Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde

Daily Port Information on 5 September, 1969


  Duty Staff On Call
0000 - 0800 R Kirk, D Galbraith, J Dodds
0800 - 1600 D Barclay, J Higgins
1600 - 2400 D Grier, R Stewart, E O'Boyle
Duty Pilot till 0900 A Caldwell
Duty Pilot from 0900
Harbour Master William Gillespie

Lights On/Off

Lights off: 0630
Lights on:

Water Gauge Readings

Time Depth H/L
0020 20' 6" Low water
0655 25' 3" High water
1321 21' 2" Low water
1902 25' 6" High water

Wind and Weather

0100 280 5 knots
0200 Calm
0300 Calm
0400 290 10 knots
0500 300 16 knots
0600 300 14 knots
0700 290 12 knots
0800 300 10 knots
0900 290 10 knots
1000 290 10 knots
1100 300 10 knots
1200 320 10 knots
1300 320 10 knots
1400 320 10 knots
1500 310 15 knots
1600 310 15 knots
1700 290 10-15 knots
1800 290 10-15 knots
1900 290 5-10 knots
2000 290 5 knots
2100 300 5 knots
2200 300 5-10 knots
2300 300 5-10 knots
2400 300 10-15 knots
