Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde

Daily Port Information on 13 January, 1967


  Duty Staff On Call
0000 - 0800 G Hall, F McCourt D Galbraith
0800 - 1600 H McCracken, J Thomson D Morrison - Daywork
1600 - 2400 R Kirk, D Galbraith J Thomson
Duty Pilot till 0900 N Macdonald till 0900
Duty Pilot from 0900 A Caldwell from 0900
Harbour Master T B Scott

Lights On/Off

Lights off: 0830
Lights on: 1615

Water Gauge Readings

Time Depth H/L
0136 26 feet High water
0726 18' 10" Low water
1347 27' 6" High water
1947 18' 0" Low water

Wind and Weather

0400 NW 20/25 knots
0800 NW 20/25
1200 NW 10/15
1600 NW 10/15
2400 NW 3/5


Floating plant attend to moorings, Seaway No. 2, AH6 No. 6, draft in dock 14' 0"