Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde

News Event

Tuesday, February 24, 1959 @ 0800
The date is correct but time is unknown and the time shown here is only our best estimate
LIMELIGHT (1948-1963 steam general cargo puffer lighter Crinan Canal type 66 feet long of Light Shipping Company / Ross & Marshall, Greenock : scrapped at Dalmuir 1966) Own Page

LIMELIGHT was discharging her cargo of bagged barley at Port Ellen (Isle of Islay, Scotland)

Ship's locationDischarging her cargo of bagged barley at Port Ellen (Isle of Islay, Scotland, UK)Port of RegistryGreenock (UK)
Sailed from berthKing George V Dock, Glasgow (Scotland, UK)Gross Tonnage96
Cargo carried on arrivalBagged barley for SBD Co. Ltd.Deadweght Tonnage140
Ships agentRoss & Marshall Ltd., 98 West George Street, Glasgow, C.2. Tel DOUglas 4294

   On 17 February LIMELIGHT was in King George V Dock, Glasgow and, on completing loading, shifted upriver to the nearby Queen's Dock to bunker with coal.

   Next day, 18 February, at the berth 8 coaling crane she bunkered the coal and left for the long passage round the Mull of Kintyre for Port Ellen (on the south eastern corner of Isle of Islay).

   But, only a few hours later, for an unknown reason she called at her owner's  (Ross & Marshall's) base downriver from Glasgow at Greenock and loaded more bunker coal.   Then resumed the long and slow 7 knot passage to Islay.

   On 20th she stopped at Campbeltown and overnighted there, resuming her journey on 21st, and passing round the Mull of Kintyre with it's rough, choppy water where two tidal streams collide.

Arriving at Port Ellen on Sunday 22nd there were no berths available and after two days, on 24 February, came alongside and began discharging.