ft 6 in (218.39 m) overall of United States Navy : 1993 scrapped) (U.S.A.)
- U.S.S. OKLAHOMA CITY (1944-1979 Cleveland-class light cruiser 610 ft 1 in (185.95 m) of U.S. Navy : Sunk as target 1999) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. RHODES (1943-1974 Destroyer Escort 306 feet (93.27 m) long, Pennant Number DER 384 of U.S. Navy :1975 Scrapped) (U.S.Navy)
- U.S.S. ROY O'HALE (1944-1974 Edsall-Class Destroyer Escort 306 feet 93.27m long DER 336 of U.S. Navy : scrapped 1975) (United States Navy)
- U.S.S. SICILY (1946-1960 Commencement Bay-class escort aircraft carrier 557 feet 170m of United States Navy : 1960 scrapped) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. SPRINGFIELD (1944-1980 CLG-7 Providence-class Guided Missile Light Cruiser 610 ft 1 in (185.95 m) long of U.S. Navy : Scrapped 1980) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. THOMAS J GARY (1943-1973 Pennant Number DER326 Destroyer Escort 306 ft (93 m) of U.S. Navy) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. VULCAN (Depot ship) (United States Navy)
- U.S.S. WACCAMAW (T-AO-109) (1946-1975 Cimarron class fleet replenishment oiler 553 feet 169 metres long of U.S. Navy (U.S.Navy)
- U.S.S. WASP (1943-1973 Anti-submarine Aircraft Carrier CVS-18 of 872 feet long (266m) of U.S. Navy) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. WEST POINT (1941-1946 (Formerly United States Line's AMERICA) Troopship 723 ft long of U.S. Navy) (U.S. Navy)
- U.S.S. WRIGHT (1947-1970 Saipan-class Light Aircraft Carrier 684 ft (208 m) long pennant number CVL-49 of the United States Navy) (U.S.A.)
- U.S.S. YELLOWSTONE (1946-1974 Pennant No. AD-27 Repair and Supply Ship 492 feet overall of United States Navy : 1974 decommissioned) (United States Navy)
- U486 (1944-1945 Type V11C U-boat submarine 67 metres, 220 feet long of Kreigsmarine German Navy) (Germany)
- UBENA (in 1957 at Hamburg and at Las Palmas)
- UGAH DISCOVERY (2019- IMO 9823871 Multi-purpose general cargo ship ) (Taganrog (Russia))
- UGANDA ((1951- 1986 Passenger (700) / refrigerated cargo liner 517 feet long of British India Steam Navigation Company / P & O, London) (London (England, UK))
- ULEFOSS (1949-1965 General cargo ship of Thor Thoresen, H Heyerdahl, Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- ULLA (1955- 1968 General cargo ship 110.06 m 361 feet overall of AB Transmarin, Helsingborg : 1985 scrapped at Mumbai, India)) (Helsingborg (Sweden))
- ULLA DANIELSEN (1966- 1971 General cargo ship 62.65m 241 feet overall of Rederiet Otto Danielsen, Copenhagen : 2001 scrapped) (Kobenhaven (Copenhagen, Denmark))
- ULSTER HERDSMAN (1954- 1963 Coastal general cargo / cattle carrier of Belfast Steamship Company) (Belfast (Northern Ireland))
- ULSTER SPINNER (1955-1968 General cargo coaster of Belfast Steam Ship Co. Ltd., Belfast) (Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK))
- ULSTER STAR (Blue Star Line) (London)
- ULSTER WEAVER (1954-1964 General cargo coaster 202 feet long of Belfast Steamship Co. Ltd.) ) (Belfast)
- ULVA (Fishery protection cruiser)
- ULYSSES (1913-1942 Passenger / cargo ship of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool : 1942 Torpedoed and sunk off Florida) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- ULYSSES (1949-1971 Cargo ship 474 feet overall of Alfred Holt's Blue Funnel Line) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- UMARIA (1946-1964 General cargo ship 443 feet 135m overall of British India Steam Navigation, London ;1965 Scrapped at Hong Kong) (London)
- UMFOLOZI (in 1987 at Mauritius and Durban)
- UMGENI (1938-1957 Passenger / cargo ship 451 feet overall of Bullard King Natal Direct Line, London : 1963 scrapped at Antwerp, Belgium) (London (England, UK))
- UMKUZI (1945-1957 General cargo ship 431 feet overall of Bullard, King & Co. Ltd., London : 1962 scrapped) (London)
- UMTALI (1936-1957 Passenger / cargo liner 451 feet long of Union Castle Mail Line / Bullard King & Co.'s Natal Direct Line, London) (London (UK))
- UMTATA (1944-1960 Passenger /cargo liner of Bullard King's Natal Direct Line, London) (London (UK))
- UMZINTO (1959-1960 passenger / cargo ship 466 feet overall of Bullard King & Co. Ltd., London / Natal Direct Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- Unidentified vessel (probably tug) passing Innellan (Firth of Clyde) at 1015 on 4 April 2024
- UNITAS (1950-1969 General cargo coaster 45 metres long of Lukas van Bruggen, Groningen / NV Scheepvaartbedrijf "Gruno", Amsterdam (Groningen, Holland)
- UNITED STATES (1952-1969 Passenger liner 990 feet long (302 metres) of United States Lines, New York) (New York City (USA))
- URANIA GORTHON (in 1957)
- URANUS B (General cargo coaster)
- URKERSINGEL ( 1959 - 1962 general cargo coaster 175 feet long of N.V. Transportonderneming "Innega", Rotterdam (Rotterdam )
- URMSTON GRANGE (1946-1959 General cargo ship of Houlder Brothers / Houlder Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- URSULA BLOCK (1958 - 1969)
- URUGUAY (1950- Passenger / cargo liner of Dodero Line (later Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas), Buenos Aires ) (Buenos Aires (Argentina))
- URUGUAY STAR (1947-1972 Passenger / cargo ship of Blue Star Line, London : 1972 Scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- US Navy Landing Craft LCM 2 of United States Navy (United States Navy)
- USCGC CASTLE ROCK (1948-1971 Cutter 311 feet long of United States Coast Guard) (United States Coast Guard))
- USHIO MARU (General cargo ship) (Japan)
- USKAS (General cargo coaster)
- USKBRIDGE (General cargo coaster) (Newport (Monmouthshire))
- USKMOUTH (1951-1963 General cargo ship 326 feet overall of Richard W Jones & Co / Uskside Steamship Co Ltd., Newport, Wales : 1971 Scrapped at Piraeus, Greece) (Newport (Wales, U.K.))
- USNS LEROY GRUMMAN (1989- is a Henry J. Kaiser-class replenishment oiler (T-AO-195) 206m 677 feet overall of the United States Navy Military Sealift Command) (United States Navy)
- USS KRETCHMER (1943-1973 Edsall-class destroyer escort DE-329 being 306 feet (93m) long of United States Navy : 1974 scrapped) (United States Navy )
- USS PATRICK HENRY (1960-1984 George Washington class nuclear powered fleet ballistic submarine 116m overall SSBN-599 / nuclear attack submarine : decommissioned 1984 : recycled 1997) (United States Navy)
- UTRECHT (1965-1968 Salvage tug 143 feet long of Bureau Wijsmuller NV ) (Netherlands)
- VALDES (1955-1968 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co., London) (London (UK))
- VALENTINA (2011- Container ship IMO 9344722 being 179m overall of Peter Doehle Schiffahrts Kg - Hamburg, Germany) (Madeira (Portugal))
- VALKENSWAARD (1967-1975 General cargo ship 240 feet 71.94m overall of Spliethoff's Bevrachtingskantoor N.V., Amsterdam / N.V. Scheepvaart Maatschappij 'Marlot', Amsterdam) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- VANCOUVER FOREST (1969-1981 Bulk carrier / container ship 595 feet overall of Charles Connell / J & J Denholm, Glasgow : 1987 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- VANDALIA (1947-1954 General cargo ship of Cunard Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- VANDYCK (Passenger / cargo liner of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- VANGUARD (1964-1981 Tug 110 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow / Cory Towage) (Glasgow)
- VANGUARD (1946-1961 Harbour and coastal tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow : 1968 Scrapped) (Glasgow (UK))
- VANGUARD (In 1962 Tug of Steel & Bennie Ltd., Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- VARANGFJELL (in 1966)
- VARNA (1924-1941 General cargo ship of Glen & Company, Glasgow : 1941 Bombed by German aircraft and sank) (Glasgow (UK))
- VASARA (1954- Ore carrier 595 feet long of Trafik A/B Grangesberg-Oxelosund / Erland Waldenstrom, Stockholm) (Stockholm (Sweden))
- VASERSLAND (General cargo ship)
- VASILIY KACHALOV (1957- General cargo ship 395 feet long of U.S.S.R) (Russia)
- VATERLAND (1913-1917 Passenger / cargo liner of Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) / Hamburg-American Line :1917 seized by USA, renamed LEVIATHAN) (Hamburg (Germany))
- VATERLAND (1966-1988 General cargo coaster 64.7 metres 212 feet overall of Capt. Heindrich Kottermam) (Hamburg, Germany)
- VEGA (in 1880 Passenger Steamer of Star Line of Steamers, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- VEHICULAR FERRY NO. 1 (Vehicle ferry of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- VEHICULAR FERRY NO. 2 (Vehicle ferry of Clyde Navigation Trust, Glasgow (Glasgow)
- VEILTY (Tanker)
- VELA (Yacht in 2022)
- VELAZQUEZ (1954-1968 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- VELEBIT (General cargo ship of Yugoslav Line)
- VENETIAN (1947 - 1964 General cargo liner 373 feet long of Ellerman & Papayanni Line) (Liverpool)
- VENTOUX (in 1966)
- VENTURA (in 1966)
- VENTUROUS (1962-1980 Customs launch of H.M. Customs & Excise) (U.K. Government)
- VERA RAMBOW (2008- Container ship IMO 9432220 : 168.11m overall of Reederei Rambow Gmbh - Drochtersen, Germany) (Hamburg (Germany))
- VERCORS (A 1942 wartime-built "Liberty" ship : 1947-1961 General cargo ship of Cie de Messageries Maritimes, Paris, France) (France)
- VERDI (1955-1963 General cargo ship of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- VERGELEGEN (1947-1961 General cargo "Victory" ship 455 feet long of South African Marine Corporation, Cape Town : 1969 scrapped at Taiwan) (Kaapstad (pronounced ka pstet : Afrikaans for "Cape Town"))
- VERMEERSINGEL (1962-1968 General cargo coaster 174 feet 53.23m long overall of P.A. van Es & Co., Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- VERMONT (1962-1977 Oil products tanker 169.7m overall of K/S Harwi ( Rolf Wigan's Rederi A/S Bergen, Norway : 1984 scrapped Hangpu China) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- VERONICA (Inshore fishing trawler) (Port Seton (Scotland))
- VESLEFJELL ( 1951 - 1962 General cargo ship 312 feet long of Falkefjell A/S Oslo, Norway) (Oslo (Norway))
- VESTKIL (1967-1974 General cargo coaster 217 feet / 66 metres long of Vestvik Rederi A/S, John Sandvik, Alesund, Norway)) (Alesund (Norway))
- VESTVARD (1955-1967 Oil products tanker 555 feet long of Kloster Rederi A/S ( Lauritz Kloster Oslo as manager ) Oslo Norway : 1968 scuttled in Caribbean Sea) (Oslo (Norway))
- VETTERSO (General cargo ship 484 feet long)
- VIANNA (1973-1976 Bulk carrier of Ben Line, Edinburgh) (London (England, U.K.))
- VIBEKE (1959-1978 Oil products tanker of H Ditlev Simonsen & Co, Oslo.) (Oslo (Norway))
- VIBRAN KAUSTING (General cargo coaster) (Norway)
- VIBYHOLM (1951-1969 General cargo ship of A/B Svenska Atlant Linien, Gothenburg) (Gothenburg (Sweden))
- VIC 32 (1979- Steam powered puffer converted into a holiday / vacation puffer 67 feet overall of Nick Walker / Puffer Steamboat Holidays) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- VIC 66 (Coastal water tanker)
- VICTORE (1963-1977 Ore carrier 615 feet long of Traditional Traders Shipping Limited / Mavroleon Brothers Ship Management Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- VICTORIA (in 1912 General cargo ship of MacLay and MacIntyre, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- VICTORIA 1886- Passenger paddle steamer 222 feet long of Captain Campbell)
- VICTORIA CITY (1970-1983 Bulk carrier 173.59 metres long of Sir William Reardon Smith Line) (Bideford, (Devon, England))
- VIETTA (General cargo ship)
- VIKING (General cargo coaster) (Rotterdam)
- VIKING GRIPFIST (1997- Fish carrier 40 metres long of Johnson Marine) (Norway)
- VIKING VALIANT (1974-1989 Ro-ro ferry 129m overall of Townsend Thoresen European Ferries : 2010 scrapped in India)
- VILLA DE SOUANO (General cargo ship)
- VILLEGAS (1955-1970 General cargo ship of MacAndrews & Co. Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- VILSANDI ( 1957 - ? a general cargo ship 230 feet long of USSR Russian merchant fleet) (USSR Russia)
- VINLAND SAGA (General cargo ship)
- VIOD (1957-1963 General cargo coaster 50.5m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors, Delfzijl / Klaas Groen, Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- VIRGINIA (General cargo ship)
- VIRGINIAN (1905-1914 and 1918-1920 Passenger / cargo liner 538 feet triple-screw 17 knots of Allan Line)
- VIRGO (in 1960 General cargo ship)
- VISHVA JYOTI (1961 - 1986 General cargo liner 506 feet long of Shipping Corporation of India, Bombay) (Bombay, India)
- VISHVA KIRTI (General cargo vessel of Shipping Corporation of India, Bombay) (Bombay (India))
- VITA FISH (1956- General cargo coaster 174 feet overall of Norwegian owners : 1981 sank as target of French Navy Exocet missile) (Norway)
- VITAL SPARK (2006 - General cargo coaster 66 feet (23m) overall as a National Historic Ship) (Glasgow (Scotland, UK))
- VITAL SPARK (Temporarily renamed from SAXON) Clyde Puffer hired from Walter Kerr, Millport by BBC Television (Glasgow)
- VITALITY (2014- General cargo coaster 90m long of Faversham Ships Ltd, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK.) (Peel (Isle of Man, UK))
- VITTORA Z (General cargo ship in 1954) (Genoa (Italy))
- VITTORIOSO (Italian tanker)
- VIVAT (1962-1977 General cargo coaster of A L Oosterhuis, Delfzijl, Netherlands) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- VIVES (1955-1970 General cargo ship of Macandrews & Co. Ltd., London) (London (UK))
- VIVITA (General cargo ship)
- VLIELAND (1955-1962 a general cargo coaster 140 feet 41.9 metres long of Harm Pieter Veling, Klaaskamp ) (Rotterdam (Holland))
- VLIELAND (1959-1978 a Shell A-class Crude and white oil products tanker of Holland Bulk Transport, Rotterdam / Shell Tankers, Rotterdam : 1978 scrapped at Hong Kong) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- VOGELSBERG (1956-1962 General cargo ship 101m 332 feet overall : 1976 scrapped at Piraeus, Greece))
- VOLENDAM (1922-40 Passenger / cargo liner 575ft 175m long of Holland America Line : 1940-45 Transport / Troop Transport : 1947-51 returned to her owners for passenger service : Scrapped in 1952) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- VOLGA (General cargo ship 326 feet long)
- VOLHARDING (Dutch coaster of N,V, "Carebeka," Rotterdam) (Zuidbroek, Holland)
- VOLTAIRE (1923-1939 Passenger / cargo liner of Lamport & Holt Line, Liverpool :1939 converted to Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS VOLTAIRE,.1941 sunk in battle with German raider THOR; loss of 75 lives) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- VULTURE (1898-1929 Passenger / cargo ship of G & J Burns / Burns & Laird Lines, Glasgow : Wrecked in 1942) (Glasgow (UK))
- VYGENDAM (General cargo coaster 175 feet overall)
- W H ORBELL (Dredger)
- WAIANA (1937-1966 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd) (New Zealand)
- WAIMARAMA (1938-1942 Passenger / cargo ship of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London : 1942 bombed and sunk at Malta in 'Pedestal' Malta convoy; loss of 87 lives) (London (England, U.K.))
- WAIMEA (in 1964 General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand Ltd., )
- WAIPAWA (1934-1967 Refrigerated / general cargo liner of Shaw, Savill and Albion Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- WAIRANGI (1946-1963 Passenger / cargo ship of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London : 1963 1963 went aground near Stockholm, refloated and scrapped) (London (England, UK))
- WAIRATA in 1954
- WAIRUNA in 1957
- WAITOMO (Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd.) (New Zealand)
- WAIWERA ( 1944 - 1967 General cargo liner 541 feet long of Shaw Savill Line, London) (London)
- WALDECK (General cargo ship in 1954) (Hamburg (Germany))
- WALDEMAR PETER (General cargo ship)
- WALSCOT (Sea Scouts motor launch/ cabin cruiser)
- WALSINGHAM (1950-1957 General cargo ship of Johnston Warren Line but chartered to Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- WALTER BEHRENS (1963-1976 General cargo coaster 158 feet long of H Eickhoff, Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- WALTER CHAMBERS (ex pilot boat) in 1954
- WANAKA (General cargo ship of Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Ltd) (New Zealand)
- WANDERER (1951 - 1970 general cargo liner 448 feet long of T & J Harrison Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- WANGANELLA (1932-1970 Passenger / cargo ship 474 feet overall of McIlwraith, McEacharn Limited)
- WANGARA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- WANGEROOG (pronounced Van - ger - oo - gi (as in "give") ( 1963 - 1972 coastal oil / products tanker 70m long of Carl W Hansen Tankschiffahrt, Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- WANSTEAD (1949-1957 then 1960-1963 then 1964-1965 Cargo ship 476 feet long of Watts Watts Line) (London (England, UK))
- WARKWORTH (1962 - 1970 cargo ship of R S Dalgleish Company, Newcastle) (Newcastle)
- WARLIGHT (1919-1964 Steam engined general cargo Crinan Canal size Clyde puffer 86 feet long of Light Shipping / Ross & Marshall, Greenock) (Greenock (Firth of Clyde, Scotland, U.K.))
- WARLIGHT (1966-1972 Motor coaster 87 feet long of Ross & Marshall, Greenock : 1976 scrapped) (Greenock (Scotland, UK))
- WAROONGA (1956-1968 Cargo ship of British India Line, London) (London)
- WARRINGA (in 1966)
- WARRIOR (1935-1968 Tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- WARRIOR (1970-1973 Tug 125 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- WARRIOR ( 1970-1973 Coastal and harbour tug of Steel & Bennie, Greenock/ Rea Tugs/ Cory towage) (Glasgow)
- WARSZAWA (1951- General cargo ship 405 feet long of the Polish Government / Polish Ocean Lines) (Gdynia (Poland))
- WARWICK CASTLE (1946-1962 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- WARWICKSHIRE (1948-1965 Passenger / cargo liner 152 metres long of Bibby Line) (Liverpool)
- WASEBERG (1985-2005 General cargo ship 88m overall of Vega Reederei Friedrich Dauber, Hamburg, Deu.(DALC)) (Hamburg (Germany))
- WATAMURRA (1956-1961 General cargo ship of McIlwraith, MacEacharn Limited : 1977 scrapped after fire)) (Australia)
- WATERMAN (1951- Passenger liner / Emigrant ship of Kon. Rotterdamsche Lloyd) (Netherlands)
- WATERWAY (2008- General cargo ship 81m overall of Baltnautic Shipping Ltd - Klaipeda, Lithuania) (Kingstown (Saint Vincent And The Grenadines))
- WATTAMURRA (in 1966)
- WAVE BARON ( 1946 - 1969 Replenishment Tanker 491 feet long of Royal Fleet Auxilliary, London) (Admiralty, London)
- WAVE CHIEF (1946-1974 Oil Tanker 493 feet 150m overall of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London : 1975 scrapped at Inverkeithing, Scotland) (London (U.K.))
- WAVE MONARCH (in 1952)
- WAVE PRINCE ( 1947 - 1971 Fleet Auxiliary tanker 494 feet long Pennant A207 of Royal Fleet Auxiliary, London) (London)
- WAVERLEY (1947 - 1974 Excursion paddle steamer 240 feet long of Caledonian Steam Packet Company, Gourock) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- WAVERLEY (1974- Excursion paddle steamer 240 feet long of Waverley Steam Navigation Co. Ltd) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- WAYFARER (1951 - 1971 General cargo liner 460 feet long of T & J Harrison, Liverpool) (Liverpool)
- WEATHER ADVISER (1960-1976 Ocean Weather Ship 252ft 77m of Air Ministry, London : Scrapped 1982) (London (UK))
- WEATHER MONITOR (1961-1967 Ocean Weather ship of Air Ministry, London) (London (UK))
- WEATHER OBSERVER (Ocean Weather Ship of Air Ministry, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- WEATHER RECORDER (1947-1961 Meteorological reporting ship of Air Ministry, London (formerly Royal Navy Flower Class Corvette HMS GENISTA) : 1961 scrapped at Antwerp) (London (England, U.K.))
- WEATHER REPORTER (1958-1977 Weather ship of Air Ministry, London) (London (UK))
- WEATHER WATCHER (Meterological ship of Air Ministry, London) (Air Ministry, London, U.K.)
- WEE SPARK (2000- Replica 1/3 scale Clyde Puffer 25 feet (7.62m) overall of private owners) (Bowling (River Clyde, Scotland, UK))
- WEIDONBOSSTEL (General cargo coaster)
- WEIMAR (In 1927 cargo / passenger ship of Currie Line)
- WELLINGTON STAR (1952-1975 Refrigerated cargo liner of Blue Star Line, London) (London (U.K.))
- WELLPARK (1946-1968 General cargo ship 432 feet long 10.5 knots of Denholm Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- WELSH HERALD (1963-1976 Ore / Bulk carrier 615 feet long of Gibbs & Co, Cardiff / Welsh Ore Carriers Ltd, Cardiff : Scrapped in 1993) (Cardiff (Wales, U.K.))
- WELSH PRINCE (1944-1954 General cargo ship of Rio Cape Line / J. Gardiner & Co. :1954-1961 transferred to Furness Withy) (U.K.)
- WELSHMAN (1958-1963 Ocean-going Tug 194 feet long of United Towing Company, Hull, scrapped 1985) (Hull (England))
- WERRATAL (1952 -1968 General cargo ship 105m long in 1953) (Hamburg (Germany))
- WESER ORE (1959- 1976 Ore carrier of Navios Corporation, New York, USA. Flag: Liberian.: Scrapped in 1993) (Liberia)
- WEST BENGAL (General cargo ship in 1951)
- WEST HILL (1950-1957 Tramp cargo ship of Counties Ship Management Co. Ltd., London) (London (England, UK))
- WESTBURY (1960-1970 General cargo ship of Alexander Shipping Company / Houlder Brothers - managers) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- WESTERINGHOME (Inshore fishing boat)
- WESTERSCHELDE (General cargo coaster of Netherlands owners) (Netherlands)
- WESTFIELD (1952-1956 General cargo coaster) (Liverpool (England))
- WESTMORLAND (1966- 1980 Refrigerated cargo ship 161m overall of Federal Steam Navigation, London : 1985 scrapped in China) (London (U.K.))
- WESTPHALIA (1868-1887 Passenger Liner 340 feet long of Hamburg America Line, Hamburg) (Hamburg (Germany))
- WESTRALIA 1929-1939 and 1951-1959 Passenger / cargo ship of Huddart Parker & Co.., Sydney : 1939-1951 Armed merchant cruiser / Landing ship / Troopship) (Sydney (Australia))
- WHANGAROA (1955-1965 General cargo ship of New Zealand Shipping Company, London) (London (U.K.))
- WHITBY LIFEBOAT (Whitby, North Yorkshire, England)
- WHITE RIVER (1958=1976 General cargo ship 546 feet long of International Navigation Corp., Monrovia : 1981 scrapped at Aviles, Spain) (Monrovia (Liberia))
- WHITE ROSE (1954-1973 General cargo ship 139m 456 feet overall of Oy Helsingfors Steamship Co., Helsingfors : scrapped 1982) (Helsingfors (Finland))
- WHITEHAVEN (1957-1964 General cargo coaster 56 metres long for Whitehaven Shipping & Trading, Uk) (Newcastle (England))
- WHITTIER VICTORY (1945- Wartime-built "Liberty-type" General cargo ship)
- WICKENBURGH (1947-1963 General cargo ship of Muller's, London) (London)
- WIELDRECHT (1963-1977 General cargo ship 517 feet overall of Phs. van Ommeren N.V, Rotterdam /. N.V.Stoomvaart Maatschappij 'De Maas', Rotterdam : 1991 scrapped at Sitalpur (Bangladesh) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- WIGEON (Admiralty, London)
- WILLE (1947-1960 General cargo ship of Finnlines, Helsingfors) (Finland)
- WILLEM BARENDSZ (1961-1980 Salvage tug of Wijsmuller BV, Ijmuiden ) (Netherlands)
- WILLEM RUYS (in 1952 Rotterdam LLoyd)
- WILLESDEN ( General cargo ship 465 feet long of Watts, Watts Company, London) (London)
- WILLIAM C DALDY (1936-1977 Tugboat 126 feet long of Auckland Harbour Board, New Zealand) (Auckland (New Zealand))
- WILLIAM J EVERARD (1963-1982 General cargo coaster 244 feet long of F.T. Everard Line, London) (London)
- WILLIAM LUCKENBACH (1946-1961 General cargo freighter of Luckenbach Steamship Co., New York : 1973 scrapped at Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (New York (USA))
- WILLIAM MOULTRIE (1942-1970 General cargo "Liberty" ship : Scrapped 1970) (U.S.A.)
- WILLOWBANK (1947-1956 General cargo ship of Andrew Weir's Bank Line, London) (London (UK))
- WILLY (1960-1965 General cargo coaster 48.21m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends, Delfzijl, Groningen / Rederij 'Willy', Groningen / Hendrik Tattje, Jakob Vellinga, Hendrik Wolthuis) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- WILSON ALMERIA (2010- General cargo ship 88m long of Bojen Schiffahrtsbetrieb GmbH & Co KG ms "Haye Ikenson") (Valletta (Malta))
- WILSON AMSTERDAM (2009- General cargo ship 88m long of Wilson ASA Damsgårdsveien 135 5160 Laksevåg Norway ) (Bridgetown (Barbados))
- WILSON ASTAKOS (2009- General cargo ship 89m long of Wilson AlphaSg Ltd.) (Luxembourg)
- WILSON AVILES (2008- General cargo ship 88m overall of Wilson ASA Damsgårdsveien 135 5160 Laksevåg Norway) (Bridgetown (Barbados))
- WILSON BLYTH (1995- ) IMO 9124419 General cargo ship 88m long of Wilson ASA, Bergen, Norway) (Valletta (Malta))
- WILSON ELBE (2007- General cargo ship IMO 9060675 : 82.37m overall of Wilson Shipowning As - Bergen, Norway) (Bridgetown (Barbados))
- WILSON HAWK (2006- General cargo ship 91m overall of Wilson ASA Damsgårdsveien 135 5160 Laksevåg Norway) (Bridgetown (Barbados))
- WILSON PALMA (i2009- Multi-purpose dry cargo ship / General cargo ship 89.5m overall of Wilson ASA, Damsgårdsveien 135 5160 Laksevåg, Norway) (Mo i Rana (Norway))
- WILTRADER (1959-1969 General cargo ship of Anders Wilhelmsen, Oslo) (Oslo (Norway))
- WIM 11 (1957-1972 General cargo coaster 60.71m long of Kamp's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V.,/ Kasper Roelf Bosma (8.1.1968 Erven), Hendrik Johannes Hekman (loods) & Jan Bosma) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- WINCHESTER CASTLE (1930-1960 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Line, London) (London (England, UK))
- WINCHESTERBROOK (1960-1974 General cargo coaster 66m 215 feet long of Comben Longstaff, London : sank 1980) (London (England, U.K.))
- WIND STAR (1986- A sleek 4-masted sailing yacht of Windstar Cruises) (Bahamas)
- WINDARRA (General cargo ship of James Patrick & Co. Pty. Ltd.)
- WINDARRA (in 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- WINDHUK (1936-1939 Passenger liner of Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie : 1939-1942 Interned at Santos :1943-1948 U.S. Troop Transport :1948-1957 Decommissioned to U.S. Pacific Reserve Fleet : 1966 Scrapped) (Bremen (Germany))
- WINDSOR (1952-1963 General cargo ship of Britain Steamship Company / Watts, Watts & Company, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- WINDSOR CASTLE (1960-1977 Passenger / cargo liner of Union Castle Mail Steam Ship Company, London) (London (England, UK))
- WIRRAL COAST (1962-1973 General cargo coaster of Coast Lines, Liverpool : 1985 wrecked off Lebanon) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- WISCONSIN (1870-1893 Passenger / cargo steamship 366 feet long of Guion Line)
- WISCONSIN (1870-1893 Passenger steamer 366 feet long of Guion Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- WISCONSIN (General cargo ship 463 feet overall)
- WODAN (Amsterdam)
- WOLDINGHAM HILL (1950-1967 General cargo ship 442 feet overall of Counties Ship Management, London : 1967 scrapped)) (London (England, U.K.))
- WOLFGANG VOGELSANG (1961- 1964 general cargo coaster 236 feet long of Vogelsang & Schonfeld, Hamburg) (Hamburg, Germany)
- WONGALA (IN 1962 at Melbourne, Australia)
- WOODARRA (1957-1968 Cargo liner of British India Steam Navigation, London) (London (England, UK))
- WOODLARK (1928-1954 General cargo coaster of General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- WOODLARK (1956 - 1969 coaster of General Steam Navigation Company, London) (London)
- WOOLWICH (1955-1962 General cargo ship of Britain S S Co / Watts Watts, London) (London)
- WOOMERA (General cargo ship)
- WORCESTERSHIRE (1931-39 Passenger/cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool : 1939 Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Worcestershire, 1943-47 troopship, 1949 returned to owners, 1961 scrapped.) (Liverpool (England))
- WORCESTERSHIRE (1949-1961 Passenger / cargo liner of Bibby Line, Ltd., Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, UK))
- WORLD NO. 1 (Converted landing ship tank)
- WRESTLER (1957-1979 tug 114 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Greenock / Cory Towage)) (Glasgow)
- WRESTLER (1915-1954 Harbour tug 107 feet long of Steel & Bennie, Glasgow; Scrapped 1964) (Glasgow (UK))
- WYNCHWOOD HILL (1950-1969 General cargo ship of Couniies Ship Management, London : 1969 scrapped) (London (England, U.K.))
- WYOMING (In 1957)
- WYRALLAH (John Burke Line)
- WYRE ESTUARY (2023- Grab Hopper Dredger 29.20 meters overall of Wyre Marine Services Ltd.)) (Dover (England, UK))
- YANGTSZE (1899-1927 General cargo ship of China Mutual Line / Blue Funnel Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- YARACUY (In 1957)
- YEWFOREST (1958- 1974 General cargo coaster 222 feet overall of John Stewart & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (Scotland))
- YEWHILL (1957-1974 General cargo coaster 222 feet long of John Stewart & Company, Glasgow) (Glasgow (UK))
- YEWMOUNT (1956-1974 General cargo coaster 222 feet overall of John Stewart Ltd, Glasgow : 1985 scrapped at Perama, Greece) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- YEWPARK (1960-1966 General cargo coaster 256 feet long of John Stewart, Glasgow : Stranded 1973) (Glasgow (UK))
- YIGRITO (Cargo ship)
- YO YO (Diver ship of Royal Navy at Clyde submarine base, Gare Loch) (Admiralty, London)
- YOMA (1950-1964 Passenger and cargo liner 463 feet long of "Paddy" Henderson Line, Glasgow) (Glasgow)
- YORKSHIRE (1920-1939 Passenger / cargo ship of Bibby Line, Liverpool : 1939 torpedoed and sunk off France) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- YORKSHIRE (1960-1963 and 1964-1971 General cargo ship 500 feet long of Bibby Line, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England, U.K.))
- YUE JIN ( .. -1963 General cargo ship of China) (China)
- YUUNA (Patrol Vessel) (Japan)
- ZACAPA (1909-1949 General cargo / fruit carrier of United Fruit Company : 1949 scrapped) (1909-1914 UK flag : 1914-1949 New York (U.S.A.))
- ZANZIBAR (Panama)
- ZEALANDIC (1957-1960 General cargo ship 467 feet overall of Shaw Savill & Albion Line, London) (London (England, U.K.))
- ZELIDJA (in 1951 General cargo ship)
- ZENA (1956-1964 North-sea general cargo coaster of Scottish Nav Co Ltd (Glen & Co, Glasgow / 1961-1964 to associated company F T Everard, London : 1966 wrecked Isle of Harris, Scotland) (Glasgow (Scotland, U.K.))
- ZEPHYR (1957-1969 General cargo coaster 51.50m overall of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Delfzijl / Lieuwe Jan Kas & A. van Hassel, Delfzijl) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- ZEVENBERGEN (1955-1967 General cargo coaster 68.57m 228ft long of Furness' Scheepvaart- & Agentuur Maatschappij N.V.,/: N.V. Zuid-Hollandsche Scheepvaart Maatschappij, Rotterdam ) (Rotterdam (Netherlands)t)
- ZIELONA GORA (1961- 1979 General cargo ship 356 feet 108.3m overall of Polish Steamship Company (Polsteam), Szczecin : 1979 scrapped in Spain) (Szczecin (Poland))
- ZINI (1947-1959 General cargo ship 442 feet overall of Elder Dempster & Company, Liverpool) (Liverpool (England))
- ZINNIA (1951-1964 cargo ship of Stag Line, North Shields) (North Shields)
- ZOELLA LYKES (1940-1958 Freighter of Lykes Line, USA : 1973 scrapped at Panama City)) (USA)
- ZOELLA LYKES (1960- 1980 ??? Freighter, 1971 rebuilt as container vessel of Lykes Line, USA : 1995 scrapped at Alang, India) (USA)
- ZUIDERKRUIS (1947-1969 An 800 emigrant passenger ship of Royal Rotterdam Lloyd / Royal Interocean Lines, Rotterdam : 1969 scrapped at Bilbao, Spain) (Rotterdam (Netherlands))
- ZUIDERZEE (1956-1969 General cargo coaster 51.34m 169 feet long of Kamp's Scheepvaart- en Handelmaatschappij N.V., / Rederij Koster & Smid (Evert Smid en Arie Donald de Koster), Groningen) (Groningen (Netherlands))
- ZUIDPOOL (1957-1965 General cargo coaster 185 feet 55.95m long of N.V. Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren, Groningen / Eigenaar: Kustvaartrederij 'Zuidpool', Delfzijl, Groningen) (Delfzijl (Netherlands))
- ZWARTEWATER (General cargo coaster) (Netherlands)
- ZYRMA (Pleasure craft)