Glasgow And Ships Of The Clyde


Wednesday, July 9, 1958 @ 1537
HAMINA ( 1954 - General cargo ship 304 feet long of Skibs A/S William Hansens Rederi 11, Norway) Own Page

HAMINA arrives in Glasgow from Canada with a cargo of 1400 tons of timber

Arrived fromSt Johns (New Brunswick, Canada) via LiverpoolPort of RegistryBergen (Norway)
Arrived in berth9 King George V Dock, Glasgow, head NorthNet Tonnage1,176
Sailing forSydney (Cape Breton, Canada)Gross Tonnage2,408
Sailed from berth9 King George V Dock, Glasgow, head NorthDeadweght Tonnage3,016
Draught forward on arrival14' 4"
Draught aft on arrival16' 8"
Cargo carried on arrival1,400 tons timber
Commenced discharge of inward cargo10th July
Stevedore discharging inward cargoClutha Stevedores
Completed discharge of inward cargo11th July at 1600
Commened loading outward cargo12th July at 0800
Outward cargoBricks
Stevedore loading outward cargoClutha Stevedores
Completed loading outward cargo16th July at 1430
Draught forward on sailing14 feet
Draught aft on sailing17' 10"
Vessel bunkered12th July - see note below
Cargo1400 tons of timber





HAMINA arrived in Glasgow at 1537 on 9th July 1958 from St Johns (New Brunswick, Canada) via Liverpool.

Commenced discharge 10th July 1978 by Clutha Stevedores, and completed discharge 11th July at 1600.

150 tons of Oil bunkers were supplied by SHELL MEX 5 on 12th July

HAMINA commenced loading bricks at 0800 12th July, again by Clutha Stevedores, cargo destination Sydney, Cape Breton, and she sailed 16th July at 1605

Eric Kay writes :

I served on the MS Hamina in 1965. Position: Maskingut (oiler) but performed the duties of 4th Engineer. Trip: Montreal Canada (Offloading nitrates) - Souris, Prince Edward Island (loading pulpwood) - Vlessing(Flushing) Holland.

I have some photos taken aboard ship and one long shot @ Souris. I have also 2 photos at dockside by others. I also have my papers and my payslips.

At 20yrs of age, in 1965 I wanted to travel (go walkabout) on a minimal budget.    I lived in Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, CANADA.    I hitched truck rides and train from Vancouver across Canada to Montreal.     Stayed with a relative in Westmount, and I spent 2 weeks visiting the docks every morning, looking for a ship for England to be able to work my passage.    

   The MS Hamina was short 1 crewman, and was asked "can you change the oil in a car?"    My answer was yes having worked in an automotive garage.    I was signed on by the Captain after receiving a medical examination.    England(born in Keswick, Cumbria)

I would appreciate any photographs of the ship and would appreciate any history. DWT: 3,016t 304ft long 1954 Bergen Norway Owner: SKIBS A/S